• last year
00:00He's good at being God Western Christians in churches are experiencing
00:06arrested development.
00:08Our adult members can often still drink milk from a sippy cup and act like toddlers in
00:13the faith.
00:14This crisis of discipleship is complex, but Chris Galanos sums it up well when he candidly
00:21I was surprised by how much I hadn't been obeying.
00:24Compare that to Jill Weber's invitation to obey God.
00:28She writes, The answer is yes, but what's the question?
00:32Yes to whatever God thinks I should do because he's obviously smarter, wiser and more creative
00:38than I am.
00:40Let's finish this week with a question about our part in this life of obedience and an
00:44invitation to acknowledge God's part.
00:47The question.
00:49What is that thing you know Jesus is asking you to start or stop doing?
00:55Even today, give, love, forgive, sacrifice, confess, quit watching so much Netflix.
01:06I hope this week prompted you to consider the cost of disobedience, the goodness of
01:10obedience, the glory of Christ Jesus, the need to take the next step, and elements of
01:16classic masculinity that we need to both cling to and throw away in obedience to Christ.
01:23It all leads to this invitation.
01:26Trust God to finish the work of raising us.
01:29We don't face this crisis of discipleship and widespread disobedience to God alone.
01:35God is good at being God.
01:37The craftsman of creation knows how to help his children grow up.
01:41Men, we can trust our Heavenly Father.
01:45He is our shepherd.
01:47He is always with us.
01:49It's not our job to raise ourselves or solve the problems in our churches.
01:54It is our job to obey our Father and to trust Him.
01:58For 11 years, I've been watching my children grow.
02:02The growth is often imperceptible, but it's equally undeniable.
02:07It has happened one day and one decision at a time.
02:11Trust the Lord to raise you and leave the outcomes and timing in His hands.
02:16Scripture says, He who began a good work and you will carry it on to completion.
02:21Your part is just to keep saying yes to the next thing.
02:25Yes to whatever God thinks I should do because He's obviously smarter, wiser, and more creative
02:30than I am.
02:31From Him and through Him and for Him are all things.
02:35To Him be the glory forever.
02:38Prayer, Lord, I believe You are the perfect Father, but sometimes I also doubt.
02:44Help me to trust You.
02:46Increase my faith in You, Father.
02:49Lead me into the next steps today and remove the weight of worry and responsibility about
02:53how I'll grow up in my faith.
02:56Show me again that You're with me and that I can trust You.
03:01Reflection, if you trusted God more deeply, how would that impact your daily life?
03:07What burdens might you let go of?
03:09How might greater trust help you take the next step I asked you to consider above?