• 4 months ago


01:53I know, I know.
01:57Took your time.
01:59Trouble finding the sugar, apparently?
02:01I'm having a bit of trouble here, too.
02:03Connection's gone.
02:04I was working fine a second ago.
02:05Two sugars, isn't it, Maya?
02:07To help with the headache.
02:09Oh, man.
02:11I think next door has touched out with Nick and her Wi-Fi.
02:13Penny must've changed her password.
02:15Man, I can't watch the footy now.
02:18Unless we go back to the pub.
02:21What about your headache?
02:23I feel better already.
02:25Great news.
02:33No, I'm not going to lie.
02:35I could totally want you to enter the tournament.
02:37You're looking all henchman now.
02:49There he is.
02:56There's something we need to tell you.
03:01We're very proud of you.
03:03I mean, look, me and your grandad's relationship or whatever,
03:07and the fact that I did think he took the money,
03:11well, you're right.
03:12There's no proof of it, is there?
03:14Johnny, you're a good person.
03:16You do the right thing.
03:20King Phil.
03:21OK, Billy, enough.
03:22There's no need to swear, all right?
03:24No, I didn't.
03:25I meant King Phil.
03:28You know, like he's the king of the Mitchell family.
03:30Oh, right.
03:31Who's telling us what to do.
03:32Well, no, not any more...
03:35We're not interested, all right?
03:39What about me, Dad?
03:42I should have put that man in hospital when I had the chance.
03:45I told you, no violence.
03:47Look, he can't do this to you.
03:49But if he gives you...
03:51He can.
03:52He can walk those streets and brand me a liar.
03:55He can stand there and make the sign of a cross
03:58and take the Lord's name in vain,
04:00and there's nothing I can do about it.
04:02If that is him...
04:05No, no, no.
04:07Please, no.
04:08Not Patrick.
04:11Who's this one, then?
04:13This is the one who was supposed to help.
04:15Got a nerve to show your face.
04:19You said you would help.
04:20And I'm here trying to keep that promise.
04:22It's too late.
04:24He has been cleared.
04:26And we are powerless.
04:28Maybe not.
04:30There's others.
04:32Clayton's done this before.
04:36What have we got?
04:37Adult male, 80s.
04:39Trauma to the head, suspected concussion.
04:42OK, bed three.
04:48Sorry, Sam.
05:00Is he going to be all right?
05:02He said he's got to have some scans and stuff.
05:04They don't know how he did it in there.
05:07Who did it?
05:09I told you the door was wide open.
05:11I went to check him.
05:12He was just lying there.
05:14Maybe he just fell.
05:16Hit his head.
05:25I searched you, Andy.
05:27Went round Clayton's old congregations,
05:29asking questions, trying to help,
05:31because you are believed.
05:34As a servant of God,
05:36I believe you.
05:38I believe you.
05:44I thought I was on my own.
05:49Thank you.
05:53And this name that you say you have.
05:58Well, she's saying the same thing about him.
06:00That's big, innit?
06:01Take that to the police.
06:05already made a police report in 2016.
06:10It wasn't believed.
06:13So what you come here for if it is hopeless?
06:16I thought...
06:18if we go to her,
06:21tell her what happened to you...
06:22And what?
06:26Ask her to go to the same procedure again?
06:28A procedure that doesn't work?
06:30Ask her to relive it as...
06:32Come along. Ask me if I relive that.
06:35Two of you are stronger.
06:38Two of you can fight.
06:41And I'll fight with you,
06:43if that's what you choose.
06:48Aye, aye!
06:50Looking back on where we first met
06:53I cannot escape and I cannot forget
06:58Southgate, you're the one
07:01You still turn me on
07:03Boswell's coming home again
07:13Shall I get around him before the kick-off?
07:16Ah, my battery's flat.
07:18I meant to get a charger at yours.
07:21There was one in the drawer.
07:23The drawer you were rooting through.
07:25Claiming to be looking for the sugar.
07:27What do you mean?
07:28Are we going through things in such a rush you didn't notice?
07:30Too busy looking for something else?
07:32Why don't I just get the drinks in?
07:33No, maybe you should just go.
07:34Well, the match hasn't even kicked off yet.
07:36No, it's fine. Really.
07:42What's that about?
07:44I don't trust her.
07:47Come on, Ricky.
07:49Yeah, yeah, nice one.
07:50Come over in a bit, check her out, that's all.
07:52Get her a cup of the new entrance.
07:56Right, mate. See you in a bit.
08:00Class. Nice form, Ricky. Well done.
08:02You two, take the red. Come back in a bit.
08:10You got a broski?
08:11It's tournament. Should we up our dice?
08:14So, um, will I get a go?
08:17What, you reckon you can win, yeah?
08:18What, against these lot? Easy.
08:20Especially you, nugs.
08:27Whoa, whoa, hey. Come on, son.
08:29What's going on? Oi, you all right?
08:32Mate, the Barney takeover.
08:35Oi, you don't look good. Sit this one out.
08:37Don't tell me what to do.
08:38Oi, do it, man.
08:39Right, are you good?
08:45Can we just ask the doctors for an update, yeah?
08:48I'll try.
08:57Spit it out, Billy.
09:01So the door was just open, yeah?
09:04And you just found him?
09:07As opposed to what, I whacked him and grasped myself up
09:10by calling an ambulance?
09:14It's our family, Billy, all right?
09:16I'm trying to help here.
09:17Yeah, I know.
09:19I just...
09:21Shit going over in me head.
09:24Why was he in there?
09:27What was he doing in my house?
09:30Was he...
09:32I don't know, trying to make peace with me or something?
09:34How do you work that one out?
09:36He had a Barney in the pub.
09:38Or maybe, you know, he was just waiting for me to calm down.
09:44We could talk.
09:46We don't know that, do we?
09:48No, I don't know whether he'll ever get out of it.
09:52What if that's the last conversation we ever had?
09:56It's my dad, Phil.
09:59Going to talk him?
10:00No, look, there's no news.
10:05Go and check with the doctor.
10:11You know, when you're lying,
10:13the best thing to do is say as little as possible.
10:19I saw you...
10:21running out.
10:24Phil Mitchell.
10:26DC Wood.
10:27We believe you found Mr Stevie Mitchell.
10:30A few routine questions, if you don't mind.
10:50He left his new number.
10:54No pressure to call.
10:57Isn't that a breakthrough?
11:01I don't know.
11:07I've had a belly full of hope.
11:10But this is new.
11:12I know the police said that there was no evidence.
11:16But this is evidence.
11:19Another name or another victim.
11:22Another day I've been told I can't win against him.
11:25OK, look, this is your choice, OK?
11:29It's absolutely your choice.
11:32Only do what you feel.
11:40You know what I feel?
11:43I feel shame.
11:52My family.
11:55Supporting me.
11:58And telling me that it is my choice.
12:03And you.
12:05Imagine, you too.
12:07Imagine you too.
12:10Have been the victim of men who have...
12:20...inflicted hurt on you.
12:25You know how evil can grow if it is left unheard.
12:31Come on, come on.
12:33Come on.
12:34This is not the same.
12:35This is not the same.
12:41Clayton has attacked before.
12:43And if I don't do everything that I can do to stop him,
12:46he will do it again, Fadji.
12:48And it will be my fault.
12:50Hey, no.
12:52No, it's not.
12:54OK? No.
12:58I went to the boxing tournament.
13:01You're lonely.
13:02You're lonely.
13:04That's great, son.
13:09Do you do remember anything more, Mr Mitchell?
13:18Did you grasp me up?
13:21I want to know exactly what happened.
13:25I just felt it in his head.
13:28I pushed him, but not even hard, I promise.
13:31I'm on your side.
13:32Steve, he's... he's scum.
13:34No, he's not.
13:36Were you defending him still?
13:37Was he putting the frighteners on you or something?
13:39Has he threatened you in some way?
13:41He's not a bad man.
13:42Not a bad man?
13:43He stole from family.
13:44He nicked that cash.
13:46No, he didn't.
13:47Of course he did.
13:48Who else would have done it, eh?
13:56I had to, all right?
13:57This kid from school, Kyle, he made me.
13:59Do you know how does he make you?
14:03Cos I sent him something, a picture.
14:12Why did you do that?
14:13Do you fancy him or something?
14:15Well, why send him a picture of that?
14:16Cos he conned me, didn't he?
14:18Made out he was a girl.
14:20Now he's blackmailing me.
14:22Sounded like I'd get in trouble,
14:24got on the sex offenders list.
14:27Sending those at 16.
14:28He wanted some cash to sharpen.
14:30I went to Grandad and he was helping me get it.
14:33You went to him?
14:35No, I might have killed him.
14:38He caught me with the money.
14:40He told me to confess and we argued.
14:44I don't know what to do, Phil.
14:47Go back in there.
14:49Don't say a word.
14:51And you'd better hope and pray that I sort this out
14:53before Stevie wakes up, eh?
14:55How are you going to do that?
14:57Well, for starters, you can give me this Kyle's full name.
15:15There you are.
15:16I've been looking for you.
15:20I've heard things got tricky before.
15:22Has that got worried about you?
15:24Of course, did it?
15:25Who rang me saying you might need a chat?
15:28I ain't a kid.
15:31You're my kid.
15:36Yvonne, he was worried too.
15:40Is this about Dadaji?
15:43Being in that flat, just...
15:45watching him and, you know, finding it hard too.
15:49Ain't about him.
15:51Then what?
15:56You can tell me anything.
15:59Is it school?
16:02Girls, then?
16:05Hey, hey, come on, come on.
16:06Make use of your dad's experiences.
16:08What, cos I ain't got none?
16:09I ain't saying that.
16:10I'm saying I understand.
16:12No, you don't.
16:13No, not when you're looking like that and not this.
16:17What is this?
16:18You look great.
16:21Has someone said something?
16:22You don't have to.
16:24I just look in the mirror and I'm...
16:28I do everything Denzel does more...
16:31I'm still nothing.
16:42Right, well...
16:44everyone's gone.
16:47I'm giving you some space.
16:49Let me sit.
16:52Is Patrick in there now?
16:55I just need to leave this kid for tomorrow, as I promised.
17:01Is he never...
17:03He's looking at flights.
17:07Well, that's... if you want it.
17:09I'm running away like the coward that I am.
17:16You are not responsible...
17:19for Clayton's actions.
17:21It is not up to you to stop him.
17:32If I don't try...
17:34Yeah, but you have tried.
17:39it is okay to just say...
17:44Take control.
17:50Look, you know I've been there.
18:00the day I came home from the...
18:04yeah, the section in, I...
18:07I just remember thinking...
18:10I have spent months...
18:17unable to breathe...
18:19out of control, just this...
18:23oh, this constant state of fear.
18:27And I just wanted it to stop.
18:29To have some...
18:32well, yes, some agency over me.
18:39And I chose...
18:41that day...
18:43that I would never, ever...
18:46go back to that version of myself again.
18:50And that...
18:52is when I...
18:54I became strong.
18:59Got back control.
19:05Oh, Yolande.
19:10We love you.
19:13And whatever future you choose...
19:16we will support you.
19:22Thank you, Denise.
19:25Thank you.
19:28Oh, gosh, thank you.
19:31Hand it over.
19:32I said hand it over!
19:39You Kyle Fletcher...
19:41even think about running.
19:43What's this?
19:45This is an angry man with a baseball bat.
19:48Back off.
19:49That's the wrong answer.
19:50Now you...
19:51you got some money that don't belong to you, ain't ya?
19:53Now hand it over.
19:55Come on, hand it over!
20:03Where's your phone?
20:05Your phone! Get your phone out!
20:08It's nice.
20:10It's expensive, what?
20:12Now drop it on the floor and smash it up.
20:15Smash it up!
20:19Smash it!
20:20That's it!
20:23Now give me the SIM.
20:28Now you...
20:29you ever go near Will Mitchell again...
20:31you ever threaten him again...
20:33you see all them tiny little pieces?
20:35That is what I'll personally do to your skull.
20:37Do you understand me?
20:39You get it?
20:40Yeah, good.
20:41Now run.
20:49The good news is the CT scan's not showing anything worrying...
20:52like a bleed on the brain.
20:53But we are treating him for concussion.
20:55We'll need to keep him in here a bit longer.
20:57He will be okay, won't he?
20:59It might be a while before he's up and fully chatting.
21:02We've given him some good painkillers to keep him comfortable.
21:05But it's fine to go in and see him now.
21:07He's just through there.
21:08Thank you.
21:09Thank you.
21:10Good night.
21:15What are you doing in here?
21:17I ain't leaving until I find out who's done this to my Stevie.
21:21And I want some answers off of you too.
21:23Did you nick Lola's money?
21:32Didn't know this place opened after hours.
21:34Well, I asked up for a favour.
21:38I said it was for my boy.
21:40It makes me proud.
21:41Every single day, Phil wants to be able to look himself in the mirror
21:45and love himself as much as I love him.
21:51Now, it does take years, this stuff.
21:54And I remember feeling the same way, wanting results.
21:57But there's no shortcuts.
21:59Anything that claims to be is a lie.
22:02It's just hard work, dedication.
22:05And if you trust it, it'll work.
22:09One step, one weight at a time.
22:20Shoulder press.
22:23If you like warm-up sets, keep good form.
22:26Slow and steady.
22:28And I'm with you every step.
22:34Well done, son. Go on. Good.
22:37I ain't leaving Stevie's side.
22:39And I ain't having you spouting lies about my boy.
22:43What's he doing here? Come to finish him off?
22:46No. He found him, helped him.
22:48He hates him. Scared he was taking over, was you?
22:51Did you do this to him?
22:52Oh, shut up, Mo, will you? Shut up.
22:55Come here, you're accusing people.
22:57Saying my will stole Lola's money.
22:59That's what Stevie said.
23:00Which is a lie.
23:01Well, someone's lying and I want the truth.
23:04All right, look, I...
23:06Want to know the truth?
23:08This is the truth.
23:09That's Lola's money.
23:11Stevie had it on him. He was holding that when he was lying on the floor.
23:15Why didn't you tell me?
23:17Cos he's lying.
23:18Cos he was out of it. He couldn't talk, could he?
23:20And you telling me what a good bloke he was, crying on my shoulder.
23:23I was trying to give him a chance to explain.
23:25This ain't making sense.
23:27No, it ain't. How did he end up in here half-dead?
23:29Tripped, fell. I don't know.
23:31Ask the scumbag himself when he wakes up.
23:33And ask him at the same time why he betrayed his family.
23:36Because he did.
23:37He ain't a thief.
23:38Yes, he is.
23:39And he's a liar and all if he's blaming Will.
23:41Cos I reckon, Billy, he was in there planting that money
23:44to frame your boy, covering his tracks.
23:48Who you gonna believe, Billy, eh?
23:50Who you gonna trust, him?
23:53Or your son?
24:03OK, your cake is cooling. It'll be ready by tomorrow.
24:07It, um...
24:09It have two seats on our flight leaving first thing.
24:14My birthday gift
24:18is for you to be at peace.
24:21I am at peace.
24:23Then we fly.
24:28We stay.
24:30Oh, you... You don't have to do this.
24:34Thank you for saying that, Denise.
24:37And for reminding me of what I have on my side.
24:40Strength, love, family.
24:46And give me a little space.
24:55I, um...
24:57I hope this is not me pressurising you.
25:02Something that Denise said about being the best version of ourselves
25:06that we want to be.
25:09My church.
25:11The community centre.
25:14That is me.
25:17My purpose.
25:21I thought I'd lost them, but...
25:26I haven't.
25:29I thought God had chosen that man over me.
25:34But he hasn't.
25:37Clayton can't take that away from me or anyone else.
25:43My God is with me.
25:47And I hope you are too.
25:49Always, baby, always.
25:53Then a woman, no?
25:57Come now.
25:59You're shy.
26:00No, no, no, no, no.
26:09You sure?
26:11This ain't going to be easy.
26:13It might not even work.
26:16I know.
26:20I fear no evil.
26:24For thou art with me.
26:28I am not alone.
26:33We fight.
26:44I don't think that Kyle could be bothering you again.
26:48You're going to get Grandad locked up.
26:50You nearly got yourself locked up back there.
26:52GBH theft, you're looking at five years.
26:54Do you really want to do that?
26:57All right, let me do this my way.
26:59Then wake up. Just say what happened.
27:03He's family.
27:04I'm family.
27:06And I've known that man a lot longer than you.
27:08And he's scum, he's dangerous.
27:10So am I.
27:11So am I.
27:12I'll do everything I can to get in.
27:14And anything to do with him,
27:15I'll have our lives.
27:17You got that?
27:22I've got it.
27:42Mr Stephen Mitchell has your details on his records.
27:46It says you're to be notified if anything happens to him.
27:50Yeah, that's correct, madam.
27:53Nobody's seen him round here either. It'd be easier if he had a phone.
28:00Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.
28:05Who's that?
28:08I know where he is.
28:15And he ain't gonna get away from us that easy.