• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Le terapie cellulari, nella fattispecie le terapie con cellule Car T, hanno rappresentato un grande avanzamento che, storicamente, è stato applicato a un particolare tipo di linfomi, i linfomi di Hodgkin aggressivi. Le Car T possono ora essere applicate anche a un’altra patologia neoplastica del midollo osseo, che è il mieloma multiplo”. Lo ha detto Michele Cavo, direttore dell’Istituto di Ematologia ‘L. A. Seràgnoli’ e professore di Ematologia presso Irccs S. Orsola-Malpighi università degli studi di Bologna, a margine della conferenza stampa con cui Bristol Myers ha annunciato il via libera di Aifa alla rimborsabilità di idecabtagene vicleucel (ide-cel) nel trattamento del mieloma multiplo e di lisocabtagene maraleucel (liso-cel) nei pazienti adulti con linfoma diffuso a grandi cellule B. Ide-cel è la prima e unica terapia cellulare con Car T per il mieloma multiplo. Liso-cel è inoltre indicato anche per linfoma primitivo del mediastino a grandi cellule B e linfoma follicolare di grado 3B in recidiva o refrattari al trattamento dopo due o più linee di terapia sistemica.


00:00Cellular therapies, in particular the therapies with CAR-T cells, have shown a great advance,
00:13which historically has been applied to a particular type of lymphomas, non-Hodgkin aggressive lymphomas,
00:23and which is the reason for our discussion today, also as an application to another neoplastic pathology of the middle osseo,
00:35which is represented by the multiple myeloma.
00:38We are talking about an indication for patients who have already been exposed to the three main agents
00:46in use in the multiple myeloma therapy and who have shown a refractariousness to the last line of therapy.
00:55These patients historically, over the last few years, have represented a satisfactory therapeutic need
01:03with a survival duration of less than a year and which can also be no more than six months.
01:11Therefore, having at our disposal a therapy that goes beyond resistance mechanisms,
01:17which is able to offer responses in about 80% of a population of patients who have used any other therapeutic alternative,
01:28and to offer a survival duration of about two years with a good quality of life,
01:36because the therapy we are talking about is a therapy with a single infusion,
01:41certainly represents a great success, but above all a great therapeutic possibility that can be offered to our patients.
