Dragon Prince Yuan Ep 8 ENG SUB

  • 4 months ago
Dragon Prince Yuan Ep 8 ENG SUB


00:00力气破铁 The power to break the ice.
00:04胡少文 是殿下 Hu Shaowen, it's His Highness!
00:14悠悠姐 你可不要有事啊 Sister Yao Yao, please be safe.
00:25悠悠姐 Sister Yao Yao!
00:31悠悠姐 你没事吧 Sister Yao Yao, are you all right?
00:39我没事 I'm fine.
00:41倒是有个倒霉的家伙出了点事 But there's this unlucky guy who's in trouble.
00:44人呢 Where is he?
00:51只剩这个了 That's all we have.
00:56好倒霉的司法 What a bad idea.
01:00应该是用来记载元素的 It should be used to record the elements.
01:03以这种特殊的方式来记载 必然不是普通的元素 With this special way of recording, it must not be an ordinary element.
01:13下品玄元素 玄芒树 这在我们皇室的宝库中都算是好宝贝了 The next-level Xuanyuan tree, Xuanmang tree, is a good treasure in our royal treasury.
01:23这名字有点耳熟 This name sounds familiar.
01:26我想起来了 I remember now.
01:28玄芒树是齐王府的顶尖元素 The Xuanmang tree is the top element of Prince Qi's Mansion.
01:30据说是大武王朝赏赐给他们的 怎么会在这两个凶贼手里 It is said to be a gift from the Wu Dynasty to them. How did they get it?
01:35莫要再看 切记贪多嚼不烂 这三十六兽开脉纹已经够你练的了 Don't look at it again. Don't be greedy. This Thirty-Six Beast Pulse is enough for you.
01:41知道了 I see.
01:43不过齐王府的东西落到我手里 别指望我会还给他们 But don't expect me to return the things from Prince Qi's Mansion to them.
01:48那个是你干的 That's what you did.
01:52这人先前想刺杀我 He wanted to kill me first.
01:54回营不远 Retreat!
02:01结果被我用虎啸纹给震晕了 As a result, I stunned him with Tiger Pulse.
02:06殿下 快 Your Highness. Hurry up.
02:12周渊那小子就算不死也该丢了半条命吧 Even if Zhou Yuan didn't die, he would have lost half his life.
02:18属下来迟 还请殿下恕罪 I'm late. Please forgive me, Your Highness.
02:20快请起 我这不是好好的吗 Please get up. I'm fine.
02:22那小子怎么会没事 How could he be fine?
02:26就是此人袭击殿下吗 Did he attack you?
02:31果然是你家凶贼 It's you.
02:34说 你们从齐王府偷来的东西在哪里 Say it. Where did you get the things from Prince Qi's Mansion?
02:37你 你就 You...
02:40息灵 明文不灵 那你去死吧 Xiling, you're so stubborn. Go to hell.
02:43你这是在杀人灭口吗 Are you trying to kill me?
02:47看来今天这事和齐王府难逃干系 It seems that Prince Qi's Mansion is involved in what happened today.
02:50陆统领何出此言 Commander Lu, why did you say that?
02:53这凶贼胆敢对殿下出手 本就死有余辜 He dared to attack Your Highness. He deserved to die.
02:56何况他们还盗取了我齐王府的玄芒术 更是该死 Besides, they also stole the Xuanmang Tree from Prince Qi's Mansion. They deserve to die.
03:00齐王府被盗 是玄芒术 They stole the Xuanmang Tree from Prince Qi's Mansion.
03:03凶贼一共有两人 殿下可知另一人在哪里 There are two men in total. Do you know where the other one is?
03:10我只看见了一个 I only saw one.
03:12另一个 怕是早带着什么玄芒术跑了吧 The other one must have run away with some Xuanmang Tree.
03:16不可能 Impossible.
03:18齐管家为什么这么肯定 Why are you so sure, Steward Qi?
03:25嗯 Um.
03:31好香啊 It smells so good.
03:33齐管家 来来 吃点烤鱼 有力气了再去抓凶徒 Steward Qi, come and have some grilled fish. You can catch the murderer if you have the strength.
03:39多谢殿下美意 但我们抓捕凶徒要紧 告辞了 Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness. But it's more important for us to catch the murderer. Goodbye.
03:49殿下 今天的事肯定是齐王府在搞鬼 Your Highness, Prince Qi must be behind all this.
03:52我们就这么放他离开 Let's just let him go.
03:54都已经死无对证了 留下他们也没什么用 You can't prove anything. It's no use keeping them here.
03:57你先派人把事情告知父王 You send someone to tell my father first.
03:59是 Yes, Your Highness.
04:07什么 玄芒术找不到了 What? We can't find the Xuanmang Tree?
04:09是 我赶到的时候罗同已经被抓 是 我赶到的时候罗同已经被抓 Yes. When I got there, Luotong had already been caught.
04:12那罗后却不见踪影 But I didn't see Luohao.
04:14糟了 真是要是被父王知道了 Oh, no. What if my father finds out?
04:17你哥在你这年纪已经备受魏沧兰器重 Your brother has been hidden by Wei Canglan at your age.
04:25而你却还为了一时意气跟那废物殿下在御灵谱争强斗胜 还输得灰头土脸 Yet you lost to that useless man in the Jade Spirit Pool for a moment.
04:36一定要将玄芒术找回来 We must find the Xuanmang Tree.
04:39罗后是养气镜的蛇影 没那么容易死 Luohao is the snake shadow of the Yangji Mirror. It's not that easy to kill him.
04:42现在父王正在军营里整顿战备 Now that my father is in the army, we must catch up with him before he comes back.
04:46是 我这就去发布罗后的通缉画像 我就是掘地三尺也要把玄芒术找回来 Yes, I'll send out Luohao's wanted portrait now. I'll find the Xuanmang Tree even if I have to dig three feet deep.
05:02周原 Zhou Yuan
05:06好不容易才凑够三十六头 怎么就这么一点精血 It's not easy to get 36 heads. Why is there so little blood?
05:11这只是他们凶杀之气的精华而已 It's just the essence of their murderous aura.
05:16把伤衣脱掉 Take off your wounded clothes.
05:22身材还不错 You're in good shape.
05:25谨守心灵 莫被凶杀之气失掉灵芝 Guard your mind. Don't let the aura of the murderous aura kill you.
05:41好了 It's done.
05:46混沌神魔观想法 Chaos Deity-Demon Visualization Technique
05:53这三十六兽开脉纹的效果还真好 一下子就把第五脉冲开一小部分 The effect of the thirty-six beasts opening their veins is really good. It opens a small part of the fifth vein at once.
06:20接下来你继续收集更多精血 Next, you continue to collect more blood.
06:23应该用不了一个月就能打通第五脉 It should take less than a month to open the fifth vein.
06:53啊 What?
07:24啊 Ah
07:41今天又没猎到元兽 还不是那头岩甲蜥 又被他抢了猎物 He didn't get the primordial beast today. It's the Yanjia Scorpion. He took the prey again.
07:47岩甲蜥的防御力强堪比七脉 受伤被激怒后会变成极其凶狂的状态 如果你不想办法解决他 恐怕你只能换个地方历练了 The Yanjia Scorpion's defense is stronger than the Seven Veins. It will become extremely ferocious when injured and angered. If you can't solve it, I'm afraid you'll have to go somewhere else.
07:58啊 被一头犀牛赶走 我可对不起那人 只是天元笔才点亮第一道原文 根本击穿不了那畜生的皮甲 龙背手也奈何不了他 啊 现在倒是可以瞧一瞧你得到的那个玄王术了 或许可以对付岩甲蜥 啊 差点把他忘了 多谢瑶瑶姐提醒 啊
08:28原来玄王术的奥秘在于压缩元气 在通过高速旋转将元气凝聚成极其穿透力的玄王 有意思 看似简单 内在却很独特 不过似乎有所残缺 他不应该只是下品玄元术
08:49啊 残缺 或许是大我王朝并没给岐王完整的版本吧 你可以尝试练一下这玄王术 但压缩元气很考验经脉的承受力 一个不慎便容易造成经脉损伤 务必要小心 嗯 试试看
09:20啊 压缩元气还真是难 用力太大容易伤及经脉 力量小了又无法凝练出玄王 你可以试着用神魂去掌控身体的变化
10:03啊 这力量足以击伤任何气脉以下的人
10:07我看那预解说 玄王术分为青芒与紫芒两个层次 你现在只是接近青芒的层次 如果用龙息术汲取天地元气 那应该可以凝练出真正的青芒
10:25现在已经足够对付那头岩甲烯了 哼 敢耽误我修炼 看我怎么收拾他
10:33啊 果然来了
11:44这家伙的光源 比之前强太多了 只怕再凝聚出青芒 也未必能破开
12:28你现在只是接近青芒的层次 如果用龙息术汲取天地元气 那应该可以凝练出真正的青芒
13:28能找的地方全都找过了 还是没有罗昊的踪迹 那个家伙似乎人间蒸发了
13:34这样看来 只剩一个可能 罗昊已经死了 玄芒术定是落到了周原的手中
13:45哼 这事倒是简单了 去把柳希找来
13:54算算时间 在外历练的殿下也应该回来了
13:59追不上吧 你饶了我
14:06苏有为 跟我走一趟
14:15哟 小琼算 这是见不得人 话也不说就想逃
14:20哼 殿下有句话说的对极了 不要在意某些人说的话 因为他有嘴 但不一定有脑
14:29哼 牙尖嘴利的死丫头 周原偷了启月的东西 那就拿你来换 给我抓起来