Villain Initialization Ep.13 English Sub

  • 3 months ago
Villain Initialization Ep.13 English Sub
00:00Beep, beep, beep.
00:11血压还在下降 Blood pressure is still dropping.
00:12失焦切磋 Reduce the blood pressure.
00:14当时我正想炒几个菜 At that time, I was about to stir-fry a few dishes,
00:16就听到隔壁精灵光狼一痛响 but I heard the neighbors screaming in pain.
00:18你也晓得的呀 You know,
00:19那个王志远就跟个疯狗似的 that Wang Zhiyuan is like a mad dog.
00:22之前啊每周都要闹几回 Before that, he had to make trouble a few times a week.
00:24这段时间原本消停点的 He used to calm down a bit recently,
00:26哪成想今天又开始了 but today he started again.
00:28一边打一边还说什么 He was hitting and saying
00:31运动鞋啊 钱之类的 sports shoes and money.
00:34可怜小妹哟 Poor little girl.
00:36躺在地上流了一地的血 She was lying on the floor bleeding.
00:38叫都没反应的 She didn't even respond.
00:40我就只好打电话送她去医院了 I had to call her to the hospital.
00:42好的 许阿姨 Okay, Auntie Xu.
00:43那我们知道了 We got it.
00:46大夫 情况怎么样 Doctor, how is she?
00:48手术虽然还算成功 The surgery was a success,
00:50但病人的后脑遭受了严重的击打 but the patient's brain was severely damaged.
00:53加上送来的时间晚了些 It was also delivered a bit late.
00:55情况不太乐观 The situation is not very optimistic.
01:00许阿姨说她发现情况后就立刻叫了救护车了 Auntie Xu said she called an ambulance
01:01就立刻叫了救护车了 after she found out what had happened.
01:03我指的是路上耽误的时间 I meant the delay in time on the way.
01:06很可惜要是病人家附近的医院没有发生类似爆炸 It would have been a pity if the explosion didn't happen
01:08没有发生类似爆炸 in the hospital near the patient's home.
01:11情况也不至于这么糟糕 The situation wouldn't have been so bad.
01:17怎么 怎么会弄成这样 How did this happen?
01:23那 那赵姨她 Then, what about Zhaoyi?
01:25我们暂时稳住了她的伤势 We kept her injured for the time being,
01:27但能否好转就看她的运气了 but it depends on her luck whether she can recover.
01:30总之 请做好心理准备 Anyway, please be mentally prepared.
01:38不用安慰我 你们先回去 Don't need to comfort me. You guys go back first.
01:41先吃点东西 之后要做的事情还有很多 Eat something first. There are still a lot of things to do later.
01:44没体力可是不行的 You can't do it without energy.
01:47我先去把班主任给的住院费交了 I'll go pay the hospitalization fee for the class teacher first.
01:49然后回家拿点生活用品再过来 Then I'll come back home with some daily necessities.
01:51我有个朋友在费街那边好像见过王志远 I have a friend who seems to have met Wang Zhiyuan on the street.
01:54我跟他去看看 I'll go check it out with him.
01:55等那混蛋第一时间告诉你们 I'll be the first one to tell you who the bastard is.
01:58我跟凌晨一起留守医院 I'll stay with Lin Chen at the hospital.
02:00看这边有什么需要 Let's see what we need here.
02:02那晚些时候医院楼下我们在这里集合 We'll meet here at the hospital downstairs later.
02:04我有你想要的 I have what you want.
02:05没问题 No problem.
02:20这不是你的错 凌晨 It's not your fault, Lin Chen.
02:22并不是因为邪的事情 王志远才会殴打赵燕 It's not because of evil that Wang Zhiyuan beat up Zhao Ying.
02:27你什么都不知道 You know nothing.
02:30我本应该改变这一切 I should have changed everything.
02:33却把时间浪费在了毫无意义的世上 Yet I wasted my time on meaningless things.
02:44现在 Now,
02:46我要去做我该做的事 I'm going to do what I should do.
02:53吕布老师 Mr. Lu Bu.
02:59等一下 林辰 Wait, Lin Chen.
03:03你要跟他去做什么 What are you going to do with him?
03:06松手 Let go of me.
03:12等等 Wait.
03:14你别跟他走 你别跟他走 Don't go with him.
03:15我会帮你的 I'll help you.
03:17做不到的事 Don't do things
03:19不要随便答应别人 that you can't do.
03:22走 Go.
03:44你怎么在这里啊 Why are you here?
03:45林辰呢 Where is Lin Chen?
03:47林辰 Lin Chen?
03:50车借我用用 Let me borrow your car.
03:51你干吗 What are you doing?
03:52叶子墨 Mr. Ye!
04:05你们 You guys!
04:12为什么 Why?
04:14为什么你不来 Why didn't you come?
04:19对不起 Sorry,
04:20您拨打的电话暂时无人接听 Please leave a message after the tone.
04:22请稍后再拨 Please leave a message after the tone.
04:35是吗 Is that so?
04:40打得怎么样了 How did it go?
04:42什么 What?
04:44我坐在这里 I'm sitting here
04:45都能听见你脑子里斗争的声音 and I can hear you struggling.
04:48我之前给过你建议 I gave you my advice before.
04:51我还以为 I thought
04:52你会更快下定决心 that you would make up your mind sooner.
04:55但如果你想改变时代的话 But if you want to change the times,
04:57有些事 you have to
04:59你必须要想清楚 think it through.
05:01不要再把宝贵的时间浪费在阻碍你发展的人和事情上面了 Don't waste your precious time on people and things that hinder your development.
05:10本我 I
05:11遵从内心的欲望 follow my heart's desire.
05:15朝我 I
05:17用无聊的道德来约束 I control myself with a boring morality.
05:21而自我 I
05:23则是试图在这两者中间找到一个平衡 I'm trying to find a balance between those two.
05:28大多数人呐大多数人呐 The majority of people
05:29就是在这种纠结中 is in a state of conflict
05:31碌碌无为地度过了一生 and they spend their whole life in a state of confusion.
05:35你浑身充满了为所欲为的本我气息 You're full of self-contradictory feeling,
05:39却依旧保留了一丝超我的道德束缚 but you still retain a trace of your moral shackles.
05:42It will only make you more complicated, and those who are complicated are destined to be mediocre.
05:53Lin Chen, it's time to kill the extra part of your body.
06:13There's a gift for you inside.
06:22Long time no see.
06:24It's you.
06:29I knew this day would come, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.
06:33I didn't expect it to be you either.
06:37How is Xiaomei?
06:43Should I regret it?
06:46If I could choose one more time...
06:49No! If I could choose one more time,
06:52I would definitely win!
06:58Here, here, here.
07:00Thank you, brother Jie.
07:02Let's drink.
07:03Let's drink.
07:08Look at you.
07:10You're working at the construction site, and you're raising a child for someone else.
07:13You really have a hard life.
07:17The child is pitiful.
07:20Why don't I bring you to make a fortune tonight?
07:24No, brother Jie.
07:26I don't know how to gamble.
07:28Come on, brother.
07:29What do you mean gambling?
07:31We're just playing a card game.
07:33Don't get ahead of yourself.
07:35When you win the money, your mother-in-law will look up to you.
07:47Is Xiao Chen getting better?
07:49He's still having a relapse.
07:51Why don't I do some spiritual work?
07:53That way, I can raise Xiao Chen's medical expenses faster.
07:56If you're going, I'm going.
08:00Don't worry.
08:02I'll have Zhang introduce me to some work later.
08:04You're tired of raising a child.
08:06I can't let you worry about the money.
08:12Only 100 a night?
08:14The market is not good.
08:16It's good to have a job.
08:18Think about it again.
08:27Good boy.
08:44It's so easy.
08:46I'll win.
08:48You're good.
08:49You're lucky today.
08:51Let's play another round.
08:53Okay, let's play another round.
08:57Let's play another round.
09:02Three months' salary.
09:04That's it?
09:06That's it?
09:08It doesn't matter.
09:10Losing and winning are common.
09:12Losing and winning are common?
09:14This little money.
09:15Next time, if you have more money,
09:17you can win it back in one shot.
09:23How about I lend you some first?
09:28Next time, I'll definitely win.
10:10Pay me back the money you owe me first.
10:12Damn you.
10:18Those are all lies.
10:20Stop gambling.
10:22What do you know?
10:24I have to win.
10:25Otherwise, what's the point of me doing this?
10:27If I don't win,
10:28will I lose for nothing?
10:30I'm begging you, Zhiyuan.
10:34I said
10:35I wanted you and Xiaochen to have a good life.
10:37When I win,
10:38I can do it.
10:42You can't gamble.
10:43Don't touch me, okay?
10:51At that moment,
10:52I realized
10:53I was trapped
10:54in a vicious circle of gambling.
11:00Give me the money.
11:01I'm begging you.
11:02Give me the money.
11:03I'm begging you.
11:05Where's the money?
11:06Give me the money.
11:09Don't leave me.
11:10I have to win.
11:11As long as I win,
11:12I can go back to the start.
11:14I can get out of the vicious circle.
11:16I'm begging you.
11:18I just can't get out.
11:24I'm begging you.
11:31It's almost done.
11:32I guess
11:34you'll use this.
11:42Look at your eyes now.
11:44They're exactly the same as before.
11:50When you also fall into the mud,
11:54come on, you little bastard
11:56shoot me
11:58and get revenge for your aunt
12:00come on
12:02shut up
12:08you idiot
12:10you make me angry
12:12i say you
12:16the audience
12:18should have an audience's conscience
12:22I will decide how the story will develop.
