الشيخ حجاج الهنداوى عزاء ولدة الحاج سامى مرزوق العمده كفر القرنين الباجور منوفيه 24-1-2015

  • 3 months ago
00:00I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
00:26In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:50These are the verses of Allah which we recite to you in truth, and indeed, you are of the messengers.
01:20These are the messengers, and We have preferred some of them over others.
01:50And We have sent Jesus, the son of Mary, as a clear sign.
02:14And We have strengthened him with the Holy Spirit.
02:36And if Allah had willed, He could have destroyed those after them,
02:52after the clear proofs had come to them.
03:06But they chose the other.
03:22But they chose the other.
03:52Allah has not decreed it, but Allah does what He wills.
04:22These are the verses of Allah which we recite to you in truth, and indeed, you are of the messengers.
04:52These are the messengers, and We have preferred some of them over others.
05:20Some of them Allah has spoken to, and He has raised their station.
05:44And We have given to man the clear sign, and We have strengthened him with the Holy Spirit.
06:12And if Allah had willed, He could have destroyed those after them,
06:38after the clear proofs had come to them.
06:50But they chose the other.
07:04And We have preferred some of them over others.
07:32And if Allah had willed, He could have destroyed those after them, but Allah does what He wills.
08:02O you who have believed,
08:26spend from what We have given you.
08:48Spend from what We have given you.
09:02There will come to you a day in which there will be no selling, no buying, and no intercession.
09:32And those who forgive will be of those who forgive.
09:56Allah is the best of the best.
10:26Allah is the best of the best.
10:54Allah is the best of the best.
11:24Allah is the best of the best.
11:54Allah is the best of the best.
12:24Allah is the best of the best.
12:54Allah is the best of the best.
13:24Allah is the best of the best.
13:54Allah is the best of the best.
14:24Allah is the best of the best.
14:42Allah is the best of the best.
15:07They know what is in their hands and what is in their pockets.
15:17And they have no knowledge except that which He wills.
15:47They know what is in their hands and what is in their pockets.
16:07They know what is in their hands and what is in their pockets.
16:21And they have no knowledge except that which He wills.
16:51Allah is the best of the best.
17:21Allah is the best of the best.
17:51Allah is the best of the best.
18:22There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
18:39There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
19:06Whoever remembers Allah and believes in Him,
19:21will be successful in the Hereafter.
19:52Peace be upon you.
20:02Peace be upon you.
20:32Peace be upon you.
21:02Peace be upon you.
21:32Whoever remembers Allah and believes in Him,
21:50will be successful in the Hereafter.
22:20Peace be upon you.
22:50Peace be upon you.
23:20Those are their guardians, the truth-seekers,
23:30who bring them out of the light into the darkness.
23:48Those are the companions of the Fire, they will abide therein eternally.
24:12Have we not seen the One Who created the universe in His Lord's Presence?
24:34Have we not seen the One Who created the universe in His Lord's Presence?
25:04There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
25:34There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
25:58Those are their guardians, the truth-seekers,
26:13who bring them out of the light into the darkness.
26:43Those are their guardians, the truth-seekers,
26:58who bring them out of the light into the darkness.
27:28There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
27:58Those who pass by the way of Allah are on the right path,
28:28and those who pass by the way of Allah are on the left path.
28:58He said,
29:05There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
29:23So Allah guided them to the right path.
29:53Those who pass by the way of Allah are on the right path,
30:13and those who pass by the way of Allah are on the left path.
30:43So Allah guided them to the right path.
31:13So Allah guided them to the right path.
31:31So Allah guided them to the right path.
31:53He said, How long will you stay?
32:01He said, I will stay a day or two.
32:22He said, No, I will not stay a day or two.
32:34Look at your food and drink.
32:44He said, No, I will not stay a day or two.
33:06And look at your donkey and its eyes upon you as a sign from the people.
33:29And look at your donkey
33:52And look at your donkey and its eyes upon you as a sign from the people.
34:11And look at your donkey and its eyes upon you as a sign from the people.
34:42And look at your donkey and its eyes upon you as a sign from the people.
34:59And look at your donkey and its eyes upon you as a sign from the people.
35:29And look at your donkey and its eyes upon you as a sign from the people.
35:39So when it became clear to him, he said, I know that Allah is over all things competent.
36:09So when it became clear to him, he said, I know that Allah is over all things competent.
36:39So when it became clear to him, he said, I know that Allah is over all things competent.
37:09So when it became clear to him, he said, I know that Allah is over all things competent.
37:29So when it became clear to him, he said, I know that Allah is over all things competent.
37:59So when it became clear to him, he said, I know that Allah is over all things competent.
38:29So when it became clear to him, he said, I know that Allah is over all things competent.
38:59Then he said, take a seed from the birds and send them to you.
39:15Then he placed upon every mountain a portion of them.
39:28Then he placed upon every mountain a portion of them.
39:48Then he called the orphans,
40:03And Allah is Knowing, Mighty, Wise.
40:16The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is the example of the war of Allah.
40:41The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is the example of the war of Allah.
41:11And Allah multiplies for whom He wills.
41:39And Allah is Knowing, Mighty, Wise.
42:09Then they will not be able to explain it, nor will they be able to understand it.
42:39Then they will not be able to explain it, nor will they be able to understand it.
43:04Then they will not be able to explain it, nor will they be able to understand it.
43:34If they had their reward from their Lord,
44:00They would not have reached it, nor would they have been sad.
44:30And there is no better example than what has been said in the Qur'an.
44:53And Allah is Self-Sufficient, Self-Sufficient.
45:08Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
45:23Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
45:51Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
46:09Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
46:37Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
47:07Al Fatiha.
