
  • hace 3 meses


00:00:00Then, now, forever.
00:00:43Alright guys, there's been a lot going on at NXT over these past couple weeks.
00:00:46We've had a lot of new talent.
00:00:48Literally, anyone could show up tonight.
00:00:50I mean, we've had people from Raw, SmackDown, TNA, former talent.
00:00:54The list goes on and on.
00:00:55But, with that said, there's been a lot of new issues coming up.
00:00:58I mean, we've had issues in the parking lot, in the stands, in the locker room.
00:01:02So, I really, really need you guys focused tonight.
00:01:04I do not want anything going wrong, okay?
00:01:06Thank you.
00:01:11Eva taking every precaution here tonight.
00:01:18The following is the NXT Tag Team Turmoil.
00:01:23And the winner receives a tag team title match at NXT Heatwave.
00:01:28Introducing first, the team's mom, EJC Wilson, Emily Blaine.
00:01:35It's live for our general manager because a week from Sunday, it's NXT Heatwave.
00:01:40New Catch Republic.
00:01:51And their opponents, the team mom, Tyler Bates.
00:01:54And the bruiserweight king, the New Catch Republic.
00:02:02Booker, both these men have been NXT Tag Team Champions in the past.
00:02:05They have not, however, been Tag Team Champions together.
00:02:09Could they be on the verge of finally wearing gold as a team?
00:02:14Well, look at these guys.
00:02:15It's the same back in the day.
00:02:17Twin sons from different mothers.
00:02:20These guys own the same page.
00:02:22They easily could go out here tonight and cash in that ticket.
00:02:27Oh, yes, man.
00:02:28Let's take a look at the rules of this match.
00:02:30We're getting into this Tag Team Turmoil.
00:02:32These are the two teams that will start.
00:02:34You're eliminated.
00:02:35Pinfall submission, disqualification, count out.
00:02:37Once you're eliminated, you're gone.
00:02:39The next team that is lined up randomly will come through the curtain,
00:02:43will enter the matchup.
00:02:44And the winning team of Tag Team Turmoil, of course,
00:02:47receives an NXT Tag Team title match at Heatwave in Toronto.
00:02:54And what a match to kick off the hottest thing on Tuesday, NXT.
00:02:58And when you take a look at Nafe, take a look at Blade,
00:03:01they're going to need a lot of luck to survive.
00:03:03Same could be said for New Catch Republic.
00:03:06This is a bad draw for both these teams.
00:03:08I've been very critical as far as Nafe and Blade go.
00:03:11But I'm going to tell you, I want to give these guys a chance tonight.
00:03:13They can go out here and show me something.
00:03:15Show me something, Nafe.
00:03:16Show me something, Blade.
00:03:18That's a little bit of a good luck charm, maybe, from you, Booker T.
00:03:21Of course, Reese.
00:03:22I want to like these guys.
00:03:23I want to like them.
00:03:24You wouldn't know by your commentary.
00:03:26Tyler Bate right now having a little bit of fun in this matchup.
00:03:30He and Pete Dunne, of course, coming over from Monday Night Raw.
00:03:33And, you know, when you think about turmoil,
00:03:35is there turmoil within the Tag Team Champions?
00:03:38Frazier has his eyes elsewhere, of course.
00:03:40He's got a Heritage Cup match coming up later tonight.
00:03:42It may look like they're not on the same page,
00:03:44but I must say Frazier, he's never fallen to the end.
00:03:47He's always been there for his partner.
00:03:49This guy just loves to compete.
00:03:51I love his attitude, his mentality.
00:03:54Tag was made.
00:03:55Blade now.
00:03:56Oh, yes.
00:03:57Big offense from both these superstars.
00:04:00Double drop kick.
00:04:01I'm talking about these guys can just focus.
00:04:03If they can get the right coaching to get on the right game, man,
00:04:07they might can actually do something here.
00:04:09Are they in their heads, then, a little bit too much?
00:04:11A double blockbuster.
00:04:12Yeah, I really think so.
00:04:14Thinking too much in this business could be a detriment right now.
00:04:17If you could just stay on the gas, just stick to the basics.
00:04:20Stick to the—oh, yes.
00:04:22Double blockbuster with a spinebuster twist
00:04:24and a near fall in this match.
00:04:26When we talk about the tag team titles, of course,
00:04:28we want to say somewhat of a congratulations
00:04:31to the new world tag team champions crowned last night,
00:04:33J.D. McDonough and Finn Balor,
00:04:36as an offhand blade for a half second away
00:04:38from a tag team title opportunity in Toronto.
00:04:43I'll tell you, that's what it's all about.
00:04:44It's for a shot, a shot at glory, Vic,
00:04:47the NXT Tag Team Championship.
00:04:51Hot Tui for one from Bate and Dunne,
00:04:56and now Tyler Bate risking it all for a golden opportunity.
00:05:01Back into the ring, Dunne looking for the bitter end,
00:05:03countered by Nafe, DDT.
00:05:09Oh, my word.
00:05:12How wise of Nafe.
00:05:13I think six months ago, he would have been looking around,
00:05:16but now he's got his foot on the gas.
00:05:18Exactly what I'm talking about.
00:05:19To the top.
00:05:21Oh, man.
00:05:22Got caught in the midair right there.
00:05:23Tag was made.
00:05:24Bate is now legal.
00:05:25Tyler has shipped it.
00:05:28And now the New Catch Republic looking for the elimination
00:05:34into the cover for Tyler Bate.
00:05:36That's it.
00:05:37And they survive for now.
00:05:39Idris Inosu and Emily Blaine have been eliminated.
00:05:44And again, once you're eliminated,
00:05:45you're out.
00:05:47And take a look who is arriving next.
00:05:53It's Angel.
00:05:54It's Huberto.
00:05:55And there's no love lost between these superstars.
00:05:59From SmackDown, close to tag team gold in the past,
00:06:03representing, of course, Legado del Fantasma.
00:06:06But take a look at the double submission.
00:06:09We talked about the tag team champions.
00:06:11Of course, Frazier in action later tonight against D'Angelo.
00:06:14We talked about for the Heritage Cup.
00:06:15He's looking to become a double champ.
00:06:17His tag team turmoil continuing.
00:06:19And a huge main event still to come.
00:06:20Tripp Williams taking on Shawn Spears.
00:06:23I look at Tyler Bate right now.
00:06:24I mean, he just went through a battle.
00:06:25But he's still very fresh.
00:06:27But right there, blind tag.
00:06:29Didn't see it.
00:06:31He didn't see it.
00:06:32But he certainly felt it.
00:06:36Angel, Huberto, both were in the battle royal last week.
00:06:40Oh, as was Tyler Bate.
00:06:43A different battle here tonight.
00:06:45I like the methodical approach right here by Angel.
00:06:49Guards are just taking Tyler Bate apart piece by piece.
00:06:53Slowing it down right now.
00:06:54He's in a rhythm.
00:06:55I love it, man.
00:06:57We talked about it from the start a few moments ago.
00:07:01That luck would play a huge part in this matchup for Idris and Malik,
00:07:06but also for the new Pet Republic.
00:07:08Tyler Bate and Dunne got a bad draw,
00:07:11and this is why there's fresh teams waiting.
00:07:13It's just so hard to prepare for a matchup like this.
00:07:16Tag team turmoil is all about, you know,
00:07:19what's your gas tank look like?
00:07:21What kind of cardio you been putting in?
00:07:23Right now.
00:07:24Oh, man.
00:07:25High impact tag team tandem offense.
00:07:28Huberto covered another nail.
00:07:30Oh, man.
00:07:31Instinctual kick out right there, bitch.
00:07:33Take another look at this high impact offense from Angel and Huberto.
00:07:37And again, if a pin would have happened,
00:07:39Bate and Dunne would have been eliminated.
00:07:41They would have went back to the locker room,
00:07:43and the next team would have made their way out.
00:07:45There's five total teams in this matchup.
00:07:47Angel and Huberto were team number three.
00:07:49And Tyler Bate now putting on the brakes.
00:07:53Angel doesn't realize, or excuse me,
00:07:55Huberto doesn't realize that Tyler Bate has taken control of this match.
00:08:02Maybe he did because Angel just ran a little bit of interference.
00:08:04No, no, no.
00:08:05Look at this beautiful tag team work right there by Angel Garza.
00:08:08They're fresh.
00:08:09They're fresh.
00:08:10Don't have any sweat on them or anything like that.
00:08:12Oh, here we go.
00:08:13Into the cover, and Dunne with a double stop, breaking things up.
00:08:17I don't wonder what's going through the minds of the tag team champions
00:08:20who are focused in on this matchup.
00:08:23And these four are just flying around the ring.
00:08:26High octane offense in this matchup.
00:08:29Oh, we're in the high rent district right now, Vic.
00:08:33Here we go.
00:08:38What is on Angel and Huberto's mind?
00:08:41Of course, we're here at the marching orders of Santos Escobar.
00:08:45It's Apollo.
00:08:46What the hell is he doing out here?
00:08:47That's Apollo Crews.
00:08:49What the hell is he doing out here?
00:08:50He's not in the top half.
00:08:51Apollo Crews had his issue.
00:08:53Thankfully, we got all the extra security here tonight
00:08:55trying to get Apollo back.
00:08:57But that distraction just opened the door
00:09:00for the big, strong boy to hit the toilet driver.
00:09:0390 seconds in for the three.
00:09:09Angel and Huberto have been eliminated.
00:09:13Another team is gone, and look who is waiting in the wings.
00:09:19A pair of good brothers.
00:09:21The boys, man, they're coming to take your business the hard way.
00:09:25I love this, man.
00:09:27I love it.
00:09:29Gallows, Anderson.
00:09:34They were close in Las Vegas to the tag team titles.
00:09:38They're still on the hunt for gold.
00:09:40It's going to be quick.
00:09:41It's going to be quick here tonight.
00:09:43What a great draw.
00:09:44Which team will continue in this turmoil matchup?
00:09:59We'll be right back.
00:10:29We'll be right back.
00:10:59We'll be right back.
00:11:29We'll be right back.
00:12:00We'll be right back.
00:12:03We'll be right back.
00:12:29We'll be right back.
00:13:00We'll be right back.
00:13:03We'll be right back.
00:13:06We'll be right back.
00:13:09We'll be right back.
00:13:12We'll be right back.
00:13:15We'll be right back.
00:13:18We'll be right back.
00:13:21We'll be right back.
00:13:24We'll be right back.
00:13:26Back live on NXT and tag team turmoil as you witness.
00:13:30Still going on with the fourth team, which is the OC,
00:13:33against the first team that entered, Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne.
00:13:37And Bate taking Anderson for the ride.
00:13:44Oh, here we go.
00:13:49Here we go.
00:13:50We don't know when it's going to end, Book.
00:13:59And somehow, someway, Tyler Bate back to his feet.
00:14:04I tell you, Tyler Bate, he does seem to have got a second win
00:14:08because they will be dominated in the break, Vic.
00:14:12Well, we know that the OC is hungry.
00:14:15But you know who else is hungry?
00:14:16The new Catch Republic, Anderson able to help out Luke Gallows.
00:14:20And Gallows just dropped.
00:14:23A new veteran move by Karl Anderson right there.
00:14:26I love it, man.
00:14:28Tag team turmoil, the winner of this match.
00:14:31Oh, here we go.
00:14:33Magic City.
00:14:34Looking for Magic Killer.
00:14:35And oh, wait a minute.
00:14:36It's a title.
00:14:37It's a title.
00:14:38They got another one.
00:14:42Gallows and Anderson have been eliminated.
00:14:46We thought it was going to be bad luck.
00:14:48New Catch Republic.
00:14:50Oh, ready to go to school.
00:14:52There's OTM.
00:14:54You're going to go to nap.
00:14:56You're going to go to shit.
00:14:58You're going to go to shit.
00:14:59It's your OTM getting a big old smile and a laugh.
00:15:02With everything that's gone down between OTM and the OC.
00:15:06But look, we got to focus on here in the nap.
00:15:08Because here's Chase Yu.
00:15:10This is tag team turmoil.
00:15:12They're the final team.
00:15:13Taking on the first team, New Catch Republic.
00:15:16The winning team heads to Toronto Money in the Bank weekend.
00:15:20Yes, New Catch Republic tonight.
00:15:22I must say, they're looking special.
00:15:25I mean, they're on the same page.
00:15:27They're rowing at the same time to get to that destination.
00:15:32And that's a shot.
00:15:33Oh, man.
00:15:34Chase Yu is fresh.
00:15:36Former NXT Tag Team Champions.
00:15:38And still to come here tonight, a big matchup for the No Quarter Catch Crew.
00:15:42If Tavian Heights wins, he becomes a member of the NQCC.
00:15:52What's up, man?
00:15:53Hey, you!
00:15:54And one of these teams will head to Heatwave.
00:15:56Saruka, Ariana, Grace.
00:15:58Which one of those two women will head to Toronto to compete
00:16:02for the Women's North American Championship?
00:16:04See, that's what you get for showboating right there.
00:16:07You just go in there and take care of business.
00:16:09That's what I'm talking about with that game.
00:16:11You see what I'm saying?
00:16:12This is the same guy, man.
00:16:14This is the same guy we been talking about.
00:16:16four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
00:16:21I'm assuming that your point is still being proven by what we just saw.
00:16:26I mean, come on.
00:16:27I mean, they could have had a win by now.
00:16:29All of that playing and jiving around, ain't nobody got time for that.
00:16:34Well, Andre Chase not looking too hot right now in this moment.
00:16:37You saw a little glance between Rich Howland and Pete Dunne a moment ago.
00:16:41But a tag was made.
00:16:43And in comes the MVP.
00:16:46And Duke Hudson showing you why he and Andre Chase former NXT Tag Team Champions.
00:16:54I love it.
00:16:54Let the MVP take care of business.
00:16:57This is the same guy who should be the president of this university.
00:17:01Right here, Duke Hudson, a damn MVP.
00:17:04Although you can give credit to Duke Hudson,
00:17:05but y'all just gotta give credit to Andre Chase and everyone at Chase, too.
00:17:08That means, right there, it's called a childhood dream.
00:17:12There it is, a childhood dream.
00:17:14How do you get childhood dream out of that?
00:17:16You told me it was.
00:17:17Well, Chase here has been rolling as of late.
00:17:19The OC wouldn't necessarily agree with that from last week.
00:17:22And the New Catch Republic might not agree with it right now.
00:17:25But there's no stopping Duke Hudson in this moment.
00:17:30Looking for that powerbomb.
00:17:32Oh, he's at the back door.
00:17:33Oh, there's the big, strong boy.
00:17:41And Duke Hudson right back in.
00:17:44Into the cover to get to Heat Wave.
00:17:47Another kick out.
00:17:48I mean, luck has become a big part of this matchup for Bate and Dunne.
00:17:52That wasn't luck.
00:17:53That was a lot of heart by Tyler Bate,
00:17:55because his head bounced off the mat right there.
00:17:57Easy little thing.
00:17:58That wasn't luck.
00:18:00Is that me?
00:18:01He was almost right between the eyes.
00:18:03That's one way to counter Duke Hudson's power.
00:18:05There's the wait a minute.
00:18:07His legs are shaking.
00:18:09The Earth is quaking with a big suplex from Bate.
00:18:13You got to be kidding me.
00:18:15Duke's got more!
00:18:16Duke's got more!
00:18:17Duke's got more!
00:18:18Duke's got more!
00:18:19Duke's got more!
00:18:20Duke's got more!
00:18:21Duke's got more!
00:18:22Big point of this matchup.
00:18:24Look who's legal.
00:18:25Look who's fresh.
00:18:26It's Chase, and it's Dunne.
00:18:28And Dunne right now is in control.
00:18:33Dunne and Bate would love to finally call themselves NXT Tag Team Champions.
00:18:39It's Andre Chase now with the upper hand for at least a moment.
00:18:45Oh, speaking of hand, look at the body, the joint manipulation.
00:18:49Tag was made.
00:18:50Dunne able to break the hold into a sit-down powerbomb.
00:18:53Bate, though, is legal, Booker.
00:18:55Bate's legal.
00:18:59Into the cover!
00:19:00And Hudson's in this matchup.
00:19:02The MVP!
00:19:03The president!
00:19:04The president just broke it up.
00:19:06That was a new, unique cover from Tyler Bate off the belly-to-back suplex.
00:19:10But, well, he can be president, he can be MVP.
00:19:13He's not going to be able to sign any papers with broken fingers.
00:19:20Looking for the Tyler driver one more time as Bate.
00:19:23Andre Chase.
00:19:26That's a nasty landing for Chase.
00:19:27Same can be said for all the bodies around the floor.
00:19:32Right now, and the only one standing is Bray!
00:19:36Rich Holland just sacrificed himself for Andre Chase.
00:19:41The referee, I don't think, realized it.
00:19:43I don't think the referee saw what exactly happened.
00:19:46Andre Chase, though, to the top.
00:19:48Hard cross, body connects!
00:19:50Into the cover!
00:19:52And Chase Yu has won Tag Team Turmoil!
00:19:58Here are your winners, Chase University's Duke Hudson and Andre Chase!
00:20:06Let the celebration begin!
00:20:09Because Chase Yu is going international!
00:20:12They earned an opportunity to face Axiom and Frasier
00:20:15for the NXT Tag Team Titles at NXT Heatwave!
00:20:28Roxanne's backfist didn't even faze Loretta.
00:20:32I mean, look, she's smiling.
00:20:34Roxanne, what?
00:20:37What are you watching?
00:20:40Didn't you despise Lola a few weeks ago,
00:20:42and now all of a sudden you're best friends because you beat her?
00:20:44Roxy, look, I don't like Lola,
00:20:46but I gotta give credit where credit's due.
00:20:48I mean, yeah, I beat Lola in a tag,
00:20:50but did you see what she did with Shayna at Underground?
00:20:52Lola's on top of her game.
00:20:54And clearly so am I.
00:20:56So remember, Carmen, you,
00:20:58anyone in this locker room,
00:21:00especially Lola Vice,
00:21:02are incapable of reaching my level.
00:21:05Are you trying to make me believe that?
00:21:07Or yourself?
00:21:08Because it looks to me that you have the same unsure look on your face
00:21:11as you did in the match with Lola.
00:21:13Look, Carmen,
00:21:15why don't you go back to watching the stars
00:21:17of the Women's Division
00:21:19and maybe one day you'll get there.
00:21:22War Champ, I can prove I already belong.
00:21:28Very interesting interaction between those two,
00:21:31but there is all ego
00:21:33who's ready to speak his mind
00:21:35to all those that will listen.
00:21:41Well, Booker, earlier today
00:21:43we learned of the passing of Sika on Hawaii.
00:21:45And from the Isle of Samoa
00:21:47to the WWE Hall of Fame,
00:21:49he will always have his seat
00:21:51at the table.
00:22:0115 superstars and legends
00:22:03are headed to Fanatic's Fest New York City
00:22:05this August at the Javits Center.
00:22:07Meet Cody Rhodes, Liv Morgan, Jey Uso,
00:22:09Rhea Ripley, WWE legend Hulk Hogan,
00:22:11WWE Hall of Famer, the wise man Paul Heyman,
00:22:13and more on Saturday, August 17th
00:22:15and Sunday, August 18th.
00:22:17Get your ticket for the ultimate event
00:22:19for all sports fans and collectors
00:22:31I hate porn, Nate.
00:22:33Nathan, you already have a tag team partner
00:22:35and I don't want to get in the way of that.
00:22:37But if you need someone to be your corner man
00:22:39in a Heritage Cup match tonight,
00:22:41I'm there for you.
00:22:43Alright, I appreciate that.
00:22:45I'd like to say I have all my bases covered,
00:22:47but I haven't actually talked to Axiom in a few days
00:22:49and I have no idea where his head's at.
00:22:51And dude, I can't go out there alone.
00:22:53There's like four of them out there.
00:22:55Dante, listen, I've been thinking about this
00:22:57all week and although I am concerned
00:22:59about your aspirations for more to get in the way
00:23:01of what we have,
00:23:03I am your partner.
00:23:05So tonight, I will be in your corner against Tony Gamble.
00:23:07Very cool. I'm always ready to step in.
00:23:09But this is your spot, Axiom.
00:23:11And Nathan, good luck out there.
00:23:13Cheers, mate.
00:23:15Brother, after tonight,
00:23:17you will be one half of the NXT Tag Team Champions
00:23:19and two times
00:23:21Heritage Cup Champion.
00:23:23I knew you'd come around, amigo.
00:23:25Seriously, man, I couldn't have done it without you.
00:23:27It's going to be a morale boost for Frazier.
00:23:29Heritage Cup Championship match.
00:23:31Still to come.
00:23:41Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
00:23:43All Egos,
00:23:45Ethan Page!
00:23:49It's Page who picked up his first
00:23:51NXT victory last week
00:23:53and I'm sure he's here to gloat.
00:23:56You damn right he's here to gloat.
00:23:58This guy's a star.
00:24:06Ladies and gentlemen,
00:24:10Heat Wave!
00:24:12Oh, Heat Wave
00:24:14is a week from Sunday
00:24:16and it is absolutely heating up.
00:24:18I mean, we just saw
00:24:20who's going to be challenging
00:24:22for the NXT Tag Team Titles.
00:24:24And this company
00:24:26has already announced
00:24:28the main event.
00:24:30They've announced who will be facing
00:24:32Trick Williams
00:24:34for the NXT title.
00:24:36And it's going to be the winner
00:24:38of the Battle Royal
00:24:40Javon Evans.
00:24:42Javon Evans.
00:24:54Javon Evans, winner of the Battle Royal.
00:24:56The only problem is, is that Javon Evans
00:24:58won a Battle Royal
00:25:00that Ethan Page was never
00:25:02eliminated from.
00:25:06And what did I do after that?
00:25:08What did I do after that?
00:25:11In the same night, in the same night
00:25:13he became number one contender.
00:25:15Ethan Page pinned his ass
00:25:17in the middle of the ring.
00:25:19So if you ask
00:25:21All Ego, I think
00:25:23the match should be scrapped.
00:25:25Because Javon Evans, yeah,
00:25:27he needs to be out and All Ego
00:25:29needs to be in.
00:25:35I'm going to keep it professional.
00:25:37Because now I would like to publicly
00:25:39and professionally invite the General Manager
00:25:41Ava out here to change that
00:25:43main event. Unless Ava
00:25:45you might be busy right now in your office
00:25:47with Trick Williams who's probably begging
00:25:49you to never let Ethan Page
00:25:51get another NXT title match.
00:25:53This is good, this is good.
00:25:55Come on out.
00:25:59Wow, okay, alright.
00:26:01So I guess that All Ego
00:26:03isn't just a catchphrase.
00:26:05You really
00:26:07believe it?
00:26:09You really think
00:26:11that you deserve the world
00:26:13and that you can do no wrong.
00:26:17Yes, exactly.
00:26:19When you're somebody like All Ego
00:26:21who constantly bets on himself
00:26:23and every time he does, he wins
00:26:25and levels up his career
00:26:27the name All Ego is very
00:26:29warranted. So now that you're out here
00:26:31Ava, I think it's time for you to
00:26:33change the main event of Heat Wave.
00:26:35Alright, okay, so one thing about me
00:26:37Ethan is I don't like it when superstars
00:26:39try to back me into a corner
00:26:41and you're gonna learn that real quick.
00:26:43Okay, okay, I'm sorry.
00:26:45But unfortunately
00:26:47you know, in all fairness
00:26:49you do have a point.
00:26:51You did
00:26:53pin Javon.
00:26:59Ava, Ava
00:27:01I do apologize for the interruption
00:27:04but I can't have you
00:27:06making any rash decisions
00:27:08in this moment.
00:27:10Ethan, I don't have a
00:27:12problem with you, not at all.
00:27:14We've traveled the same roads
00:27:16we come from the same area
00:27:18it's actually quite refreshing
00:27:20to see somebody following in my footsteps
00:27:24literally taking my lead
00:27:26out here boasting
00:27:28that last week you defeated Javon Evans
00:27:30but forgetting the simple fact that
00:27:32two weeks ago I was the guy
00:27:34who pinned Javon first
00:27:36so before you
00:27:38try and weasel
00:27:40I don't understand how you're getting this all twisted
00:27:42in that warped brain of yours, Sean
00:27:44I know I was a little
00:27:46busy with Oro
00:27:48in that battle royal, maybe I missed the ending
00:27:50oh no, that's right, you can watch the replay
00:27:52I remember seeing your ass get tossed
00:27:54over the top rope by Javon Evans
00:27:56and getting eliminated
00:27:58and that is something
00:28:00you should never do even on your best day
00:28:04speaking of things that you can't do
00:28:08I'm going to pin Trick Williams
00:28:12and after I beat Trick
00:28:14I'm going to make Ava's decision a whole lot easier
00:28:17Sean Spears
00:28:29Sean Spears
00:28:31sit your goofy ass down
00:28:37I'm going to beat you up later tonight
00:28:39so I don't know why you're doing all that talking
00:28:41now Ava
00:28:43when it comes to my opponent that he weighed
00:28:45I'm going to tell you right now it don't matter
00:28:49I don't care if it's that bum Ethan Page
00:28:51I don't care if it's
00:28:53the young OG
00:28:55I don't care if it's both of them
00:29:01but I do know one thing
00:29:03when we get to Toronto
00:29:05the people will be chanting one thing
00:29:07and that is whoop that ass
00:29:11much like last week
00:29:13two on one
00:29:19things about to get bouncy
00:29:23Evans going right after Spears
00:29:27things are breaking down
00:29:29our general manager is in the ring
00:29:31watching everything go down
00:29:35and this is where we left off last week
00:29:39and finally there's some of that extra security
00:29:42that Ava called for earlier tonight
00:29:44that she has all around the building
00:29:50because animosity is heating up
00:29:54as we head towards heat wave
00:29:56a week from Sunday
00:29:58money in the bank weekend
00:30:00in Toronto
00:30:08Rich what was that man
00:30:10listen fellas
00:30:12you just got a bad draw
00:30:14you were supposed to go off on your own
00:30:16and now you're wearing that and standing with Chase Yu
00:30:18Rich you coming
00:30:22so close man
00:30:24you guys crushed it out there
00:30:26you guys come out in any other spot
00:30:28you're going to be in Toronto getting the tag team titles for sure
00:30:30you know what thanks guys
00:30:32I really appreciate that
00:30:34I get it you guys are bummed right now
00:30:36and I've never been the best with timing
00:30:38we get in the ring and test that new
00:30:40Catch Republic energy vs the Hank and Tank energy
00:30:42I know I'm not good with timing
00:30:44but we weren't in the turmoil tonight
00:30:46but we want to experience it
00:30:48we want to get in the ring with a fantastic tag team
00:30:50like you guys
00:30:52you know what
00:30:54you got it
00:30:56sounds good
00:30:58come on
00:31:00it's an opportunity
00:31:02test your skills against the best
00:31:04I like Tank
00:31:06I like him
00:31:08the following contest is scheduled for
00:31:10one fall
00:31:12introducing first
00:31:14Wes Lee
00:31:16a man who loves to take risks
00:31:18it's Lee looking to take Joe Krofty
00:31:20to the west side
00:31:24I hate to be the one to tell you this
00:31:26but Roman
00:31:28he's not coming back
00:31:31here comes Orton
00:31:33here comes Owens
00:31:35doing their best to aid
00:31:37the American nightmare
00:31:39oh my god Wayne
00:31:41the rumors are true
00:31:43that's Jacob Fox
00:31:45god help us all
00:31:49at the world's most famous arena
00:31:51a bloodline acknowledgement ceremony
00:31:53can anyone stop Solosakoa's
00:31:55rise to power
00:31:57from the historic Madison Square Garden
00:31:59it's Friday Night Smackdown
00:32:01Friday 8, 7 central
00:32:03only on Fox
00:32:29you know what you want
00:32:31just live it in the jungle
00:32:37talk to me
00:32:39what do you want
00:32:41Ava has enough going on as GM
00:32:43what do I want
00:32:45Stevie, what do you want
00:32:47look, I've been helping Ava
00:32:49I've been helping Ava make very high level decisions
00:32:51Dante Chen
00:32:53The Combine, Soul Rooker vs Ariana Grace
00:32:55let's be real
00:32:57it was only a matter of time until Ava saw
00:32:59I was an asset
00:33:01what you are is an ass
00:33:05I have been helping Ava make decisions too
00:33:07and I've been doing a much better job of it
00:33:09than you
00:33:11I volunteered to challenge Jordan Grace
00:33:13I spilled the tea on Roxanne's
00:33:15little speech
00:33:17and I give her the inside scoop on everything
00:33:19that goes on around here
00:33:21so you're saying you're an ARC
00:33:23what's an ARC
00:33:26you know what
00:33:28this isn't going to work
00:33:30I couldn't agree more
00:33:32I'm not going anywhere
00:33:34neither am I
00:33:36and when it comes to Ava
00:33:38I'm winning
00:33:42you couldn't beat me
00:33:44on your best day
00:33:48tell you what
00:33:50they argue more than us
00:33:52Stowe is talking good language
00:33:54and his opponent
00:33:56representing Gallus
00:33:58Joe Coffey
00:34:00I'm going to let that one slide
00:34:02because what a night we've embarked on
00:34:04I'm going to keep it real too
00:34:06what a night this has been already
00:34:08extra security surrounding the building
00:34:10we have new number one contenders for the tag team titles
00:34:12that will be Chase Yu at Heatwave
00:34:14we have a number one contenders match
00:34:16for the North American Women's Championship match
00:34:18still to come, a Heritage Cup Championship
00:34:20match in just moments
00:34:22Wesley right now is trying to overcome the odds
00:34:24of Gallus
00:34:26and he's taking a swing at everyone
00:34:28but he took his eye off of Joe Coffey
00:34:30this is a bad draw for Wesley
00:34:32he's going to take a lot of big shots
00:34:34Wesley out of the frying pan
00:34:36right into the fire
00:34:38I don't like this look right now
00:34:40Wesley not liking it either
00:34:42Joe Coffey
00:34:44made this matchup a little bit personal
00:34:46with everything that has gone on since
00:34:51that was personal because you don't just come back
00:34:53and kick the front of the line
00:34:55you go to the back
00:34:57elbow from Coffey wasn't pretty
00:34:59but it was effective and now Coffey
00:35:01into the cover, hook of the leg
00:35:03and a kick out by Wesley
00:35:05I got so much respect for this young man
00:35:07I always say that perhaps the greatest
00:35:09North American Champion
00:35:11in NXT's history
00:35:13but man, coming off that injury fit
00:35:15you got to get your place man
00:35:17Russell Gallus always an issue
00:35:19security out here just to keep an eye on Wolfgang
00:35:21and more Coffey on the outside
00:35:23but Joe Coffey right now
00:35:25is taking it to Wesley
00:35:27Lee coming in trying to quicken a little bit
00:35:29of the pace and a DDT
00:35:31just planted
00:35:33that was a hard shot
00:35:35Joe Coffey
00:35:37take a look at this match earlier
00:35:39this kick right there, bam
00:35:41under the jaw, Joe Coffey was
00:35:43more disoriented than Justin Timberlake
00:35:45and the Hamptons and bam another big
00:35:47DDT this time from Wesley
00:35:49this has been a slugfest
00:35:51I mean Wesley's looking real good right now
00:35:53but he's got the odds
00:35:55against him right now
00:35:57speaking of that too is a takedown from Wesley
00:35:59who's a little bit more angry
00:36:01we should say, cause he got a chip on his shoulder
00:36:03he seems to be back in the groove
00:36:05but he took a big risk last week
00:36:07and was it wise of Wes to tell Oba Femi
00:36:09I will never compete for the North American
00:36:11title again as long as you're champion
00:36:13just give me one more opportunity
00:36:15if it was anybody else I would say that was not a wise decision
00:36:17but with Oba Femi
00:36:19it may be the only shot you want
00:36:21man because Oba, he's a monster
00:36:23oh yes
00:36:25big power slam, cover the center
00:36:27of the ring and a near fall
00:36:29Wesley able to kick out and Lee now
00:36:31finds himself in the same spot as Seth Rollins
00:36:33if Rollins doesn't capture the world title in Toronto
00:36:35he can't challenge for the title again
00:36:37as long as Priest is champion
00:36:39charging in there is Joe Coffey
00:36:41and it's Coffey who in the back of his mind
00:36:44is still looking for gold here in NXT
00:36:46but from behind, boom
00:36:48another roll up and a near fall for Wesley
00:36:50and Lee just got caught with a headbutt
00:36:52great way to put yourself in position for gold
00:36:54go out here and beat Wesley
00:36:56in the middle of this red circle
00:36:58and what has angered Joe Coffey maybe more than anything
00:37:00was when the universe reminded him
00:37:02last week that he was the one
00:37:04who was pinned in Las Vegas in that triple threat
00:37:06match at battleground, that has made him
00:37:08even more angry, that has made him want
00:37:10to hurt all those that he faces
00:37:12and tonight, it's Wesley
00:37:14it happens, but you don't see Joe Coffey
00:37:16crying over spilled milk or anything like that
00:37:18if Joe gets you
00:37:20all the best for the bouncing, connects
00:37:22kicked in from the cardiac kit
00:37:24and Lee
00:37:26overcomes Coffey
00:37:30here is your winner
00:37:34last week
00:37:36some said there was doubt in the eyes
00:37:38of Wesley, but there's no doubt
00:37:40in my mind that Wesley
00:37:42is primed and ready
00:37:46for what the future holds
00:37:48whatever that may be for the cardiac
00:38:00it's over
00:38:02congratulations, I see you've cleared your
00:38:04final hurdle
00:38:06and now you've managed to secure
00:38:09one-on-one for the first
00:38:11and final time
00:38:13Wesley vs. Oba Femi
00:38:15for the North American Championship
00:38:21so Wes
00:38:23I'll see you
00:38:25at Heat Wave
00:38:27it's Lee's
00:38:29final chance as long as Femi is
00:38:31champion in Toronto, it takes
00:38:33place a week from Sunday, Lee
00:38:35Femi for the North American title
00:38:37at NXT Heat Wave
00:38:45excuse me
00:38:47Tony D'Angelo, you're about to defend the
00:38:49NXT Heritage Cup against Nathan
00:38:51Frazier, any last minute thoughts?
00:38:53look, the only thing I'm concerned about is
00:38:55what kind of after party we're having, right?
00:38:57look, no seriously
00:38:59this guy, he's dangerously fast
00:39:01I'm gonna have to slow him down
00:39:03he's the current NXT Tag Champion
00:39:05I'm a little more experienced in these cup matches than me
00:39:07but Stacks and Luka
00:39:09they gave me a game plan
00:39:11and it's gonna work, I'm gonna punch him in the mouth
00:39:13and see how he responds, but one thing I know
00:39:15for certain, is that the cup
00:39:17stays in the family
00:39:19good luck
00:39:23Tony D'Angelo defends the NXT Heritage Cup
00:39:25against Nathan Frazier, next
00:39:28I can trust you, yeah, that's an option
00:39:30dude, you asked for these photos from your match last week?
00:39:34you need to get over it, you won
00:39:36oh my goodness
00:39:38I am fired up, I am fired up
00:39:40I can't believe it
00:39:42Chase, you, we're on the same page
00:39:44we're unstoppable
00:39:46we're on the same page
00:39:48our number one contender
00:39:50and one week from Sunday at Heat Wave
00:39:52I can't believe it
00:39:54I can't believe it
00:39:56one week from Sunday at Heat Wave
00:39:58Chase Yugo is international
00:40:00and becomes the two-time NXT Tag Team Champion
00:40:02I mean, I've just been international
00:40:04but I'll go again
00:40:06we gotta celebrate
00:40:08don't forget your passport
00:40:20the following contest
00:40:22is for the NXT
00:40:24Heritage Cup Championship
00:40:28and it will be contested
00:40:30under Heritage Cup rules
00:40:32introducing the challenger
00:40:34he is one half
00:40:36of the NXT Tag Team Champions
00:40:40Nathan Frazier
00:40:48and his opponent
00:40:52the D'Angelo family
00:40:54he is
00:40:56the NXT
00:40:58Heritage Cup Champion
00:41:00the Dawn
00:41:02of NXT
00:41:12this will be a matchup that you love
00:41:14because it will be a good old scrap
00:41:16a good old fight
00:41:18and let's take a look at the rules
00:41:21Heritage Cup matchup
00:41:23we always talk about the crucial 20 seconds
00:41:25in between the periods
00:41:27it's really 2 out of 3 falls
00:41:29you can see how you can score a decision
00:41:31after 6 rounds though
00:41:33the most falls is the winner
00:41:35if it's tied
00:41:37the cup remains with the champion
00:41:39both these men are focused on each other
00:41:41because here we go
00:41:43it has started
00:41:45the clock has begun
00:41:47and Tony D'Angelo right now charging right in
00:41:49speed, speed
00:41:51agile, mobile, versatile
00:41:53he got all of that right there
00:41:55and I think he's hungry
00:41:57he's very hungry
00:41:59he's a competitor
00:42:01I talked about that earlier
00:42:03I got to remind everyone that it was Tony
00:42:05who had Luca Fusifino drop a contract for this matchup
00:42:07and that was because he was eliminated
00:42:09last week in the battle royal by Nathan Frazier
00:42:11and it's the Tag Team Champions
00:42:13who also now know
00:42:15coming up a week from Sunday at Heatwave
00:42:17for Nathan Frazier
00:42:19and he got him
00:42:21and he got him
00:42:2340 seconds
00:42:25Nathan Frazier has scored the first fall
00:42:29expect the unexpected
00:42:31I couldn't even get my Heatwave plug in
00:42:33that was quick
00:42:37Nathan Frazier
00:42:39look at the Don, the Don is ready
00:42:41the Don is angry
00:42:43the Don is maybe more focused now
00:42:46because he just tasted defeat
00:42:48and is down one fall to none
00:42:50Booker, that was 40 seconds
00:42:52and now he's starting round number two
00:42:54quick takedown
00:42:56and now the power games
00:42:58coming into effect for Tony D'Angelo
00:43:00like Mike Tyson said, the plan goes out of the window
00:43:02when you get hit in the mouth
00:43:04that's what the Don is looking for
00:43:06this is second televised defense
00:43:08of the Heritage Cup
00:43:10a unique match to this brand
00:43:12and it's D'Angelo who has upped his cardio training
00:43:14and we'll find out exactly why
00:43:16because of that speed
00:43:18Nathan Frazier
00:43:20as we're now 30 seconds into round number two
00:43:22but it is D'Angelo
00:43:24who is on the back foot
00:43:26because if Frazier gets one more decision
00:43:28the Heritage Cup goes back
00:43:30to Nathan Frazier
00:43:32he'll become a two time Heritage Cup Champion
00:43:34and still be one half
00:43:36of the NXT Tag Team Champions
00:43:38everything about that cup
00:43:40that's why he wants it so bad
00:43:42he's obviously coming into this with a strategy
00:43:44as a former champion
00:43:46he's had more of these matches than D'Angelo
00:43:48that certainly can throw the Don in this game
00:43:50can it not?
00:43:52as well as styles make fights
00:43:54I think the style right now
00:43:56the matchup for the dead
00:43:58big spine buster
00:44:00Ron Simmons just said damn
00:44:02that's a good shot
00:44:04Tony D'Angelo has scored
00:44:06the second fall
00:44:08and we are tied just like that
00:44:11at one fall a piece
00:44:13round one's done, two's done
00:44:15we're on to round three
00:44:17and take a look at the corners right now
00:44:19Axiom is here, that's gotta be a morale boost
00:44:21but look at the Don, he's on his feet
00:44:23he's ready to fight
00:44:25that first fall seemed like it was just a little hiccup
00:44:27in the game plan
00:44:29but now we rolling
00:44:31just driving the air out of the lungs
00:44:33of Nathan Frazier
00:44:35and you gotta wonder if that's what stacks Luka and Rizzo
00:44:37told the Don, focus on the body
00:44:39don't allow Frazier to get back to his feet
00:44:41to utilize his speed
00:44:43Tony D looks great
00:44:45look at his body
00:44:47looks like he's trimmed
00:44:49he's been in the gym
00:44:51he's been training
00:44:53oh yes man
00:44:55unbelievable action in these first two rounds
00:44:57you can see the scoreboard
00:44:59it is tied at one, the next fall, the next decision
00:45:01the cup goes with that superstar
00:45:03and we're now 30 seconds
00:45:05into round number three
00:45:07getting his second win in this matchup
00:45:09puts on the brakes for a moment
00:45:11coming right back in
00:45:13dropkick rocking
00:45:15D'Angelo all the way to the floor
00:45:17this could be the moment
00:45:19that Nathan Frazier needs
00:45:21but he's got caught
00:45:23too many risks
00:45:25no reward
00:45:27who's walking out tonight with the Heritage Cup
00:45:29back live here on NXT
00:45:31the Heritage Cup is on the line
00:45:33two minutes remaining here
00:45:35in round number four
00:45:37tied at one and Nathan Frazier
00:45:39has retaken control of this matchup
00:45:41it didn't work earlier
00:45:43but he moves like a bull
00:45:45and he strikes like a cobra
00:45:47and it was during the last break
00:45:49that last 20 seconds
00:45:51Axiom on the outside
00:45:53really was able to fire up
00:45:55Nathan Frazier for this matchup
00:45:58maybe to give him that little extra push
00:46:00that he needs
00:46:02as Frazier charging right back in
00:46:04and he's able to drop the dime
00:46:06because the next decision
00:46:08Booker is the final one
00:46:1090 seconds left in round four
00:46:12into the cover and a half second
00:46:14from regaining the Heritage Cup
00:46:16was Nathan Frazier
00:46:18Nathan Frazier is letting it all hang out right now
00:46:20Vic, he's going to leave it all
00:46:22in the ring, it's all about one thing
00:46:24right now, that Heritage Cup
00:46:26it's becoming too tight
00:46:28too tight on Jasmine
00:46:30Family's done a great job
00:46:32but also got to point out Axiom
00:46:34it's great that he's here showing support
00:46:36for his tag team partner
00:46:38as putting on the breaks and then baiting in
00:46:40the dime was Frazier
00:46:42and one half of the NXT Tag Team Champions
00:46:44just got caught
00:46:46looking for Snake Eyes, reverse counter
00:46:48shoulders down and another near fall
00:46:50so close at the end of the game
00:46:54with the clock winding down
00:46:56and Frazier kicked out
00:47:00talking about instinct
00:47:02under 40 seconds so Booker the dime right now
00:47:04this could be the opportunity
00:47:06the Family screaming at the dime
00:47:08Axiom screaming at Frazier
00:47:10Frazier and Axiom
00:47:12know that they got to date it
00:47:14heat wave with Chesu for the tag team
00:47:16titles after Chesu
00:47:18won tag team turmoil tonight as Frazier
00:47:20is trying to win the Heritage Cup back
00:47:23Mike! Give me Mike!
00:47:25and the dime looking up
00:47:27he's got 15 seconds left
00:47:29in this round
00:47:31he took too much time
00:47:33Frazier he can hear the
00:47:35clap which means he's got 10
00:47:37he can see the clock he's got 5
00:47:39missile drop kick off the top
00:47:41and both men run
00:47:43out of time
00:47:45what a fight
00:47:47you know Book I want to take you back
00:47:49to the end of
00:47:51round number 3
00:47:53it was right here where the dime got caught
00:47:55his knees buckled
00:47:57from Nathan Frazier who just
00:47:59couldn't draw to the cover
00:48:01much like we just saw here in round number 4
00:48:03but these closing moments
00:48:05the clock paying such a toll
00:48:07in this matchup as the clock was ticking
00:48:09that may have been the dime's
00:48:11best chance moment to go
00:48:13to end this because we're knotted at 1
00:48:15the next decision wins
00:48:17as we're entering into round number 5
00:48:19I can tell you this
00:48:21if the dime lands
00:48:23one more big shot like that big
00:48:25spine buster this thing trust me
00:48:27it's going to be over
00:48:29the dime has grown very fond of the heritage cup
00:48:31so it looks great in his restaurant
00:48:33you see that
00:48:35dime favoring the shoulder right there
00:48:37I don't know if he's going to tweet something or not
00:48:39Tony I'm
00:48:41picking up my monitor so you're seeing
00:48:43you know Book and oh!
00:48:45super kick and that could bring
00:48:48the heritage cup back to Frazier
00:48:50and a kick out by the dime
00:48:52but if you're noticing that you have to assume
00:48:54that Axia maybe in that last 20
00:48:56second period told that to Nathan Frazier
00:48:58the window just opened
00:49:00right now for Nathan Frazier
00:49:02oh! Frazier got caught again
00:49:04that's a big shot I was talking about
00:49:08another near fall
00:49:10you got to be kidding me because
00:49:12that was picture perfect
00:49:14check it out Dick!
00:49:16driven out of the lungs of the challenger
00:49:18as the champion now looking for
00:49:20forget about it but wait a minute
00:49:22inside cradle inside cradle and a kick out
00:49:24you saw Luca Crucifino
00:49:26screaming at the dime as we're under
00:49:282 minutes
00:49:30left here in round number 5 Frazier somehow
00:49:32landed on his feet and Book think about
00:49:34this in round 5 this is now deep
00:49:36waters that's why this match up is so unique
00:49:38you have to start stop start stop
00:49:40you have to keep your composure but also keep up
00:49:42your cardio your corner is so very
00:49:44important in a match up like this
00:49:46just trying to keep you in the game
00:49:48trying to keep you motivated because
00:49:50it's not going to be quick it's not going
00:49:52to be quick at all
00:49:5490 seconds here in round 5 Don
00:49:56creating a little separation close the door
00:49:58and you mentioned that maybe
00:50:00shoulder injury that you
00:50:02noticed you got to think now
00:50:04Nathan Frazier had to have known
00:50:06tell you right now exactly what I'm talking about
00:50:08Nathan Frazier did the right thing
00:50:10you know me man it's all
00:50:12about winning
00:50:14and you got to think too as a referee
00:50:16is up to 6 if this becomes a count out
00:50:18the decision will go to Frazier
00:50:20referees at 8 the Don just back
00:50:22to his feet at 9 and breaks
00:50:24the count but as he got in
00:50:26coast to coast cover
00:50:28into that injured
00:50:30shoulder and the Don Agadon
00:50:32is showing the NXT
00:50:34universe and the WWE universe
00:50:36a lot right now
00:50:38he's an honorable dude
00:50:41but right now he's phoneable man
00:50:43he's very phoneable
00:50:49and this is for the Heritage Cup under
00:50:5130 seconds here in round 5
00:50:53Tony DeAngelo I just peeked up
00:50:55was having trouble just trying to get some
00:50:57feeling into his hands but he's powering
00:50:59through adrenaline will make a man do
00:51:01crazy things as both the champion
00:51:03and the challenger are
00:51:05teetering with 10 seconds left
00:51:07in round 5 the Don
00:51:09is down this could be
00:51:11Frazier's moment can he beat the clock
00:51:17and the Don is
00:51:19saved by
00:51:21the bell
00:51:23and look how
00:51:25disheartening could that
00:51:27be for Nathan Frazier because I want to
00:51:29remind you coming into round number 6
00:51:31this is the final round if this
00:51:33ends in a tie the cup
00:51:35stays with Tony DeAngelo
00:51:37you talk about the shoulder of Tony DeAngelo
00:51:39but he was just punching at the ankle
00:51:41a second ago as well y'all think
00:51:43he missed that victory
00:51:45I'm glad you pointed that out hey look
00:51:47that's why they pay you the big bucks
00:51:49that's why you're the best in the biz
00:51:51because Nathan Frazier saw it
00:51:53Nathan Frazier put him into the steel set
00:51:55now Nathan Frazier can win the cup
00:51:57up and over and right now for
00:51:59Tony DeAngelo he's got to fight
00:52:01the clock into another cover he just
00:52:03peeked up can Tony DeAngelo
00:52:06survive the next 3 minutes as Frazier
00:52:08turns him around turns him inside out
00:52:10Frazier can't hold back
00:52:12it's now or never
00:52:14that's got to be his mindset because a tie
00:52:16doesn't do him a damn thing
00:52:18Nathan Frazier has found
00:52:20the second win victory
00:52:22he's going up top
00:52:24looking for that Phoenix Splash
00:52:2630 seconds off the clock
00:52:28Frazier though was able to see it out of the corner
00:52:30of his eye got a foot up just rocked back
00:52:32the Don Frazier just pulled himself to the
00:52:34top there's no style points here Nathan
00:52:36you got to get a victory in these final
00:52:382 minutes
00:52:40here we go Vic
00:52:42here we go
00:52:44both men
00:52:46precarious position and I don't
00:52:48like Frazier's odds
00:52:50belly to belly
00:52:52the top
00:52:54right back in right back down
00:52:56this is how he got
00:52:58the spin fall earlier and the
00:53:00Don is able
00:53:02to gain the second decision
00:53:04here's your winner
00:53:06and still
00:53:10NXT Heritage Cup
00:53:14the Don of NXT
00:53:20D'Angelo retains
00:53:22the cup
00:53:24with a huge
00:53:26belly to belly
00:53:28followed up by a lot of power
00:53:30and that seemed to be the
00:53:32purpose in this matchup
00:53:34was the back, the spine
00:53:36to drive the air out of the lungs
00:53:38of Nathan Frazier
00:53:40because that has to be the hardest
00:53:42retention in quite some time of the Heritage Cup
00:53:44but for D'Angelo he keeps the cup
00:53:46in the family tonight
00:53:52Young OG
00:53:54I appreciate you having my back earlier bro
00:53:56you alright though
00:53:58I'm good
00:54:00I know you're locking in and all but
00:54:02I can't let you go out there by yourself
00:54:04you know Ethan and Shawn are really good for you
00:54:06especially what happened earlier tonight
00:54:10tonight I got your back
00:54:12I'm in your corner
00:54:14look OG
00:54:16I love that I appreciate that
00:54:18you got a match with me coming up
00:54:20you worked hard for that opportunity
00:54:22you need to focus on that
00:54:24I've seen people go crazy
00:54:26over that title right there
00:54:28so besides man I get cautious when people
00:54:30come around me and say they got my back and all that
00:54:32I'd rather just lock in by myself
00:54:34today, you lock in and I'm gonna see you
00:54:36at heatwave
00:54:38I feel that
00:54:40you go out there, you do your thing
00:54:42and you whoop that tree
00:54:44I appreciate that dog
00:54:46straight like that
00:54:50On the topic of the
00:54:52NXT Champion, he is in action
00:54:54as Shrink Williams will face
00:54:56Shawn Spears, it's our main event
00:54:58it's live tonight
00:55:00here on NXT
00:55:08Up from one champion
00:55:10to another
00:55:12The following contest
00:55:14is scheduled for one fall
00:55:16Introducing first
00:55:18she is the NXT
00:55:20Women's Champion
00:55:22Roxanne Perez
00:55:24She's arrogant
00:55:26and boastful but she looks to
00:55:28once again show that no one is
00:55:30on her level
00:55:36I think this story
00:55:38goes down a path that no one
00:55:40in their right mind could have ever anticipated
00:55:42We blur the lines
00:55:44of fiction and reality
00:55:46If you can continually swerve them
00:55:48then we've done our job
00:55:51The final boss allowed
00:55:53me to be as visceral
00:55:55as I want to be. When chaos happens
00:55:57something magical will come out of it
00:56:07WWE and Indiana Sports Corp
00:56:09yesterday announced a first of its kind partnership
00:56:11that will bring WWE's three largest
00:56:13stadium events, WrestleMania, SummerSlam
00:56:15and Royal Rumble to Indianapolis
00:56:17Kicking off with the Royal Rumble on February
00:56:191st, 2025
00:56:21Lucas Oil Stadium will host all three
00:56:23premium live events including
00:56:25a two-night SummerSlam and a two-night
00:56:27WrestleMania in future years
00:56:31slash events to register to be among the first
00:56:33to receive pre-sale
00:56:43And her opponent
00:56:45Carmen Petrovich
00:56:47As we get back
00:56:49to live action here in
00:56:53Petrovich not wanting to stand by and be tucked
00:56:55down to her karate background
00:56:57has made her very strong-minded
00:56:59and after the altercation we saw
00:57:01between these two, Carmen Petrovich
00:57:03is just gonna walk away
00:57:05from Roxanne Perez
00:57:07I have nothing but good things to say about Petrovich
00:57:09Big, I mean she's got a great look
00:57:11she's got a hell of a future
00:57:13but tonight she's in the ring
00:57:17Shaggy Ducky
00:57:25Roxanne Perez
00:57:27does not like to see the sight
00:57:29of Lola Bryce
00:57:31Give it up
00:57:33Stand up
00:57:35Stand up
00:57:37How you doing Lola?
00:57:39Hello, how are you?
00:57:41You don't want to do that. What do you mean?
00:57:43You did not want to shake his hand
00:57:45He's a snitch
00:57:47You did not want to shake his hand
00:57:49Book, as we get
00:57:51How you doing Lola?
00:57:53I had to come spice things up
00:57:55You know me
00:57:57We're both married
00:58:01Calm down Booker
00:58:03I gotta ask though
00:58:05Lola out here, what was going through your mind last week
00:58:07when Roxanne Perez
00:58:09in control right now hit you with a
00:58:11back fist in the center of the ring
00:58:13You're funny
00:58:15Roxanne didn't hurt me
00:58:17Nothing Roxanne does could ever hurt me
00:58:21Roxanne Perez right now looking up at
00:58:23Carmen Petrovich, she must be thrown off a little bit
00:58:25just as we are with Lola
00:58:27Vice out here and joining us
00:58:29getting a first hand look at the NXT
00:58:31Women's Champion
00:58:33Let's be honest, what are you going to root for here right now?
00:58:35I don't know, are you going to say nice things about Lola
00:58:37Nice things about Roxanne
00:58:39Big kick though
00:58:41from Petrovich
00:58:43Right into a big shot right there
00:58:45I gotta ask too Lola
00:58:47How do you feel when Perez says that
00:58:49you are and no one
00:58:51is on her level as she looks to prove that
00:58:53right now here against Petrovich
00:58:55On her level?
00:58:57I'm on another level
00:58:59These fists don't lie baby
00:59:01You saw what I did to Shayna Baszler in the underground
00:59:03She's next, her days are counted
00:59:05I promise you
00:59:07It was smokin' smokin' hot
00:59:09Las Vegas as always
00:59:11You know Roxanne Perez
00:59:13was watching that matchup as well
00:59:15Delivered an uppercut of her own right back in
00:59:17Looking for the Russian leg sweep
00:59:19Executed, floated over, into the cover
00:59:21Just glanced over here
00:59:23At Lola Vice
00:59:25And Roxanne Perez maybe now is back
00:59:27into a groove
00:59:29Talking a little bit of trash
00:59:31And you know this is sending you a message right now
00:59:33Lola, what Roxanne Perez is doing
00:59:35To Carmen Petrovich
00:59:37In the center of the ring
00:59:39In the side of the ring right by us
00:59:41But you get what I'm trying to say
00:59:43Roxanne Perez
00:59:45Into the cover, hook of the leg
00:59:47And Petrovich, another near fall
00:59:49And I must say they're all levels to this game
00:59:51I mean Roxanne Perez
00:59:53She's a future Hall of Fame
00:59:55Take a nut to the roof
00:59:57Take a nut to the roof
00:59:59Look at what
01:00:01Perez talking trash
01:00:03Oh yeah
01:00:05What that mean?
01:00:07Take a nut
01:00:11Well right now there's no talking
01:00:13For Carmen Petrovich
01:00:15As she's being beaten down in the center of the ring
01:00:17By Roxanne Perez
01:00:19The NXT Women's Champion
01:00:21Who told Petrovich earlier today
01:00:23To go back to watching the stars
01:00:25Go back to watching the show
01:00:27Go back to being in the crowd
01:00:29Those are some harsh words
01:00:31Once upon a time was Carmen Petrovich
01:00:33Bright eyed, just happy to be here
01:00:35But no more
01:00:37Petrovich counters into a cover
01:00:39And a kick out
01:00:41And you know Lola you've had some issues with Carmen Petrovich
01:00:43But have you gained respect for Petrovich
01:00:45Yeah you know I've never really seen eye to eye
01:00:47With Carmencita
01:00:49But martial artist to martial artist
01:00:51I respect her
01:00:53She's a tough competitor
01:00:55And she's doing really well
01:00:57That was a good kick
01:00:59Natalya Nightheart
01:01:01As we just heard from Lola Weiss
01:01:03Carmen Petrovich
01:01:05Is showcasing that toughness
01:01:07Taking it to the champion
01:01:09Come on Roxanne
01:01:11Suck it up
01:01:13Look at that veteran experience
01:01:15From someone so young
01:01:17In this business
01:01:19I love it man
01:01:21Roxanne Perez is arrogant
01:01:23She's boastful
01:01:25And right now she could be looking for the finishing touches
01:01:27Oh yeah
01:01:29As Perez proves her point
01:01:31Once again
01:01:33Here is your winner
01:01:35The NXT
01:01:37Women's Champion
01:01:39Roxanne Perez
01:01:41Take another wave from Carmen Petrovich
01:01:43Who was sidelined with a sprained ankle
01:01:45Several weeks ago
01:01:47She got back in the ring with the champion
01:01:49She took it to Perez
01:01:51But in the end
01:01:53Much like we've seen over the last several months
01:01:55Roxanne Perez
01:01:57Standing tall
01:01:59Don't make any excuses
01:02:01It wasn't an excuse
01:02:03Don't make any excuses
01:02:05Don't don't
01:02:15That 305
01:02:17Just connected
01:02:19Just connected
01:02:23That's how you throw
01:02:25A spinning backflip
01:02:27And Lola Weiss' fists
01:02:29Don't lie
01:02:31But are we getting a glimpse
01:02:33At the future
01:02:37And as a matter of fact
01:02:39Lola Weiss has taken Roxanne Perez
01:02:45You gonna say Shucky Duncan
01:02:47Shop window
01:02:51Blast J' nive
01:02:53Thank you so much for being at the hospital
01:02:55As soon as I got out the surgery
01:02:57With the flowers and the trees
01:02:59You've been checking in everyday
01:03:01Spending time with me
01:03:03It means so much
01:03:05Look, Ethan Page.
01:03:07Done a number on my leg
01:03:09He ripped the tendon
01:03:11Right off the bone
01:03:13So I'm going to be out for a while
01:03:15Look, clearly Ora has been trying his best to get back at Ethan Page.
01:03:19This is more than just getting back at him.
01:03:21This is for Noah.
01:03:22That's right.
01:03:23And that's why you're my main man, manza.
01:03:26See, every time you say that, that really makes me smile.
01:03:29This group makes me smile.
01:03:31And I mean it, I really love you guys.
01:03:33Because of that, this runs deep.
01:03:36See, when I was a kid in Nigeria, I would have never, ever thought I would be here.
01:03:42And how should I say this?
01:03:47When I was six, you know, my dad almost died in a car accident.
01:03:52He literally had to run through a wall of fire to save himself.
01:03:57And by doing that, 60% of his body got burned and scarred,
01:04:01meaning he had to move over to Switzerland for therapy,
01:04:04also meaning me and my brother had to move there too.
01:04:06And you see, while all this was happening and my dad was in the hospital,
01:04:09and my mom was back in Nigeria taking care of everything,
01:04:13me and him, we were placed in a foster care for a while.
01:04:18And it was hard.
01:04:19It was tough.
01:04:21You feel me?
01:04:22Yeah, a bit.
01:04:25Being so far away from home, in a place where you look and
01:04:29you sound different than all the other kids,
01:04:33I really, or we really just didn't feel like we fit in.
01:04:37And honestly speaking, I never felt in my life like I fit anywhere in.
01:04:44Until I met you guys.
01:04:45All right.
01:04:48Amen, Vince.
01:04:50Okay, okay.
01:04:50Good for you.
01:04:51See, that's why I cannot and I will not rest until I get my revenge on Paige for
01:04:58what he did to my guy, Norm.
01:05:01I don't know how did I get here.
01:05:04Menza, that was beautiful, man.
01:05:08Thank you for sharing that.
01:05:09You're beautiful.
01:05:11Merefore is beautiful.
01:05:12Here's to my brother, Menza.
01:05:14And here's to Merefore.
01:05:20That was quite the moment, quite the story from the main man himself.
01:05:27We gotta move on, bud.
01:05:28We gotta move on here now to what's coming up in just a matter of moments.
01:05:34Because with the no quarter catch crew, there's been a lot going on between
01:05:38Jay men.
01:05:39Take the kit.
01:05:40What's going on book?
01:05:41Wait a minute.
01:05:48Looking at
01:05:58It's hard to overestimate how good those guys were.
01:06:08Never really wanted to piss them off too much.
01:06:11In terms of having each other's back, I don't think you could find two people
01:06:15I never thought we'd split up.
01:06:17WWE Legends, new episodes Sunday at 8.
01:06:20Part of WWE Superstar Sunday, only on A&E.
01:06:23Watch next day on the A&E app.
01:06:28WWE Superstar Sunday, only on the A&E app.
01:06:58Next weekend, WWE Money in the Bank comes to Toronto for a jam-packed weekend at the
01:07:22Scotiabank Arena, starting with Friday Night SmackDown on July 5th, followed by Money in
01:07:26the Bank on Saturday, July 6th, and finishing with NXT Heatwave on Sunday, July 7th.
01:07:32Tickets for Money in the Bank weekend are on sale now via Ticketmaster.
01:07:37OTM looked pretty banked up.
01:07:44That's all right.
01:07:45Will you please just go check out OTM in medical for me?
01:07:48Okay, thanks.
01:07:49Hey, well, thank you guys so much for waiting.
01:07:52Look, after what happened last week, how you guys feel is totally justified.
01:07:55So next week, Carly, you're going to go one-on-one with Fundy Chiu.
01:07:59Thanks, Ava.
01:07:59Yeah, you're welcome.
01:08:04When your champion wakes up, you can give this back to her and
01:08:08tell her I won a title match at Heatwave.
01:08:11Quite the night for our general manager.
01:08:18The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
01:08:25Introducing first, Tavian Heights.
01:08:31Take a look at a man, Tavian, who reached the heights of the Olympics
01:08:34competing at the 2020 Games in Tokyo, actually won his first round matchup.
01:08:40He's got quite the pedigree for stepping into the squared circle.
01:08:45And his opponent,
01:08:50representing no
01:08:55corner catch crew, Damon Kemp.
01:09:01You see some of the background from Damon Kemp, who is also an NCAA Division I
01:09:05qualifier, a freestyle national champion.
01:09:08And if you go all the way back, a four-year starter at the University of
01:09:12Minnesota, and was the number one ranked amateur wrestler in high school before
01:09:17attending the University of Minnesota, where he became a gopher.
01:09:21This is a matchup between these two.
01:09:23Both have great amateur backgrounds.
01:09:25Both have, and this is the word I used earlier,
01:09:27that pedigree that Charlie Dempsey wants.
01:09:30He wants a group of high intelligent grapplers.
01:09:33Yes, right now, Damon Kemp, he has a job to do, Vic.
01:09:37He needs to do that job, and he needs to do that job well here tonight,
01:09:41because tonight, it's a test for Tevion.
01:09:44Kemp who's in control,
01:09:45obvious this is some sort of punishment of sorts, I should say, for Kemp.
01:09:49No, this is a test.
01:09:50No, he inadvertently eliminated Charlie Dempsey in the Battle Royal last week,
01:09:54and then Dempsey put him in this one.
01:09:55What are you thinking, man?
01:09:56I'm thinking what I just told you, Tevion Heights with a Papa Shango-esque
01:10:01shoulder breaker.
01:10:03Kevin Kemp's in trouble.
01:10:05You done arguing with me?
01:10:06Look, only one can win in a Battle Royal, Vic.
01:10:09You know that.
01:10:09Yeah, but if you- You know that, right?
01:10:13My God, did he just pop his shoulder back in?
01:10:18I know only one can win, but Charlie Dempsey's point is, if you're a crew,
01:10:22if you're a team, you're not supposed to eliminate one another,
01:10:24as Kemp's still on the outside talking to Dempsey and Myles Bourne.
01:10:27Tevion Heights wanting none of it, but maybe he should have stayed in the ring.
01:10:30Yeah, get that, cause slip it right there.
01:10:33You can't do that with somebody like Damon Kemp, Vic.
01:10:36Again, this is highly sought after recruited athlete, Tevion Heights, and
01:10:39if he wins, he is in the no-quarter catch crew, as right now,
01:10:43Damon Kemp trying to make sure that Tevion Heights does not get in to the NQCC.
01:10:48One, two, three.
01:10:52Kemp just unloading right now.
01:10:53I mean, honestly, do you believe, going back to it, that Kemp eliminated
01:10:56Dempsey on purpose, or do you believe it was just an accident?
01:10:58No, no, I think you did it on purpose, Vic.
01:11:00I think you did it on purpose, because you know why?
01:11:02You win that match, you got a damn good shot at victory and glory.
01:11:07Oh, yes, man.
01:11:09Big German suplex by Kemp, and Tevion Heights now is the one who's in trouble,
01:11:15because for Damon Kemp, there's extra pressure on Kemp.
01:11:18He doesn't want Heights to join the no-quarter catch crew.
01:11:21He doesn't want to look like he's the weak link of the crew.
01:11:24He's taking it right now, too, looking for that angle slam, connected.
01:11:28Kemp into the cover, Heights' shoulders on the mat, and
01:11:32Tevion Heights able to kick out.
01:11:34And look right here, picture perfect, bam.
01:11:38Couldn't get the three, though.
01:11:39And we know when you take a look at Tevion Heights, he's quite the athlete.
01:11:43But can he put it together here tonight against Damon Kemp?
01:11:45Now he's just trying to muscle.
01:11:47Charlie Dempsey, I just looked to my right, a big smile came across his face.
01:11:54As Kemp should just maybe focus on the matchup, should he not?
01:11:57Testing Tevion Heights right now, because the catch crew,
01:12:00they need to know you're all in, man.
01:12:02You got to be in the game as well as you dish it out.
01:12:06Here we go, here we go.
01:12:08That's on the belly to belly, toss connected, coming right back in.
01:12:12Second one for good measure with an exclamation point.
01:12:16Tevion is now in the down corner, catch crew.
01:12:20Here's your winner, Tevion Heights.
01:12:24That man can change an outcome with the flip of a hip.
01:12:28You see him.
01:12:29Charlie Dempsey, I haven't seen him this happy in quite some time.
01:12:32Take another look, bam.
01:12:34Deep hook to the leg as well, and Charlie Dempsey now, all smiles.
01:12:43No quarter catch crew has gotten bigger, better, and stronger.
01:12:54Kalani Jordan, tonight we find out who you'll be defending your title against
01:12:58at Heat Wave.
01:12:59You thought it was going to be Sol Ruca, but
01:13:01it seems like Ariana Grace has talked her way into an opportunity here.
01:13:05Kelly, last week was a definite confident booster when I beat Meechan, and
01:13:10I thought it was going to be Sol next too.
01:13:12But honestly, I just want to be a drama free champion.
01:13:16Defend this title against superstars who deserve the opportunity, and
01:13:19then just move on to the next.
01:13:21Sol, we're friends, she's chill, and she has this great vibe about her.
01:13:27Where Ariana, on the other hand, she's the complete opposite.
01:13:32But hey, props to her for talking her way into a match.
01:13:35I guess we'll see who wins.
01:13:36Thanks, Kelly.
01:13:37Thank you, Kalani.
01:13:38Vic, Booker, back to you.
01:13:40No, no, no, no, no, it ain't gonna happen like that.
01:13:42It is not gonna happen like that.
01:13:44You're not kicking it back to Smitch and Booker.
01:13:45That camera stand right here on me.
01:13:48Meechan, you have the audacity to blindside me after your boy
01:13:51snuck Bronco and Lucian?
01:13:54Okay, so how about next week, you see me face to face, baby.
01:13:57Me and you in a street fight.
01:13:59Now get that damn camera.
01:14:00Let's see what you started.
01:14:06The issue between Jada and Meechan, though, far from over.
01:14:11Smiling for me.
01:14:15The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
01:14:19Introducing first, Ariana Graves.
01:14:24Well, we just saw Tavian Heights make his way to the no-corner catch crew.
01:14:28Who's headed to Toronto?
01:14:30Who will be the number one contender for the Women's North American title?
01:14:33We're gonna find out next.
01:14:34So great out there.
01:14:38My gosh, you were like, boom, and then you were like, yeah.
01:14:42It's really all right, guys, okay?
01:14:43It was fair game out there.
01:14:44I'm just so proud of how good you did.
01:14:46I appreciate it, really.
01:14:47You know, positive, positive, positive.
01:14:50Right, if only positivity could result in wins for us, that would be great.
01:14:53Yes, exactly, Idris.
01:14:57Being this happy-go-lucky does absolutely nothing.
01:15:01Brinley, the guys might be too scared to tell you this, but I'm not.
01:15:05They don't want you around.
01:15:07All you do is feed them these positive Delulu vibes.
01:15:11When in reality, they're never gonna amount to anything, and neither are you.
01:15:18Izzy, if you have a problem, I could just-
01:15:20With you?
01:15:22I really don't.
01:15:23Later, dorks.
01:15:25Is that true?
01:15:32Dude, you were so close.
01:15:34You had Tony D against the ropes there.
01:15:35I appreciate it, amigo.
01:15:37I just, I thought I had him.
01:15:40Hey, hey, hey, there's nothing to be ashamed of.
01:15:43Come on, head high.
01:15:44Plus, after tonight, we can't focus on defending these titles against
01:15:48ACU at Heatwave.
01:15:49They look great in that tag team turmoil, and we should be at our very best.
01:15:52Yeah, yeah, and we will be, all right?
01:15:54Trust me, we'll be ready for them.
01:15:55Let's watch some tape, like the good old times, yeah?
01:15:57Yeah, yeah, that sounds like a great idea.
01:16:00About that, though, you see, I have that WWE speed match tomorrow, and
01:16:04I kind of have to get ready for that.
01:16:05But after that, mate, I promise, full focus, I am all yours, all right?
01:16:09I'm gonna go get my bag checked out, this is freaking kidding me.
01:16:15And her opponent, Sol Ruka.
01:16:29A Frazier better focus on Heatwave, as one of these two women will be headed
01:16:34to Toronto for the Money in the Bank weekend, and have an opportunity
01:16:38at Kalani Jordan and the NXT Women's North American title.
01:16:41But when you think about Sol Ruka, she lives by one of your old sayings,
01:16:45save the drama for your mom.
01:16:48You didn't even want to finish it, you just have a t-shirt with it.
01:16:51You didn't even want to finish it.
01:16:52Save the drama for your baby, that's what I used to say.
01:16:57Well, the same cannot be said for Ariana Gray.
01:16:59She is surrounded by drama, constantly surrounded.
01:17:03She's at her own hands sometimes, because she creates it.
01:17:07I mean, don't sleep on Ariana Gray's feet, just don't do it.
01:17:12I mean, right now, she's got that beauty queen look, that sweet thing going on.
01:17:18But if you get caught in the right place at the right time,
01:17:22I think she's gonna take advantage of it.
01:17:23You might have just set a record for the most of that scenario before you got
01:17:26your coin out.
01:17:26But anyways, there seems to be a lot of animosity over the Women's North
01:17:30American Championship.
01:17:31Meechan had the first crack, Miss Parker didn't like that as we saw.
01:17:34We heard from Fallon Henley last week, she was quite upset.
01:17:36We've seen the whole arc.
01:17:38You know what, I wouldn't call it animosity, Vic.
01:17:40I just, I would say it's a lot of- Jealousy?
01:17:41No, it's a lot of women in that locker room just hungry, man.
01:17:44Hungry for their shot.
01:17:45That North American Championship sparked something.
01:17:49That's the way I look at it.
01:17:50Well then, to your point, we've seen those stare down Kalani Jordan.
01:17:53What must be going through Jordan's mind with everything that has gone on,
01:17:56transpired, and what she's watching right now?
01:17:58You just heard from Kalani Jordan just a second ago, and
01:18:01she seems to be focused and ready for competition.
01:18:04Ready to prove that she is truly the North American Champion.
01:18:07X-Factor from Ruka, and Sol Ruka right now is rolling.
01:18:12Ariana Grace right now needs to figure out some sort of balance,
01:18:16needs to get out of the gates.
01:18:18There's a little bit of a slip by Sol Ruka, and it didn't even bother her.
01:18:21It didn't faze her.
01:18:22Beautiful recovery there by Sol Ruka.
01:18:25Don't get caught slipping with Sol either, man.
01:18:28Don't get caught in the right place at the wrong time.
01:18:31Oh, they're so bored.
01:18:33They're so bored.
01:18:34Yeah, and Grace not certainly going to like that one.
01:18:37But Ruka's had quite the emotional journey at Battleground.
01:18:41At times, do you think that some superstars,
01:18:44some athletes let their emotions get the better of them?
01:18:46I don't think it was the emotions with Sol Ruka just sitting at home being taken
01:18:50out by Blair Davenport definitely will do something, don't you think?
01:18:54Wanting to get back in the action.
01:18:56Sometimes you do it a little too quick, just like that right there.
01:18:59Ariana Grace now might have been able to weather the storm.
01:19:04Grace, who wants to be referred to as Miss NXT.
01:19:06Could you imagine Grace adding gold around her waist to go with her crown?
01:19:11She wants to be called Miss NXT, but let me tell you something.
01:19:14You got to earn those props.
01:19:16I think Ariana is on her way right now tonight.
01:19:19She's looking real good.
01:19:21When Ariana Grace, nice suplex out of the corner.
01:19:23Again, the winner of this matchup heads to Heat Wave.
01:19:26Has the championship opportunity for
01:19:27the North American Women's title against Kalani Jordan.
01:19:31NXT Heat Wave a week from Sunday.
01:19:33Tickets on sale right now,
01:19:36In a near fall, Ruka almost was able to have that championship opportunity.
01:19:42But we brought her up earlier, Fallon Henley.
01:19:44Does Grace need to take a page from Fallon Henley's approach to how to handle
01:19:49You know, that wouldn't be a bad idea.
01:19:51But I think Ariana Grace has her own way of getting to the top.
01:19:55And it's gonna be beautiful, if you understand what I'm saying.
01:19:59I saw what you're doing there.
01:20:00Again, that's why they're paying big bucks.
01:20:02Off the knee, lift into the cover in a near fall.
01:20:04Grace almost was going to grace us with her presence in Toronto.
01:20:08See what I did there?
01:20:10I don't get paid Booker money, but it is what it is.
01:20:12It's Grace now trying to wear down Sol Ruka.
01:20:15Ruka trying to find some way to get back into this matchup,
01:20:18trying to feed off the energy from the NXT Universe.
01:20:21But ripped right back down.
01:20:23Grace right back on the offensive.
01:20:24Nice sidestep.
01:20:25Sol Ruka now charging in.
01:20:27And this is Sol Ruka, weathering the storm.
01:20:31Trying to use that emotion to her advantage.
01:20:33And it almost looked like she slipped off the bottom rope, but
01:20:36was able to turn her body midair, connect with Grace.
01:20:41And Grace with a counter.
01:20:43Grace with a roll through and another near fall.
01:20:46What a match, Book.
01:20:47Yeah, I mean, if Ariana Grace would have held the tights right there,
01:20:50I thought she could have got a three count.
01:20:51What do you mean hold the tights?
01:20:53Just like I said.
01:20:54She doesn't want to earn it by cheating and cutting corners.
01:20:56As Grace back in, Sol Ruka slipped one more time.
01:21:01And you gotta wonder if the emotions I talked about get into these two women,
01:21:04because they know what's on the line.
01:21:06That championship matchup at Heatwave, that golden moment.
01:21:09Sol Ruka said screw it, I'm just gonna go for the home run.
01:21:14Sol Snatcher, and Sol rides the wave to Toronto.
01:21:19Here is your winner, Sol Ruka.
01:21:23Riding the Heatwave all the way to the Great White North.
01:21:32What a match.
01:21:33What a way for Sol Ruka, another picture perfect Sol Snatcher.
01:21:38And with that, Sol Ruka now has the opportunity she's been waiting for.
01:21:47A week from Sunday, part of Money in the Bank weekend.
01:21:50Can Sol do it like Lani?
01:21:53Can she do it better than Lani?
01:21:55Jordan, Ruka for the Women's North American title at Heatwave.
01:21:59Of course, of course, you're behind this, Ava.
01:22:07You know, she's like your general manager.
01:22:08Doesn't mean you can just take people's stuff.
01:22:10And why the hell did you let that happen?
01:22:11My god, Roxanne, yeah, it was me.
01:22:13I took your title.
01:22:14No, you tried to attack Lola.
01:22:17She laid you out.
01:22:18She took your title and then brought it here.
01:22:20Nothing to do with me.
01:22:22Sol, it's just so great to see you, Ava.
01:22:24Yeah, it is.
01:22:26Actually, Roxanne, you can get your revenge on Lola
01:22:30when you defend that title against her at Heatwave.
01:22:33It's just so fun for you, isn't it, Ava?
01:22:38Yeah, it is.
01:22:41A big match just made by Ava, but a big main event as NXT Champion,
01:22:47Tripp Williams looks for payback for what went down last week and
01:22:51what went down earlier tonight.
01:22:53Can Williams whoop that Tripp Williams?
01:22:56Spears, made him at time on NXT.
01:22:59I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Roman, he's not coming back.
01:23:12Here comes Orton, here comes Owens, doing their best to aid the American Nightmare.
01:23:18My God, Wade, the rumors are true.
01:23:20That's Jacob Button.
01:23:22God help us all.
01:23:25Friday, at the world's most famous arena, a bloodline acknowledgement ceremony.
01:23:30Can anyone stop Solo Sokoa's rise to power?
01:23:34From the historic Madison Square Garden,
01:23:36it's Friday Night SmackDown, Friday 8, 7 Central, only on Fox.
01:23:4115 superstars and
01:23:42legends are heading to Fanatics Fest New York City this August at the Javits Center.
01:23:48Meet Cody Rhodes, Liv Morgan, Jey Uso, Rhea Ripley, WWE legend Hulk Hogan,
01:23:53WWE Hall of Famer, the wise man Paul Heyman, and more on Saturday, August 17th,
01:23:58and Sunday, August 18th.
01:24:00Get your tickets for the ultimate event for all sports fans and
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01:24:08Hey, but I'm excited I'm going against you.
01:24:15I'll see you at Heat Wave.
01:24:16I'll see you in Toronto, champ.
01:24:19I'll see you at Heat Wave.
01:24:22Isn't that just so sweet?
01:24:25Makes me wanna throw up.
01:24:27Sure does.
01:24:28And what's sickening is how we are always overlooked.
01:24:30But of course, not Kalani, not Sol, no.
01:24:33Nope, just the girls that have been here for years.
01:24:37Case in point, Carmen,
01:24:38another one who hasn't earned the opportunities that she's just been given.
01:24:42Maybe we should do something about that.
01:24:48Yeah, maybe we should.
01:24:52Look, we got breaking news because it's official.
01:24:55The issues run deep between these two.
01:24:57And next week, Meechan will face Jada Parker in a street fight.
01:25:01Parker issued the challenge.
01:25:02Will Meechan make her pay live next week on NXT?
01:25:07And before their championship clash in Toronto, Lola Bites and
01:25:10Roxanne Perez will be face to face.
01:25:13Just five nights before their NXT Women's Championship matchup at NXT Heat Wave.
01:25:18It's all going down live next Tuesday here on NXT.
01:25:22Truth will ultimately prevail.
01:25:27But there's pain bringing it to light.
01:25:32There's pain bringing it to light.
01:25:37There's pain bringing it to light.
01:25:42There's pain bringing it to light.
01:25:47There's pain bringing it to light.
01:25:50The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
01:25:54Introducing first, Shawn Spears.
01:26:00On X, Spears posted, to live is to suffer.
01:26:04To survive is to find some meaning in suffering.
01:26:09There's no doubt that Shawn Spears is going to look to punish and
01:26:14to make our NXT champion suffer here tonight.
01:26:18But joining us here ringside is All Ego, Ethan Page.
01:26:22And what brings you ringside?
01:26:25What up, Ego?
01:26:26What up, boy?
01:26:27How you doing, dog?
01:26:27I'm great.
01:26:28No, no, I'm good, you bozo.
01:26:29Don't touch me.
01:26:30You see what I'm saying?
01:26:31Come on, man.
01:26:32You see what I'm saying?
01:26:33I'm here to watch the main event.
01:26:34What do you think?
01:26:35He's a snitch.
01:26:36That's what he is, Ethan.
01:26:37Fair enough, he's a snitch.
01:26:42I like it.
01:26:59Yeah, man.
01:26:59Oh, yeah, man.
01:27:01And his opponent, He is the NXT Champion, Trin Williams.
01:27:15That's right.
01:27:16That's Trin.
01:27:18That's the Champ, dog.
01:27:21You want to take back anything, Ethan?
01:27:22I mean, he's only stating facts, okay.
01:27:26I'm doing my job.
01:27:27Why are you trying to make me, why are you trying to make me,
01:27:31between me and all ego?
01:27:33Don't do that, don't do that, your makeup's running.
01:27:37John Spears looking at me.
01:27:39John Spears looking at me.
01:27:40You're a hater.
01:27:41I'm not a hater.
01:27:41There you are. I'm not a hater and I'm not a snitch.
01:27:43Let's get that out right now.
01:27:45But I will say, we're talking about facts.
01:27:47You made a statement.
01:27:48You made a clear statement last week.
01:27:50That's right.
01:27:51I pinned the number one contender.
01:27:52I should be the number one contender.
01:27:54And yet here we are.
01:27:56Well, here we are with Sean Spears coming right out at Trick Williams.
01:28:00We gotta fight big, we gotta fight early.
01:28:02Going back to last week, it was Trick who tried to help Evans and
01:28:05instead turned around and got pummeled by our guest on commentary.
01:28:09All Ego, Ethan Page and his opponent tonight here.
01:28:11Great descriptive word.
01:28:12John Spears.
01:28:13You know, two people share one common cause and that's to beat the hell out of Trick Williams.
01:28:17You gotta understand that, Trick.
01:28:19You gotta understand.
01:28:20We pinched him in and this man right here, All Ego, they're not here to play games.
01:28:25They're not here to make friends.
01:28:26They're here to make money, man.
01:28:27Checks the championships.
01:28:28Checks the championships.
01:28:30Thank you, Booker.
01:28:30Well, right now, the champ is being taken down and
01:28:33it is Sean Spears who is in control of our champion, that being Trick Williams.
01:28:38And the thing that really stood out last week that I wanna come to you, Booker,
01:28:42about- Man, that's hot.
01:28:44Does Trick still need to get comfortable being uncomfortable?
01:28:48You gotta understand, man, when you're the champ, you're in a tough spot.
01:28:54You got the hoodie.
01:28:55He's whooping that trick.
01:28:56I'm dead, man.
01:28:57I'm enjoying this.
01:28:58This is high impact, Vic.
01:29:04This is high impact and- You got Trick signed.
01:29:07Ethan, I gotta- Yeah.
01:29:08I gotta ask, who do you think is gonna be victorious in this matchup?
01:29:10What are you, an idiot?
01:29:11Obviously, the champion.
01:29:12The number two in NXT, clearly, cuz I'm number one, I'm just uncrowned.
01:29:18Champion's advantage, Vic.
01:29:19That's a very, very simple answer.
01:29:21He's got the belt.
01:29:22Of course, he's gonna win.
01:29:23Hot man.
01:29:24Right back in is William Spears.
01:29:26Both men had the same thought, don't miss a second of the action,
01:29:31our picture-picture break.
01:29:32My god.
01:29:33Trip William.
01:29:38The pizza.
01:29:42Get that pizza.
01:32:17back live on NXT and it's a cross-face center the ring Sean Spears looking to
01:32:21make the NXT champion Trick Williams tap out here tonight and what would a victory
01:32:26do for Spears?
01:32:27I mean it would send him straight to the moon, put him at the top of the food chain.
01:32:31I'm talking about a guy that's on that path to where he's really,
01:32:35really looking to be here at NXT.
01:32:37This is dire straits right now for Trick Williams.
01:32:39He's trying to crawl, muster the energy to reach out and
01:32:43finally made his way to the bottom rope.
01:32:45And I can't go back to what we just saw moments ago,
01:32:49that it was Aura, Mensa right here.
01:32:52I mean, he spilled his heart out earlier.
01:32:56And I mean, he looked to tear the heart out of Ethan Page for
01:33:00everything that has gone on.
01:33:01But back to your point for Sean Spears, this is a huge matchup.
01:33:05Trick Williams, the NXT champion.
01:33:07If you can pin the NXT champion in a non-title matchup,
01:33:10that certainly does shoot you to the moon as you would say.
01:33:13It puts you on the mountain, Vic.
01:33:14I mean, Sean Spears is here to go on that winning path and
01:33:18it starts right here with Trick Williams.
01:33:22We talked about Sean Spears and Ethan Page, it was Spears who brought up that he
01:33:26beat Javon Evans, who is the rightful number one contender to Trick Williams in
01:33:31the NXT Championship at Heatwave.
01:33:33And you wonder, is Evans watching this match as a friend or
01:33:36as Trick's future opponent?
01:33:38What do you think?
01:33:39Young OG wants to be the OG of NXT one day, and
01:33:43his eye is on this man right here, Trick Williams.
01:33:47Look here, DTA, DTA, Vic, you cannot trust anyone, man.
01:33:52And is that why Trick Williams is keeping Evans at arm's reach?
01:33:55Because Evans, who wanted to be out here tonight to help Trick Williams,
01:33:59has Williams.
01:34:00Nice counter though by Spears, had it scouted.
01:34:02Back in with a super kick.
01:34:03One of the things Trick Williams has done in a long time.
01:34:06Think about who's numero uno, Matt.
01:34:11And it's Spears again, crawling into the cover, hook of the leg, and
01:34:16another ear fall, almost able to pin the NXT Champion.
01:34:20And wow, high impactful offense.
01:34:23And Sean Spears, would you say, is very deliberate in his approach?
01:34:27In ring and out of ring.
01:34:28Not just deliberate, he's very diabolical, Vic.
01:34:32This is our main event of NXT.
01:34:34A week from Sunday, it is NXT Heat Week.
01:34:37Right now, it is Sean Spears taking on the NXT Champion, Trick Williams.
01:34:42Trick Williams does not wanna suffer defeat before he defends his title
01:34:46in Toronto.
01:34:48We talk about Evans, the rightful number one contender,
01:34:51the man who believes he is the number one contender.
01:34:54Sat ringside with us, Ethan Page, who was ran off by the main man, Mensa.
01:34:58And for Sean Spears, he's trying to stay in the conversation.
01:35:02But Trick Williams now just got caught with a jumping knee.
01:35:04His knees buckled, right back around, catches Spears.
01:35:07What a combination by these two right now, Vic.
01:35:11God, man.
01:35:13Williams somehow only stayed on his feet because of the tap rope, but
01:35:17just caught Sean Spears.
01:35:19That man, that man, man.
01:35:27Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:35:30Get out of here.
01:35:32Is that extra security that's-
01:35:33Out here.
01:35:35Come on.
01:35:37Come on.
01:35:39Come on.
01:35:41Come on.
01:35:43Come on.
01:35:45Come on.
01:35:47Come on.
01:35:49Come on.
01:35:51Come on.
01:35:53What the?
01:35:55Come on.
01:35:57Come on.
01:36:00And Williams just got hit across the face.
01:36:02All hell's breaking loose.
01:36:04And Sean Spears in the center of the ring, hoisting up the champ.
01:36:08C-4 into the corner.
01:36:10And with-
01:36:12One, two, three.
01:36:14Sean Spears has just pinned the NXT Champion.
01:36:18Here is your winner, Sean Spears.
01:36:22Looking in the eyes of the man who called his shot earlier tonight.
01:36:32But, Booker, this was, this was chaotic.
01:36:44We had stuff getting thrown at us.
01:36:48We were turning away, we turned back around.
01:36:51We see that C4 from Shawn Spears.
01:36:53I'm looking over.
01:36:54There's kids crying in the front row after what just happened with all the crap that
01:36:59we just witnessed.
01:37:00In the end, it is Shawn Spears who just pinned the NXT champion in front of a stunned,
01:37:08an absolutely stunned NXT Universe.
01:37:11What the?
01:37:21Ava, Ava, what the hell are you gonna do about this?
01:37:28Spears just beat the NXT champion.
01:37:30I don't believe it.
01:37:31Yeah, but Javon won the Battle Royal.
01:37:33Yes, but Ethan beat Javon.
01:37:35Spears just beat Trey.
01:37:37Yes, but all right.
01:37:38Yeah, guys.
01:37:39Ava, what are we gonna do?
01:37:40What are you gonna do?
01:37:41All right.
01:37:42Here's what I'm gonna do.
01:37:45Everyone has compelling cases.
01:37:48So, Heat Wave, NXT Championship, Fatal 4-Way.
01:37:56I love that.
01:37:57Thank you.
01:38:10Thank you.
01:38:11Thank you.
01:38:12Thank you.
01:38:13Thank you.
01:38:14Thank you.
01:38:15Thank you.
01:38:16Thank you.
01:38:17Thank you.
01:38:18Thank you.
01:38:19Thank you.
01:38:20Thank you.
01:38:21Thank you.
01:38:22Thank you.
01:38:23Thank you.
01:38:24Thank you.
01:38:25Thank you.
01:38:26Thank you.
01:38:27Thank you.
01:38:28Thank you.
01:38:29Thank you.
01:38:30Thank you.
01:38:31Thank you.
01:38:32Thank you.
01:38:33Thank you.
01:38:34Thank you.
01:38:35Thank you.
01:38:36Thank you.
01:38:37Thank you.
01:38:38Thank you.