Julian Assange's potential release: Implications for Australia-US relations, analysed by ABC's David Speers

  • 3 months ago
Julian Assange's potential release is poised to resolve a challenging issue in the relationship between Australia and the U.S. This situation has grown increasingly complex over the years, with implications for diplomatic ties and public opinion in both countries. For a deeper analysis of what Assange's freedom could mean for these international relations, here's ABC's political lead, David Speers, who will provide his insights into the developments.


00:00A plea deal was always the most likely way.
00:06This extraordinary legal, diplomatic and political saga was going to end.
00:11It had been flagged by the US and was being privately pushed by the Australian government.
00:16After five long years in a maximum security jail, his health deteriorating and the uncertainty
00:21of a US election around the corner, Julian Assange has now taken the deal.
00:27It means the US gets a guilty plea, satisfying those who have long argued the Wikileaks
00:32founder endangered national security and the lives of intelligence sources.
00:37It upholds the power of the US Espionage Act, leaving questions over the extent of protections
00:43for press freedom.
00:45Australia gets its citizen back home, after a multi-party consensus formed here with the
00:50view this saga had dragged on far too long and after the Prime Minister stepped up pressure
00:55on the US for a solution.
00:57This case had become an irritant in the Australia-US relationship, which was otherwise only getting
01:03stronger on the strategic front.
01:05That irritant will now be removed, much to the relief of both sides.
