Clarissa (1991) British Drama BBC TV E #04 Miniseries | Sean Bean Saskia Wickham

  • 4 months ago
#clarissa #seanbean #miniseries #barrybostwick
Clarissa Harlowe is a young 18th-century Englishwoman. Her family have aspirations to move into the aristocracy and want her to marry the repellent Mr. Soames as part of their plan. Clarissa manages to escape from them with the help of the handsome Lovelace, whose intentions towards her prove to be less than entirely honorable.
00:00Lady Bessie, my cousin Charlotte, an honour to meet you.
00:30Let me introduce Miss Clarissa Harper.
00:35Now leave us.
00:37Oh but I...
00:38Leave us and don't presume to return until you are expressly called for.
00:54I know that nephew of mine.
00:59Now come and sit down. I want to talk to you.
01:16There is no need for you to explain who is at fault in this matter. I know my nephew of old.
01:23What I have to say to you is not so much for his sake
01:26as for mine, for Charlotte's and for all our family.
01:33We are very well aware of your virtues and when we heard that you and he...
01:38It seemed the best thing that could happen. Such a strong moral example.
01:44Such a steadying influence.
01:48I did once hope so. I once hoped I might be a humble means of reforming his morals
01:53but not now. Now my only resolve is to prevent him from corrupting mine.
02:01You are stronger than you think my dear.
02:05The insults you have suffered may be of too delicate a nature to bear inquiry.
02:09Yet since happily he did not abandon all self-discipline and since he is now deeply and
02:16I believe genuinely penitent, might we just this once forgive him?
02:22I say we because an offence to you must be an offence to Charlotte
02:27and an offence to all virtuous women.
02:30He needs you my dear. Only you can save him.
02:34And how shall I save myself?
02:37Oh my poor child. You are so alone.
02:43We must stay with you. Let us stay with you may we?
02:48Do say yes.
02:50You must ask Mr Lovelace. He has engaged all the other rooms.
02:55Fetch Morrison.
02:58The air will do us good. A walk on the heath. Now and then a rustic sermon.
03:06Would you object? Do please say.
03:09As your ladyship wishes.
03:14Ah nephew we are staying. Kindly see about our rooms.
03:23Charlotte you are the romantic. You shall have the view of the heath.
03:28Morrison you must return to town. We shall need nightgowns, walking clothes, parasols.
03:33I have some letters in my private box.
03:35Certainly. Morrison.
03:36Private letters. I trust nobody with the key.
03:41And our jewels. There was the most dreadful robbery on the heath just two days ago.
03:48Ah well. Seems there's no help for it.
03:51We have come unprepared for our country sojourn.
03:54We must return to town and don our rural ribbons and bows.
04:03We shall all go together. You too my dear.
04:07Oh no. I'll stay.
04:10Nonsense. She shall not deprive us of the pleasure of her company shall she Charlotte.
04:16Morrison you shall stay here and see about the rooms.
04:18Really my lady. I'm hardly dressed for visiting.
04:21But you look charming doesn't she Charlotte?
04:25So unaffected.
04:29Perhaps just...
04:38Ah mrs Moore. It is mrs Moore isn't it?
04:41Yes my lady.
04:43Dinner at nine if you would for... how many are we?
04:47For all of us.
04:50Come my dear. There's so much I want to talk to you about.
05:07How happy Lord Marchmont will be to see you.
05:10Really he can talk of no one else.
05:12Miss Harlow is his constant theme.
05:15What a pleasure it must be to give so much joy to those you meet.
05:18Where are we? Where are we going?
05:22Is not this our way?
05:23Fool of a man. I tell him quite distinctly.
05:26What treachery is this? Why have you brought me here?
05:30Is this the house you told me?
05:32Nephew what do you mean by this?
05:35The fool misunderstood me.
05:37But since we are here I'll just ask if there are any letters.
05:42My dearest why so wild?
05:44You can stay in the coach if you prefer.
05:49We shall all stay in the coach.
05:51Do not distress yourself niece.
05:53May I call you that?
05:54We shall stay with you.
05:55Any letters for me Dorcas?
05:57Two sir and a gentleman mr Dolman waiting above an hour.
06:00My dear are you ill?
06:02No no I'm well.
06:04I'm quite well.
06:05Won't the man drive on?
06:07I'm quite well.
06:09Man drive on.
06:10Oh but we must get out.
06:12Nephew your lady will faint.
06:15Girl a glass of heart's horn and water.
06:17My dear you must step out.
06:19We must cut your leg soon.
06:20No no.
06:21I won't force her against her will.
06:23Let the coach go on.
06:25My dear you are ill.
06:27I really think you must step out just for a few minutes.
06:30You will come to know how.
06:31We shall stay with you.
06:33Drive on.
06:34Here drink this.
06:37It will calm you.
06:43There now.
06:45Give me your hand.
06:47Fear nothing.
06:48I will not stir from your side.
06:53Trust me.
06:55You are quite safe.
07:04I will bless your footsteps madam if once more you honor my home with your presence.
07:23I am here don't worry.
07:25We shall only stay a few minutes.
07:27Just a few minutes.
07:29Come you sing there bring some tea this minute.
07:31We shan't stop long.
07:33This instant.
07:35Lean upon my arm.
07:39How you tremble.
07:41Sit here.
07:42I'll be back in a moment.
07:44I'll be back in a moment.
07:46I'll be back in a moment.
07:48I'll be back in a moment.
07:51Sit here upon this chair.
08:01The tea will be here soon.
08:03I'm sure it will revive you.
08:20It tastes strange.
08:37It's the London milk.
08:41You must rest.
08:50I shall come back in a few minutes.
08:52Don't leave me.
09:00I shall return before you know I've gone.
09:21Thank you.
09:24Well nephew she's all yours.
09:27It's up to you now.
09:32Can you play your part as well as we played ours?
09:34Bravo Connie you were magnificent.
09:38So convincing.
09:40Almost as good as our matchmaker here.
09:51Where's Lady Betty?
10:04They will be here this instant.
10:07I'm so thirsty.
10:09Throat's parched.
10:12Here drink this.
10:15What is it?
10:23Why am I still here?
10:26Oh lovely.
10:27My angel.
10:28Why this wildness?
10:32Take me out of this vile house.
10:34And what prayer madam has this house done to you?
10:37Let me tell you madam.
10:45I am amazed at the freedoms you take with my character.
10:49God help me.
10:51Who will protect me?
10:52I will protect you.
10:53Dearest love.
13:07Why did you drag me here for this time?
13:15The trial is over.
13:19Clarissa lives.
13:21You savage.
13:24How could you?
13:26This will not be the end of it.
13:29If I were a brother I'd hunt you down.
13:32I will not rest until this violation has cleaned the blood of one of us.
14:37What further evils are reserved for me?
14:58I find I am your prisoner.
15:23I am truly, truly sorry.
15:27Don't touch me.
15:33I love you.
15:34I love you.
15:36Some new stratagem.
15:37Believe me.
15:40As I believed Captain Tomlinson and Lady Betty.
15:45How you all must have laughed.
15:48Such a witty masquerade.
15:50Let me make amends.
15:54Can you blot out the past week?
16:00Am I or am I not at my own liberty now?
16:04Or is the pantomime not yet over?
16:08Once subdued, always subdued.
16:11Is that not one of your maxims?
16:14Every woman is at heart a rake.
16:21Do you think to make me your whore?
16:25My wife.
16:29Marry me.
16:51I warn you, do not make me desperate.
16:53My patience is not inexhaustible.
16:57No other man will have you now.
17:01Depend upon it, madam.
17:03You shall be mine.
17:07My soul is above you, man.
17:10Urge me not to tell you how sincerely I know my soul is above you.
17:17I would not bind myself in covenant with you for a thousand, thousand worlds.
17:32More of her nonsense.
17:34I never heard of such a doings in my life between a chicken of a gentleman and a tiger of a lady.
17:39She's new to it.
17:41Leave her to us.
17:43We'll show her the way.
17:46Why on earth did it take him so long?
17:51She's not getting any comfort from me.
17:55She's one of us now.
17:57She can use her airs.
17:59She can use her airs and graces to satisfy some of our young gentlemen.
18:13Didst ever see a license, Jack?
18:17Can there be so much harm done if it can be so easily repaired by a few magical words as
18:22I, Robert, take thee Clarissa.
18:25And I, Clarissa, take thee.
18:26And I, Clarissa, take thee, Clarissa.
18:28And I, Clarissa, take thee, Robert.
18:30And all the rest of the for-better-and-for-worse hocus-pocus.
18:39Stop there.
18:41You must not go out, madam.
18:43How dare you?
18:44Oh, no.
18:45Mr. Lovelace!
18:46I will go.
18:47You have no right.
18:53Is this your doing?
18:54Do you authorize these women?
18:58What right have they, or you, to stop me?
19:00My dear, you are not well.
19:02Indeed, I am sick of you.
19:08Let me go.
19:08Compose yourself.
19:10For your own sake, compose yourself.
19:13Depend upon it, madam.
19:15This is not the way to avoid the evils you dread.
19:20Stay there.
19:21Stop where you are.
19:26Don't touch me.
19:29You fiend.
19:31I will do it.
19:33I'm not afraid to die.
19:36The law shall be my refuge.
19:39The law.
19:53Oh, Jack, whose triumph now?
20:21Mine or hers?
20:22A woman's tears used to be to me like oil upon a flame.
20:27How can I say the trial is over when the will,
20:29the consent, is lacking?
20:33Oh, I can never, never let her go.
20:37My old fool of an uncle, Lord Marchmont, is dangerously ill.
20:41I must hover dutifully at his bedside, or Pop goes my inheritance.
20:45Watch over my charmer for me, Jack.
20:48The Sinclair girls are savages.
20:51Vow for me, swear for me.
20:53Bind thy soul to her for my honour.
20:55For I have told her we will marry upon my return.
20:59Oh, muslin?
21:04I wanted silk, Miss Lyons.
21:06With ruffles here and here.
21:09And a big bow.
21:10I was told it was to be a private ceremony.
21:13Everything very simple.
21:15No frills.
21:17You can take the dress off now, madam.
21:21I was told the bride is rather a Puritan.
21:24Oh, her.
21:24Nobody minds her.
21:26Mr. Lovelace is paying, and Mr. Lovelace likes a show.
21:50Miss Lyons, where are you going?
22:50Miss Clarissa Harlow?
23:17Yes, who are you?
23:18You must come with us.
23:19What do you mean?
23:20We have a warrant for your arrest.
23:22That's right, my dearie.
23:24Such handsome lodgings.
23:25Who did you think was going to pay for them?
23:27Keep away.
23:27Don't let her near me.
23:29A hundred and fifty pounds is no small sum to lose
23:32by a young runaway who would have built her lodgings.
24:20Permit me, madam, to...
24:37No, go away.
24:39I beseech you, madam, please.
24:41Let me take you from this terrible place.
24:43Are you?
24:47I think your name is Belfort.
24:50Yes, it is.
24:53And a constant admirer of your virtues.
24:56No, leave me.
25:01Leave me.
25:03I will owe no obligation to a friend of his.
25:09You owe no obligation to anyone.
25:13The debt is paid.
25:15The arrest was false, madam.
25:17Please, I have my coach outside.
25:20Are you to be my keeper now?
25:24I would as soon die here as anywhere.
25:33Take this.
25:35It's all I have left.
25:37If you wish to help me,
25:39take it and pay my jailor the price of these lodgings.
25:42Just keep enough for my decent burial.
25:46Take it.
25:49Why won't you take it?
25:50I have no one else to ask.
26:20Why should marriage be a life sentence?
26:37Why shouldn't men and women do as birds do,
26:39change partners every year?
26:41Once I'm in Parliament,
26:42I shall introduce a bill for annual marriages.
26:45What a splendid reform.
26:47It would eradicate any number of capital sins at a stroke.
26:50Rape, adultery, bigamy, dueling, murder.
26:54No more domestic bondage.
26:56Marriage would be a perpetual honeymoon.
26:59What glorious variety.
27:01What freedom of choice.
27:03Everyone would be married a dozen times at least.
27:06The churches would be the principal marketplace for the fair sex.
27:09Congregations would swell.
27:11In short, a total improvement in morals,
27:14manners and happiness of both sexes.
27:16How does Miss Clarissa Harlow, sir?
27:19I have not seen Miss Harlow for some days.
27:23If what I've heard is true, sir,
27:24you have much to answer for on her account.
27:27That lady has so much virtue and so much delicacy
27:30that little sins are great ones in her eyes.
27:32No one who knows Mr Lovelace believes he can commit little sins.
27:36You are very good to me, Miss Doyley.
27:39Indeed, sir, I am not.
27:43There would not be an old maid left in Great Britain
27:45in all its territories.
27:47What an odd soul must she be
27:48who could not have her 12 months' trial.
28:06You could distinguish types of women like flowers,
28:09some annuals and some perennials.
28:14I must talk to you.
28:15Not for a king.
28:16Please, only you can speak for me.
28:18Speak for you?
28:20I abhor you, vilest of men. I detest you.
28:22You cannot call me anything worse than I call myself.
28:25I have indeed been the vilest of men, but not now.
28:27Believe me, please.
28:30But ten words in private.
28:31Not one.
28:34Have you no idea that your actions have caused Miss Harlow to be imprisoned?
28:38Is everything all right?
28:40I ask but ten words of Miss Howe, sir.
28:43Please, be a witness.
28:45And you, madam?
28:46Hear, Allah, what he has to say to me.
28:48To get rid of him, hear his ten words.
29:13Lady Elizabeth Lawrence and Miss Charlotte Montague.
29:43My Lady Betty.
29:55Impersonate me with your strumpets.
29:58You are a disgrace to the name you bear and a traitor to all around you.
30:13My dearest sister, if I did not think my state of health most precarious,
30:44I should hardly dare to write.
30:47It is with trembling that I beg you to intervene with my father
30:51to revoke that heaviest part of the heavy curse he laid upon me,
30:56which relates to the hereafter.
31:00As for the here, I have already met with my punishment.
31:04For God's sake, your father's curse must be lifted.
31:13But she was warned.
31:15She was advised.
31:17Her duty was made plain to her.
31:20But our sister chose to place her own selfish inclinations
31:25above all sense of prudence or responsibility.
31:29We can hardly pretend surprise at the result.
31:32No pity.
31:34We only wish her conduct had made her case more pitiable.
31:39But it was of her own seeking.
31:41If what she says is true, then she must prosecute.
31:45It is her duty.
31:47Nothing will be heard in her favor unless she does.
31:51A modest woman, however just her case,
31:54must surely shrink from the exposure of a public inquisition.
31:57And if she dare not prosecute, she must marry the fellow.
32:01A husband makes a charming fig leaf for a wife's little failings.
32:12I cannot.
32:13You must try.
32:15A little bread and water is all I need.
32:18Come, madam.
32:19Resolve to do all in your power to get well, and you'll soon be better.
32:24No sin attaches to you.
32:28Read it.
32:29Saint Augustine.
32:31I have already done so.
32:33The city of God is my soul's ease.
32:39Bodily chastity is not lost, even when the body has been ravished,
32:43while the mind's chastity endures.
32:47Therefore, when a woman has been ravished without her consent
32:50and forced by another's sin,
32:53she has no reason to punish herself by a voluntary death.
32:57Death is not a punishment.
33:00Death is my friend.
33:03The only real dishonor is compromise and self-betrayal.
33:09Death is my independence.
33:16My dearest Anna,
33:17truest friend,
33:19do not grieve for me.
33:22Adversity, you once told me, is my shining time.
33:25And so I believe it is.
33:28Never prefer a libertine to a man of honor.
33:31You see, I'm better at giving advice than taking it.
33:36Mr. Hickman is a man of honor.
33:42You must marry him.
33:48Farewell, beloved friend.
33:52Your Clarissa.
33:55One pair of steps, is it not? I'll find her.
33:57Who's there?
34:03Is she here?
34:09Do you want to kill her?
34:11Let me pass.
34:15Not one word.
34:17Not a word.
34:19I'll kill her.
34:21I'll kill her.
34:23I'll kill her.
34:25I warn you.
34:26Not me.
34:32I will not lose her.
34:34I will have her.
34:36My heart is set on it.
34:38I will have her.
34:39Even on her deathbed.
34:41Then you'll have to kill me first.
35:09Was Lovelace here?
35:12He's gone now.
35:14Can he never leave me in peace?
35:18Will he pursue me to the grave?
35:31Mr. Lovelace.
35:35I have good news to tell you.
35:38I'm setting out with all speed for my father's house.
35:43I hope he will receive his poor penitent with a goodness peculiar to himself.
35:49I beg you, sir.
35:51Do not disturb or interrupt me.
35:55I beseech you, do not.
35:58I pray you may so redeem yourself that we may, one day, meet again in his presence.
36:16Mr. Lovelace.
36:18I have a new face for you.
36:22A peach, just to your taste.
36:26This way.
36:48She's new to the game and must be waited on.
36:58Oh, Mr. Lovelace.
37:01My soul is above you.
37:06But my body...
37:48There. Set it down.
37:53What shocking sight is this?
37:56Why shocking?
37:58Are we shocked in church to see the monuments of our ancestors with whom we hope, one day, to rest in peace?
38:08My palace.
38:11Proud to the last.
38:13Dig a hole deep enough to conceal this unhappy body.
38:17For I fear that those who would not stir to protect me living,
38:21will move heaven and earth to avenge me dead.
38:39He begs you on his knees.
38:43Just one last time to see him.
38:47To forgive him.
38:52How can he ask?
38:55How can you?
39:02He has my forgiveness.
39:04Tell him that.
39:07But I cannot, cannot see him.
39:13Tell him,
39:15I not only forgive him,
39:18but if my suffering could in any way atone for his sins,
39:24my last tear should fall on his brow.
39:29I could have loved him.
39:40A week?
39:41At most.
39:43It cannot be longer.
39:45Oh, Clary.
39:46Oh, my child.
39:50All she asks is that the curse be lifted from her,
39:53and that she may have your blessing.
39:55Is this another one of her fetches?
39:59No child should be forgiven who has so flagrantly defied the most indulgent of parents.
40:04Are you, sir, to be taught by an unfeeling son to forget you are a father?
40:09God forbid she should be quite lost.
40:13Let me go to her.
40:15Let me bring her home.
40:18If she ever enters these doors again, I shall leave.
40:24Then leave.
40:26The child has suffered enough.
40:40Do not be sad.
40:42I am not sad.
40:47Rejoice with me
40:50that all my worldly troubles are so near an end.
40:57Mr. Belford.
41:06Oh, bless you all.
41:13Oh, come.
41:15Blessed Lord, she is.
44:01I shall have my revenge on them.
44:03I shall sweep away every last vestige of the Harlow tribe from the face of the earth.
44:07What sacrifice shall be offered up to my Clarissa Lovelace?
44:10Starting with yourself.
44:13You betrayed her.
44:15Take care, Jack.
44:17I love you like a brother, and I warn you, do not provoke me.
44:22You violated her.
44:24You killed her.
44:29Don't play the moralist with me.
44:31A rake's a rake, Jack.
44:33We're two of a kind, you and I.
44:35I was hunted as a pair.
44:37I only seem more wicked because I am handsome and you are ugly.
44:41So poor, frightened Puss always throws herself into my paws, not into yours.
44:45Haven't you learned nothing?
44:46What is there to learn?
44:48Is death the natural consequence of rape?
44:51You are not so innocent, my friend.
44:53You knew my plans, every detail, every stratagem, every disguise.
44:59And what did you do?
45:01How did you try to save her?
45:04You're as guilty as I am.
45:07At least I don't pretend to piety.
45:12This is no pretence!
45:15Take my virtue, I did not offend you.
45:41No, wait!
46:18Well done, Jack.
46:20You know revenge so well.
46:24A man cannot have every woman worth having.
46:27God have mercy on your soul.
46:33let this redeem my sins.
47:12Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God
47:16and in the face of this congregation to join together
47:19this man and this woman in holy matrimony.
47:22Therefore, if any man can show with just cause
47:26why they may not be lawfully joined together,
47:31let him speak now.
48:42And these, leases, inventories, tenancy agreements...
48:46The rents are mine.
48:47Not in law.
48:49Do you wish to litigate?
48:50Do you wish to withdraw all your estates?
48:52Yes, everything.
48:53But we'll be ruined.
48:54Why should we pay the price for Clarissa's willful stupidity?
48:57And I fail to see what making me a beggar does for my sister's reputation.
49:02I should have thought this was a time to pull together.
49:07Money will never pay for what we've done.
49:12This family is broken.
49:15Greed has destroyed its own heart.
51:41© BF-WATCH TV 2021
