• 4 months ago
i LOVE YOU gently - Short BL movie


00:00I can tell you the answer.
00:13Then I won't learn.
00:14But if you're stuck, I can just-
00:15Let me just-
00:16Get off!
00:18How dare you?
00:21He is the star player on the rugby team, and he's friends with a bunch of loud, gross
00:27You're 11, so you're exactly like the guys who bullied you last year.
00:30But like, Nick, he's different, he's nice.
00:35I had something I wanted to ask you.
00:37Do you want to join the rugby team?
00:40Yeah, I saw you run in PE, and you're, like, really fast.
00:43So, um, I thought you might be interested.
00:46I don't really know how to play.
00:48That's fine.
00:49I can teach you.
00:54That was perfect.
00:56It's literally just another silly crush.
00:58It's not a crush.
00:59I don't just fall for any guy who's nice to me.
01:07He told you to stop.
01:09You seemed kind of like something was up while we were getting changed, so I-
01:13I wanted to check everything was okay.
01:16I'm sorry.
01:17You have nothing to be sorry about.
01:21I'm going this way, so-
01:23Yeah, I'm that way.
01:25Okay, bye.
01:56Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
02:04Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
02:10He's straight, Charlie.
02:11Like, you only need to glance him to see that he's a massive heterosexual.
02:15And no offense, but you don't accept with the authority I'm working out who is and isn't gay.
02:23This is Nellie.
02:24Oh my god, she's so cute.
02:26I wish I had a dog. My parents don't like animals.
02:29You should come round my house and meet her.
02:31Are you free on Saturday?
02:34Yeah, I think so.
02:37I know he's straight, he told me.
02:39So, you need to get over him.
02:43What? What's up?
02:48Do you want to come round my house?
03:00You've got hair.
03:01Um, is it bad?
03:03No, no, you look...
03:06It looks great.
03:10You are good at sports, like you run so fast.
03:12Shut up!
03:13You know it's true, get off me!
03:15Get off!
03:16Oh my god.
03:19It's snowing.
03:26I wish you didn't have to go.
03:28I wish I didn't either.
03:43Do you want to go to Harry's party?
03:46With me.
03:51You left?
03:52Sorry, I felt like I was in the way.
03:55And your year 11 friends are kind of intimidating.
04:00I don't know if I want to hang out with those guys anymore.
04:04I'd rather hang out with you anyway.
04:07I pushed him into a wall and told him to go away.
04:10I'm so proud.
04:11Shut up.
04:13Shall we go somewhere quieter again?
04:17So you don't have a crush on her at the moment?
04:21I didn't say that.
04:27What's she like then?
04:31You're just going to assume they're a she.
04:40Would you go out with someone who wasn't a girl?
04:44I don't know.
04:50Would you kiss someone who wasn't a girl?
04:53I don't know.
04:59Would you kiss me?
05:07I'm sorry for not texting you.
05:09I just wanted to talk in person.
05:11Just come in. You're getting soaked.
05:17I'm sorry.
05:20It was a stupid thing to do.
05:22And I don't want you to feel awkward about it because it was all my fault.
05:24Charlie, hang on.
05:25I shouldn't have kissed you.
05:26See if maybe there's a chance we can still be friends.
05:29I don't want to lose you because I did something stupid.
05:32I'm sorry.
05:46I'm just so sorry I ran away last night.
05:48I was just freaking out because I...
05:51I was confused.
05:53And surprised and...
05:55Like, honestly...
05:57I'm having a proper full-on gay crisis.
06:03And it's not that I didn't want to, you know...
06:07Kiss you.
06:09I just...
06:11I was just so confused.
06:14I just think I need some time to...
06:17Figure this out.
06:27It feels nice to be able to ditch my friends for once.
06:29All they want to do at lunch is just sit on the field and...
06:31Chuck stuff at people.
06:33My friends are nothing like you.
06:35Is it okay if we, like...
06:38Keep this a secret?
06:42It's fine.
06:45Did I forget something?
06:50We're friends as in friends or friends as in...
06:54I promise, we're totally platonic good friends.
06:57Totally platonic good friends.
07:06So it's kind of my birthday on Saturday.
07:09Is it?
07:11Me and my friends are going bowling and...
07:13I was going to ask if you wanted to come but...
07:15I know you don't really know them so you don't have to.
07:18You definitely cheated.
07:19Oh yeah? How?
07:21You have strong rugby arms.
07:24I thought you liked my arms.
07:25Shut up.
07:26Thanks for giving me barely any time to get you a present.
07:29You don't have to get me a present.
07:30No, I ain't gonna.
07:31I'm serious.
07:33I wish I'd met you when I was younger.
07:39I wish I'd known then what I know now.
07:44I don't know what I am.
07:46You don't have to figure it out right now.
07:49I didn't just wake up one day like...
07:50Oh look, I guess I'm gay now.
07:53I genuinely didn't have time to go out and buy you something.
07:57So it's a bit handmade.
07:59That was just one of my favourite days ever.
08:03I told her we're together.
08:07I told her we're going out.
08:09Oh my god, that's amazing.
08:14You're amazing.
08:16I really like you.
08:18You like me?
08:20Wasn't that obvious?
08:22Do you like me?
08:24Yes, obviously.
08:31I wanna kiss you so bad right now.
08:35You don't have to.
08:36I want to.
08:38Wow, see?
08:39I make good choices.
08:45You and Charlie?
08:47You two are together?
08:51I'm so happy for you.
08:54I mean, I'm happy for you too, but you didn't have to witness all the months of intense pining.
09:02I'm so sorry.
09:04It's fine.
09:06Harry was being a complete idiot and some of the others were being really unfriendly and...
09:11We should have just left.
09:13What happened?
09:14I kind of got into a fight with Harry.
09:18You didn't have to do that.
09:22I don't even want to be friends with those people anymore.
09:26I'm tired of all of them.
09:38I mean, the fight with Harry was my fault.
09:40It wasn't, though.
09:41It was.
09:42I've been making your life really difficult.
09:45So I was thinking...
09:48Maybe it would be better if...
09:52If we just...
09:56Charlie seems like a lovely boy. When did you meet him?
09:59A couple of months ago.
10:01He's very different to your other friends, isn't he?
10:03You seem much more yourself around him.
10:06Do I?
10:07You do.
10:13Why is he avoiding you?
10:15I think maybe...
10:17He's finding it hard having to lie to people about us.
10:21He's not angry about me being in the closet or anything, like...
10:25He knows I'm not ready to come out.
10:32Look, I've known Charlie since we were 11 and...
10:35He's always had a tendency to believe that him just existing is annoying for other people.
10:41And he would literally never tell you this, but...
10:44He probably wants to be something more than secret guy you kiss sometimes on the down low.
10:48And if you can't give him more than that, then...
10:50It's always going to make him feel a little bit crap about himself.
10:58You should talk to him.
11:00I don't want to break up.
11:02I know people have hurt you.
11:04And you feel like I'd be better off without you, but...
11:06I need you to know that...
11:08My life is way better because I met you.
11:11You don't have to say that.
11:12I do.
11:13And I'll keep on saying it until you believe me.
11:16I don't care about getting into fights or...
11:19Kissing off my mates or anything like that.
11:21It's all worth it to be with you.
11:24You are the kindest, most thoughtful and...
11:27Caring and amazing person in the whole world.
11:30And if you really want to break up, then...
11:32I would respect your decision, but...
11:35I want us to be together.
11:37You're my favourite person.
11:38I need you to believe me.
11:42I believe you.
11:44I never thought this would happen to me.
11:50Me neither.
11:54I like Charlie Spree!
11:56In a romantic way, not just a friend way!
11:59Now we're gonna tell people?
12:10I came out to my mum last night.
12:11Oh my god, how did it go?
12:13Really well, she was completely fine with it.
12:22Want a well done kiss?
12:29Kissing at school is a terrible idea.
12:32You know you don't have to do this if you don't want to.
12:34I want to.
12:35Otherwise we'll barely see each other this term.
12:37And I've missed rugby.
12:40Have you now?
12:41Yeah, I love running around and falling over.
12:44Just let me win, Charlie!
12:46I can't do this anymore.
12:48I'm sorry.
12:51We're in my room.
12:52Oh no, this is war.
13:02I got you a present.
13:09We've been going out for two months.
13:27Come on, here.
13:29To me, to me.
13:33You'll be in so much trouble with your mum.
13:35I'm here to cheer you up after your terrible exam.
13:46And how did you know this is my favourite chocolate bar?
13:51You mentioned it ages ago, so...
13:53Thank you.
13:56Do you want something to eat?
13:58No, I'll have something when I get home.
14:00I'd have a cup of tea, though.
14:03You're such an old man.
14:20And that's why we're here.
14:22And that's why we shouldn't kiss at school.
14:24But kissing's so fun.
14:26But you getting outed because we get caught kissing is not.
14:29I want to tell people,
14:31it's hard to find the right time.
14:33If we're out by the time we're on the Paris trip,
14:35we can kiss on the Eiffel Tower.
14:38I mean, I should have always known you'd turn out to be gay, really.
14:43I'm bi, actually.
14:45And so what?
14:47I'm bi, actually, so...
14:49Look, if you're going to be gay, at least admit you're gay.
14:52Oh, Jesus.
14:55See, this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you!
14:57It's too late now!
14:59Charlie, this is not your fault.
15:02I don't care what David thinks, anyway.
15:04I mean, it was never going to go perfectly with everyone.
15:08I'm sorry.
15:09I'll text you later, OK?
15:12Seriously, don't blame me for fighting him.
15:14I know you and Charlie are really good mates.
15:17I still couldn't come out to any of them.
15:19Look, it's fine, there's no deadline.
15:21I know, but it's just annoying when people think we're, like...
15:28What about your history coursework? I haven't helped you with that at all.
15:31It's fine. It's done.
15:34You are amazing.
15:38I'm free! I'm not grounded anymore!
15:41Look after him, or you die.
15:43Look after him, or you die.
15:50I have never initiated a kiss.
15:52Oh, really?
15:53So, what about the changing room?
15:55That didn't count.
15:56Or the English room?
15:57You kiss me first!
15:58Or what about the...
16:03You win.
16:13I can't believe people think you're straight.
16:15Just take the adorable pictures, OK?
16:17OK, well...
16:20Nick doesn't want to talk to you, Harry.
16:22Piss off!
16:24You told Harry to piss off.
16:27I enjoyed that.
16:28Nick's so lucky to have you, Charlie.
16:30I'd fight them.
16:32You'd fight?
16:33I'd fight anyone who's mean to you.
16:35It could be fun, being a secret again.
16:40When we went to the beach,
16:42I told you I was going to come out.
16:45But I've just been finding it so hard.
16:48Obviously, I want you to come out when and how you want to.
16:56And if that takes a long time, that's completely OK.
17:01I suppose I'm sort of jealous of you and Darcy.
17:05You're out and you can hold hands and kiss and...
17:08I wanted to share a bed with you.
17:13I really want that.
17:15I'm sure we'll get to do it one day.
17:18I can't wait.
17:25Now you have to sleep in my bed.
17:29You two coming up?
17:31You're being gay.
17:33Good job.
17:35Did I do that?
17:36Do you think anyone will notice?
17:38Yeah, I think everyone will notice.
17:40I'm so sorry, I don't even know how to do that.
17:43It's fine.
17:45I really enjoyed it.
17:47Oh my God.
17:55Hey Nick, is that hickey from you then?
17:58What if it was?
18:00You jealous?
18:04You speak French.
18:05My dad's French and basically only speaks to me in French, so...
18:08Maybe we shouldn't be hanging out right now.
18:10More people might think it was you who...
18:12You do know that it was me, right?
18:15Yeah, I think I remember you being there.
18:20Wait, do you like the fact that I speak French?
18:25Mon amour.
18:26Oh my God, you're so cringe!
18:27You actually don't look like you're cringing.
18:29You look like you're blushing quite a lot.
18:31Wonderful to meet one of Nick's friends.
18:34You too.
18:43That was fast.
18:45If you even think about giving me another hickey...
18:47I wasn't thinking about that.
18:48You're so...
18:52What are you doing?
19:00I hate you.
19:01But you like me.
19:04I really don't.
19:05Who gave you the hickey?
19:08We're dating.
19:14So we're going to go to prom and we're going to be the cutest couple there and everyone will see.
19:35I don't have to hide my amazing boyfriend anymore.
19:38I'm not getting bullied.
19:39Everything's perfect.
19:46How about we promise to tell each other when we've got stuff going on?
19:58I need to go home soon.
20:01I know.
20:03My mum will get annoyed if I'm late.
20:08It takes a lot for Nick to stand up to David like that.
20:11He must care for Charlie very deeply.
20:15I see what you're doing.
20:18My plan's been foiled.
20:22Can we leave?
20:24I thought this was what you wanted.
20:27I'm not worried about people seeing us together.
20:29Why should they have to see?
20:30We've been so obsessed with the idea of coming out.
20:33It's like we've forgotten why we wanted to do it in the first place.
20:37It's not for them.
20:39I know I've been stressed about coming out but the only thing I realise is how stressed out you've been about it.
20:46Do you want to stop and get something to eat?
20:48We can walk to the shop.
20:49I'll eat later. I had a really late breakfast.
20:52You can though.
20:55You never told me about...
20:58the bullying.
21:00What that was like.
21:02We don't need to talk about that.
21:05Everything's fine now.
21:07Is everything fine?
21:08I'm still falling from breakfast.
21:10Charlie, you didn't eat that much breakfast.
21:12Yeah, I did.
21:14I know you like everything to be fine and happy and perfect all the time but...
21:20you don't have to be perfect with me.
21:23Not hungry?
21:24Not really.
21:26Not really?
21:27Okay, well then, I'll pack you a croissant.
21:29So if you get hungry later, we'll have a snack.
21:33You're the best.
21:35We said we'd tell each other after you told me about your...
21:39eating thing.
21:41Charlie, I don't...
21:43I don't feel very well.
21:47I think it surprised me how homophobic people are.
21:51I thought things were better nowadays.
21:54People would just...
21:55call me disgusting to my face.
22:00And it went on for so long that I think I started to believe what they were saying.
22:04I know I don't eat like normal people.
22:07Some days I'm fine but...
22:10other days I feel like I need to control it.
22:14I used to do it a lot last year.
22:17And everything at school was really bad.
22:20Made me really hate myself.
22:22So much that I...
22:25I used to...
22:28I used to cut myself sometimes.
22:31I don't want to feel like that anymore.
22:36Please don't do that.
22:41You are the best.
22:44You look so good.
22:45Shut up.
22:48Can you promise to tell me...
22:52if it ever gets that bad again?
22:54I still want to know if you're feeling like that.
22:56If you're having a bad day or...
22:58if there's anything that I can do to make things less stressful.
23:01Cheering you up.
23:03I just don't want to annoy you or burden you.
23:05I don't want you to think I'm some...
23:07fragile, broken mess.
23:09That you need to fix me.
23:10I don't.
23:11And I wouldn't.
23:12I'm your boyfriend, Charlie.
23:14I really care about you.
23:16I really care about you.
23:18But I've done so many things...
23:20that were scary in the past few months
23:22because you were there.
23:24Holding my hand.
23:26And I want to be that for you, too.
23:31Please promise me.
23:35I'll see you tomorrow.
23:43I love your hair so much.
23:45Your eyes.
23:46I can't see.
23:48I love.