Filipino seafarers banned from sailing along Red Sea, Gulf of Aden amid Houthi attacks

  • 3 months ago
Filipino seafarers banned from sailing along Red Sea, Gulf of Aden amid Houthi attacks

00:00These twin bodies of water represent terror, death, and destruction on the high seas,
00:05much like Sila and Charybdis in Greek mythology.
00:09Hence, the Department of Migrant Workers has ruled out any more Filipino seafarers
00:13from navigating or sailing these waters, ruled by unforgiving Huthi rebels,
00:18who indiscriminately open fire on ships that pass these waters.
00:24Our Noel Talakay lets us in on the DMW finally declaring the Red Sea
00:29and Gulf of Aden as no man's waters in this report.
00:35No more Filipino seafarers to sail in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
00:40This was pronounced by the Department of Migrant Workers or DMW this afternoon.
00:46In a virtual press conference, Migrant Workers Secretary Hans Leo Kakdak said
00:51they came up with this new regulation after several incidents of Huthi attacks
00:57in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
01:00We therefore will no longer process or allow the boarding of seafarers on board
01:06these three principals or ship owners who had been the subject of an attack.
01:10We will take action with respect to the principals or ship owners
01:16who had been involved in at least the three major attacks, Galaxy Leader, True Confidence, and Chutor.
01:26The agency has been coordinating with the Philippine Army, Philippine Coast Guard,
01:30Marina, and the Department of Foreign Affairs or DFA to ask guidance on maritime security.
01:37For the seafarers who are on board, the ship owners should submit to the DMW a threat and
01:44risk assessment before entering the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden,
01:49and this can be reviewed by the AFP, PCG, Marina, and DFA.
01:55We will have proper coordination with the security experts in terms of helping us out in assessing
02:03these threat and risk assessments.
02:05To recall, there were several Huthi attacks have been recorded.
02:09Last year, Galaxy Leader were in until this month.
02:13They haven't yet released the 17 Pinoy seafarers.
02:18Last March, the MV True Confidence were in.
02:21Two Filipino seafarers are still missing.
02:24This June, one Filipino seafarer was also still missing, a worker in the MV Chutor,
02:31and in the MV Transworld Navigator where 27 seafarers were affected.
02:37We continue to hold and are still in direct communication with the family.
02:45Early this year, the International Bargaining Forum issued a list of high-risk and warlike areas
02:52to include the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
02:55Noel Talacay from the National TV Network for New and Better Philippines.
