Vivir De Amor Cap 105 Completo
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:02Come on!
00:04We'll go through Rivero's door. Move!
00:06Shut up! Shut up!
00:08Stay here.
00:10Don't move.
00:14I'm not playing, you piece of shit.
00:16If you try anything again,
00:18I'm going to shoot you.
00:22We're out. Hurry up.
00:26don't do anything
00:28That's not going to happen. Move.
00:32Rebecca, are you okay?
00:34What's wrong?
00:40Let's go.
00:48Mrs. Rebecca must be inside the restaurant, ma'am.
00:52She didn't go through the main entrance.
00:54She got in an old truck
00:56and they don't look good.
00:58They're scum.
01:00I didn't want to follow them,
01:02so they could see me.
01:04Something's up with that puppy
01:06and we're going to find out.
01:08Don't lose sight of them.
01:10Rufino, keep me informed.
01:22How are you, Angel?
01:24I can't wait to see her.
01:26When are you taking her to eat?
01:28Sooner than you can imagine.
01:30We have important news
01:32to give you.
01:36What is it about?
01:38You'll find out later.
01:40How's my dad?
01:42How are things?
01:44What do you mean?
01:46Mom, you love each other.
01:48You shouldn't let
01:50love pass you by again.
01:52You have no idea
01:54how happy I'd be
01:56to see you happy with my dad,
01:58just like I am with Angel.
02:02I gave up on love,
02:04a long time ago.
02:06But why, Mom?
02:08You have the right to be happy.
02:10I'm happy.
02:12My happiness
02:14doesn't depend on anyone.
02:16Let's see.
02:18I count on Fatima's love,
02:20or my dad's.
02:22Yes, but I'm talking about love.
02:24Love, Mom.
02:26You don't love me anymore?
02:30I know what you're trying to say.
02:34About Adolfo,
02:36I can't ignore
02:38the fact that he was my sister's husband.
02:40To me,
02:42he's an impossible love.
02:46That's what happens.
02:50Elena just told me
02:52that Alma, the florist,
02:58Don't lie to me.
03:00Why didn't anyone tell me?
03:02I only talked to her a few times.
03:04Our poor Doris.
03:06She must be very sad.
03:08Yes, she was exhausted.
03:10Exhausted? Why?
03:12What did they do to our daughter?
03:14Doris' sadness
03:16has a name.
03:18Sebastián Briseño.
03:20The bastard
03:22ended his relationship with her.
03:26Come in, Sebastián.
03:28We haven't had a chance
03:30to talk.
03:32I'm so glad you're back.
03:34Thank you, brother.
03:36First of all,
03:38let me give you your cell phone.
03:40Thank you very much.
03:42Are you going to tell me
03:44how my grandfather convinced you?
03:48I needed to distract my mind.
03:50When he offered it to me,
03:52I didn't think twice.
03:54I think there's something else.
03:58You know you can tell me, brother.
04:00Is it about Doris?
04:04Yes, brother.
04:06We're done.
04:08To be honest,
04:10I'm sorry.
04:12I haven't seen you so happy
04:14They should try to fix the differences, right?
04:18Do you love her?
04:20Well, don't lose her.
04:22Look, brother, if you knew why we broke up,
04:24you wouldn't be defending her.
04:26She lied to me.
04:28She used me to help Rebecca
04:30to try to separate you from Nelly.
04:32Aren't you surprised?
04:34I already knew.
04:38Doris herself confessed it to me,
04:40in front of Rebecca.
04:42Look, Sebastian,
04:44I think you should talk to Doris.
04:46Listen to her.
04:48Like everyone else,
04:50I'm sure she was also a victim
04:52of Rebecca's manipulation.
04:58I get goosebumps
05:00just by looking at Mrs. Almita's position.
05:02I think we'll never see her again
05:04in our lives.
05:06That's why I don't even look over there,
05:08because I get teary-eyed.
05:10Mrs. Almita was such a good person
05:12to everyone.
05:14I was just trying to find a way to help you.
05:16You see?
05:18I was in such a hurry
05:20to help you find your son.
05:22And with you, Doris.
05:24You should see how happy she got
05:26when she found out you had reconciled
05:28with your dad, Mr. Armando.
05:30Did you tell her, Mom?
05:32Of course.
05:34And you should see how happy she was.
05:36Especially when I told her
05:38how happy your mom was
05:40when she wrote you a letter.
05:42Poor thing suffered so much
05:44because of me.
05:46Your mom really loved you a lot.
05:48Oh, really?
05:50Where did you leave my dad?
05:52He didn't get tired of looking for me
05:54until he found me.
05:56And you know that, right?
05:58That's true, Mom.
06:00It's great that you reconciled.
06:02All you need to do
06:04is make up with Sebas.
06:06Why not?
06:08Oh, no.
06:10I already lost him forever.
06:14Tell me, where are you going to find
06:16a girl as pretty as my Doris?
06:20Of course, not to mention the famous Dulce.
06:24Do you know why they broke up?
06:26No, Nostradita didn't tell me anything, but...
06:28But please, there's no other like Doris.
06:32You know what I think?
06:34That it was because she was poor.
06:36Because she was poor?
06:38Since she worked in the market,
06:40maybe this guy didn't like her.
06:42No, no, that's not it.
06:44No, Sebastián is not like that.
06:46He's an educated,
06:48refined boy.
06:50Unless it's
06:52what I'm thinking.
06:54What are you thinking, woman?
06:56I have to admit
06:58that our daughter is not very refined.
07:00That's why we have to polish her up.
07:02I mean, we're not going to lie either, right?
07:06But if we refine her,
07:08teach her good manners,
07:10you know she'll learn to walk
07:12gracefully, without limping.
07:14Maybe Sebastián will come back with her.
07:16It's the only thing our daughter
07:18is missing, don't you think?
07:22Oh, look, you know what?
07:24Leave it in my hands.
07:26I'll make our daughter
07:28the envy of Buckingham Palace.
07:32Well, thank you.
07:36Kids, I need to explain
07:38how things are with your mom
07:40so she doesn't surprise you, okay?
07:42When I decided to bring them to the hacienda,
07:44I committed a crime.
07:46I did it because I didn't want
07:48to expose the others living with their mother.
07:50Are they going to put you in jail?
07:52No, no.
07:54I have a judicial order that protects me.
07:56But surely, Romina, it will be as impossible
07:58for you to live with her again.
08:00Why, Dad? It's not fair.
08:02She doesn't even listen to us.
08:04We don't want to live with her, Dad.
08:06I know, I know, and I won't allow it either.
08:08But it's possible that she'll try to do it.
08:10That's why I ask you to be very careful.
08:12Look, I don't know exactly
08:14what your mother is going to try to do,
08:16but you must be warned.
08:18Warned how?
08:20Look, for now, don't talk to strangers.
08:22Don't go away from the hacienda either.
08:24And if your mother calls,
08:26let her know and I'll talk to her.
08:29I don't mean to scare you.
08:31Just that you are aware of our situation.
08:45Yes, my children are already in the hacienda.
08:48How can I ask you to be patient?
08:53Understand that I need to get them back.
08:55Lucia is not capable of anything
08:57just to stay with them.
09:01Well, I hope so, sir.
09:03Because now that my ex is in a happy romance,
09:06I don't think her lover will believe my children.
09:10Yes, bye.
09:14Miss, we already saved the horses.
09:16Do you need anything else?
09:17No, Cristobal, thank you very much.
09:19You're welcome.
09:21So your dad already explained the situation to your mom?
09:24Yes, he already told us that he will try
09:26to get us to live with her again.
09:28I'm afraid, Fati.
09:30No, you shouldn't be afraid.
09:32You know that your dad and I
09:34will not let anyone hurt you, you know?
09:37We will protect you from anyone.
09:39It's a promise, okay?
09:49Come in.
09:51Can I come in, Jose Emilio?
09:52Yes, sure, Isabel, come in.
09:57Listen, I want to offer you an alliance against Rebeca.
10:01An alliance?
10:02No, I'm not interested, Isabel.
10:04Rebeca is going to fall alone.
10:07So if you don't mind, I have to go
10:09because I need to hug my wife.
10:13Let's go.
10:20Rebeca, what you're doing to me is a very serious crime.
10:22You could go to jail, please.
10:25The one who's driving, please let me go.
10:28You're going to get into serious trouble.
10:30Shut up, please.
10:31Shut up, Rebeca, please.
10:33Shut up, Ignacio.
10:41As I was saying, I have to do something, Sandra.
10:44What if Brian keeps bothering Matilde
10:46just to get revenge on me?
10:48The good thing is that Matilde already went to the hacienda
10:50and there's a lot of security there, Lucas.
10:52Besides, Matilde knows she has to take care of that Brian.
10:55Don't worry, that guy won't be able to do anything to her.
10:58Well, I hope so.
11:00Brian is capable of anything.
11:03Don't worry.
11:05Thank you.
11:07You're welcome.
11:12What's up, Matilde?
11:14I found out you were back and I wanted to come say hi.
11:17How have you been?
11:18I'm fine.
11:20But you were wrong, Gabriel.
11:22Sandra and Lucas were never together.
11:24And now I'm happy with Lucas and we're the happiest.
11:29Sorry for my confusion.
11:31I promise I thought you were together
11:33and I didn't want you to be cheated on.
11:36But I'm glad you're okay with Lucas.
11:40Hey, Matilde.
11:42Do you think it's possible for us to be friends again?
11:46I've been very sorry for everything I did.
11:49I didn't mean to hurt you.
11:52I promise I've changed.
11:55Okay, we can be friends,
11:57but please don't mess with me anymore.
11:59We'll just be friends and that's it.
12:01I promise.
12:33That's weird.
12:35Excuse me.
12:37I came to ask if you'd like some coffee.
12:40I thought you were with Angeli.
12:42I was just going to pick her up.
12:44She must be in the kitchen. Do you want me to call her?
12:47No, no, no. She must be busy.
12:48I'll wait for her here.
12:50Thanks, Brenda.
12:51You're welcome.
13:04This is too much, Bruno.
13:06Even though Jose Emilio isn't here,
13:08he's still getting in my way.
13:10I can't believe my grandfather doesn't want to sign the loan
13:12until Jose Emilio reviews it.
13:13No, no, no.
13:15And I don't doubt your cousin wants to go to the company
13:18to meet her.
13:19And you know how he is.
13:21He's going to want to review the last detail of the contract.
13:23And that's not good for us.
13:25I know, Bruno.
13:26What are we going to do?
13:27I don't know how much longer I'll be able to give him.
13:36Jose Emilio is asking for a copy of the contract
13:39so he can review it.
13:40Well, don't tell him anything.
13:42Tell him...
13:43Tell him you just left the office
13:45and that you'll send it to him later.
13:46I don't know.
13:51I knew it.
13:53I knew I was going to leave
13:54with any excuse not to send me the contract.
13:59How strange that Angelino is coming back.
14:02I'm going to call her.
14:11Why do you have a phone, damn it?
14:13Where is it?
14:17Let's see who's calling you.
14:18Oh, Jose Emilio.
14:19But you won't be able to answer right now.
14:23you've abused the GPS on your phone.
14:25You can track our location
14:26and now you're screwed.
14:27Yeah, take it and throw it over there.
14:32You can't wait anymore.
14:33Let's go.
14:35Why don't you take a Gertrudis?
14:36Come on, let's go.
14:38Just a minute, just a minute.
14:39Shut up and don't scream.
14:44Hey, hey, hey.
14:45Shut up!
14:52My love, where are you?
14:54I'm already here in the restaurant
14:55missing you like crazy.
14:58You know what?
14:59I'm going to look for you
15:00because I can't stand a second without you.
15:07Oh my God, Primitivo.
15:09Look at how they left you,
15:10all beaten up.
15:12What happened to you?
15:14Sit down, sit down.
15:16Oh my God.
15:17I'll heal you right now.
15:18Look at him.
15:19Oh my God.
15:20I'll heal you right now.
15:21Look at how they left you,
15:22all beaten up.
15:23Oh my God.
15:43You have to tell me
15:44what you're planning to do to Matilde.
15:45Not anymore.
15:46What do you think?
15:49No, no, kid.
15:51We are faithful to Brian,
15:52not like others.
15:54What do you think?
15:55If you don't tell me
15:56what you're planning to do to Brian,
15:58I'm going to report you for harassment.
16:00For harassing Matilde and Javi.
16:03I know you guys
16:04screwed up.
16:06I can get a video, huh?
16:08I don't doubt that street
16:09had cameras.
16:11We had masks, bro.
16:15There's no way
16:16the cameras saw us.
16:17Are you okay, baby?
16:18Let's go.
16:19Oh, my little Luquitas.
16:24I have to find out
16:25who's bringing Brian.
16:28That's it, champ.
16:29Let's see, let's see.
16:30Who's going to get him?
16:31Who's going to get him?
16:32Let's see, let's see.
16:33Who's going to get him?
16:34Let's see, let's see.
16:35Who's going to get him?
16:36Let's see, let's see.
16:37Who's going to get him?
16:38Let's see, let's see.
16:39Who's going to get him?
16:40Who's going to get him?
16:41Let's see, let's see.
16:42Who's going to get him?
16:43Let's see, let's see.
16:44Who's going to get him?
16:45Who's going to get him?
16:46Let's see, let's see.
16:48Dad, dad, what happened?
16:54What's going on?
16:55Luciano Garza Treviño
16:57you are under arrest
16:58for arbitrary exercise
16:59of the fatherland.
17:06Thank you, beautiful virgin,
17:07for helping me find my dad
17:08after so many times
17:09that I asked you.
17:11And I'm not complaining,
17:13but the truth is
17:14you took a little longer
17:15than I wanted.
17:17Little virgin,
17:19thank you very much
17:20for helping me find
17:21my daddy.
17:27Did you see how happy
17:28I am now
17:29that you call me daddy?
17:31Hi, daddy.
17:33Dorisita, daughter,
17:35I'm calling you to invite you
17:36to dinner.
17:37Oh, dad,
17:38I would love to,
17:39but I have to work.
17:41Oh, my daughter,
17:43for a little while
17:44that you don't have your job,
17:45nothing will happen.
17:47not every day
17:48would you be happy
17:49to find a daughter
17:50as dear and beautiful
17:51as you, my love.
17:52You're going, boss.
17:53In a little while
17:54I'll dye my hair
17:55for your canton,
17:56what do you think?
18:01She agreed to eat
18:02with us, Dorisita.
18:03Our daughter is coming,
18:04my love.
18:05Oh, what a joy!
18:07Oh, it's good
18:08that I put on tubes
18:09because I want my daughter
18:10to look very pretty
18:11and I don't need to take these off.
18:12And you,
18:13you must also be very handsome,
18:15your shirt well ironed,
18:16a tie,
18:18your jacket,
18:19all very handsome.
18:20Yes, my love,
18:21I'm going to look very pretty.
18:22I want that unforgettable
18:23sunset for everyone.
18:25And look,
18:26I even took out
18:27the silver covers,
18:28so grab that flannel
18:29and you're going to carve
18:30very hard
18:31all the covers
18:32to make them very shiny.
18:33You can't arrest me,
18:34I have a court order
18:35that protects me.
18:37No, sir.
18:39The mother of the children
18:40denounced him
18:41for arbitrary exercise
18:42of the motherland.
18:44I have orders
18:45to take him with me
18:46to the prosecution.
18:48they're arresting Luciano.
18:49Let's go.
18:50You should respect
18:51the court order.
18:53Please tell Luciano
18:54not to resist the arrest.
18:56I'll see you at the prosecution,
19:04Hey, Renato,
19:05is Angelino around?
19:06No, no, Jose Emilio,
19:07but do you want
19:08some juice from the valley?
19:09No, thank you.
19:11But he just left.
19:13No, he didn't come at all.
19:16the white sauce, please.
19:17Thank you.
19:18Is something wrong?
19:20Thank you,
19:21I'll let you eat.
19:22Thank you.
19:35Have you seen Angelina yet?
19:36Has she returned to the office?
19:38Because she hasn't been here.
19:39Did you check the kitchen?
19:41and she's not in the fridge either.
19:44maybe she went back to the office.
19:45Thank you.
19:46You're welcome.
20:04Come on, come on.
20:12Wait, wait, wait.
20:14There, there you go.
20:15For you.
20:17Hurry up.
20:18Put your feet down.
20:20Today Mrs. Rebeca
20:21is going with that guy.
20:25It looks like someone else
20:26is going with them.
20:28Hurry up!
20:29Hurry, hurry.
20:32Damn truck.
20:34You let me see.
20:38Grab it, grab it, grab it.
20:39I'll do it.
21:03And I sent him a picture.
21:05Do you want me to show it to you?
21:06Show us!
21:07And the picture too.
21:09Because there you will surely find
21:10a wave of crazy people.
21:11This Friday is the end of the wedding.
21:13Have you felt that your time is running out
21:15and you want to get pregnant again?
21:17You don't care what I feel.
21:21Have you felt that the more you throw away
21:23and you feel alone,
21:25a new reason to love comes into your life?
21:28This is my timeless love.
21:30How is yours?
21:31Starts July 8, 6.30 pm.
21:34This summer there is football.
21:36But not just any football.
21:38There is football pride.
21:40We present all the matches
21:41of the Euro 2024,
21:43the Copa America
21:45and the League Squad.
21:48It's not just football.
21:49It's the best football of the summer.
21:51In one place.
21:54This is third grade sports.
21:56If there is a team by results,
21:58it is Real Madrid.
21:59In working with young people,
22:00Pachuca would have to be
22:02in the academy.
22:03The example.
22:04The manual of good practices
22:05for other Mexican football clubs.
22:06Without a doubt.
22:07They have to do with magnifying glasses.
22:08Here they are going to put
22:09instead of Bernardo Hierro.
22:10Third grade sports.
22:11Every Monday.
22:12For the stars.
22:14In Despierta we have the information
22:15that defines your day.
22:19With the analysis of the stories
22:20that matter to you.
22:24And the latest sports news,
22:26entertainment and climate.
22:29In the newsroom of NMAS.
22:30Monday to Friday,
22:31seven to nine in the morning.
22:32With the stars.
22:34For years we have shared
22:36the latest news.
22:38All the events
22:39most relevant of the week.
22:41With the summary of the sports categories.
22:43So you stay informed
22:45in the program
22:46that the whole family enjoys.
22:48Get ready to get into action.
22:50This Sunday.
22:51Two in the afternoon.
22:52With the stars.
22:55Look at us well.
22:57They tell us young people
22:58with few resources.
23:00But our resources are unlimited
23:02when you discover
23:03our capacities.
23:08Imagine everything
23:09that your donation
23:10can do for us.
23:14New news
23:15will go to the whole building.
23:17Today is the day
23:18that we are going to be dads.
23:22I got a job
23:23at the secretary
23:26I'm looking for
23:27El Gorrión de la Canción.
23:29El Gorrión de la Canción
23:32This Sunday,
23:33seven thirty at night.
23:35This summer,
23:36there is football.
23:37But not just any football.
23:39There is football pride.
23:41We present all the matches
23:42of the Euro 2024,
23:44the Copa América
23:45and the League Squad.
23:48It's not just football.
23:50It's the best football
23:51of the summer.
23:52In one place.
23:54Look at the best ones.
23:55Nuria and Johanna.
24:00No, man.
24:01The best is going to be
24:02Osmar Onguera.
24:03He's a mouth-smacker.
24:06My favorite is Edson Ramírez.
24:08Imagine my shoes
24:09with his aim.
24:11Olympic Games Paris 2024
24:12on Televisa
24:13for all of Mexico.
24:25We're going to fight
24:26two out of three falls.
24:27I can't fall
24:28because I already have
24:29a fall in my matrix.
24:30Double the fun
24:31with two shows
24:32on Cash,
24:33El Peso del Dinero.
24:34This Sunday,
24:35nine at night
24:36with the stars.
24:37This summer,
24:38there is football.
24:39But not just any football.
24:40There is football pride.
24:41We present all the matches
24:42of the Euro 2024,
24:44the Copa América
24:45and the League Squad.
24:48It's not just football.
24:50It's the best football
24:51of the summer.
24:52In one place.
24:54En Despierta,
24:55tenemos la información
24:56que define tu día.
24:59Con el análisis
25:00de las historias
25:01que te importan.
25:04Y las últimas noticias
25:05de los deportes,
25:06del entretenimiento
25:07y el clima.
25:09un noticiero de NMAS.
25:10Lunes a viernes,
25:11siete a nueve de la mañana
25:12con las estrellas.
25:14Cuidado con las apps de citas.
25:16Nuestras citas coincidieron aquí.
25:17¿A quién andan buscando?
25:18A Biscochitos69.
25:20Y a Carajillo Danés.
25:21Yo también sufro
25:22por alguien de las redes.
25:23Y le mandé una foto.
25:25¿Quiere que se las enseñe?
25:28Una foto también.
25:29Porque ahí seguro encontrarás
25:30una bola de locos
25:32este viernes a terminar el noti.
25:34Bienvenidos a nuestro
25:35taller de actuación.
25:36Quiero pedir una excusa,
25:37en nombre de todos
25:38los maestros del mundo,
25:39habrán de sufrir.
25:41He vivido simplemente
25:42en una somnolencia interior.
25:44Y hablas bien bonito,
25:45pero no te entendí nada.
25:46Mejor vamos a ver
25:47tus reacciones.
25:49Tal para cual
25:50este domingo,
25:515.30 de la tarde.
25:53¡Corte y queda!
25:54Nuevas noticias
25:55acudirán a todo el edificio.
25:57Hoy es el día
25:58que vamos a ser papás.
26:02Le conseguí trabajo
26:03en la secretaría
26:04a Alejandrita.
26:06Estoy buscando
26:07al gorrión de la canción.
26:09El gorrión de la canción es...
26:12este domingo,
26:137.30 de la noche.
26:14¿Has sentido
26:15que se te acaba el tiempo
26:16y tú quieres embarazarte
26:17de nuevo?
26:18A ti no te importa
26:19lo que yo siento.
26:22¿Has sentido
26:23que cuando más desecha
26:24y sola te sientes,
26:26llega a tu vida
26:27una nueva razón para amar?
26:29Así es, mi amor,
26:30sin tiempo.
26:31¿Cómo es el tuyo?
26:32Inicia 8 de julio,
26:336.30 de la tarde.
26:35En este programa deportivo,
26:36nos gusta comentar
26:37todos los sucesos recientes.
26:40el Estadio Azteca
26:41será parte
26:42de un mundial
26:43y lo hará
26:44por tercera ocasión
26:45en su historia.
26:46Estamos a dos años.
26:47En compañía
26:48de nuestro equipo,
26:49Contacto Deportivo,
26:507.30 de la tarde,
26:517.30 de la noche,
26:52con las estrellas.
26:54Hay alguien
26:55que pondrá
26:56todo de cabeza.
26:58Juan Carlos.
27:00todas las pistas?
27:01Es que escucho
27:02que tú estabas vivo
27:03y que te escondes
27:04bajo el disfraz de Eva.
27:05Y no se detendrá
27:06por nada ni nadie.
27:07Ella es la realidad,
27:08Juan Carlos Caballero.
27:09Por ella,
27:10soy Eva.
27:11Lunes a viernes,
27:121.30 de la tarde,
27:13con las estrellas.
27:15Este verano,
27:16hay fútbol,
27:17pero no cualquier fútbol.
27:18Hay fútbol orgullo.
27:21todos los partidos
27:22de la Euro 2024,
27:24la Copa América
27:25y la Leagues Cup.
27:28No es solo fútbol.
27:29Es el mejor fútbol
27:30del verano
27:31en un solo lugar.
27:34A Cantinflas
27:35no le importa bailar
27:36las calmadas.
27:37Si él quiere bailar,
27:38pues hay que darle gusto
27:39al cuerpo.
27:40Mientras tú te rías
27:41a carcajadas.
27:42No haga perrinche,
27:44no haga perrinche.
27:45Él continuará
27:46con sus habladas.
27:48Disfruta este sábado
27:49en el Gran Hotel.
27:50Y el domingo,
27:51el extra
27:52con las estrellas.
28:17Si hay un equipo
28:18por resultados,
28:19es el Real Madrid.
28:20En el trabajo
28:21con jóvenes,
28:22Pachuca tendría
28:23que ser
28:24en la academia
28:25el manual
28:26de buenas prácticas
28:27para otros clubes
28:28del fútbol mexicano.
28:29Tienen que ver
28:30con lupas.
28:31¿A quién van a poner
28:32en lugar de Fernando Hierro?
28:33Tercer grado deportivo
28:34todos los lunes
28:35por las estrellas.
28:36Los justicieros
28:37utilizarán técnicas
28:38muy macabronas.
28:39Los halcones.
28:44Es Halloween.
28:45No me mandaron el mimo.
28:4625 de agosto.
28:47Quiero todos
28:48los detallitos
28:49porque yo soy
28:51Relatos macabrones
28:52este sábado
28:5311 de la noche.
28:54Con la paz
28:55de las montañas
28:56te amaré.
28:57Con locura
28:58y equilibrio
28:59te amaré.
29:00Con la rabia
29:01de mis años
29:02como me enseñaste
29:03a hacer.
29:04Con un grito
29:05en carne
29:06a mí
29:07te amaré.
29:08Con un grito
29:09en carne
29:10a mí
29:11te amaré.
29:12Con un grito
29:13en carne
29:14a mí
29:15te amaré.
29:16Con un grito
29:17en carne
29:18a mí
29:19te amaré.
29:20En silencio
29:21y en secreto
29:22te amaré.
29:24en lo oído
29:25te amaré.
29:26En lo falso
29:27y en lo cierto
29:28con el corazón
29:30Por ser algo
29:31lo perfecto
29:32te amaré.
29:33En silencio
29:34y en secreto
29:35te amaré.
29:36En silencio
29:37y en secreto
29:38te amaré.
29:39En silencio
29:40y en secreto
29:41te amaré.
29:42En silencio
29:43y en secreto
29:44con el corazón
29:46Por ser algo
29:47lo perfecto
29:48te amaré.
29:57Te amaré.
29:58Te amaré.
29:59Te amaré.
30:00Te amaré.
30:01Como nunca nadie
30:02ha sabido
30:04Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
30:08Porque si lo he decidido, te amaré.
30:34No, no, no.
30:37Nadie te va a oír.
30:48Bienvenida a tu nueva casa.
30:51¿Qué te parece?
30:52Rebecca, ya basta.
30:53Tú no puedes hacer esto.
30:54Sí puedo.
30:54Ya lo hice.
30:55¿No me ves?
30:56¿Para qué me trajiste a este lugar, Rebecca?
30:58¿Qué ganas con todo esto?
31:05Cállate, cállate, cállate.
31:06Ay, no.
31:29Mi vida, ¿soy yo otra vez?
31:32Mira, en serio, ya estoy preocupado.
31:33No sé qué está pasando.
31:35En cuanto escuches mi mensaje, por favor, llámame, ¿sí?
31:38Estoy en el restaurante esperándote.
31:40¿Dónde estás?
31:41Llámame, por favor.
31:43Te amo.
31:54Están cometiendo un error oficial.
31:56Un error, señor.
31:57Oficial, deténganlo, por favor.
31:59No, no, no, no, no.
32:00No, no, no, no, no.
32:01No, no, no, no.
32:02¿Cómo crees?
32:03No, tranquila, mi amor.
32:04Vámonos, oficial.
32:05¿Qué hacen, mi amor?
32:06Pero todo va a estar bien, mi vida.
32:08Tranquila, mi amor.
32:09No pasa nada.
32:10No va a pasar nada.
32:11Se los prometo.
32:12Ya no.
32:13Mi tío nos ve en la fiscalía.
32:15Por favor.
32:16Mis amores, tranquilos, por favor.
32:18¿Ustedes también suban a la patrulla, por favor, niños?
32:20No, yo me llevo a los niños.
32:22A ver, señora.
32:23Los niños van con nosotros.
32:24Van con su papá.
32:25Vámonos, por favor.
32:26A ver, a ver.
32:27Yo voy a ir detrás de ustedes, ¿sí?
32:28No los voy a dejar solos ni un segundo.
32:31Tranquila, mi amor.
32:32Por favor.
32:38Espérense, mis amores.
32:40Todo va a estar bien.
32:41Todo va a estar bien.
32:50¿Ya arrestaron a Luciano?
32:51¿Cómo te atreviste a hacer esto, Romina?
32:54¿No tienes la menor idea del sufrimiento que le ocasionaste a tus hijos
32:57cuando vieron cómo arrestaban a su papá?
32:59¿Nunca piensas en Matilde y en Javi o qué?
33:01Iban aterrados.
33:02Los obligaron a subirse a la patrulla.
33:05Tú y Luciano son los únicos responsables de todo lo que está pasando.
33:10Ustedes provocaron que todo esto sucediera.
33:13Solo espero que nunca tengas que arrepentirte de todo el daño
33:16que le estás haciendo a tus hijos, Romina.
33:32Ya llegó.
33:33Llegó mi Dorisita.
33:34Sí, sí, sí.
33:35Ya llegó nuestra hija.
33:36A ver, ven, ven, ven.
33:37Tenemos que estar muy tranquilos.
33:39Que no se nos noten los medios, ¿ok?
33:45¿Me veo bien?
33:46Muy bien.
33:47¿La corbata?
33:48Bueno, bueno.
33:49¿Ya qué esperas?
33:50Abre la puerta.
33:51¿Estás bien?
33:52Mírame las manos.
33:53Ya, ya.
33:55Vamos, vamos, vamos.
33:57Bienvenida, hija.
34:00¿Qué huele, jefe?
34:02Mi padre, no me preocupes tanto que se me van a salir los ojos,
34:06Perdón, hija, pasa.
34:07Estamos muy contentos de que estés aquí.
34:10Pasa, hija.
34:11Ven acá.
34:12Ay, qué bonito suena que una mujer me diga hija.
34:16Pero, pero pasa, hija, por favor.
34:17A ver.
34:19Ay, sí me toro.
34:25Sí me toro.
34:27Este es tu casa, hija, siéntate.
34:30Ay, papá.
34:31Eso dicen todos, pero nunca te dan la llave para entrar y cerrar.
34:35Ay, guau.
34:37Se ve bien sabroso todo, eh.
34:43Mira, Sebastián, yo creo que deberías hablar con Doris.
34:48Como todos, yo estoy seguro de que ella también fue víctima de la manipulación de Rebeca.
34:55Well, if the mountain doesn't come to Mahoma, Mahoma will go to the mountain.
35:08Little by little you will learn.
35:11First I'm going to serve you a little caviar beluga so you can try it.
35:15It should always be eaten cold.
35:19Oh, you say it should be eaten cold and these balls are very red.
35:25Look, they are blacker than my conscience.
35:29This is caviar, daughter.
35:31Try it, Doris.
35:33If you don't like it, don't eat it.
35:35But at least you tried it, right?
35:37Try it.
35:39I've tried worse things, but hey.
35:41What Armando and I want is that the next time you invite Sebastian to dinner,
35:46he realizes that you are a good girl.
35:49That he can show off to you wherever he takes you.
35:53No, Migi. Well, I honestly don't think Sebastian will look for me again.
35:58He got really mad at me.
36:11Be careful with the bucket.
36:14Sorry, sorry, sorry.
36:16It's okay.
36:26Hello, Jose Emilio.
36:28What a miracle that you call me.
36:30Ximena, I'm looking for Angeli.
36:32I don't know, could I be with you?
36:34No, not at all.
36:36It's just that you haven't even called me.
36:38Angeli must be super busy with Elena's accident.
36:41And the truth is, I'm here at the place.
36:44Well, in a hurry.
36:46I don't want to bother you, but Angeli always tells me where she is.
36:49And I confess that I'm starting to think that something could have happened to her.
36:53No, no, Jose Emilio, calm down.
36:56Maybe Santiago knows something. Did you call him?
36:59No, no, no, but I'll call him right away.
37:01And while I talk to the factory, maybe he's over there.
37:04If you talk to Angeli, I'll tell him to call you right away.
37:08Don't worry.
37:10Thank you, Ximena.
37:17Really, Santiago, I already feel perfectly fine.
37:20So tomorrow we're all going to the restaurant.
37:30What happened, brother-in-law?
37:32I don't want to alarm you, Santiago, but I can't get in touch with Angeli.
37:35By chance, do you know where she is?
37:41She told me she would be at the restaurant.
37:42There was going to be something from the bank,
37:44but at this time it is impossible that she could be there.
37:46They must have already closed.
37:48I don't know where else to look for her.
37:50And frankly, I'm already worried.
37:54Yes, yes, me too.
37:56It's weird, really.
37:58I'm going to ask all the employees to see if anyone saw her leave.
38:01And that way you know where she went.
38:03Look, I'll call you as soon as I have news.
38:07What's up, Jose Emilio?
38:09What's up, Jose Emilio?
38:11Look, I just realized that Angeli's bag is here.
38:15Santiago, I know I wouldn't go anywhere without her.
38:18I'm sorry, but I'm thinking about the worst.
38:21And I just hope Rebeca has nothing to do with it.
38:25Yes, me too.
38:27If it was her, she's going to have to tell me where Angeli is.
38:30Don't worry.
38:37What's up, Santiago? Everything okay?
38:39Nothing, nothing.
38:41Don't worry about me.
38:43You were telling me ...
38:45What were you telling me?
38:49Let's see, stop playing with that.
38:51Better tell me what you're going to do with that woman.
38:53For now, make sure she can't escape.
38:56And that she can't scream or ask for help.
38:57And then you're going to take me to prepare my package.
39:02But before I go, I want to leave a friend.
39:06My dear sister, so she doesn't feel so alone.
39:22Let's go.
39:24Well, she's pretty.
39:56Wake up, a newscast from NMAS.
39:58Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
40:00With the stars.
40:26We're going to find them all.
40:28A hiding place.
40:30And a hope.
40:32Together, we will find the culprit.
40:42This is third grade sports.
40:44If there is a team by results, it is Real Madrid.
40:47In working with young people, Pachuca should be ...
40:50The example.
40:51In the academy, the manual of good practices for other Mexican football clubs.
40:54Without a doubt.
40:55They have to do with magnifying glasses.
40:56Who are they going to put instead of Bernardo Hierro?
40:58Third grade sports.
40:59Every Monday.
41:00By the stars.
41:02These judges will use very macabre techniques.
41:05The hawks.
41:09It's Halloween.
41:10They didn't send me the mime.
41:12Where were you on the night of August 25?
41:15I want all the details because I am Detallones.
41:19Macabre stories.
41:20This Saturday at 11 at night.
41:22Be careful with the apps.
41:24Our appointments coincided here.
41:26Who are you looking for?
41:30I also suffer for someone in the networks.
41:32And I sent him a photo.
41:33Do you want me to show them to you?
41:35Show us!
41:36And the photo too.
41:37Because there you will surely find a wave of crazy people.
41:40This Friday is to finish the notice.
41:43My name is Diego.
41:44I live in Jalcomulco, Veracruz.
41:46I really love to play jaripeo.
41:48The bulls are not real.
41:50We make them jump.
41:51You can bullfight them.
41:52You can pull them.
41:54And the most fun thing is to pull them and open the drawer.
41:58It's a good summer!
42:22Here you will feel the sports greatness.
42:26Everything you want to know about the Copa America.
42:28Euro 20-24.
42:32Exclusive information.
42:34The best humor.
42:35The summer play.
42:37This Sunday at 11 at night.
42:39With the stars.
42:42Start your day well with the stars.
42:44At 9.
42:45Advice, guests, exercise and a lot of fun today.
42:48Do you want to get to the summer without tires?
42:50We will do the routine to get it.
42:52And at the end, famous recipes, notes and more just in Cuéntamelo Ya.
42:57It was added to the trend of dancing in the 80s style.
43:00From Monday to Friday with the stars.
43:02At Despierta we have the information that defines your day.
43:07With the analysis of the stories that matter to you.
43:12And the latest sports, entertainment and climate news.
43:16Despierta, a newscast from NMAS.
43:18Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
43:20With the stars.
43:22There is someone who will put everything in his head.
43:24Eva Juan Carlos.
43:26Will unite all the clues.
43:28I heard that you were alive and that you hide under the disguise of Eva.
43:32And will not stop for anything or anyone.
43:34She is reality.
43:36Juan Carlos Caballero.
43:38For her I am Eva.
43:40Monday to Friday, 1 to 30 in the afternoon.
43:42With the stars.
43:44Look at us well.
43:45They tell us young people with few resources.
43:48But our resources are unlimited when you discover our capacities.
43:56Imagine everything that your donation can do for us.
44:16Enjoy this Saturday at the Grand Hotel.
44:19And Sunday, the extra.
44:21With the stars.
44:23If every day you want to hear good advice.
44:26Enter our cafeteria.
44:28There we can connect.
44:30Why don't you let go of your past?
44:32Why do you keep carrying all that resentment?
44:34You're not going to blackmail me, kid.
44:36Why don't we try to keep the party going?
44:39As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
44:42This is third grade sports.
44:45If there is a team for results, it is Real Madrid.
44:48In working with young people, Pachuca should be in the academy.
44:52The manual of good practices for other Mexican football clubs.
44:56They have to do with magnifying glasses.
44:58Here they are going to put the place of Fernando Hierro.
45:00Third grade sports.
45:02Every Monday.
45:04For the stars.
45:06Welcome to our acting workshop.
45:08I want to ask for a scoop in the name of all the masters of the world.
45:10Simply in an inner somnolence.
45:13You speak very nicely, but I didn't understand anything.
45:15Let's see your reactions.
45:17As for which.
45:19This Sunday, 5.30 in the afternoon.
45:21Cut and stay.
45:23For years we have shared with you the latest news.
45:26All the most relevant events of the week.
45:29With the summary of the sports categories.
45:31So that you stay informed.
45:33In the program that the whole family enjoys.
45:36Get ready to get into action.
45:39This Sunday, 2 in the afternoon.
45:41With the stars.
45:43My name is Diego.
45:45I live in Jalcumulco, Veracruz.
45:47I love to play jaripeo.
45:49The bulls are not real.
45:51We make them jump.
45:53You can bullfight them.
45:55You can pull them.
45:57And the most fun thing is to pull them and open the drawer.
45:59We'll see you outside.
46:02In the news we are with you from the first hours of the day.
46:05With the key events of Mexico and the world.
46:08In an agile and precise way.
46:10To be informed.
46:12I'm Carlos Hurtado and I'll wait for you in the news.
46:15A space of NMAS.
46:17Monday, Friday, 5.50 in the morning.
46:19With the stars.
46:35She is real.
46:37Juan Carlos Caballero.
46:39For her, I'm Eva.
46:41Monday, Friday, 1.30 in the afternoon.
46:43With the stars.
46:45Be careful with the apps of appointments.
46:47Our appointments coincided here.
46:49What are you looking for?
46:51The biscuit 69.
46:53I also suffer for someone in the networks.
46:55And I sent him a photo.
46:57Do you want me to show them to you?
46:59Show us.
47:01The photo too.
47:03In this sports program.
47:05We like to comment on all the recent events.
47:08Again, the Aztec Stadium will be part of a World Cup.
47:11And he will do it for the third time in its history.
47:14We are two years away.
47:16In the company of our team.
47:18Sports contact.
47:20Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
47:2211.30 at night.
47:24With the stars.
47:33Hurry up, I have to get there fast.
47:36Let's go on the motorcycle, it's faster.
47:38Let's go.
48:02Thursday, Thursday and Friday.
48:32Thursday, Thursday and Friday.
48:37What time will my mom come back?
48:39And she doesn't even come back.
48:41And she has me like her stupid waiting for her.
48:45Where is Rebecca?
48:47And I want the truth Romina.
48:49I need to know where she is.
48:51Answer me.
48:53Where is Rebecca?
48:55I demand you tell me.
48:57Here I am.
48:59With what right do you come to shout here to my office?
49:00Where is Angeli?
49:02And don't tell me you don't know.
49:04How am I going to know? Why do you ask me?
49:06I'm not her nana, I don't know where she is.
49:08Well, I don't believe you.
49:10It's your problem.
49:12I've been here all day working.
49:14Right, Romina? Tell him.
49:16Yes, yes, sir.
49:18That's right, the lady has been working all day with me here in the office.
49:22So go find Angeli's dead fly somewhere else and leave me alone.
49:25What's going on here?
49:27What are you doing here, love?
49:28Arguing with Rebecca.
49:38Oh no, I don't know what's wrong with me, son.
49:41But I have like a bad feeling, I don't know.
49:44It's not good for you to worry like that, mom.
49:46I already told you that nothing is wrong.
49:48Calm down.
49:50Oh, how do you want me to calm down, son?
49:52I feel a very great anguish in my chest.
49:54Something is oppressing my heart.
49:56I don't know what it is.
49:58No, no, no.
50:00What for?
50:02Are you just going to worry about her?
50:04Look, better help me review some menus that I have to present at the gastronomy school.
50:12Hello, brother-in-law.
50:15Yes, yes.
50:17Nice to hear from you.
50:19What are you doing? Is everything okay?
50:21No, no, no.
50:23I already talked to Rebecca and she assured me that she doesn't know anything.
50:25Apparently she's been in her office all day.
50:26Calm down, Santiago.
50:28Angeli still hasn't answered her cell phone.
50:30I'm sure something happened to her.
50:33Hey, calm down, brother-in-law.
50:35No, no, no.
50:37Jose Emilio, what's going on?
50:39Please don't hide anything from me.
50:41Angeli doesn't show up anywhere.
50:48What do you mean Angeli doesn't show up?
50:51That's right.
50:52And Jose Emilio is so worried that he went to talk to Agent Corral
50:56to see how he can help us find her.
50:59Don't worry, Cristina, don't worry.
51:01Angeli can't have swallowed the earth.
51:05You'll see that she'll show up soon.
51:07Don't worry, you'll see.
51:09So be it.
51:11Yes, well...
51:14Oh, you guys are so cynical.
51:17You're both shameless.
51:19You've already lost the slightest sense of shame and decency.
51:25And you, Cristina, you're a damn hypocrite.
51:28In front of everyone, you pretend to be a well-behaved and decent woman.
51:33But behind closed doors?
51:35God will set us free from your light and shameless conduct.
51:41You know what, Monica?
51:43If you're here to offend me, don't waste your time.
51:46Look, I know, and so do you,
51:48that what comes from the mouth comes from the heart.
51:51And with a heart like yours,
51:53I really don't have anything to worry about.
51:56What do you tell me about you, sister Cristi?
51:59The resolution of my divorce hasn't come out yet,
52:03and you've already thrown yourself as a vulture
52:06over the man who is still my husband, Clara.
52:09Monica, enough, enough.
52:11There's no point.
52:12What a bunch of nonsense you say when we're so worried.
52:17For your information, Angelina doesn't show up.
52:20They've been looking for her everywhere,
52:22and there's no sign of her.
52:24To be honest, I don't give a damn about a reverend
52:28what happens to that crybaby.
52:31Why do you always have to be so selfish, Monica?
52:35The situation can be very serious that you don't realize.
52:38Obviously not.
52:40Oh, please.
52:43With you it's too much, Monica.
52:45There's nothing that can move you.
52:50I don't see why they make such a fuss.
52:53Angelina may be shopping or with a friend, I don't know.
52:57You're so wrong, Monica.
53:00All the suspicions indicate that Rebecca
53:03is behind Angelina's disappearance.
53:05I'm going to the DA's office to meet with Luciano.
53:24This is the perfect time for you to pressure your grandfather
53:28and convince him to let you go.
53:30This is the perfect time for you to pressure your grandfather
53:34and convince him to let you sign the bank loan documents.
53:38Forget it.
53:40My grandmother wants Jose Emilio to check and give his opinion
53:43before they sign anything.
53:45That can't be.
53:47Because Jose Emilio is very busy
53:49looking for his missing wife.
54:01Oh, please, God.
54:04Take care of my children.
54:07I don't know where they are. You're not the only one who can take care of them.
54:14Do you realize, Fatima?
54:16They shouldn't have detained Luciano.
54:18They could have summoned my client and he would have shown up.
54:21Why don't they let me be with the children?
54:24The mother of the children is with them.
54:26No. No, it can't be.
54:31I don't understand, Mom.
54:33How could you do something like this to my father?
54:36You went too far.
54:38They detained him because of you.
54:40Wait, wait, wait, wait.
54:42The one who committed the crime was his father.
54:44What's my fault that he took them without warning?
54:47I don't want to live with you.
54:49I want to be with my father
54:51and with Fatima.
55:06How come Jose Emilio doesn't answer you?
55:09I don't know, Grandpa. I also find it strange.
55:12Because I call him and he sends me straight to Buzón.
55:14And no matter how many messages I've left him, he hasn't reported to me.
55:17Grandpa, listen to me.
55:19If we don't sign this contract soon,
55:21the stock exchange company that will give us the loan
55:24will not respect the conditions they negotiated with me.
55:26We're going to miss a great opportunity.
55:31What happened, Dad?
55:33Did you send for me? What do you need?
55:35Yes, yes, daughter. Come in, come in.
55:37Do you know why Jose Emilio has not reviewed the loan contract?
55:42Yes, yes.
55:44Jose Emilio is solving a personal problem right now
55:48and I don't think he can read that contract right now.
55:52Well, not to mention,
55:54I will have to sign the authorization of the loan.
55:57The loan.
56:03It's here, right?
56:05That's right.
56:13Ready, son.
56:28Tell me, boss.
56:30Rufino, what information do you have about the movements
56:33that Rebeca has made?
56:35After she left the restaurant,
56:37she took direction to an abandoned house,
56:39there on the outskirts of the neighborhood where she lived.
56:42And from there she returned to the corporation.
56:44Did you see if Angelina was with her?
56:46Rebeca came to the building with someone else, ma'am,
56:49but the mere truth,
56:51it is not possible to tell you if that person is Mrs. Angelina.
56:54I could not see her well.
56:55Now more than ever,
56:57you must follow in Rebeca's footsteps.
57:00And if that person is Angelina,
57:02I want you to take photos, videos, and send them to me.
57:07Capiche, Rufino?
57:10Understood, ma'am.
57:14I wish that idiot Rebeca
57:16had kidnapped Angelina.
57:19Now I would have her in my hands.
58:05Matilde and Javi have to come with me.
58:08Matilde and Javi will have to return to their mother's house
58:11and there is no going back.
58:13I'm sure something happened to her
58:15and I can't suspect anyone else but Rebeca Sánchez.
58:17Do you have evidence to support your accusation?
58:19React to everyone, they must be looking for me.
58:22Maybe I'll never find you,
58:23nor you,
58:24nor your son.
58:26They won't do it.
58:28Surprise, love.
58:29We are
58:37This time I have you in my hands, Rebeca.
58:40They have already located the last location of Angelina's cell phone.
58:43Let me see.
58:45Does it make you happy to hurt me?
58:46Look at me.
58:48Does it make you happy to see me suffer?
58:49I'm your sister!
58:53You are like me, you are my reflection.
58:55Don't ask me what I'm doing here, I don't understand.
59:11We should never be together.
59:14I need you a lot.
59:20I love you very much, my love.
59:23I love you too.