• last year


02:45I'm Doctor Who.
02:49These are my plucky assistants.
02:52Bing one and the other one.
02:54Bill Noddle.
02:56We picked up your distress call.
02:59And here we are to help.
03:00Like awesome heroes.
03:02Yeah, we're not assistants.
03:04Okay, right, so what does he call you?
03:06Companions? Pets?
03:12Someone's watching.
03:15Well, that's quite a good beat, really, isn't it?
03:18Yeah, maybe we should be moving on.
03:20Yeah, and he calls us friends.
03:21Oh, Doctor.
03:22Think of the age gap.
03:24Stop mucking about and concentrate.
03:26Now, Dole, do something non-irritating.
03:28On it, sir.
03:29Time lords are friends with each other, dear.
03:31Everything else is cradle-snatching.
03:33Oh, it's a big one.
03:35Ship reader's 400 miles long and 100 miles wide.
03:39It's big, even for a colony ship.
03:41Anything else?
03:48Look at that.
03:51Stop watching plants grow.
03:53It's heading towards a black hole.
03:55No, it isn't.
03:56It was heading towards a black hole until somebody noticed.
03:59Now they're trying to reverse away from it.
04:02Engines are on reverse thrust, see?
04:06Well, it's succeeding.
04:07Very, very slowly.
04:09Explains the distress call, I guess.
04:12So, a 400-mile ship reversing away
04:16from the gravitational pull of a black hole.
04:20We haven't fun yet.
04:25Who's there?
04:27Hello, please report status.
04:29Oh, hello.
04:31What have we got here?
04:33You're probably handsome, aren't you?
04:35Well, congratulations on your relative symmetry.
04:38Who are you?
04:39Well, I am that mysterious adventurer
04:42in all of time and space known only as Doctor Who.
04:46These are my disposables.
04:48Exposition and comet relief.
04:51We're not functioners.
04:53Darling, those are genders.
04:55Please stay exactly where you are for your own safety.
04:58He likes me. He's so exciting.
05:00I'm coming through.
05:02Hurry, my stallion.
05:04And if I'm in the shower, just bring me some beans on toast.
05:08That's roughly human flirting, isn't it?
05:10So, why do you keep calling yourself Doctor Who?
05:13Because I'm pretending to be him.
05:15Because that's the whole point of this ridiculous exercise.
05:19It's not an exercise, it's a test.
05:22Are you eating?
05:25Yeah, well, don't test me eating crisps.
05:28Yeah, but he's called the Doctor, he said.
05:31Well, he says, I'm the Doctor and they say, Doctor Who.
05:34See, I'm cutting to the chase, baby.
05:36I'm streamlining, I'm saving us actual minutes.
05:40Yeah, OK, whatever.
05:42Also, it's his real name.
05:43It's what?
05:45Look at the screens.
05:46Slow today, Missy.
05:48All those screens have been angled to a single viewpoint.
05:50But not originally. They've all been moved.
05:52Which means?
05:53Giant ship, single pilot, but not designed that way.
05:56Something's happened to the others.
05:58Yes, and now it's time for you to figure out what.
06:03Uh-oh, someone else has noticed us.
06:05Sorry, what do you mean it's his real name?
06:07Nobody knows the Doctor's real name.
06:09I do, because I grew up with him.
06:12And his real name is Doctor Who.
06:15Well, she was just trying to wind you up.
06:17Chose it himself, you know, trying to sound mysterious.
06:20And then he dropped the Who when he realised it was a tiny bit on the nose.
06:24Stop teasing her and focus.
06:26Is she serious, though, Doctor?
06:28Is your real name Doctor Who?
06:31Oh, you're blue. Nice.
06:33I should go back to blue.
06:36Stay where you are.
06:37Stay calm.
06:38He's very frightened.
06:40Dearie me, I thought you were handsome.
06:42Now you've gone all cross and you're pointing a gun at me.
06:45Is this the emotion you humans call spanking?
06:49Are there only three of you?
06:50Are any of you human?
06:51What has happened to this ship and how long have you been here alone?
06:54You're looking very sickly.
06:56What has happened to this ship and how long have you been here alone?
06:58You're looking very sickly.
07:00Two days.
07:01Are you human?
07:02Now, don't be a bitch.
07:03How did you get on board?
07:04Is that your capsule?
07:07There. Look!
07:11Three lifts.
07:12They're coming.
07:14What's in this ship?
07:16Superfast inertia lifts.
07:18Well, what's inside? What's coming up here?
07:20Things. I don't even know where they came from.
07:23One of you must be human.
07:24They only come up if they detect human life signs.
07:26What for?
07:27They take them away.
07:28So those are the lift doors, yeah?
07:30That's where they come out?
07:31I'll be right with you.
07:32Which of you is human?
07:38Me, me. I'm human.
07:40I'm the only one. Just me.
07:43Please stop this.
07:45Stop right there. Now.
07:47I'm sorry.
07:48I'm so sorry, but you're the reason that they're coming.
07:51Put it down. Put that down now.
07:53They won't come if she's dead.
07:54You don't need to do this.
07:56I can get her off the ship. I can shield her life signs.
07:59You know what, Doctor?
08:01I said this was a bad idea.
08:03Liz, listen to me. Look at me.
08:06Go on. Look at me.
08:08That's good.
08:11That's very, very good.
08:13Now, you see this madwoman sitting in this chair?
08:17Her name isn't Doctor Who.
08:19My name is Doctor Who.
08:21It's not, is it?
08:22I like it.
08:23You don't know it yet, but in a short time,
08:26you will trust me with your life.
08:28I'm going to save you and everyone on your ship.
08:31One day, you will look back
08:33and wonder who I was and why I did it.
08:53Doctor, this is a bad idea.
08:55No, it's a good idea. A test run.
08:57She thinks she can be me.
08:59Let's try her out.
09:01She got us home from Mars.
09:03She's a murderer.
09:06Enjoying your bacon sandwich?
09:09Because it had a mummy and a daddy.
09:11Go tell a pig about your moral high ground.
09:14I pick a scenario, we drop dead,
09:16and we go back to Earth.
09:18Go tell a pig about your moral high ground.
09:20I pick a scenario, we drop her down into it,
09:22and we see how she does.
09:26How does that work?
09:27Ah, we just take the TARDIS for a spin,
09:30and we graze for distress calls.
09:33We pick a good one. Our usual Saturday.
09:36And, uh, what if she just walks out
09:39and slaughters everyone just for a laugh?
09:41Well, I will be monitoring you the whole time.
09:46You and Nardole, you can be her companions.
09:50Oh, no, forget it.
09:52Absolutely no way.
09:54Nardole agreed.
09:56No, I didn't.
09:57You did in my head, which is good enough for me.
09:59Why do you want to do this?
10:01She's my friend. She's my oldest friend in the universe.
10:03Well, you've got lots of friends. Better ones.
10:05What's so special about her?
10:07She's different.
10:08Different how?
10:10I don't know.
10:16Yes, you do.
10:22She's the only person I've ever met who's even remotely like me.
10:29So, more than anything, you want her to be good.
10:42Are you having an emotion?
10:44I know I can help her.
10:47Look at that face. He's having an emotion.
10:50Yes, look at that bit. Yeah, he's doing emotion.
10:52Oh, leave him alone.
10:53Can I take a selfie with you?
10:57She was my first friend.
10:59Always so brilliant.
11:00From the first day at the academy.
11:03So fast, so funny.
11:05She was my man crush.
11:07I'm sorry?
11:10I think she was a man back then.
11:11I'm fairly sure that I was, too.
11:13It was a long time ago, though.
11:15So, look, Time Lords.
11:18Bit flexible on the whole, like, man-woman thing, then, yeah?
11:21We're the most civilised civilisation in the universe.
11:24We're billions of years beyond your petty human obsession
11:27with gender and its associated stereotypes.
11:30But you still call yourselves Time Lords?
11:34Yeah, shut up.
11:36Get in.
11:39We had a pact.
11:41Me and him.
11:44Every star in the universe.
11:47We were going to see them all.
11:50But he was too busy banning them.
11:54I don't think she ever saw anything.
11:57And you think that if she did, she'd change?
12:02I know she would.
12:03I know it.
12:08You bloody idiot. You know that, yeah?
12:11Of course.
12:18She scares me.
12:24Like, she really scares me.
12:35Just promise me one thing. Yeah?
12:38Just promise you won't get me killed.
12:46I can't promise you that.
12:48Oh, thanks.
12:52I mean, look.
12:54You're human.
12:56And humans are so mortal.
12:59I mean, you pop like balloons.
13:07I mean, one heart.
13:10One heart?
13:12It's your most important organ, and you have no backup.
13:14It's like a budget cup.
13:16You'll try and keep me alive.
13:20Within reason.
13:22Thanks, mate.
13:33What are they?
13:35What are those things?
13:38You're too late. She's dead.
13:41Don't you touch her. Don't you lay a finger on her.
13:43Stand away.
13:46Stand away.
13:48She will be repaired.
13:52Stand away.
13:54You can help her. Is that what you mean?
14:00Where are you going? What are you going to do with her?
14:03Don't try and stop me. I'll snap you in half.
14:05When do you bring her back?
14:07We will not.
14:14Wait for me.
14:16Wait for me.
14:18What are you doing?
14:20Leaving a message in her subconscious.
14:22How? She's dead.
14:23Those things are going to repair her, so clearly she isn't.
14:31Sir, step away from those doors, you'll bring them back.
14:32What do you care, Smurf? They're not even interested in you.
14:34Sir, I swear to you, step away from that lift or I will kill you.
14:37Don't. You will only make me angry.
14:39Honey, listen to him.
14:41Because if somebody kills you and it's not me, we'll both be disappointed.
14:43Now you, what, where are those things?
14:46I don't know.
14:47How can you not know? They're on your ship.
14:49The ship is supposed to be empty.
14:50But it's a colony ship.
14:52But it's brand new. The colonies haven't arrived yet.
14:54We're on our way to pick them up. The skeleton crew, 50 of us, that's all.
14:58But it's not empty now, is it?
15:00Look, thousands of life readings.
15:02Two days ago, there was nothing. Those readings came out of nowhere.
15:05Well, obviously, you were boarded.
15:07Your ship was taken over. It happens.
15:11This is worse than I thought. Much worse.
15:15Fifty of you taking your brand new ship fresh from the factory to pick up some colonists.
15:20Two days ago, you almost bumped into a black hole.
15:23What did you do then?
15:24We tried to reverse out of it.
15:26And you sent a team down to the other end of the ship to reverse the rear thrusters, yes?
15:32How many people in the team?
15:33About 20.
15:35And you never heard from them again.
15:36And then the whole ship just lit up with all these new life forms.
15:39Correct. Exactly.
15:40What happened then?
15:41Those creatures arrived.
15:43Took the rest of the humans away. They weren't interested in me.
15:46I'm trying to fight them, but they were too strong.
15:50Well, maybe something came out of the black hole.
15:52Nothing comes out of a black hole.
15:54Nothing boarded this ship.
15:56I'm afraid you'll never see your crew again.
15:59Black hole. 400-mile spaceship.
16:04It's a matter of time.
16:08Pay attention.
16:29Hello. Back with us?
16:35No, don't try to speak. Just relax. You'll be fine.
16:40Full conversion wasn't necessary.
16:43Though it will be in time.
16:47Sleep now.
17:16Oh, awake, is it? Awake now. Good.
17:41Wait for me.
19:59Who's making all that noise?
20:02Who is it?
20:15Right. What's the matter with you?
20:19Making all that fuss.
20:24Sleep now.
20:37That's better, isn't it?
20:40Right then, Mr. Razor.
20:41Might as well do the rounds.
20:43Now I'm here.
20:44Rounds. Yes, it is.
20:45Rounds. Good, yes.
21:26Pain, pain, pain, pain.
21:33Sorry, mate.
21:36I'm really sorry.
21:50Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me.
21:55Sorry, sorry, sorry.
22:03This way, Mr. Razor.
22:05Not sharp.
22:25Would you like some tea?
22:38This way, this way.
22:40What about him?
22:42It's all right, they don't feel pain.
22:44I think they do.
22:46Yes, they do.
22:47So why did you say they don't?
22:49It was a clever lie, but you see straight through me.
22:55This way.
22:56What are those things?
22:57People, people, people, people.
22:59They are people.
23:00What are you doing to them?
23:02Curing them.
23:12In here.
23:22You want the good tea or the bad tea?
23:37What's the difference?
23:39I call one good, one bad.
23:41I'll take the good one.
23:45Positive attitude will help with the horror to come.
23:49What horror?
23:52Mainly the tea.
24:14Where am I?
24:19Yeah, but where?
24:22The ship, you are on the ship.
24:24I was on a ship, yeah, but it wasn't like this.
24:27You were at top of the ship and now you are at bottom.
24:38Top, bottom.
24:43How did I get here?
24:45You were sick, very sick.
24:49Heart broken.
24:51New heart.
24:52Good, is it?
24:54I haven't had luck yet.
24:56It's good.
24:57It's very good.
24:59You can carry it off.
25:01Not everybody can.
25:03For some people it all goes a bit, you know.
25:10Vending machine.
25:13Drink it while it is very hot.
25:15The pain will disguise the taste.
25:21How long have I been here?
25:23Weeks, many weeks, maybe months.
25:28It's good.
25:29You get strong.
25:30Yeah, I came here with people, my friends.
25:34They don't look so bad.
25:37What's that?
25:38That's my friends.
25:39I know.
25:40I have a picture for you.
25:43Do you like?
25:44Where are they now?
25:45Are they okay?
25:46Well, they're fine.
25:47Look at them.
25:48Yeah, but are they okay now?
25:50That is now.
25:52It's right now.
25:53That is them.
25:54It's live.
25:55Yeah, but the picture is frozen.
25:59Yeah, it is.
26:00They're not moving.
26:01Look at them.
26:03They are at top of ship.
26:06Top of ship very slow.
26:08They are at bottom.
26:09Bottom much faster.
26:12Very fast bottom.
26:19Yeah, I don't understand.
26:24So you don't know.
26:27About what?
26:31Short version.
26:33Because of the black hole,
26:35it's moving faster at this end of the ship than the other.
26:41It's all about gravity.
26:47Gravity slows down time.
26:50The closer you are to the source of gravity,
26:52the slower time will move.
26:55You're standing in your garden.
26:57Your head is traveling faster through time than your feet.
27:01Don't they teach you this stuff at space school?
27:08So he's raising that eyebrow?
27:10That's a sarcasm face.
27:12He's making a joke.
27:14He's been raising that eyebrow for a week.
27:17So when are you going to tell me?
27:19Tell you what?
27:20How I can get back up there.
27:22I already told you, you can't leave here.
27:24I'm sorry.
27:25What are you doing in here?
27:27She works for me now.
27:28We agreed.
27:29Everyone here works for me.
27:31There's a floor out there.
27:33Needs cleaning.
27:35Running all the way.
27:37I know you dream of leaving.
27:39No, me? Never.
27:42This is your heart now.
27:44But outside this hospital, it will stop working.
27:49Well, it's a good thing you've got all those locks then.
27:52In case I accidentally wander off.
27:55Yeah, better get him up in.
28:01Don't change the channel.
28:04A week raising his eyebrow?
28:07Why would I change?
28:09Space school.
28:11I'm basically the janitor.
28:15Well, that's a good job.
28:17But you've got to concentrate more.
28:19Now, listen.
28:21He's going to do an explanation.
28:23That always takes a while.
28:25The months will fly by.
28:33Black hole isn't just any old gravity.
28:36It's Superman gravity.
28:37Really want to slow down time?
28:39Park next to one of these guys.
28:41Trouble is, one end of the ship is closer to the Superman gravity
28:46than the other.
28:48Come on.
29:18Come on.
29:41Wait for me.
29:48How much longer, Doctor?
29:51How many more years?
29:57What about these life forms?
29:59What are they? Where did they come from?
30:01How can there be so many?
30:02Those are the descendants of your crewmates.
30:05Two days for you, generations for them.
30:08What are these?
30:11What kind of treatment is that?
30:15Why won't you ever explain?
30:17I do explain. They are the special patients.
30:22When do those bags things come off their heads?
30:25They don't.
30:26They don't?
30:27Conversion is permanent.
30:34We are dying.
30:36All of us on this ship die.
30:48They are the cure.
30:50They are the future.
30:54Die, me.
30:58Die, me.
31:02Die, me.
31:05To survive, they are what we must all become.
31:08I will show you.
31:10Where are we going?
31:12You always want to go outside.
31:13We go outside.
31:14Wait for me.
31:18Wait for me.
31:45Everyone looks so sick.
31:47This was a good place once.
31:49Hundreds of years ago, when the settlers first came here.
31:53But this ship is old.
31:55Everything is dying.
32:01Our world is rust.
32:02Our air is engine fumes.
32:05So we must evolve to survive.
32:08But evolution is not fast enough.
32:12The special patients, they are strong.
32:16Soon, we will all be upgraded like them.
32:20They are in pain.
32:21The pain will be cured.
32:23And the exodus will begin.
32:26Operation Exodus.
32:28We will leave this city.
32:30We will climb up through this ship.
32:33And we will take command.
32:35Well, you could just go up right now.
32:39We have to be strong.
32:41There are lifts.
32:42There are many dangers.
32:44I've been up there.
32:45There's a friend of mine.
32:46He could help.
32:47You do not understand the dangers.
32:51Many years ago, there was an expedition to floor 507,
32:57the largest of the solar farms.
33:06They never came back.
33:08There is something up there.
33:11And we must be strong.
33:13Return to the hospital.
33:15You see, my dear?
33:17You must be strong to leave the hospital.
33:20And you will be.
33:22Very soon.
33:25Return to the hospital.
33:32I pressed the timer.
33:33I pressed the timer.
33:34That was good.
33:36Venusian Aikido.
33:37I thought you needed forearms for Venusian.
33:39I have hidden talents, as well as hidden arms.
34:04But it's been 10 minutes, so she must have been down there for years.
34:08We could take the TARDIS, go back and get it right.
34:11This close to a black hole, we'll never be able to pilot her accurately.
34:17Do you think they're coming down here?
34:19Because if they are, where does that lift arrive?
34:24Just asking.
34:29You are dear to me.
34:31You are my dearest person.
34:35You are like a mother to me.
34:37Definitely not a mother.
34:40Or an aunt.
34:44But this question you must not ask.
34:49Why not?
34:50Because if you do, I think I might tell you.
34:56Sorry, Mei.
34:58Guess what I'm about to do.
34:59Do not. Do not do this.
35:01I'm going to ask you again.
35:06When you hug me,
35:10it hurts my heart.
35:15No, your chest unit, it digs right in.
35:42Are you sure about the mask?
35:43He's bugling, Nesk.
35:45Just in case.
35:46In case of what?
35:51But it's locked.
35:55Where did you get that?
35:56I have buglery skills.
35:58I don't let just anyone wear a mask like this, you know.
36:00It's got your name on the label.
36:04I also have key to operating theater.
36:09I clean up on Wednesdays.
36:24It's all right.
36:25It's just, you know, work in progress.
36:32So these lifts, where do we find them?
36:36It's through there somewhere.
36:38Oh, I like the hat.
36:42I'm going to ask for a hat when it's my turn.
36:45Your turn?
36:46No, actually.
36:47I'm afraid, Miss Potts, it's your turn.
36:50Thank you for bringing her, Mr. Razor.
36:52You see through my clever disguise.
36:55Stupid thing.
36:56You did it.
36:58Please tell me you did it.
37:00It's for your own good.
37:02Make you strong, ready for the exodus.
37:05I'm sorry about the deception.
37:07It's best to get people in here without knowing why.
37:09You don't want screaming in the main part of the hospital.
37:12Don't you touch me.
37:13Don't you lay a finger on me.
37:15This unit of yours won't last forever, you know.
37:17You need the full upgrade.
37:19You're not going to turn me into one of those things.
37:21I'm rebuilding you to survive in a world not made for flesh.
37:26But look at them.
37:28They're screaming in pain every second they're alive.
37:31But we've got something for that now.
37:33This won't stop you feeling pain.
37:37It won't stop you caring about us.
37:41It fits over your head.
37:44Okay, you two, welcome to a new time zone.
37:47Not knowing the differential, I don't know how much time has passed here.
37:54Right, we need to find out more about this ship.
37:56On it.
37:57No, Missy.
37:58You do it.
37:59Now don't you come with me.
38:01But I'm the computer guy.
38:02That's always me.
38:03Sorry, she's cleverer.
38:05She's more evil.
38:06Is that what you think?
38:07I don't know.
38:08I don't know.
38:09That's always me.
38:10Sorry, she's cleverer.
38:11She's more evil.
38:12Same thing.
38:13It really isn't.
38:14No, it is a little bit.
38:15A little bit, see.
38:17Yes, thank you.
38:19Now, door!
38:34Hello, ordinary person.
38:36Please maintain a minimum separation of three feet.
38:39And really try not to kill anyone today.
38:41It would be tremendously helpful if your major arteries were out of reach.
38:49I have been so looking forward to meeting you.
38:54I'm very happy for you.
38:55I was watching you on the screen.
38:58It took me a while to work out who you were.
39:37There's always a scary thing with you, isn't there?
39:41You ought to get it out now.
39:45Oh, this is super interesting.
39:49I assumed this ship was from Earth, full of squishable little humans, but...
39:53It's not from Earth at all, is it?
39:55You don't remember me, do you?
39:57It's like an Earth-like planet, but not Earth itself.
40:01Very Earth-like, if planets had twins.
40:04You don't remember being here before, do you?
40:06I've never been here before.
40:07Will you please stop whittering on, or I'll have to splat your brains with finger paint.
40:11Oh, you have been here before. You really can trust me on that.
40:14Planet, planet, which, which planet?
40:19There's a lot of genetics.
40:23There's a lot of stuff about something called Exodus.
40:27Operation Exodus.
41:05Look at that. This ship is from Mondas.
41:16It's a Cyberman.
41:18A Mondasian Cyberman.
41:23Doctor, Doctor!
41:25Doctor, Doctor!
41:27Doctor, Doctor!
41:29Doctor, Doctor!
41:35Okay, listen to me.
41:37I may be about to take that silly little gun from you.
41:40He'll never forgive you, Doctor.
41:42He'll never set you free.
41:44Not when he discovers what you did to his little friend.
41:49I haven't done anything to his silly little friend.
41:52Oh, but I'm afraid you did.
41:57A long time ago.
42:01You're brand new.
42:03Fresh out of the factory. You're not ready for a fight yet.
42:06He does look a little bit ready.
42:08Bill Potts. Do you know where she is?
42:11Where is Bill Potts?
42:16You know me?
42:17You are Doctor.
42:20Am I supposed to know what you're talking about?
42:22Would it help you focus if I extracted some of your vital organs and made a lovely soup?
42:27You would never be so self-destructive.
42:31So what?
42:32But then again, neither would I.
42:38Listen, we mean you no harm.
42:40We're just passing through. We're looking for Bill Potts, a friend of mine.
42:43Bill Potts?
42:45Yes, Bill Potts. You're a Cyberman.
42:47You're part of a neural net. Can you find her?
42:50I love disguises.
42:53Do you still like disguises?
42:56Of course, they are rather necessary when you happen to be someone's former Prime Minister.
43:11Bill Potts.
43:15Bill Potts.
43:17Bill Potts.
43:20I am Bill Potts.
43:25Hello, Missy. I'm the Master.
43:29I'm very worried about my future.
43:34Give us a kiss.
43:38Bill, talk to me. What have they done to you?
43:41Operation Exodus, whatever that is.
43:46Wrong name for a start.
43:48I rated.
43:50This is not an exodus, is it?
43:54More of a beginning, really, isn't it?
43:57I rated.
43:59In fact, do you know what I'd call it?
44:09I'd call it a genesis.
44:12You've met the ex.
44:14Specifically, the genesis of the Cybermen.
44:23I rated for you.
44:44The whole city is a machine to turn people into Cybermen.
44:48What do you think? It's exciting, isn't it?
44:51You know the stories.
44:53There's always a way out.
44:55I'm not afraid.
44:57I'm not afraid.
44:59I'm not afraid.
45:01I'm not afraid.
45:03I'm not afraid.
45:05I'm not afraid.
45:07I'm not afraid.
45:09I'm not afraid.
45:12You know the stories.
45:14There's only ever been one way to stop that many Cybermen.
45:20Stand with me.