• last year
You can do this! Believe in yourself. Yes, some people may not like it when you shine, but you don't have to worry about that. Take responsibility for your life and act from the truth of your heart and all will be well with you. You are loved and supported always!
00:00Hello beautiful soul, welcome to this peaceful space of introspection.
00:08This is a healing space.
00:10This is a space of transformation, of pure soul's growth and it's absolutely non-judgmental.
00:24It is filled with love and it is always here for you to turn to in every life situation.
00:34And we are all in this together, in this thing called life and we have so much to go through,
00:46so much to face and so much to experience along the path.
00:53And it's an honor for me to serve you in the best possible way I can.
01:02So today's lessons are on the table.
01:07I'm not a teacher, I'm a student when it comes to divine unconditional love, but I want to
01:16become divine unconditional love as much as I can in this lifetime.
01:23This is what my soul is longing for because it is where I am home.
01:29This is my home.
01:33The dimension that is filled with unconditional love is where I come from and to where I will
01:42return one day.
01:44But here and now, I am here in this physicality with all of you and we are experiencing ourselves
01:56as a human being, doing human things and it's a great adventure.
02:08So let's make the best of it, okay?
02:11Let's just make the very best of it.
02:16The two cards of today are here.
02:19They are from the deck The Power of Love and we have Discernment and Evolution.
02:27And I go with the book this time.
02:31But let's first read what's on the cards.
02:38You are developing the skill to distinguish love from fear and truth from illusion.
02:52And Evolution.
02:55You realize that obstacles are merely lessons on your path to love.
03:12One of the hardest lessons to grasp while living in this physical dimension is the art
03:20of discernment.
03:22Life is a series of choices and you always want to make the right one for your soul's
03:32Discernment is not judgment.
03:37Discernment is living your life with a recognition of what is in alignment with your unique path.
03:47When you are centered in your being and aware of your own power, you are able to see the
03:54love and truth in everything and everyone.
03:59Intuition is the language of your soul, so it is imperative that you understand how your
04:05soul speaks to you.
04:08And the best ways for you to do so is to listen.
04:15When you utilize discernment in your daily life, choices become easier and manifesting
04:23the best possible outcome doesn't seem like a matter of chance.
04:29The wonderful Shakespeare adage, to thine own self be true, encapsulates discernment
04:41Remember, what seems important to you may not be to someone else.
04:48So when you use discernment, understand that it is for your own benefit and growth.
04:57And what is beneficial to you on your path to self-acceptance ripples outward to those
05:04around you.
05:07When you know yourself, love yourself and honor who you are, you become aligned with
05:13your divine self.
05:16When this happens, you attract only good into your life.
05:21Wow, Shakespeare!
05:26To thine own self be true.
05:32It's all about being honest with yourself, completely and utterly honest with everything
05:39that you are, everything that you feel and everything that you truly think.
05:50It is authenticity at its best.
05:54So when you are completely in a deep connection with yourself, it may be the wrong word to
06:11use, maybe it is oneness with yourself, when you are absolutely true to yourself, you will
06:19feel with all of your heart what is true for you and what not.
06:28And when you use your intuition wisely, when you look at things ahead, when you make your
06:36decisions, you want to always ask yourself first, am I okay with this?
06:44Is this all right with me?
06:47Is this in alignment with my true soul's growth?
06:52Is this good for me?
06:56Okay, and you will notice if the answer is yes or no.
07:03You will.
07:05Maybe you get a whole body answer.
07:10Have you ever experienced a whole body yes or a whole body no?
07:16When you really know within your skin and bones what you want, what is good for you
07:24and what not.
07:27Maybe you have had this experience before.
07:30Trust it, my dear one, trust what you feel, because it is you talking to yourself.
07:38It is you.
07:42Know yourself.
07:45Be honest with yourself, speak your truth and live your truth.
07:51Choose the truth for yourself, because everything else leads to suffering, but the truth, which
08:03is love, by the way, leads to happiness.
08:09And that is wonderful.
08:12Oh my God, we are on an evolutionary journey.
08:22Oh yeah, we are.
08:26Things are speeding up, things are developing within us.
08:31They are no longer silent.
08:34We have to listen to our hearts this time and always, okay, evolution.
08:46Let's see if I have also something to say about evolution.
08:58Here we are.
09:01You realize that obstacles are merely lessons on your path to love.
09:12Life in the physical dimension is all about your soul's evolution.
09:18And you know, you now understand, I'm sorry.
09:26And you now understand that the quickest way to evolve is to utilize the energy of
09:32love in all you do.
09:37Every day you are presented with opportunities to project your loving energy, tempered with
09:48Approach each day that allows you to become aware of the world around you, offering you
09:58the chance to expand spiritually.
10:05Look upon each experience and person as something unique to learn from, because that is what
10:13you signed up for.
10:16That's why you are here.
10:19You spiritually evolve when knowledge gained through application of lessons and integration
10:28of truths resonates within your being.
10:33It can be difficult to grow without stepping outside your comfort zone.
10:39This is where the virtues of faith and hope are tested, and you embrace the conviction
10:46that everything works out for good.
10:50The power of love is the infinite truth.
10:55With this power, you are not influenced by judgment or bitterness.
11:02With it, all things are understood, accepted and forgiven.
11:09When aligned with love, you are able to see the common threads running through everyone
11:16and everything.
11:17You become aware that all this is a part of the greater whole.
11:26The mindfulness that truth is bigger than your ego, as well as gratitude for every experience
11:33you have, is an important aspect of your evolution.
11:40Oh my god, yeah, yeah, I get it, I experience things like that.
11:52I can tell you, every person that is being presented on your path can be your teacher,
12:03and you can be theirs.
12:06And you also learn so, so much, and yeah, we are all so precious, so lovable, and so
12:22beautiful, everyone on earth, every single person deserves to be loved unconditionally.
12:33Every single person deserves to be happy, to be fulfilled, to live an abundant life,
12:43because that's what we are here for, we are not here to suffer, we are not here to play
12:49small all the time.
12:52We are pretty powerful, dear ones, but if we, if we choose to, how can I say, I don't
13:06know the words exactly, but if we dim our lights, then we probably don't feel powerful
13:16at all, we are scared, we feel alone, we feel helpless, we feel like we are a victim
13:23of circumstances.
13:27But life always finds a way to let us know that we ourselves have the power to overcome
13:36every single obstacle that is presented to us.
13:45And I know it can be hard, and I guess I've tried to stay in my comfort zone for years,
14:00because I needed it, I needed time to heal, I needed time to recover from a past that
14:06was pretty harsh.
14:09So it's okay when you are afraid to go, to walk out of what is familiar to you, but also
14:21know that true growth and fulfillment take place in an area that begins one step apart
14:38from your comfort zone.
14:41And it's okay when it's only a baby step, because you don't have to be overwhelmed with
14:48what you should do to feel better or something like that, but if you want to follow your
15:03heart, follow your heart and soul's desire to grow, to experience itself in a beautiful
15:14way, then I guess we have to walk the talk, we have to do the things that lead us to true
15:29happiness and fulfillment.
15:34And the other day we had the Cards of Patience and Faith, and this is continuing.
15:51We have to be patient with ourselves, of course, and we have to keep the faith.
16:00And sometimes we just don't know, we are scared, we are afraid, we don't know what
16:10to do, we don't know what to say, but this too shall pass, my dear one.
16:19It is going to be alright.
16:22Just believe in yourself.
16:26You can do this.
16:36The universe has your back.
16:40It's going to be alright.
16:42Just believe in yourself.
16:45All is well.
16:48All is well.
16:53Thank you for listening.
16:56Be safe, be well, have a good time, honor yourself, love yourself.
17:05You are beautiful and I love you.
17:09Bye for now.
