Hollyoaks 24th June 2024

  • 3 months ago
Hollyoaks 24th June 2024
00:00This doesn't make any sense. My father didn't have a brother, let alone a twin, right, Max?
00:04No, he never mentioned it.
00:07This is Nancy's home and she's the one that should be here.
00:09Look, I know you're looking out for her, but for now, Nancy's in the right place, okay?
00:12But she is, is she?
00:13I managed to convince Dilly that we are better off leaving Jeremy and Martha well alone.
00:17Do you have somewhere to stay nearby?
00:20He's coming home with us. His family.
00:22I don't know what you're doing or where you are, but if you can just...
00:25You know, let me know you're okay and get back to me. I love you.
01:16Wait, wait, Nancy.
01:18Where is Jaycee? I know she's all wrong about you.
01:38I barely slept all week worrying about Dave. I can't take it anymore.
01:44Thank you.
01:47Is that cute? I'd throw it home.
01:56Nancy, oh my days. You'll never guess who I just saw.
02:01Suzanne, perchance? I mean, hard to miss, seeing as she's moved back in.
02:04Yeah, I forgot about that, but no, no.
02:06I heard you last night, Darren, saying Nancy is where she should be.
02:11Do you not believe me?
02:12Of course I do, but you know, her mum being there might encourage Frankie to come back
02:16and tell the truth.
02:18Do you really think so? I mean, who knows what's going on inside that girl's head?
02:22Hey, you were right to sack off Price, Slice.
02:24Cindy's gone airwalled, so Pearl's rushed off her feet to serve, and you're Suzanne.
02:28How are you doing? Must be hard now that Miley's gone.
02:32Yeah, it's hard, but she's back with her dad, and that's the main thing, isn't it?
02:38Yeah. Look, Nancy, I've got to tell you this.
02:41Oh, I'll leave you to it.
02:45Do you never spare a thought for what other people are going through?
02:52Hey, um, Darren thinks that Frankie will admit what happened when she gets home,
02:57but I've got a better idea.
03:00What has got into you?
03:02Mother was trying to kill him.
03:03We know nothing about this man, Tilly, nothing.
03:06I thought we agreed we'd keep it that way.
03:08Jeremy just wants to reconnect with his family, OK?
03:10It's not his fault the mob's a headcase with an extra grind.
03:13I'm willing to accept that Jeremy and Patrick are not the same person,
03:16but if they were raised together, they are bound to share some character traits,
03:19and I'm not willing to find out which ones.
03:21It's just the fact that Maxine will never forgive me if I let him stay here.
03:28He came, he saw, it's time he was leaving.
03:31OK, please, just let him stay. He has nowhere else to go.
03:34I don't care, Tilly.
03:35I will not risk the safety of the twins and of Faith by having a complete stranger live here.
03:39And don't play the family card, OK?
03:42Because we both know what lurks within the Blake DNA.
03:45Yes! Variety.
03:48OK? You pride yourself on being nothing like Patrick,
03:50and what if Jeremy isn't either?
03:52Just because he looks like him doesn't mean he is him.
04:00Oh, sorry I'm late, Aunty Di.
04:03They were queuing out the door at price slice this morning.
04:05I'll do what you both say.
04:06I'm just impressed you made it in.
04:07I thought you might have needed a bit of a do-a-day today.
04:10Hey, are you going to sit with Cindy? You two might get to cheer each other on.
04:17Hi, Cindy. You all right?
04:20Missed you at the shop this morning.
04:22Any more from Dave?
04:25Oh, what's he done now?
04:28Yeah, he just said that he needed some space after everything with Liz's baby, and...
04:33What space does he need?
04:34I am going out of my mind with worry. I mean, what if he does something stupid?
04:38Right, why are you letting him dictate how you feel?
04:42Come on, you're a grown woman, Cindy. Where's your resilience?
04:45And I know things haven't been easy for Dave, but you've coped with far worse than this.
04:49You know, when he does come back, he's going to find a pretty sorry sight waiting for him.
04:53All right, chill out, Aunty Di. Can't you see she's upset?
04:56No, I'm not. She's right.
04:58If I could cope with losing Luke, then I should be able to cope with anything.
05:02Here, take this. I'm sick of waiting for it to ring.
05:05I'm over it. I, Cindy Cunningham, am moving on.
05:15Oh, just getting the plates ready for when Frankie gets home.
05:18Seems Nancy's a stranger to the duster, is she's the truth.
05:23What's in there? Charity stuff?
05:25No, absolutely not. It's a change of clothes for Frankie and some things to keep her occupied.
05:30Girl's bored stiff in there.
05:32Well, I can take it if you want.
05:34But there's still loads to do here, and if you go, everyone will just sack it off.
05:38Thanks a lot.
05:40You're not going without me. It's my sister.
05:43Why would you even want to go?
05:44If Charlie wants to make up for all the attitude yesterday, I'll take it, thank you.
05:49Besides which, you've got football training that you can't miss, right?
05:53Anyway, who's going to back up?
05:54JJ should be doing that. He's the one bringing all the rubber bits in from the Astro.
05:58Ah, he's got you there, JJ. Add that to your list.
06:01Right, I'll go and check on Frankie's room, make sure it's all set for her.
06:07Hey, you're not going to help?
06:09Just because it's sunset day doesn't mean I don't have any homework to do.
06:16Did something happen to my tablet?
06:18How shall I know? If you can't do your work, you can do the vacuuming.
06:22Charlie's telling you to.
06:23And I'm telling you. That's what big brothers do.
06:29What's wrong with Charlie?
06:33Jeremy, that's a bit mad, isn't it?
06:35Sienna, tell Darren he doesn't believe me.
06:39I don't know what I believe, but I know what I saw.
06:43My father's twin.
06:45All right, great, yeah.
06:47So what, the demon headmaster now has a hippie, earthy twin, does he?
06:51That seems really plausible.
06:52What's more likely, Darren?
06:54That the man you buried in the wall has been alive all this time,
06:56or he just has a twin that looks like him.
07:00Keep it down a bit, please.
07:01If you don't believe me, you go upstairs, you'll see for yourself.
07:03Wait, what? You've let him upstairs?
07:07The place where Patrick tormented me for years,
07:09after you specifically said that you'd have nothing to do with him.
07:12Max, I'm really sorry, OK, but it's not as simple as that.
07:15Dilly brought him home, I didn't know he was coming.
07:17So what? Now I have to see his face every single day like some living nightmare.
07:27Max seems right, you know.
07:28Letting him move in is insane, OK?
07:31Jeremy isn't your dad, OK? You don't owe him anything.
07:33I know that, Darren, but...
07:34Look, you don't have to tell me how hard families are, OK?
07:36My daughter's accusing my wife of trying to kill her right now.
07:39Now, you know, I would stand up for Nancy to the end of the earth,
07:42but she still had to move out, or we got to the bottom of it.
07:45What I'm trying to say is, does Jeremy really have to move in?
07:49He doesn't have anywhere else to go.
07:50Well, stick him in the wall with his twin.
07:52Very helpful, Darren.
07:54Look, you don't know this guy, OK? I don't know this guy.
07:57But we both know that Patrick was 100% evil, all right?
08:01So just go with your instincts on this one.
08:02If anything seems odd, you get rid of him.
08:05You're so right, Darren. Something is odd here,
08:07and I'm not going to put my family in harm's way.
08:12Well, let's see what she's packed you, then.
08:14We've got some PJs.
08:18Matching slippers.
08:21Fluffy socks.
08:23And a notepad and pen.
08:27Um, I'm going to go and grab a drink or something.
08:30Do you want anything?
08:32No, no.
08:33Do you want a drink?
08:42You taught me to sign, and what are you sorry for?
08:45Well, giving Morgan antihistamine was bad enough
08:48without you getting the blame for it.
08:50And I'm teaching myself. I've got an app.
08:55You're welcome.
08:56Anyway, why are you not in school?
08:59Are you missing me that much already?
09:01It's Insect Day.
09:02I've got a lot of work to do.
09:04My tablet's on. It won't turn on.
09:07Well, you can borrow mine if you like. I'm not using it.
09:09It's in my bedroom, I think.
09:11Probably need charging.
09:12And you'll need the code, so I'll just write that down.
09:21Um, Oscar, just come here a sec.
09:29Right, it's...
09:37Get out! Why are you even here?
09:39To clear my name.
09:41Look, it's just us, so you can tell me the truth.
09:44What really happened that night, Frankie?
09:51Oh, that was nice, eh?
09:53You got a new job at some posh resort out in Spain
09:55doing all the entertainment.
09:57Oh, talk about living the dream, eh?
09:59Sun, sea, sangria, sounds from the shores.
10:02I had some of the best times of my life out in Spain.
10:05And the worst.
10:06But I go back in a heartbeat.
10:08Dance on the tables till the sun comes up,
10:10all eyes on me, all bronzed and beautiful.
10:13I'm not going to lie, I'm not going to lie.
10:15I'm not going to lie.
10:17I'm not going to lie.
10:19You're welcome.
10:21Diane, please, can I get a large glass of the House White
10:24and maybe get one for yourself as well?
10:27Hey, Max, are you all right? What's happened?
10:30Sienna has a new houseguest.
10:32He's a family member.
10:34Oh, so what, Dodger's pa?
10:38His name's Jeremy
10:40and he is the identical twin of Patrick.
10:47Oh, hey, Max, what have you heard from your dad?
10:50Oh, me neither.
10:52You know what I say, we go out and celebrate being strong,
10:54independent women, no men allowed,
10:56with the exception of Scott, of course.
10:58What do you say?
10:59I'm not in the mood.
11:01Right, well, I'm going to go and get myself dolled up.
11:03Loft, watch out, Cindy's ready to party.
11:06I'll be back for you lot later.
11:08Are you OK?
11:36Wait, go back. What are you wearing in that one?
11:39Well, just body paint.
11:41Well, there's something very zen
11:43about standing naked under the night sky.
11:45Ooh, actually naked.
11:47Hey, Sienna.
11:50Is everything all right?
11:52I know he turning up unannounced was a bit of a shock, so...
11:56Yeah. Yeah, you can say that again.
11:59Look, I don't know what you know,
12:01but your brother was not a good man.
12:03So having his double just appear here in the village
12:06is making a lot of people feel very uneasy.
12:08Patrick was a cruel, brutal manipulator.
12:13He kept me prisoner.
12:15He abused his wife, Maxine.
12:17He had our mother, Anna, institutionalised.
12:20I'm sorry, I had no idea.
12:23OK. But now you do know.
12:26So you can see how difficult it would be for us
12:28to have his doppelganger staying here in our home
12:31when, for all we know, you could be just as dangerous as he was.
12:39If you're so innocent,
12:41why are you travelling around with a weapon?
12:45I know you're not asleep, Frankie.
12:47Yeah, no, thanks to you.
12:49I need rest if I'm going to get better.
12:52Will you just leave?
12:54I will when you've told me the truth.
12:57The truth.
13:03I'm sorry.
13:05I was...
13:08You were wasted.
13:10Worse than I've ever seen Mum and that's saying something.
13:14Look, you were ranting and raving and I just got in the way.
13:18It just doesn't make any sense.
13:20Are you sure it wasn't an accident?
13:22Do you not remember anything?
13:26You were just furious that I accidentally overdosed Morgan.
13:29And do you blame me?
13:31Well, then you attacked me.
13:34Look, I could have really hurt you, little girl,
13:37and for that, genuinely, I am so sorry.
13:41So I kind of understand why what happened happened.
13:45Well, I don't.
13:47I feel I would remember something like this.
13:50Are you sure that you're not forgetting some details,
13:53no matter how minor they might be?
13:55Frankie, I am not normally a violent person
13:58and I need you to start telling me the truth.
14:01Nancy, what are you playing at?
14:03Now you're coming in here and threatening this sick kid.
14:05I wasn't. I was just...
14:07Look, I don't want to hear it any more, OK?
14:09And now you're just making yourself look guilty.
14:15I'm really sorry. I can imagine how this looks.
14:18Can you?
14:20The secret twin of my twisted father just showing up with a knife!
14:24Hey, just take it down a notch, yeah?
14:26We could be jumping to conclusions.
14:28Look, I can see how triggering this is
14:30and I've broken boundaries you've set
14:32and invoked past traumas of which I apologise.
14:35I actually only got it last week from a nursery
14:37in the hope of picking up some gardening work.
14:39Receipt's in the bag somewhere, but I am fully qualified,
14:43I've done all the health and safety courses.
14:45You know, I think you could be genuine.
14:47Look, traditional-style hand-weeding knife,
14:50stainless steel head, ash handle...
14:52You see, it's not a weapon, it's just one of the tools of my trade.
14:56And don't worry, I'm going to find a lock-up for my tools
14:59and I would never dream of leaving them
15:01where curious children could come across them.
15:04I hadn't counted on adults, though.
15:07OK, see?
15:09So let's all just calm down and stop looking for red flags
15:12and give this poor man a chance.
15:14What do you say?
15:18What was that all about, eh?
15:20What did you think was going to happen?
15:22Frankie was just going to change the story and we'd all hog it out?
15:27I don't know.
15:31Sammy made things worse, but maybe next time
15:33don't try and make plans with an over-imaginative teenager.
15:36Well, at least we tried.
15:39We're all trying, mate.
15:42So did Frankie say anything useful?
15:46Only for the prosecution.
15:48She said I was shouting at her about drugging Morgan
15:52and she gets why I did it.
15:55And you believe her because...?
15:57She was being honest when she said
15:59she regretted endangering Morgan's life.
16:02And as hard as it is for me to accept,
16:05maybe I was so tired and so angry...
16:09..that I lost control.
16:11Yeah, and you'd been drinking.
16:13And Frankie hadn't, so I have to trust her memory more than mine.
16:18Bottom line is, there is a very vulnerable young girl
16:21lying in a hospital bed and she's utterly terrified of me.
16:25That's what happens now and then, eh?
16:27Please come home. Sure has.
16:29JJ and Suzanne can live somewhere else.
16:32No, it wouldn't be fair on them.
16:34They have been through a lot already.
16:36But we need you. We need you, please.
16:38I'm sorry, honey.
16:40I'm so sorry.
16:58Ah! Dave!
17:03Aren't they gorgeous?
17:06Miss me?
17:10I'm sorry for assuming the worst of you.
17:12It's just...
17:14Well, this family doesn't exactly have a great track record,
17:17so, um, peace offering.
17:19Gratefully accepted.
17:21And never apologise for protecting the twins.
17:24They're lucky to have you in this loving home.
17:27I have to admit, they're my touchers.
17:31You never said why you and my father drifted apart.
17:36I can't even remember now,
17:38but then, did Patrick ever need a reason to do what he did?
17:46Gosh, I think all that morphine's starting to wear off.
17:49I should really get going. Sorry.
17:58You know, I'm not sure that's a great idea.
18:02I mean, you're not 100%, so...
18:05Why don't you just stay the night here? You can sleep on the couch.
18:08Well, that would be wonderful.
18:10Thank you.
18:12How dare you just up and disappear like that?!
18:15I have been worried sick!
18:17Right, listen, I'm sorry. I've said I'm sorry.
18:20But I came back.
18:22Oh, in your own sweet time!
18:24You have no idea what I have been through.
18:27So guess what, Dave? It's too late. I've moved on.
18:30Don't say that.
18:32I've... I've missed you the whole time.
18:34Where have you been?
18:36I don't know. I just...
18:38I had to get away. I...
18:40Drove. Slept in my car.
18:43Look, I am your wife, for better or worse.
18:46And it's been worse.
18:48Ever since we made our vows, you know?
18:51Lizzie dying, not being able to find the kid.
18:54Well, that is why we make the commitment to one another.
18:57You know, to be there when it hits the fan.
19:00Is this you punishing me for Mason leaving,
19:03or saying that Lizzie chose to take that pill that killed her?
19:07You're putting words in my mouth.
19:09Cos all I have done from day one is fight your corner, Dave,
19:12and I do not deserve to be treated like this.
19:16You're right, OK?
19:19I've been struggling to get a handle on my grief,
19:22and I've been going about it completely the wrong way, Cindy.
19:26I'm so sorry.
19:41What's happened to you?
19:44Oscar, all I know is Nancy loves you more than anything.
19:50And if she thinks this is for the best, then we have to trust her.
19:54But I miss her so much.
19:56We all miss her. Try not to think about it.
19:59Haven't you got some homework to do?
20:01Or is your tablet still playing up?
20:03Oh, thanks, I can borrow hers.
20:05That's really kind of you.
20:29You really are a beautiful dancer.
20:32Hey, are we OK?
20:34I hate it when we fall out.
20:36For God's sake!
20:47What are you watching, Oscar?
20:51Right, is there anything else you need?
20:53You can just help yourself to food and drink.
20:55Oh, OK.
20:56There's a cheeky Ayurvedic chai in the cupboard that I think you might like.
20:59It's caffeine free, right? Of course.
21:01Or whatever in the bathroom.
21:03Apart from the bath bombs.
21:05Oh, yeah, the kids made them for Mother's Day.
21:07From what we don't know, but they strip, lips nail polish in under five minutes.
21:11OK, noted.
21:13Look, I'm really grateful for this.
21:15Thanks again, all of you.
21:17Well, night-night. Night-night.
21:20Night. Night.
21:32Sophie has a glass of water, so of course Sebastian needs one.
21:44Sleep well.
22:27Do you two get the feeling that Cindy isn't coming back?
22:30Or maybe she's got herself a sweet little gig out in Spain.
22:34Do you know what? I'm going to ring her when she's here in a bit, see how she's doing.
22:37It's not like I've got anything else better to do now that Miley's gone.
22:40Isn't that right, Max?
22:42Hey, Max.
22:46Look, you know what, babe?
22:48Be more Miley's.
22:49And in the meantime, I think Minnie is going to be over the moon
22:52she's got Uncle Scott all to herself.
22:54Oh, yeah. There you go.
22:56Thanks. Cheers.