Coronation Street 24th June 2024

  • 4 months ago
Coronation Street 24th June 2024


00:25Has anyone seen Carys's shoes?
00:28Have you checked under the stairs?
00:29Oh, that place where we keep them? No, Ches, I haven't thought of that.
00:32All right, keep your hair on. They've got to be around somewhere, haven't they?
00:35Right, when was the last time you had them?
00:37I don't know.
00:39Well, can't she just wear her wellies?
00:40No, she can't, because they're going on a school trip.
00:43They need to look smart at the library.
00:46That peak, it's not in here.
00:47Not you and all. Have we been burgled?
00:50Oh, check the washing machine. I forgot to empty it last night.
00:53I can't wear wet trackies.
00:54Well, it's either that or it's your wife, Runcie. It's up to you.
00:58Why's there shoes in here?
00:59Oh, honestly, this house!
01:02You haven't forgotten about tea, have you?
01:04No. Olly's coming round.
01:06Hey, I'm doing Chesburgers.
01:08Omari and Jamie have asked if they can come too.
01:11But I can tell them no if there's not enough to go around.
01:13No, it's fine. I can bulk out the mints.
01:15Ow, that hurts.
01:17I know they're a bit tight, love,
01:19but I promise you I'll get you some new ones, yeah?
01:22As soon as Mummy gets paid.
01:24You don't want to wear them, but you want to go on your trip, don't you?
01:28Come on, you lot! We need to go!
01:30Oh, come on, Kev, think about it.
01:32You blackmailed him using a phone that you stole out of his office.
01:35Sounds like some really bad bombing Leonard did.
01:37Yeah, well, I wasn't quite thinking straight.
01:40What does Abi think to all this?
01:43You've still not told her, have you?
01:44I did think the bit about breaking and entering would go down too well.
01:47Well, that's an understatement.
01:49Warm cup of six brings to mind.
01:50Look, I know it was risky, but it's over now.
01:54Stefan's going to pay for the videos to be vetted
01:56and Abi can get on with her life.
01:58Job's sorted.
02:02Who's that?
02:04Wants to meet up.
02:06Probably wants to give me a check.
02:13So, did I hear you talking to your mother this morning?
02:20It's all right. I'm all right.
02:23Are you sure? Don't want to spoil your day.
02:26She's not pregnant, is she?
02:27No! No, she's coming home next week for some event.
02:30Oh, yeah.
02:32Tommy's having his bust unveiled.
02:34I believe he's a double D now.
02:35It's not the same day as your 50th.
02:37You turning 50?
02:39Yes. Unbelievable, isn't it?
02:41I heard you're well past half a century.
02:44It's the legs.
02:46Dad gave away.
02:47Well, I've thrown away my legs.
02:49I'd start by wearing compression socks if I was you.
02:52I'll put your barricade sprains.
02:55What are you doing? About them!
02:57Something about a catty tea party?
02:58No! The less I see of that woman, the better.
03:00Anyway, I don't want a flipping party.
03:02Well, you've got to do something.
03:03I'm on the planning committee.
03:05Ah, er, well, no.
03:06Nah, nah.
03:08Just a few pints, you know, mates, game of dance.
03:10That's well lame.
03:12Sweetheart, I'm nearly 50, I am single,
03:14and I live with my ex-father-in-law.
03:16Lame is my middle name.
03:28I've just bumped into Chesney
03:29and he said you were feeling a bit down,
03:31so I brought you a bacon butter cheese up.
03:33Oh, ta. I'll put the kettle on.
03:35Well, I can't stay long.
03:37I've left a black pudding in the oven.
03:42When did this come?
03:44Just now.
03:47I went to cash and carry for Jenny the other week.
03:49I didn't realise it was paying this blake.
03:51I was only in and out.
03:5470 quid.
03:55The thieving so-and-sos.
03:58Mum, it wouldn't matter if it were five quid.
04:00I still can't pay it, can I?
04:03I've got 20 quid till the end of the week.
04:05Oh, darling, come here.
04:06Come here, let me give you a cuddle.
04:08Come on.
04:13It was not fair, Mum.
04:14Me and Chesney work so hard.
04:16I know you do.
04:18He's just never in the mood.
04:19He's just never enough.
04:21Well, I'd appeal if I was you.
04:23What's the point?
04:25This is going to be just like the eviction.
04:29We've got no say, no rights.
04:32People think they can just treat us however they want
04:35and no-one cares, as long as they're not the ones
04:37that are sending the kids to school with no shower
04:39and shoes that don't fit.
04:40No, that's not true. Lots of people care.
04:43No, and my members, see how they look at us.
04:48Do you think that it's our fault that I've got no money?
04:53It doesn't.
04:54They don't think we're rubbish with money,
04:55that we've got too many kids. Maybe they're right.
04:57Now you are just talking nonsense.
05:00You and Chesney, you do a brilliant job
05:02with what little money you've got.
05:04You got that stupid boiler fixed, didn't you?
05:06And we'll find a way to pay the fine.
05:09Now, those kids, they are lucky to have you.
05:13And if anyone says any different, you can send them to me.
05:18Cheers, Mum.
05:20Well, I'm not sure I've been much help.
05:23Better just to have a moan.
05:27Do you have to go back to work?
05:31Yeah, I've left Sally in charge while she waits for her breakfast.
06:00Yep, speaking.
06:07Yeah, shoes, yeah.
06:10Oh, I didn't realise.
06:13Yeah, I'm sorry, I'll come and get it straight away.
06:18OK, bye.
06:24Right, you have got a suit, haven't you?
06:26Hey, and make sure you have a shave and all, Dad.
06:28I'm starting to wish I hadn't suggested this.
06:31Yes, well, you did.
06:32And I want to make sure I've completely won them over
06:34before I tell them we're engaged,
06:36so I need us looking our best.
06:42All right, Ed?
06:43Why aren't you at work?
06:45My meeting's been cancelled,
06:47so I thought we could nip into town and get some lunch.
06:49Well, I can't.
06:50Just tell Adam you're meeting a client or something.
06:52I am meeting a client.
06:54Oh, well, you must be out to impress
06:56if you're whipping out the big guns.
06:58Oh, she is.
07:01Ah, fine.
07:02Yeah, come on, off you go, cos I really need to get ready, yeah?
07:05And you know, Dad, come on, shoo.
07:07Are you sure you don't want me to come?
07:09You might need my superior expertise.
07:11No, I don't think so.
07:12Get off.
07:14Oh, Dad.
07:19Oh, thank you for holding the fort.
07:21Er, you've forgotten the black pudding.
07:23Well, it doesn't really resemble black pudding any more,
07:25but you can have it if you want it.
07:27No, I'll leave it, thanks. OK.
07:29What are you doing?
07:30Putting ketchup on my beans.
07:33Because I like it.
07:34But it's already covered in tomato sauce.
07:36You do realise that is ridiculous behaviour?
07:39Yeah, well, if you was brought up in my household, you'd understand.
07:42Not like you don't have any weird eating habits.
07:45Oh, not that I can think of.
07:46You do. You're just scared to reveal them,
07:48just yet worried you'll put me off.
07:51OK, I am partial to the occasional crisp butter.
07:54That's not weird. Everyone likes those.
07:57How about french fries and milkshake?
07:59Er, yeah, that is... that is gross.
08:00She likes a salty-sweet combo, does our Glenda.
08:03Thanks for that, George.
08:04Well, it's best he knows now, isn't it?
08:06Anyway, I've not come here to fight.
08:08I wanted to extend an olive branch.
08:12I know we're probably going to end up in court.
08:15But I don't see any reason why we can't be civil to each other
08:17in the meantime.
08:18And does that civility extend to my new boyfriend?
08:20Yes. Yes, it does.
08:22In fact, Michael, I wanted to apologise about the other day.
08:25I am not normally so...
08:27Rude, strappy, infantile.
08:30Yeah, all of the above.
08:33Anyway, I thought it might be nice if we got to know each other a bit,
08:35now that you and our Glenda are an item.
08:37So how about we go for a little drink later?
08:39Yeah, that's...
08:40No, you can't. We're going for dinner tonight.
08:45OK, well, perhaps some other time.
08:51That was harsh.
08:52I have to be. You're a total pushover.
08:55Anyway, do you fancy dinner tonight?
08:58Yeah, sure.
09:00As long as you don't dip your chips in your milkshake.
09:08I'm so sorry. I had no idea you had blisters.
09:12I didn't know your shoes were hurting you that much,
09:14but I promise you I'll make it up to you, yeah?
09:16I'm not leaving here without a brand-new pair of shoes for you,
09:19and you can have any ones you want.
09:21See? Look.
09:24Sale on. 50% off.
09:26Are you ready to be measured?
09:28Erm, yeah.
09:29Her shoes have been hurting her.
09:32She's only had them a few months.
09:34I always recommend a leather upper for children.
09:37It's got more give.
09:38Kinder to growing feet.
09:40And they grow so quickly, don't they?
09:42When's the last time she was measured?
09:45They haven't got one of them at the supermarket.
09:48Well, she's, er...
09:50nine now, and she's a G, possibly an H.
09:55In width.
09:58That is wider than the average.
09:59So the standard width shoe you get in a supermarket
10:02will be far too narrow.
10:03Don't worry. We've plenty in stock that'll fit.
10:05Go and have a look.
10:08I normally apologise when I keep people waiting,
10:11but in your case, I'll make an exception.
10:12What do you want, Stefan?
10:17The deal's off.
10:20I had a quote from the reputation firm.
10:22It'll cost upwards of 60 grand a year
10:25to keep those videos from circulating.
10:26So? So? I'm not prepared to pay that.
10:29You can't do this.
10:31Oh, yes, I can.
10:36Did you really think I would pay that kind of money
10:38to repair your wife's reputation?
10:41She barely had one to start with.
10:50Oh, well done, Kevin!
10:53You've just added a salt to the charred sheen.
10:57That's two good reasons why you should crawl back
10:59into your little hole, or go to prison.
11:03Now, get out and don't waste any more of my time.
11:15They're pretty, aren't they?
11:17Well, they fit like a glove.
11:19Do you like them? Yeah?
11:22And they're in the sale, right?
11:24The sale only applies to last season's stock, I'm afraid.
11:28Well, can we have a look at some that are in the sale?
11:30I'm sorry, we haven't got any left in her size.
11:34How much are they?
11:38The owner wanted to spend 20 quid.
11:40I'm sorry.
11:42I'm sure we can knock 10% off.
11:44I'll go and speak to the owner while you have a think.
11:50I'm so sorry, Charis, we can't afford these ones,
11:53so I'm going to have to put your old ones back on, yeah?
11:57I promise that I'll take you to another shop
12:00and I'll get you some of it, yeah? Today.
12:10This ain't fair.
12:14None of this is fair.
12:20Here, come on.
12:22Oh, I've got one.
12:49So this is what you've been doing all morning while I've been on call-outs?
12:52I don't know why you bother, you're never going to knock me off the leaderboard.
12:55Well, I will die trying. Is Kevin out?
12:57Yeah, the supplier's had a meeting with Mick.
13:01Great. Scooch over.
13:03Come on, move! Why? What do you want to do?
13:05I'm going to try and retrieve that email that Kev deleted,
13:08the one with the deepfake.
13:10You can't do that.
13:11Why? Do you know something I don't?
13:14No. I've been wondering why Kev suddenly believes
13:17that Stefan's done with harassing us. What has he been up to?
13:19Right, I'm the one that's starting to feel harassed.
13:21All right, I'll get your word.
13:23Hiya, Mick.
13:25Yeah, is... is Kevin with you?
13:40Whoa, what are you doing creeping up on me?
13:42I've got something for you.
13:43So, are you all right?
13:46Right, I wanted to give you this.
13:50Where is your parking spot?
13:52Well, it's your parking fine.
13:54Well, half of it, so you can pay it before it goes up.
13:57Oh, Mam, you don't need to do that.
13:58I know, I know, but it's one less thing for you to worry about.
14:03And what's she doing back?
14:05I thought they were going to the library today.
14:07Yeah, nursery teacher called.
14:09She was dead upset her shoes were rubbing.
14:12They look brand-new to me.
14:15They are. We've just been in town.
14:18I thought you were skint.
14:19I am!
14:21Well, she had massive blisters. I didn't have a choice.
14:25So, how exactly did you pay for them?
14:31Hey, what happened? I thought you'd have a day off.
14:33Oh, so did I.
14:35But Jenny's got a migraine and Daisy's out for the day.
14:42Oh, I'm going to have to bail on our date tonight.
14:45It's OK, I'll go and see George instead.
14:46No way.
14:48Why? Are you scared he's not going to like me?
14:50No, no, it's just all this olive branch business.
14:54He's up to something, I know it.
14:55Yeah, well, maybe he's seen sense
14:57and wants to start acting like a grown-up.
14:58Do you know George?
14:59No, but that's exactly my point.
15:01I think it's a good idea I make friends with the guy.
15:03He's your family.
15:05And then you can gain his trust
15:07and feed me the intel on what he's up to.
15:11Great idea.
15:15You have done some pretty stupid things in your time,
15:18but this takes the biscuit.
15:20Oh, you can talk, and I'm not proud of myself, right?
15:22Well, what if they've got you on CCTV?
15:25This isn't your first offence. You could go to jail.
15:27What am I meant to do, ma'am? Send her in wellies?
15:30Well, we could have worked something out.
15:32We could have gone to a charity shop.
15:34No, we can't, because her feet are really wide.
15:37And I would have known that if I'd ever got her properly measured.
15:39But no, my kids, they have to wear the cheapest shoes money can buy.
15:42Ones that are two sizes too small and so painful
15:45that she would rather hide them in the washing machine
15:47than wear them to nursery!
15:49I'm just sick of making do, ma'am!
15:51Since when did shoes become a luxury?
15:57Hide them.
16:06Sorry, I forgot my key.
16:07Yeah, don't worry, love. Come in, come in.
16:11Oh, is Dad not back to my tea yet?
16:13No, he'll be on his way.
16:15Look, why don't you take your mates upstairs
16:17and you can hang out in your room for a bit?
16:21All right?
16:25This is what it's going to be like.
16:27Every time that door goes, you are going to jump out of your skin.
16:32Ma'am, what am I going to do?
16:38Can I help you, madam?
16:40I was just wondering if you could point me in the direction of my husband.
16:45He was due home for his lunch about an hour ago.
16:50So, can you tell him that his wife is expecting him
16:55to make it up to her... big time?
17:00Well, if it's a grand gesture you're after,
17:02maybe I could step in, hmm?
17:10Tell my husband to call me.
17:15Hi, mate.
17:18Where are we going?
17:19Linton Road to the tram stop.
17:21Right down, will you?
17:23Why are you in such a bad mood?
17:25Don't tell me it begins with C?
17:26Yes, actually.
17:29What's the home help up to now, then?
17:30No, not Cassie, Canty.
17:32The bust unveiling.
17:33I think Tracy's going to be there now,
17:35and all apparently drooling all over him,
17:37like the rest of his deluded fans.
17:38Not that bothered. Yeah, yeah, I can see.
17:41Anyway, forget about Tommy-O.
17:42What are you going to do for your 50th?
17:45Well, Rovers, you know.
17:47Harris, a few pints.
17:49I thought we could have a night of debauchery.
17:51I'm too old for debauchery.
17:52Rubbish. Come on, it'd be a laugh.
17:54You never know, you might meet your sixth Mrs Macdonald
17:56whilst we're out.
17:58Imagine that.
18:06I didn't think you was in.
18:08Well, there's not much going on at the garage.
18:10What have you done to your hand?
18:12I've trapped it in the car door.
18:15Was that when you were at the supplier's?
18:18Yeah, yeah.
18:20Well, that's strange, cos I've spoken to Mick
18:22and he says they haven't seen you all day.
18:25Kev, I know there's something going on.
18:27I've tried to get it out of Tyrone,
18:29but he's refused to grass you up,
18:30so I am giving you one chance to come clean.
18:36You're going to freak out.
18:38Try me.
18:42You don't think we're overdressed?
18:43No. If they say anything,
18:45we'll say we're on our way to the opera
18:46and I'll get a few brownie points.
18:48Come on. You'll be fine.
18:55Hi. Thank you for coming.
18:57Why, it's the least we could do.
19:00We owe you an apology.
19:01You must think we're terrible people,
19:04reacting the way we did to you and Joel.
19:07I hope you can forgive us.
19:09We meant no offence.
19:10I suppose part of us always hoped
19:12he'd get back together with...
19:16For Maeve, you know.
19:19Of course. Yeah, I understand.
19:22And I owe you an apology as well.
19:24I mean, I was straight on the defensive.
19:28It's the lawyer in me.
19:30We're so pleased Joel has met someone who's his equal.
19:34You seem like a very accomplished young lady.
19:38We just don't understand
19:41why he kept you a secret for so long.
19:44Well, me neither, to be honest.
19:47I mean, I can't imagine keeping something like that from my dad.
19:49We'd have a job. We're in each other's pockets.
19:52You seem like a very close family.
19:54Yeah, we are.
19:56We were too, once upon a time.
19:59We're lucky if we get a phone call once a week now.
20:03Well, we can change all that.
20:05Now we've cleared the air.
20:07In fact, I'm hoping to see a lot more of you, because we...
20:11You guys ready to order some drinks?
20:13Yes, please, Emi.
20:15This is Anthea and Gus Joel's parents.
20:17Pleased to meet you.
20:18Must be excited about the engagement meal tomorrow.
20:24You're engaged?
20:34Oh, you again.
20:38How's your brother?
20:39You still in need of legal services?
20:41Is this you doing the hard sell?
20:43Wow, business must be bad.
20:45Er, I do a lot of my work pro bono.
20:48No-one does anything for free.
20:51I like helping people. What's wrong with that?
20:53Ooh, a modern-day knight.
20:54Next you'll be showing me your jousting stick.
21:01Do you, erm...
21:04fancy making these coffees...Irish?
21:16Didn't your mum tell you? It's rude to stare.
21:19Ha! Sorry, it's just...
21:24You remind me of someone.
21:26An ex, actually.
21:31Must have been fit, then.
21:34Well, put it this way, I was definitely punching.
22:00Wait a minute. That's her.
22:38You didn't have to swoop in and save me, Kev.
22:41So you wanted to face that slimeball in court?
22:44If I had to.
22:45I wanted him to bury those videos.
22:47Oh, you thought the best way to get him to do that was by lampin' him one?
22:50He was prodding me. He was saying stuff.
22:52I don't care, Kev! You've made it way worse.
22:55Hang on. I'm on your side.
22:57No, no, you didn't punch him for me.
22:59You did it to feel like a big man.
23:00What if he goes to the police?
23:02What if he goes to the police?
23:03We've got his phone.
23:05That you stole?
23:07Yeah, I didn't think this could get any messier, but well done.
23:09I was thinking of you. I'm always thinking of you.
23:12Granted, it didn't go exactly to plan, but I was trying to sort it.
23:17You don't have to fix everything.
23:20You're joking.
23:23Forget it.
23:24See, you do think I need saving.
23:26Well, let's find out, eh?
23:28So you're gonna leg it, like you always do?
23:33I'm inviting you to the engagement meal now.
23:36At short notice?
23:37So glad you can squeeze us in.
23:41I just think you're being a little bit unreasonable.
23:43My dad says that a chocolate pudding solves any problem.
23:48I mean, he's wrong, but you might as well have some at Sweetwell, Cheryl.
23:52I'm sorry if my feelings are inconvenient.
23:55This past year, Joel's been very distant.
23:58You've obviously been keeping things from us.
24:01Like what?
24:02Our son is getting married and he didn't tell us.
24:06Why is that?
24:08Look, I am not looking to exclude you.
24:11I wouldn't do that.
24:12The proof is in the pudding.
24:14We've been left out in the cold.
24:17OK, you're overreacting.
24:19Oh, says the possessive fiancé.
24:22Er, Hash, how dare you?
24:25Don't raise your voice at my wife.
24:26No, I'm gonna say my piece.
24:28First of all, you've been looking down your noses at us
24:31and now you accuse our Dee Dee of stealing away your precious son.
24:35Let me tell you something, if he's keeping his distance,
24:38it's cos he wants to and it's nothing to do with Dee Dee.
24:40Joel loves us. It has to be her.
24:43My Dee Dee is the most kind, honest and loyal person you will ever meet.
24:48Yeah, I second that.
24:50We've been through some hard times lately and I'm ashamed to say it,
24:54but if it hadn't been for Dee Dee, we'd have crumbled.
24:57I've just done what anyone...
24:58You've picked this family up time and time again.
25:01Yeah, you have.
25:02OK, I think that's enough of the Dee Dee Appreciation Society.
25:06Not quite.
25:08Joel's not just found a good one, he's found THE good one.
25:11And if he's leaving you two out of it, then you need to go and talk to him.
25:26Yeah, I think I need it.
25:34So that random bloke we saw at the police station spiked your coffee?
25:38Right, whisky is hardly spiking me drink.
25:40He was treating me like an adult.
25:42He was about 30.
25:46Oh, some old bloke tried to get in your pants.
25:48He's a hot-shot lawyer.
25:50Oh, yeah, did he tell you that himself?
25:52Probably stacked shelves of fresh cones.
25:55Why did you think he was at the police station?
25:58he gave me his card.
26:03Yeah, fine, he's legit.
26:05Still doesn't mean he's a good guy.
26:07Stop being so trusting.
26:09I'm not.
26:11Am I?
26:12Slimy blokes like him don't do something for nothing.
26:16She's staying well, Cleo.
26:19I'll, er, truck this for you.
26:32I thought you were making chispeys.
26:35My money tree hasn't bloomed yet. Sorry, pal.
26:38There were going to be more breadcrumbs than mints
26:41when you invited more of your mates, so...
26:43What, manky old kebabs?
26:45And chips.
26:46If you don't want it...
26:48What are the lads going to think?
26:49Olly's mum did us lasagne,
26:51dough balls that she made herself,
26:52and salad when we went round his.
26:54Joseph, come on, you hate salad,
26:56and everyone loves a kebab.
26:57You can push, boys. Trust me.
26:59Oh, I love the smell of fried food in the morning.
27:02It's five o'clock.
27:04Wicked. Mum never lets me have stuff like this.
27:06Nice one, Mr Winterbrad.
27:08Thanks. Cheers.
27:09No worries, lads.
27:10I'll see you later.
27:11I am smashing parenting today.
27:13That's good.
27:14Yeah, kebabs were a hit with the grumpy tweens.
27:16And I sorted Carys's shoe problem.
27:20Did you?
27:21Yeah, Dev's given us some of Ash's old ones.
27:23Do you know that he's kept all the shoes
27:25from when they were little?
27:26Who knew he was so sentimental?
27:29Yeah, it's full of surprises, Dev, isn't it?
27:33I'm going to go and get a drink.
27:35I'll be back in a minute.
27:36I'll be back in a minute.
27:37I'll be back in a minute.
27:38I'll be back in a minute.
27:39I'll be back in a minute.
27:40Come here.
27:43Our luck's changing, Jan.
27:45I know it.
27:46We've just got to keep working hard and...
27:49I don't know, be thankful for the kindness of...
27:52Well, Dev's not a stranger, but...
27:55You know what I mean.
27:56Maybe she's gone to police to report Stefan.
27:59I mean, she could be telling him
28:00that you've got evidence on his phone.
28:01Except then she'll have to tell him how we got the phone.
28:05Oh, yeah.
28:06Or she's gone to finish what you started.
28:08We all know she's got some right hook on her.
28:10Oh, she was fuming, mate,
28:11but she won't make the same mistake as me.
28:14Look, we've all done it. It was just a stupid punch.
28:17If only she was as understanding.
28:19Look, Abif isn't with you, OK?
28:21She'll calm down and she'll realise
28:23you were just trying to help.
28:24I just wanted Stefan to wipe the whole rotten family
28:26out of Abi's life for good.
28:29Just so we're clear...
28:32I won't be paying a penny
28:33towards any reputation management nonsense.
28:37Fine, but I'm not messing when I say no more videos.
28:41And you keep quiet about Kev giving you that black eye
28:43and breaking into your office.
28:45As much as I've enjoyed our back and forths,
28:48I have no desire to see that phone
28:49get anywhere near the police.
28:51Good, cos I won't hesitate to hand it in
28:53if you grass him up.
28:54I'm a man of my word.
28:56I would say we shake on it, but...
28:59I don't want to catch out.
29:01Right, well, if you want to make your way out...
29:05You can sit there all smoked, thinking you've won the battle.
29:07Oh, is this the bit where you say,
29:09-"But you'll win the war"?
29:13Come near me again and I'll bring you down.
29:17You, your son, your second cousin once removed,
29:20I'll destroy you.
29:23I thought you were leaving.
29:25Or would you prefer to be thrown out again?
29:28I'll leave.
29:30You enjoy your nasty little life.
29:35I've got a family who love me.
29:38And you, well, your wife's long gone and your son's a monster.
29:43You're the troll under the bridge.
29:46You're a pathetic, lonely man.
29:52And that ain't changing any time soon.
30:01If Joel's keeping his distance, that's not your fault.
30:04They can stuff their accusations where the sun don't shine.
30:07Oh, well, that's poetic.
30:10Should have included it in your speech, Dad.
30:13Oh, it might be Joel.
30:21You all right?
30:24Yeah, you know, I just...
30:26I wish it'd have gone better.
30:29I know you love Joel, we all do,
30:31but you don't have to love his parents.
30:35I reckon that Anthea will be a right monster-in-law.
30:39What's she now?
30:40Oh, we thought it would be Joel.
30:46Look, I'm really sorry, but I'm tired of arguing with you.
30:49And if you don't like me, you're just going to have...
30:51We're sorry.
30:56Keep going.
31:01Joel tends to go into himself at times.
31:06He's shut us out before and, er... killed us.
31:11Didn't it, Gus?
31:12Felt like it.
31:14He's been quiet this past year and we haven't known why,
31:17and so when we met you...
31:19We're not ashamed to admit that we've overreacted.
31:24We're sorry.
31:25You're very lucky.
31:27To have a father and a brother
31:30who believes such lovely things about you.
31:35I know.
31:36And I'm lucky to have Joel, too.
31:40And we really want you to be in our lives,
31:41but I... I cannot keep rowing with you.
31:44We don't want to keep arguing, either.
31:47Just promise you won't leave us out.
31:52I promise.
31:54So, if the invitation is still valid?
31:58We'd like to come to your...
32:01..engagement meal.
32:02Of course. Of course.
32:04But do remember, it's a surprise, so no letting on.
32:12Them lads are so polite.
32:14I might get everyone to start calling me Mr Winterbrown now.
32:17When I was their age,
32:18I'd barely make eye contact with me mate's parents.
32:21Mind you, one look at the size of me pupils,
32:23I'd have been out of me hair.
32:25Hope you like your tea, Black. Milk's gone off.
32:28Gemma's gone to get some.
32:30Ooh, you're pushing the boat out, aren't you?
32:32Milk and kebabs?
32:34Living like the Beckhams.
32:36Hardly. Still skint.
32:39Oh, at least Cerys's feet aren't squashed.
32:42Looks like she's got some shoes that actually fit, bless her.
32:45She decided to keep them, then?
32:49Well, I know Gemma and I was just thinking about Cerys's feet,
32:51but I thought she'd decided to take back the shoes she'd robbed.
32:55The shoes she's what?
32:58Well, the wide-fitting ones, they were really pricey and...
33:03Do you know what? I think I might have got it wrong.
33:06Gemma stole Cerys some shoes. Are you kidding me?
33:09Hey! I've got the milk.
33:11And I've got these biscuits. There was only 20p.
33:29No, she never robbed him.
33:31I got it wrong.
33:33Mum, can you just leave us?
33:35Please? OK.
33:51I did nick them.
33:53Oh, Gem.
33:55I felt proper bad after.
33:58And, honestly, I'm not that person any more.
34:00I don't want our kids in stolen gear.
34:02And I tried to take them back, but then the shopkeeper, he saw me
34:05and he come after me and I just lashed the shoes and I licked it.
34:08And I am really, really sorry.
34:12Yeah, so am I.
34:16I'm so sorry that you felt like you had no choice but to shoplift.
34:21So our kids weren't in pain.
34:22I mean, what kind of dad can't even provide shoes for his own kids?
34:26But you can.
34:28You got them ones off, Dev.
34:30While I were out nicking, you were finding a better way.
34:34Chase, you're the best dad ever.
34:38You won't be saying that when we're homeless, Gemma.
34:43It's like you said, though.
34:45Our luck's changing, isn't it? We've just got to keep swimming, haven't we?
34:54Well, hello.
34:56I'm at your service, Lady Chatterley, so we head home.
34:59Do you like it there, my new frock?
35:01I like it better when it's on the bedroom floor.
35:03It's a silk mix, Tim.
35:05Well, I'd be careful. Anyway, I'm not Tim.
35:08I'm the Staple.
35:10Do you think it's suitable for the bust unveiling?
35:13What if I'm doing the unveiling?
35:15Tommy Orpington's bust.
35:19Ooh. Will I get to meet some of the players?
35:22Maybe. There'll be a lot of influential people and local celebrities there.
35:26And it'll be great for me as former mayor
35:28to be seen at such a prestigious event.
35:30Strictly one glass of cava per person, it says here.
35:33Oh, trust you to go straight to the drinks.
35:36Drinker. Singular.
35:38Anyway, I can't make that cos I've got to be around for Steve's birthday bonanza.
35:41Oh, I'm sure you can postpone it.
35:44Well, three pints of ale and a game of darts,
35:46that's not easy to reschedule, love.
35:48Tim, this means a lot to me.
35:50And Steve means a lot to me.
35:53Well, then you've got a decision to make, haven't you?
35:55It's either me or Steve.
35:57Right, looks like the stable boy isn't getting lucky tonight.
36:01Well, madam, wait, wait!
36:06Here we go.
36:10Oh, where's my calamari?
36:12Oh, did you know?
36:14There's over 300 species of squid.
36:17Some of them as small as a five-pinch piece.
36:20And then others that are as large as...
36:22Look, they're massive.
36:24Yeah, I know. I saw drawings of them attacking boats.
36:28Those for real?
36:30No, no, I was... I don't think I was joking.
36:32Ah! Funny.
36:34I bet you and my sister have a right laugh, don't you?
36:37Yeah, yeah, we do sometimes, yeah.
36:40You know, you're exactly what she needs, you know.
36:43Especially since me and her are...
36:45Yeah, at each other's throats.
36:49Families can be tricky, can't they?
36:51You know, I do regret the way I've handled all this.
36:54I hate arguing with Mclendon.
36:56So? Sort it.
36:58Well, that's where you come in.
37:03Well, you're a decent bloke, aren't you?
37:05So I wondered if you might...
37:07No, I don't think I'm the right person.
37:10Convince her to drop the case, Michael.
37:14I miss my sister.
37:18Stefan gets away with it, eh?
37:21Well, he doesn't.
37:22He has to wake up every day and be him.
37:24That's punishment enough for anyone.
37:26And he's not going to make any more videos?
37:28Well, he knows we've still got the phone.
37:30Look, we made a deal.
37:31We're just going to have to trust he sticks to it.
37:33Yeah, but those videos are still out there.
37:37Is there nothing we can do?
37:39Well, we could break his legs.
37:41He responds well to violence.
37:43I've said I'm sorry.
37:44Just leave it now, Kev.
37:45It's out of our hands. I need to move on from it.
37:48Tomorrow's a new day, eh?
37:50I suppose.
37:52Do you know what? I'm knackered. I'm going to have a lie down.
37:59Immersive go-karting?
38:01Yeah, I was going to book it for my dad for his birthday.
38:04So what, like you're not really in the go-kart?
38:07No, you are, but you're on, like, a virtual track.
38:10Oh, it's great.
38:11You get these, like, power-ups and these, like, banana skins
38:13that you can chuck at other drivers.
38:15No, virtually.
38:16It's a big kid to haunt your dad, isn't he?
38:18Yeah, he'll be well up his street.
38:20But no, it's been a proper birthday grinch,
38:22so we're going to go instead, aren't we?
38:24Yep, if you prepare to eat my dust bar, though.
38:26Why's your dad being such a grump?
38:28He says that in his mind he's 21, but his knees are near death.
38:32Not dramatic at all, then.
38:34Mine still hasn't gotten over his 50th.
38:36Don't throw a surprise party if you're not going to be there.
38:39Don't throw a surprise party
38:40if your dad thinks he's going to get lucky.
38:43Ah, poor Steve-o. You're only as old as you feel.
38:46That makes me about 80 today, then.
38:49Er, I'll just be one sec.
38:52Who's that?
38:53Just a mate.
38:54Mate, yeah, unlikely she's up to something.
39:01I'm going to have to postpone our darts and ale afternoon.
39:04Do you mean my birthday darts and ale afternoon?
39:07I mean, why's that, I wonder?
39:08I've got a doctor's appointment,
39:09and then I've got a dentist's appointment straight after.
39:12I can't cancel them, either of them.
39:15So you're going to miss my birthday?
39:17Yeah. Sorry about that.
39:19Cut it.
39:21Chalk pint.
39:22Right, go on, then.
39:23But I've got to see a man about a dog first.
39:28Someone's getting a surprise birthday party.
39:30Who's that, then?
39:31Oh, you know what? I admire your dedication to the craft.
39:35Now, I told my Amy that I didn't want a fuss,
39:37but she clearly knows me better than I know myself.
39:39And who doesn't want a room full of people that love him?
39:41Well, it depends who the people are.
39:43I ain't about to practice my shop face, am I?
39:52What did my brother say, then?
39:54Did he give you his blessing for my hand?
39:57No jokes.
39:59I've no desire for you to take me up the aisle just yet.
40:02What was he saying?
40:03Well, he bought me a pint, which was nice.
40:06It wasn't a date, Mickey boy. What did he want?
40:08Well, he's upset about you two fighting.
40:11Well, he knows what he needs to do to sort it, doesn't he?
40:13Yeah, and he says he really misses you.
40:16And you have to admit, this has got really out of hand.
40:19All right, family's row, I mean, look at me and mine,
40:21but, I mean, you always know what's important.
40:24So maybe you should drop the case and...
40:28What he's got to you?
40:30I should have seen it coming.
40:33He's sucked your heart in.
40:35Yeah, but you're loyal, babe.
40:37Now, you take over behind the bar, cos I've got an undertaker to bury.
40:40Hey, now, look, you two gobbling off at each other again
40:42isn't going to sort anything.
40:46You know what?
40:48You're very wise for someone so gorgeous. I'll leave it.
40:52Until he lets his guard down.
40:54And then I'll swoop in and pounce when he least expects it.
40:59Hey, this is weird, innit, all the kids occupied upstairs?
41:04I feel like I'm being naughty, not doing Mum's stuff.
41:06I enjoy being up there playing together.
41:09Cos I bet you, in five minutes,
41:11at least one of them's going to be kicking off.
41:15Hey, I'll bet you the last broken biscuit, it'll be Cleo.
41:19The way she stomps about.
41:22Oh, there you go.
41:24It's all right, I'll go.
41:29My dad's picking us up in his new Q5.
41:33Well, Mads, you're welcome here any time you want.
41:42How did you find me?
41:44All right, Dad.
42:00Can I help you?
42:01I'm Sabrina's mate.
42:03The teenage girl you tried to get drunk earlier?
42:05Sorry, what?
42:07You're good. Bit of a snooty accent, good posture, but nah.
42:11You don't fool me.
42:15I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
42:18The thing is with me is I've got quite a big gob
42:21and it's going to cost you to keep it shut.
42:24Oh. You want money.
42:28Doesn't sound good, does it?
42:30Weird. Old lawyer chatting up a young, vulnerable woman,
42:35lying her with alcohol.
42:37I was just trying to help.
42:39Now, why don't you go back to your doll's house, little girl?
42:50I can explain.
42:52I should call the police.
42:54Please don't.
42:55Is there a problem? I'll say there is.
42:58I'm sorry, but who are you?
42:59My dad. He's the man from the shoe shop, Jess.
43:02The shoe shop you stole from?
43:04Do you know what it's all about?
43:06Yeah, lads, why don't you get in the car?
43:08What, I missed this?
43:09Boys, the Audi. Now.
43:16I was trying to take them back.
43:18I see. Steal and attempt to get a refund?
43:21No. Oh.
43:23So you were trying your luck again, were you?
43:25Seeing what more of my stock you could pilfer?
43:27No, I wasn't. I just... I panicked and I dropped them.
43:30Honestly, Joseph, I was trying to do the right thing.
43:32Stop lying and have some respect.
43:34Right, you need to wind your neck in, mate.
43:36How could you do this?
43:38It's obviously a misunderstanding, Joseph.
43:40We'll see if the police agree.
43:53Make sure you're here tomorrow night on ITV1
43:55for our next big match of the tournament.
43:57We'll be live in Cologne as Mark Pugac brings the action.
44:00It's England v Slovenia from 6.45.
44:04Next, it's new long-lost family born without trace.
44:07What happened next?