The Evolving Dynamics of Sports Media Consumption | Analysis

  • 3 months ago
00:00If you've handled the why of where you're at, and that would be hockey, right, specific hockey details.
00:08No one's listening to him anymore, Mike.
00:11So you don't carry it forward. I understand every one of your questions in terms of why you would ask them,
00:16because there's a far bigger contextual story that means nothing to me now, but it means everything to you, right?
00:23That's the stories you have to write. That's actually what makes this whole thing awesome, is the context of it.
00:29So nobody ever, ever has played on a backdoor rink in Canada and scored the Game 3 overtime winner in the qualifying round.
00:39Ever. It's one game always that excites you.
00:43And that is the context of this game, and the one that we will live in that context.
00:49They will never live it down if they lose tonight. I'll tell you that much.
00:53And let me tell you something else. We live in a world of instantaneous video.
01:00I mean, we're on sports grid here, folks, and radio, I won't deny, is huge.
01:06We're on tons of radio stations already. People want to see this stuff.
01:12The writers, the columns you interact with. I know two people that read now in my life.
01:20I know no one that reads. I tell you, I'm the only guy that gets newspapers anymore.
01:25I read two newspapers every day of my life. And he's like, I know you have to write your story.
01:30No one reads any stories ever, anywhere, ever, anywhere, ever.
01:35People watch their phones. They watch their sports grid app.
01:39They watch their phones for video. They watch their phones for sex.
01:43And they bet on their phones. And then they listen to the radio on their phone.
01:49And they listen to their podcasts on their phone. And then when they get home, they watch TV.
01:55No one is sitting around Little House on the Prairie with a candle reading the Bible anymore.
02:01No one reads anything, ever. So all you writers have to write.
02:05That's what caught me about that, because I told you no one's listening to Paul anymore
02:08after the bend-over job they just took for three games.
02:11Paul's press conferences don't matter anymore. I love Paul. I'm friends with Paul.
02:15But Paul needs to shut up, and he needs to win tonight, or they're never going to live it down.
02:19And neither will he. Eventually, they'll fire his ass for losing four straight to the Oilers.
