Cbeebies Justin's House The Tooth Fairy 2x21...mp4

  • 4 months ago


00:30Well, hello, everybody, and welcome to… Yes, that's right. Just a second. Everybody,
00:58take a look at all of the lovely apples that I've been picking outside. Now, all that
01:03I have to do is give them a good old dust with me lovely new fruit duster. What do you
01:09think? Do you like it? Yes, yes. Now, I know what you're thinking. Yes, it's small,
01:15but it's more than enough for dusting me fruity friends here. Shall we give it a go?
01:18All right, here we go. A dusting fruit for dusting. A dusting fruit for dusting. A dusting
01:26fruit for dusting. In! Yes, very good. Oh, now, look at that. Look at that. A perfectly
01:35polished and dust-free apple. Oh, that's going to be such a lovely tasty treat for
01:41Justin when he gets back from the… Hi, everyone! Come on, let's go, shall we? Wiggle your
01:51buttocks, shake that grin. It's da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da. As always, sir,
02:03you know how to make an entrance. Ah, well, it's very easy, Robert, when we have so many
02:09wonderful friends. Yes, sir, but what about the… Eh, what about the RMP1 player? I know,
02:14it's time to fire it up, Robert. Well, all right, sir, firing up. But that wasn't my question. I
02:20have to… Hit it? Yes, all right then, hitting it. Come on, everyone, up on your feet. Here we go.
02:28Come on, here we go. This place you want to play in. You're my special guest today. This place you want to play in. Everyone is welcome here at Justin's house.
02:50Yeah! And there's Robert, the robot, and Little Monster too. And someone else, we think you know who. He's hearty and sunny, has a smile on his face. He's Justin! And this is my place. Come on in!
03:08This place you want to play in. You're my special guest today. This place you want to stay in. Everybody's welcome here at Justin's house. Yeah, come on, Robert! We sing here,
03:22dance here, play silly games too. But it wouldn't be fun if it wasn't for you. You're funny and sunny,
03:28got a smile on my face. You're brilliant! You really are a splendid robot. There he is. Justin's house. This place you want to play in. Justin's house. You're my special guest today. Justin's house. This place you want to stay in. Everybody's welcome here at Justin's house. One more time. Oh, I think we should, sir. Okay, here we go. Justin's house. This place you want to play in. Justin's house. You're my special guest today.
03:58Justin's house. This place you want to stay in. Everybody's welcome here at Justin's house. Everybody's welcome here at Justin's... Justin's house! A big cheer! Very good, very good. I can't believe you. You're brilliant singers, aren't they, Robert? Oh, they're excellent, sir. But I'm sorry. I can contain myself no longer. Oh, right. What is it? How was it?
04:24Oh, Robert, it was brilliant. Oh, you should have been there. How was what? The dentist, sir. Oh, the dentist. Oh, it was no problem at all. It was fine. Really? Yeah, it was a piece of cake. Oh, where? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We know you like cake. But no, I mean, a piece of cake. It was, you know, easy.
04:50In fact, Robert, the dentist said that I had the brightest teeth in Justin town, you know. Really? Well, let's have a look, sir. Okay, here they are. But my teeth are very white, aren't they, everyone? Honestly, sir, your teeth are as white as a polar bear in a snowstorm who sneezed into a tin of white paint. What toothpaste do you use?
05:16Oh, that's a very good question. That's better. Follow me, Robert, I'll show you. Right, I use the mintiest, toothiest, pastiest toothpaste on the market. I use Just Brush. Come on, here we go.
05:36Just Brush. Just Brush. Just Brush. Just Brush. It's lots of fun to do. Just Brush. Just Brush. Just Brush. Just Brush. You can do it too. Just Brush. I'm very proud of you, sir. Thank you. And seeing as you've looked after your teeth so well, I think you deserve a little reward. A reward? Yes, because you've kept your teeth so healthy and white. What would you like?
06:04Well, just something very small, Robert. How about that huge jar of sweets over there? What do you think you're doing? I'm trying to open my reward. I don't think sweets are the right thing, sir. Sir, too many are bad for your teeth. I mean, how about a nice apple?
06:24An apple? But I want some sweeties. Well, all right, give them here. I suppose you have earned a treat. Now, that is exactly what Mr. Cone said from the Just In Town ice cream parlour when he was giving me my 19th scoop of Double Fudge Special with extra sprinkles on top. Here we go.
06:55Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Move them back. No, other way. Further. Further still. Right, open. Open more. All of them. Yes. You've already had an ice cream.
07:12Um, no, I don't think I have. No, I heard you say it. You've already had an ice cream. You're not getting away with that one, sir. Now, no, I'm sorry, this is over. The chain's going on. Oh, no. Locking it. Not the no entry Just In Lock. Exactly, the no entry Just In Lock and no more sweetie treats. Oh, but Robert. No, I'm sorry, sir. All right. Saved by the bell. Okay, I'll just hold the sweets, you know, for good luck. Put them down.
07:39Right now, sir. Yes. May I? Yes, of course. All right. No, you don't. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, no, mister. Right. Look, it says here that there's a mysterious light that's been spotted over Just In Town. How strange.
08:04Well, I wonder what that could be, everybody. I don't know. No idea. Little Monster. Say hello to Little Monster, everyone. Hello, Little Monster. Hi. Little Monster, have you seen a mysterious light in Just In Town? No. Hang on a minute. What's wrong with your mouth, Little Monster? What's the matter? Oh, I think she's got something wrong with her mouth, Robert. Shall we have a look?
08:29Little Monster, why don't you take your hand down so we can see what the matter is? Yes. What is it? Little Monster, whatever it is, Justin and I will fix it. I promise. Oh, look at that. Wow, Little Monster, I think she's got something wrong with one of her teeth. Maybe she needs to go to the dentist. Never fear, sir. Downloading Monster Dentist app. Good idea.
08:57And while you do that, I'll just see if I can undo the sweetie jar.
09:03Oh, no. Complete. Right. Now, Little Monster, just lean back for me, will you? Here we go. A little wide. Now, Little Monster, all you have is a loose tooth.
09:33It's nothing to worry about. It happens to everybody. You see, your little tooth is making way for your grown-up tooth. Speaking of grown-ups, come here, sir. Now, you see, sir, Little Monster just has a loose tooth. Now, Little Monster, it's perfectly normal to have a loose tooth, isn't it, everyone?
09:58Yes. Ah, but it doesn't stop there, everybody. When your tooth has fallen out, simply place it under your pillow, and you never know, the Tooth Fairy may give you a present.
10:10Oh, a present from the Tooth Fairy? I'd like a present from the Tooth Fairy.
10:16Well, I'm sure you would, sir, but you don't have a loose tooth. Little Monster does.
10:19But it's not fallen out yet, Little Monster. You just have to wait.
10:25Oh, all right.
10:26Robert! Robert! I think I've got a loose tooth, look.
10:30Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure the dentist would have mentioned it if you had.
10:33Now, look, hang on a minute.
10:35Now, Little Monster, no waggling.
10:38Hang on, Robert, look. I don't believe it. My tooth has come out.
10:43Yes, yes, it's very odd. It just fell out, strange.
10:46It just fell out.
10:47Did Justin's tooth just fall out?
10:51What is it, sir?
10:52What is it, sir?
10:53What do you mean? It's my tooth.
10:55No, it's a chocolate mouse, isn't it?
10:56A chocolate mouse. Is it a chocolate mouse, everyone?
11:01Yes, it is. Just put it there, right now.
11:03Hang on, that's my tooth.
11:04Yeah, right. Thank you very much.
11:06All right, it was a chocolate mouse.
11:08Little Monster, please, please, you just have to be patient and wait for it to fall out on its own.
11:14Oh, dear.
11:15All right.
11:16I think I'm going to sneeze.
11:17Thank you, Robert. Keep that there.
11:20Robert, oh, look, my teeth, look.
11:23Robert, over there, look.
11:25What is it?
11:27My teeth have fallen out.
11:29One more time.
11:30I said my teeth have fallen out.
11:34Come again.
11:35I said my teeth have fallen out.
11:37Yeah, I knew it. Those aren't your teeth and I'm having them.
11:40Oh, it's got me.
11:42Stop the teeth, Little Monster.
11:45You're never going to get me.
11:47Hang on a minute.
11:48I'm on it, I'm on it, I'm on it.
11:52Oh, well done.
11:53That'll keep them occupied and I'm keeping these.
11:56Little Monster, please, please, you just need to be patient and let the tooth come out on its own.
12:02Look, I know. Why don't we all wait together for Little Monster's tooth to fall out?
12:06I think that's a good idea, sir.
12:09Any sign yet, Little Monster, has it fallen out?
12:12Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, no.
12:14Oh, all right.
12:18Well, it's pretty boring, isn't it, waiting for teeth to fall out?
12:21Oh, all right.
12:22Well, listen, to take our minds off it, why don't we have some of the lovely apples I picked this morning?
12:26Oh, that's a good idea.
12:27Right, I'll get some apples.
12:29Robert, which one would you like?
12:31That one.
12:32Which one?
12:33That one.
12:34This one?
12:35Which one?
12:36That one.
12:37That one.
12:39Thank you.
12:40Little Monster, there you go.
12:43Here we go.
12:51What was that?
12:53Oh, oh, Little Monster, look at that.
12:56Your tooth, it came out.
13:01Oh, that means the Tooth Fairy's going to come and, oh, give her a little present.
13:06I can't wait.
13:07Oh, well, sir, I mean, it's very near to Little Monster's nap time.
13:10Why don't we try it now?
13:11Oh, Little Monster, will you go and get your nap blanket and pillow?
13:15Oh, I'm going to go and get my nap blanket and pillow.
13:20Where are you going?
13:23To go and get ready for the Tooth Fairy, of course.
13:26But why do you need to?
13:28You haven't got a loose tooth, sir.
13:30I can't believe it.
13:31Oh, the Tooth Fairy's coming.
13:33The Tooth Fairy's coming.
13:34I'm so excited.
13:35I can't believe it.
13:39Oh, don't pull out the light.
13:40Is it night time already?
13:41That was quick.
13:42Here's my pillow, Robert.
13:43Where are you?
13:45There you go.
13:46Where are you, everybody?
13:47I'm down here.
13:48Well, where?
13:49That's it.
13:50Where are you, sir?
13:51I'm by the couch.
13:52You're by the couch.
13:55Oh, right.
13:56Oh, all ready for the Tooth Fairy to come.
13:58There we go.
14:00Now, here's what needs to happen.
14:03We're going to make sure Little Monster's comfy.
14:06We're going to put her tooth under the pillow like so.
14:11And then we wait for Little Monster to fall asleep.
14:17All right.
14:18And I have put my tooth under my pillow.
14:23Ready, Robert?
14:24Yes, sir.
14:26All we need to do now is wait for the Tooth Fairy to do her thing and wake up.
14:30All right.
14:31Good night, Little Monster.
14:33Good night, everyone.
14:34Good night.
14:35Good night.
14:36Little Monster, you're meant to be sleeping.
14:37What's the matter?
14:38Oh, I don't know.
14:39You can't sleep.
14:40You're too excited.
14:41Look, the Tooth Fairy's never going to come at this rate.
14:42Now, come on, everyone.
14:43Calm down and let's all sleep.
14:44Come on.
14:45Come on.
14:46Come on.
14:47Come on.
14:48Come on.
14:49Come on.
14:50Come on.
14:51Come on.
14:52Come on.
14:53Come on.
14:54Come on.
14:55Come on.
14:56Come on.
14:57Come on.
14:58Come on.
14:59Come on.
15:00Come on.
15:01Come on.
15:02Come on.
15:03Come on.
15:04Come on.
15:05Come on.
15:06Come on.
15:07Come on.
15:08Come on.
15:09Come on.
15:10Everyone, go to sleep.
15:11Everybody sleep.
15:12There we are.
15:15Oh, I can't sleep.
15:16Why not?
15:17Because I'm excited.
15:18Do you know what?
15:19It's at times like this I'm glad I'm a robot because all I need to do is power down and
15:20that's it.
15:22Well, why don't you then?
15:23Honestly, I mean, how are we going to get Little Monster to sleep?
15:27Have you got any ideas, Little Monster?
15:29Eh, what?
15:30Oh, what, sing a lullaby? Excellent suggestion.
15:33That's a great idea. Oh, I've got a good lullaby.
15:35Let's go to sleep, Little Monster.
15:36Oh, very good. All right, RMP1 firing up, sir.
15:40And hitting it.
15:41Right, this should send her to sleep.
15:46Little Monster, we love you
15:50Little Monster, we do
15:54Little Monster, we love you
15:59Little Monster, we love you
16:04Come on, here we go!
16:06Little Monster, we love you
16:09Little Monster, we do
16:12Little Monster, we love you
16:14Little Monster, we love you
16:19Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
16:21That wasn't one of our better plans, was it, sir?
16:23Sorry, Little Monster. We didn't mean to wake you up.
16:25Oh, hang on a minute. What's she doing, Robert?
16:27Ah, I think Little Monster might be sorting out the sleeping situation on her own, sir.
16:31Ah, good.
16:32Oh, she's made a phone call, but I wonder who to.
16:37Who's at the door? Who's at the door?
16:40Someone better answer it.
16:44That's right.
16:45Can't you get it, sir?
16:47Oh, yes, of course I can, Neddy Teddy. I'll go and get the door.
16:51Wait a second. Neddy, that's Robert's job.
16:55Oh, but Robert is asleep with me now.
16:57Yes, I am. Look.
17:01All right, Neddy, I'll go and get the door. I don't want to wake Robert up.
17:05Wait a second. Did Neddy trick me?
17:10OK, I'll get the door this time.
17:12Oh, look, everyone, it's Dakota Sleeve. A big cheer!
17:18Well, I came as soon as I got Little Monster's call.
17:21What seems to be the problem?
17:23Well, now, Little Monster has just lost one of her teeth,
17:26and, well, we're trying to go to sleep because we want the Tooth Fairy to visit,
17:31but we're all too excited, Dakota.
17:33Well, don't worry, my darlings. We'll sort this out.
17:37I've got just the lullaby to help.
17:39Come along, everyone. Let's get nice and comfy.
17:43Oh, yes, I will.
17:45Come on, Neddy, sir. There we are.
17:49Now, lights, please, Robert.
17:51Oh, yes, of course, Dakota.
17:55And hit it.
17:57With pleasure, Dakota.
18:05Dakota Sleeve says go to sleep.
18:11Little Monster, go to sleep.
18:20Oh, Dakota, I think it's working.
18:23I think you're right. Look.
18:29Sorry, sorry.
18:31Once more?
18:41Dakota Sleeve says go to sleep.
18:47Little Monster, go to sleep.
19:02Robert, look. I think it's worked.
19:04Look, Little Monster's asleep.
19:06Woo-hoo! The Tooth Fairy's on her way!
19:08I saw you! I saw you! I'm so excited!
19:10Shh, you two!
19:12Little Monster's never going to get to sleep with you two yammering on.
19:16Now, let's close our eyes and relax as well.
19:20All right.
19:24This is a bit harder than I thought it was going to be.
19:27Will you help me by singing along?
19:31OK, let's try it again.
19:33Hit it.
19:38Everybody sing.
19:42Dakota Sleeve says go to sleep.
19:48Little Monster goes to sleep.
19:58We did it!
20:00Thanks, everyone.
20:02In fact, I'm feeling a bit sleepy, too.
20:08La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
20:13Do, do, do, do, do, do.
20:15Do, do, do, do, do, do, do.
20:24Do, do, do, do, do, do, do.
20:34Ooh! What just happened?
20:38Ooh, Justin! Little Monster!
20:40I think we've had a visitor!
20:42What? Are you saying that the Tooth Fairy's come? Oh, I can't believe it!
20:46Right, let's have a look over here.
20:48Oh, no! My tooth is still here, everyone.
20:53Your tooth, sir. Really?
20:55Well, all right, my sweet tooth.
20:57Oh, that means that the Tooth Fairy hasn't been, has she, everyone?
21:04Did she come?
21:06Really? Come on, let's take a look and see.
21:09Come along, everyone.
21:10What's wrong, little monster? Let's see.
21:17Oh! Oh! The Tooth Fairy's been! The Tooth Fairy's been!
21:23I think we should celebrate with a song, don't you?
21:28Shall we have one of your lullabies, Dakota?
21:30Lullaby, shmullaby.
21:32Hit it!
21:33Hitting it, Dakota.
21:35Come on, everyone, it's the Hokey Cokey!
21:38You put your left arm in, your left arm out.
21:42In, out, in, out, you shake it all about.
21:45You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around.
21:49And that's what it's all about.
21:53Oh, the Hokey Cokey!
21:56Oh, the Hokey Cokey!
22:00Oh, the Hokey Cokey!
22:03And we spend our stretch.
22:05Clap, clap, clap!
22:07OK, it's time for the right arm, everyone.
22:09Here we go.
22:10You put your right arm in, your right arm out.
22:14In, out, in, out, you shake it all about.
22:18You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around.
22:21And that's what it's all about.
22:26Oh, the Hokey Cokey!
22:29Oh, the Hokey Cokey!
22:31Even louder!
22:33Oh, the Hokey Cokey!
22:36We spend our stretch.
22:38Clap, clap, clap!
22:39Last time, everyone.
22:40Here we go.
22:41Here's your whole self in.
22:42You put your whole self in, your whole self out.
22:46In, out, in, out, you shake it all about.
22:50You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around.
22:53And that's what it's all about.
22:57Oh, the Hokey Cokey!
22:59As loud as you can!
23:01Oh, the Hokey Cokey!
23:03As loud as you can!
23:05Oh, the Hokey Cokey!
23:07We spend our stretch.
23:09Clap, clap, clap!
23:10Here we go.
23:11That's what it's all about.
23:18Well, let's hear it for our wonderful guest today, Dakota!
23:24Yeah, what about Little Monster?
23:27And Robert!
23:30And, of course, a big cheer for you!
23:35And we'll see you next time in...
23:38Just In Time!
24:04© 2012 University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences UGA Extension
