উষ্ণায়নের মাত্রা নিয়ন্ত্রণে বিরাট পদক্ষেপ অক্ষয় কুমারের, খিলাড়ির এই কাজে মুগ্ধ ভক্তরা

  • 3 months ago
উষ্ণায়নের মাত্রা নিয়ন্ত্রণে বিরাট পদক্ষেপ অক্ষয় কুমারের, খিলাড়ির এই কাজে মুগ্ধ ভক্তরা


00:00In Bollywood, the only actor who won everyone's heart with his action role,
00:08everyone knew him as Khiladi Kumar.
00:11He is now 50 years old.
00:13But he is still doing action with Bollywood's Dapote.
00:18He is also seen working as a security guard.
00:22Are you able to understand so far?
00:25Yes, it is definitely about Akshay Kumar.
00:28This day, with his team, everyone was seen helping him in his work.
00:34At the same time, the citizens of Akshay,
00:37along with the media, organized a global warming event.
00:42And Akshay's post attracted netizens from all over the city.
00:47On this day, Akshay, together with Brihan Mumbai Municipal Corporation
00:51and the administrator Bhushan Gagnani,
00:54started planting trees in Mumbai.
00:57With the help of Brihan Mumbai Municipal Tree Authority
01:00and the Make Earth Green Again Foundation,
01:03around 200 Bahawa trees were planted in Kherwari,
01:07that is, Bandra Western Expressway.
01:11According to Akshay Kumar, 300 to 400 Bahawa trees were planted.
01:17On this day, with the help of this special tree planting activity,
01:21Akshay also told his parents about it.
01:24This is a Bahawa tree that has been planted here.
01:27On this side, they are going to plant the entire highway.
01:32Today, in two days, around 300 to 400 will be planted here.
01:38And after that, on that side too.
01:40And the whole plan is that from here to the entire highway,
01:43as far as Borovalli is concerned, this will be planted.
01:46Are you laughing at me?
01:48Sir, what do you have to say about the Bahawa tree that you have planted?
01:55Son, we will talk about this here.
01:58Akshay sir, such a big blessing has been given to you
02:01to plant the Bahawa tree.
02:07I want to tell you all that my childhood has passed here.
02:10I used to live in Kherwari.
02:12This is my building.
02:14I used to live here with my parents.
02:16When I came to know that they wanted to plant it here in Kherwari,
02:19I said that I am blessed to have this.
02:25And I just wanted to say this to Bhushan ji,
02:28who is our Municipal Commissioner.
02:30I requested him that can I offer this to my parents.
02:34He gave permission, so I did this.
02:37His last film, Bare Miya Chote Miya,
02:40was released on the screen along with Tiger Shroff.
02:44Akshay Kumar is still fit and fine despite his age.
02:48A few times before this,
02:50Bollywood's Khiladi Kumar has been seen
02:52taking various forms in the consciousness of the society.
02:55Today, he was found once again.
02:57Such is the situation.
03:00Your report, One India, Bangla.
