• last year


01:00Once upon a time, a long, long while ago, when I was only seven, I'm nearly eight now,
01:29I read a fairy tale. A man named Aesop, I think it was, said that a little friend may
01:37someday turn into a great big friend, and I believe it, because it happened to me. My
01:43really, truly best friend was a horse, a big and strong and beautiful black horse, the
01:50leader of a large herd of wild horses that roamed up and down the valley, free and happy.
01:57My daddy promised me a horse all for myself when I got here from back east. He said a
02:02boy needs a horse to love, and if it's the right boy, the horse will learn to love him, too.
02:09There he is. Boy, he's a beauty. No wonder he's the king of the wild herd. I just gotta get him
02:30today. That's for sure, Bob. We can't disappoint that kid of yours. Coming in on the 459,
02:35Eddie boys? Yeah. Gee, I can't wait to see him. You know, we've been chasing that big black
02:39stallion for a week. We ought to be wise to all his tricks for now, and not to miss him this time.
02:43Right. Penhall, you fellas circle to the left. Bud, you fellas go right. Harrison and I'll hit
02:49for the middle. Right.
04:19Back, back, back up.
04:49Looks like you're gonna keep your promise after all, Bob. When your boy gets here,
05:11the stallion will be waiting for him. Yeah, I'm sure glad. Oh, thanks a lot for your help, fellas.
05:16So long, fellas. Mighty wild critter, though, seems to me. Yeah, maybe that black devil won't
05:23make such a great present for Bobby after all. That's right. Still, given the right treatments,
05:28you can gentle any animal, I think. You ought to know, Bob, you've broken it up with those Bronx.
05:32Talking of breaking, I understand you're breaking away from the range. Hear tell you've been doing
05:38some prospecting in the Badlands. You know how people talk. Great Scott, look at the time. I
05:45didn't realize it took us so long. That train must be there by now. Thanks again for everything,
05:51Sam. That's okay, Bob. What'd you find out? Nothing. He's keeping his mouth shut. But it
06:03didn't take him a week to catch that stallion for nothing. Did you ever notice whenever that
06:07herd would hide out in the Badlands, Brand wouldn't follow? Yeah, he gave up the chase.
06:11But what's that got to do... Use your head, Gilman. You don't think Brand is afraid of that crazy old
06:15Indian living up there, do you? No, but... He just didn't want us poking around too much. I wouldn't
06:21be surprised if Brand hasn't got an idea that lost mine is located up there in that section.
06:26Yeah, maybe he's already found it. I don't know, but we're gonna find out. And if he has, we're
06:30taking over. It won't be too hard to get rid of him. No, that won't be tough. But how about that
06:35kid of his that's coming in this afternoon? Kids have a way of getting into trouble, Gilman. They
06:39have accidents.
07:09Take a left, Petto. Anytime, Bob. Bob! Bob, come over here.
07:25Hello, Miss Nancy. Hello, Bob. Look what we found. Bobby! Hello, Dad. Hello, Bobby. I thought you were
07:39at the station. Gee, it's good to have you here. Big for his age, isn't he? He sure is. Take that for
07:47you, Bob. I hope not. He's got a mouth or something when he grows up. Daddy, did you get him? Him? Who?
07:53A horse like you wrote to him. Oh, you bet your life I did. You don't think I'd let you down, do you?
07:58No, but where is he? Home. Can we go home now? Right this minute. You see how it is. I have to be on
08:05my way pressing family matters. Go get his suitcase, Dad. Oh, sure. There they rain, Bobby. Don't forget to come
08:22back and see me, Bobby. I won't. Here's his trappings. Thanks. So long. So long. Say, Bob, now that the kid's here, I
08:28hope you'll stop going into the Badlands looking for that lost mine. Can't stop now. I feel I've hit on to
08:33something. Be careful. That Indian who lives up there gets some square notions every once in a while. I don't think
08:38he'll bother me. So long, Mac. So long. Bye. Gee, isn't he a beauty?
09:09What's his name? King, I call him, because he was a leader of a large, wild herd. He's only wild because he grew up in the forest.
09:22Is he really mine, Dad? You bet your life, all yours. Come here, King. I think I'll go and pet him. I think I'd wait until he gets to know you a little better.
09:38I bet I know why he acts that way. Why? Must have been hurting him, I bet you. I bet you. Come on, let's go fix up your bunk.
10:08Here's something you won't be needing anymore. Are you a two-gun man, Dad? They don't have two-gun men anymore. Why do you wear two guns? Well, your granddaddy wore these. He taught me to. It's just habit, I guess.
10:29Can't you shoot them? Well, if I have to, I'd rather not, though. Come on, let's wash up before we fix up, huh? I bet you're pretty quick on the drawer. Well, just like that.
10:59Come on, Bobby, and help me break King. Okay, Dad.
11:59I bet you're pretty quick on the drawer. Well, just like that. Come on, let's wash up before we fix up, huh? I bet you're pretty quick on the drawer. Okay, Dad.
13:26Hey, Dad, you don't like anything I do. That's the way we break wild horses. I can train him just as he is. Okay, son, we'll see. King wouldn't hurt me. He knows I like him. And when an animal knows you like him, he likes you.
13:48Well, maybe you're right, son.
14:03There don't seem to be any traces of a mine around here anywhere. If there was, the mine wouldn't be lost. Keep your mouth shut and use your eyes.
14:26He's shooting it up. Why should he? Well, I'm not waiting to find out.
14:46Gee, I didn't know you played one of those, Dad. Bobby, these days a cowboy just isn't a cowboy unless he can whack away at a guitar.
14:54Then I'm gonna be awful busy, what with going to school, learning how to run the ranch, and taking lessons on the guitar.
15:02With that outfit you got on there today, you look like you're about ready to take this ranch over.
15:06Boy, I like it out here. There's no noise like in New York. It's nice and quiet.
15:11Well, I'm gonna put a stop to that right now. Sit right down here and make yourself comfortable and listen.
15:16Get along, little doggies, get along, they're slow. The fiery and the snuffy are raring to go.
15:33Oh, when I die, take my saddle from the wall. Put it on my pony, lead him out of his stall. Tie my bones to his back, head our faces to the west.
15:56And we'll ride the prairie that we love the best. Ride around them little doggies, ride around them slow. The fiery and the snuffy are raring to go.
16:23There, how's that for noise?
16:25It's sure better than those automobile horns.
16:28Well, thank you, partner.
16:33I want to talk to you, Brand.
16:35Hi, Sam.
16:37You've been up in the Badlands quite a lot lately, haven't you?
16:40Yeah, why?
16:42Anybody ever take a shot at you?
16:44Shot? Who'd do that?
16:46Well, it seems mighty peculiar. Every time Gilman and I go up there, we get shot at. But nobody ever shoots at you.
16:51Now, wait just a minute, Sam. What are you getting at?
16:54I think you found out something about that lost mine. And I also think you're in cahoots with that Indian to keep everybody else away.
17:00You're crazy, Harrison. I've been looking for the mine, sure, but I haven't found it yet.
17:04You're a liar.
17:06Give it to him, Dad!
17:14Come on, Dad! Get him!
17:16Come on, Dad! Give it to him!
17:18Get him!
17:35Come on! Quick! Get him!
17:43All right, get up and get out of here and stay off of this ranch, Harrison.
17:50I'm not forgetting this or that Indian, Brand.
17:57Gee, Dad, you sure gave it to him. I bet you could make just about anybody.
18:03I wouldn't bet too much on that, son.
18:06What was he saying about a lost mine, Dad?
18:09Well, according to some old Indian stories, there is a lost mine up in the hills somewhere.
18:16Yep. If we could find it, it'd take care of this ranch. It'd take care of your future, too.
18:21You know, your mom and I always kind of figured maybe you'd be president someday.
18:26President? I guess it'd be all right if King was vice president.
18:30Ha, ha, ha.
18:39Looks like a herd ran over you.
18:41That Brand's mighty good with his dukes. He ran me off the place.
18:44Now, look, you get back to the ranch, hide out and find out what's going on back there.
19:00All right.
20:30Good morning, Mr. Raccoon.
20:54Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
21:00Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
21:30Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:01Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:03Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:05Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:07Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:09Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:11Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:13Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:15Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:17Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:19Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:21Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:23Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:25Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:27Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:28Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:30Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:32Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:34Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:36Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:38Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:40Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:42Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:44Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:46Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:48Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:50Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:52Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:54Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:56Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
22:58Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:00Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:02Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:04Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:06Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:08Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:10Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:12Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:14Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:16Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:18Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:20Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:22Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:24Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:26Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:28Good morning, Mrs. Possum.
23:32This is Wildhorse Canyon, Bobby.
23:35But every time I ride king, he wants to head for this spot.
23:39That's natural.
23:41This is where he was raised.
23:42The wild hert's come up here to graze.
23:44I've seen him here often.
23:46Now, remember this, Bobby.
23:48In case we should ever get separated,
23:50give king his head and he'll bring you to the spot.
23:53Then I'll know where to find you.
23:55Okay, Dad.
23:56It's getting late, let's head home and have some chow.
24:17I'm leaving you tomorrow, son.
24:19Where you going, Dad?
24:20I'm going way back in the hills to look for a lost mine.
24:23Can I go with you, Dad?
24:25Not this time.
24:26Aw, please, let me go with you.
24:28You've got enough to do around the ranch here.
24:30I'm leaving you in charge, you know.
24:32Honest, Dad?
24:32In charge of the ranch?
24:34You betcha.
24:35A lot of people might think that a pretty big responsibility
24:38for a little fellow like you, but I figure you're up to it.
24:41You see, the sooner you start taking on a man's
24:43responsibilities, the better.
24:45I want you to be independent.
24:47Learn self-reliance.
24:49Then I'll know if anything ever happens to me,
24:51you'll be able to look out for yourself.
24:52I could, too, I betcha.
24:55All right, son.
25:02King had been acting up, and Daddy tied him in the corral.
25:06He didn't like it, and neither did I.
25:09I knew he kicked down the fence and ran away as fast as he
25:13could go, and me right after him.
25:20I saw him start down a steep little hill.
25:23Then he slipped and fell, and hurt his head.
25:27I knew he was going to get hurt, but I didn't know
25:30what to do.
25:31I didn't know what to do.
25:32I didn't know what to do.
25:34I didn't know what to do.
25:35I didn't know what to do.
25:37I didn't know what to do.
25:38I hurt his leg.
25:41I was scared he'd be lame or something,
25:44because he couldn't get up.
25:46I didn't know what to do, but I couldn't leave him there.
25:57After a while, King fell asleep.
26:00So did I, there by the edge of the forest.
26:04Never knowing, my dad was pretty frightened
26:07when I didn't come home.
26:10He and his men searched all night.
26:33Where'd you get that horse?
26:35He's mine.
26:36My father caught him for me.
26:38Him, King, is starting off herd.
26:41Many men try to catch him.
26:43Him, fine animal, but mean.
26:46Very mean horse.
26:48He is not.
26:49He isn't mean at all.
26:50I see.
26:52Him not mean with you.
26:54Animal knows good men, bad men.
26:57You betcha.
26:58Hey, are you a real Indian?
27:02Me real, all right.
27:04Me a storm cloud.
27:07Very pleased to meet you, Mr. Storm Cloud.
27:09I'm Bobby Brand.
27:11Little Brand.
27:13Me hear much of your father.
27:15Him do many good things for my people on reservation.
27:19Is that where you live?
27:22But storm cloud best to live and heal by self.
27:25Don't you get lonesome all by yourself?
27:28Me same as you.
27:30Have many friends among animals.
27:33Big animals.
27:34Little animals.
27:36Many friends.
27:38I'd like to meet your friends someday.
27:40But I guess I won't have much time.
27:42I've got to help my dad with the ranch.
27:45He owes lots of money.
27:46And that Mr. Harrison is trying to find
27:48the mine ahead of my father.
27:50Whoa, whoa.
27:52The storm cloud not so fast following words of small brand.
27:57Your father search for lost mine?
28:01But that mine sure must be extra lost.
28:03He can't find it.
28:05So maybe storm cloud can help a man who help his people.
28:11Gee, would you how?
28:13Me tell story.
28:17Cowboys and Indians?
28:20A true story about my fathers and yours of many moons ago.
28:27Long time ago, many white men come to this hills
28:30look for gold.
28:32Chase all my people away from hunting grounds.
28:36My people fight, but no good.
28:39They are all chase away and white men
28:41has started digging through hills for yellow rocks.
28:45Then big chiefs of many tribes have meeting.
28:49They hold council of war.
28:51Make big attack on white men.
28:54And many braves do war dance.
28:57And the war drums make big noise.
29:00And while my people are having war council,
29:03a young white man with a little son like you
29:07is finding a vein in hill of much gold.
29:10Then just at this time, my people attack.
29:13Many brave men die that day, little Brandon,
29:35and many good men too.
29:37Because there were so many bad men among them.
29:44And this was the Bible.
29:46It has passed down from father to son.
29:49And always my people have been sorry about the good people
29:53who died that day.
29:54I want you to have this Bible.
29:56Gee, thanks, Mr. Stonecloud.
29:58That was some story.
30:01But first, I'm going to put something in this Bible.
30:05Then I want you to give it to your father.
30:07You betcha, Mr. Stonecloud.
30:10And then he gave me the Bible and brought me home,
30:13right to the house.
30:15You mean he drew this map right in front of you?
30:17You betcha.
30:21And he said you were good to his people
30:23and that I was good to animals.
30:26And that he wanted somebody good like you
30:28to have the lost mine.
30:30Does it mean we're going to have our very own gold mine?
30:35Maybe not.
30:36I'll believe that lost mine.
30:38Tell you, I'll go look into it and you
30:40look after the place here, huh?
30:43You don't think Brand's just going to let you walk in
30:45and swipe that Bible, do you?
30:46If he gets in the way, I'll take care of him.
30:48Yeah, but what about the kid?
30:50Don't worry, there won't be any witnesses.
30:52But it won't look too good to McKay and his rangers
30:54if either Brand or the kid have talked about that fight
30:56I had with Brand.
30:57Yeah, but if you kill Brand, they're
30:58sure to pin it on you.
31:00So what are you going to do?
31:02Shake hands with our friend, Mr. Brand.
31:05Might be a good idea to let folks
31:06know there's no hard feelings.
31:09Pals again, Gellman.
31:11Just good pals.
31:12Pals again, Gellman.
31:14Just good pals.
31:42What's the matter?
31:43You all right?
31:44I'm fine.
31:45I'm fine.
31:46I'm fine.
31:47I'm fine.
31:48I'm fine.
31:49I'm fine.
31:50I'm fine.
31:51I'm fine.
31:52I'm fine.
31:53I'm fine.
31:54I'm fine.
31:55I'm fine.
31:56I'm fine.
31:57I'm fine.
31:58I'm fine.
31:59I'm fine.
32:00I'm fine.
32:01I'm fine.
32:02I'm fine.
32:03I'm fine.
32:04I'm fine.
32:05I'm fine.
32:06I'm fine.
32:07I'm fine.
32:08I'm fine.
32:09I'm fine.
32:10I'm fine.
32:11I'm fine.
32:13I'm fine.
32:14I'm fine.
32:15I'm fine.
32:16I'm fine.
32:17I'm fine.
32:18I'm fine.
32:19I'm fine.
32:20I'm fine.
32:21I'm fine.
32:22I'm fine.
32:23I'm fine.
32:24I'm fine.
32:25I'm fine.
32:26I'm fine.
32:27I'm fine.
32:28I'm fine.
32:29I'm fine.
32:30I'm fine.
32:31I'm fine.
32:32I'm fine.
32:33I'm fine.
32:34I'm fine.
32:35I'm fine.
32:36I'm fine.
32:37I'm fine.
32:38I'm fine.
32:39I'm fine.
32:40I'm fine.
32:41I'm fine.
32:42I'm fine.
32:43I'm fine.
32:44I'm fine.
32:45I'm fine.
32:46I'm fine.
32:47I'm fine.
32:48I'm fine.
32:49I'm fine.
32:50I'm fine.
32:51I'm fine.
32:52I'm fine.
32:53I'm fine.
32:54I'm fine.
32:55I'm fine.
32:56I'm fine.
32:57I'm fine.
32:58I'm fine.
32:59I'm fine.
33:00I'm fine.
33:01I'm fine.
33:02I'm fine.
33:03I'm fine.
33:04I'm fine.
33:05I'm fine.
33:06I'm fine.
33:07I'm fine.
33:08I'm fine.
33:09I'm fine.
33:10I'm fine.
33:11I'm fine.
33:12I'm fine.
33:13I'm fine.
33:14I'm fine.
33:15I'm fine.
33:16I'm fine.
33:17I'm fine.
33:18I'm fine.
33:19I'm fine.
33:30You're not hurt, are you, Bobby?
33:37Say hello to Bobby.
33:39Shake hands with Bobby, Jimmy.
33:40get a chance to meet each other before. I like animals. So do I. You know, animals are more
33:49dependable than most humans. They don't lie or cheat or kill wantonly. Don't gossip or
33:55chew your ear off with idle conversation. But Jimmy, you better see what's keeping Nancy.
34:00She's almost an hour late already. Oh, you're fooling. He didn't understand what you said.
34:05Yes, he does. Every word? That's right. And can he talk, too? All animals can talk. Trouble is,
34:11we don't understand them, that's all. Can King talk? Sure, horse talk. By the way, how are you
34:17and King getting along? Fine. King and me are great pals. Like you and the little bear? No,
34:23King don't knock me down like Fuzzy. Hear that? He didn't say nothing. Certainly. He said Nancy
34:34was just now coming up the trail. Hello. Hello. Am I glad you're still here, Bobby. I've got a
34:42problem. What's the problem? This is a problem. Times six. What's the matter with them? They're
34:50hungry. Why don't you feed them? Only their mother can do that. She disappeared yesterday
34:54and hasn't come back. Let me take your problem.
35:25See? Mother skunk has dinners for all of them. Well, I'll be jiggered.
35:32Hello, Bob. I didn't expect to see you around here, Harrison. I wanted to see you, Bob. I'd like
35:56to apologize for those things I said to you. I guess I was just hot under the collar from
36:00that Indian shooting at me. Want to forget it? Okay, Sam, we'll forget it. Bobby, it's getting
36:08late. You ready for some dinner? When it comes to eating, I'm always ready. Good boy. Here we go. Bye.
36:30Now that you found the mine, I guess King can have a real saddle, can't he? I'm not so sure he's
36:36ready for one yet, son. He's ready for me, I bet you. Well, that could be. I don't know.
37:00Good night, King.
37:30I just said good night to King. Oh, you did? Gee, he's a keen horse. Well, I'm glad you like him, son. You know any real cowboy songs? I reckon I do. If you feel like singing one, I wouldn't mind listening. Okay, grab yourself a front row seat and we'll see what we can do.
37:55Well, old Bobby Brand's horse was wild and black till he found old Bobby in the middle of his back singing tie-yi-yippie-yi-yippie-yi-yay, come a tie-yi-yippie-yi-yay. Well, he jumped and he ran and the dust just flew, but old Bob stuck on like a sole on a shoe, come a tie-yi-yippie-yi-yippie-yi-yay, come a tie-yi-yippie-yi-yay. With a ten-dollar horse and a forty-dollar saddle, he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's
38:25a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch and he's a-going to punch.
38:30Mrs. Tubbs had a cab he was just getting grown, and he says, I ain't going to touch
38:35no Texas cattle, come a tie-yi-yippie-yi-yippie-yi-yay, come a tie-yi-yippie-yi-yay. Well, it's cloudy
38:39in the West, and I look like rain, and there's darned old Slickers in the wagon again, come
38:48a tie-yi-yippie-yi-yippie-yi-yay, come a tie-yi-yippie-yi-yay. Well, it's bacon and
38:54Well, his old boss is a fine old boss, he went to see his gal on a sawback horse, come a-tie-ie, yippie-ie, yippie-ie-ay, come a-tie-ie, yippie-ie-ay.
39:04Well, he went to the boss to get his roll, and he figured him out, nine dollars in the hole, come a-tie-ie, yippie-ie, yippie-ie-ay, come a-tie-ie, yippie-ie-ay.
39:15He's a-goin' to town to get his money, and he's goin' home to see his honey, come a-tie-ie, yippie-ie, yippie-ie-ay, come a-tie-ie, yippie-ie-ay.
39:25Well, he wakes in the mornin' before daylight, and before he sleeps the moon shines bright, come a-tie-ie, yippie-ie, yippie-ie-ay, come a-tie-ie, yippie-ie-ay.
39:36With his feet and his saddle and his seat in the sky, he'll quit punchin' cows in the sweet by-by, come a-tie-ie, yippie-ie, yippie-ie-ay, come a-tie-ie, yippie-ie-ay.
40:06Hey, kid, come back here.
40:36Hey, kid, come back here.
41:06Hey, kid, come back here.
41:10Hey, kid, come back here.
41:13Hey, kid, come back here.
41:16Hey, kid, come back here.
41:19Hey, kid, come back here.
41:22Hey, kid, come back here.
41:25Hey, kid, come back here.
41:28Hey, kid, come back here.
41:31Hey, kid, come back here.
41:34Hey, kid, come back here.
41:37Hey, kid, come back here.
41:40Hey, kid, come back here.
41:43Hey, kid, come back here.
41:46Hey, kid, come back here.
41:49Hey, kid, come back here.
41:52Hey, kid, come back here.
41:55Hey, kid, come back here.
41:58Hey, kid, come back here.
42:02Hey, kid, come back here.
42:05Hey, kid, come back here.
42:08Hey, kid, come back here.
42:11Hey, kid, come back here.
42:14Hey, kid, come back here.
42:17Hey, kid, come back here.
42:20Hey, kid, come back here.
42:23Hey, kid, come back here.
42:26Hey, kid, come back here.
42:29Hey, kid, come back here.
42:32What'd you find out?
42:36It was Brand's body, all right. But the boy may have gotten away.
42:39What do you wonder could have happened to him?
42:42Who signed up Brand?
42:44The boy may have gotten away. The black horse was gone.
42:47Come on, you fellas.
42:48Let's get busy.
42:49We'll set a back fire at the first break.
42:59Hey Gus, you better not let the fire get away from us over there.
43:09There's no two ways about it.
43:10The kid got away somehow.
43:12Maybe on that horse you blew up a shot in Brandon and set the fire that carried him
43:29Hey Jeff, get some fellas and set a fire break over there before the wind changes.
43:40Get some men with some axes down there and chop the brush on the other side of that
44:04Personally, I don't hold much hope for the finding.
44:07If he got scared and took off on his own in these woods, he doesn't have much chance.
44:10And if he was carried off, it's not likely that we'll see him again.
44:14He probably knew too much for somebody's comfort.
44:16Who'd harm a little boy like Bobby?
44:19Poor kid.
44:20If we get this fire under control, we'll organize a searching party and find him.
45:04Good morning, King.
45:25See, the sooner you start taking on a man's responsibilities, the better.
45:29I want you to be independent, learn to rely on yourself.
45:32Then I'll know if anything ever happens to me, you'll be able to look out for yourself.
45:48Hello, Dan.
45:49Hello, Sam.
45:53Any news of the kid yet?
45:54Not yet.
46:03I thought we were supposed to keep a certain distance apart.
46:31Oh, it won't do any harm to get together for a little while.
46:34Besides, there are some things I want to tell you.
48:32I didn't know then that Mr. Harrison was still after me.
48:38I gave King his head, just like Daddy told me.
48:41And King started right for Wild Horse Canyon.
49:02Is that your herd, King?
49:14Looks like that white horse is taking over your herd.
49:20I bet you you could be their leader again, King.
49:31Let's go.
51:38Thank you, Pinto.
51:42They've just located the herd over the ridge.
51:44I bet we won't have any trouble finding that kid now.
52:24Now what are you trailing me for?
52:26You kill my friend Brand.
52:29But you no kill his little boy.
52:31Me is stopped.
52:33Oh yeah?
53:55Hey, get him.
56:22And so, my little friends, King and all the rest,
56:26became my big friends, just like it's said in the book.
56:30To have friends, a man must be a friend.