الخسف و النسف بعلم الله

  • 3 months ago
هلاك القرى بعلم الله اللهم استخدمنا ولا تستبدلنا
00:00The great criminals are growing in the embrace of the great countries, and the expansion of the great countries, and the rent of the great countries.
00:13The human rights are disappearing, according to the interests.
00:18The great oppressors and the oppressors died among the food of glory and the food of honor,
00:24and their funerals were festivals, and weeping, and mourning, and poems, and rituals, and their crimes were abolished.
00:34At the end of the war, the famous sermon says that it is necessary to punish the criminals, and every war criminal must be judged, and a criminal must be abolished from his crime.
00:49He says that he and his soul protect those criminals.
00:55And in another verse, and there is no village but We will destroy it before the Day of Resurrection, or punish it with a severe punishment.
01:03This was written in the Book.
01:06Our Lord knew these waves of destruction, destruction, destruction, destruction, and destruction.
01:15And He says to you, there is no village but We will destroy it before the Day of Resurrection, or punish it with a severe punishment.
01:23Indeed, when you open the books of history, you will find that there is no city but We, and We will destroy it in a time of destruction.
01:31Our Lord says, And thus We have made in every town the greatest of its criminals, that they may plot against it.
01:39Our Lord says, And thus We have made in every town the greatest of its criminals, that they may plot against it.
01:46And thus We have made in every town the greatest of its criminals, that they may plot against it.
01:53Our Lord knows the greatest of these criminals.
01:56Our Lord knows, and the Day of Resurrection is coming, and they will be surprised that they are awake again.
02:05And they will be very surprised when they find that the story has not ended.
02:09They will be awake again, and there will be another chapter of the story that is big and dangerous.
02:14And at that time, there will be the greatest horror.
02:18And when they wake up to the story of the return, that they have returned again, they will say,
02:23Then that was a lost time, and the loss and regret have returned.
02:28Our Lord says, And you have come to Us alone, as We created you the first time.
02:35And there is another verse, And all of them will come to Him alone on the Day of Resurrection.
02:39Each one will come to Him alone.
02:41He will not have any allies, nor any intercessors, nor any church to defend Him, nor any Harold Macmillan.
02:47There will be none, and the matter will be over.
02:49He will come alone.
02:51And from here, there will be the great horror.
02:53And there is nothing that will save a person from this horror except good deeds.
03:00And may our Lord protect us and protect you from this horror.
