Opposition accusing SA government of mismanaging funding of Department of Child Protection after $68-million-dollar overspend last financial year

  • 3 months ago
The State Opposition is accusing the government of mismanaging funding for the embattled Department of Child Protection after a $68-million-dollar overspend last financial year. It comes in a troubled time for the department, with a damning report describing the state’s child protection system as ‘institutionally racist’. But the SA Government is defending its spending, saying the money was used to hire hundreds of new staff.


00:00Fresh concerns around the state's embattled Child Protection Department.
00:06The $70 million budget blowout this year for child protection has been the result of day-to-day management incompetence.
00:16The Liberal Party seizing on the most recent budget papers which show an estimated $856 million spent by the department this financial year.
00:25A figure almost $68 million more than budgeted for.
00:29The party naming mismanagement as the cause of the overspend calling for the minister in charge to resign.
00:35She's at the bottom of the ladder. She needs to be relegated for her fail of performance in this really crucial portfolio.
00:42The overspend is the fourth in a row for the department which exceeded its budget by nearly $85 million last financial year.
00:50But the state government says the spending was necessary and used to hire more than 200 employees to meet demand in the sector.
00:57We've been rather deliberate about trying to address child protection not just by investing to employ more people
01:04but also we've seen a change of leadership in the Department of Child Protection.
01:08We've seen those efforts around family group conferencing.
01:11However the government is yet to officially respond to this month's scathing report from South Australia's Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People
01:19which found the state was unnecessarily removing disproportionate and growing numbers of Aboriginal children from their families.
01:26An investigation by the ABC revealed some of these removals were happening before the birthing process had even finished.
01:32The revelations put further pressure on Minister Katrine Hilliard but the Premier hasn't shown any signs of an impending reshuffle.
01:39Well I'm very grateful that on my side of politics we've got a stable and united team and I think we know that's something that the Liberal Party can only dream of.
01:48The government has not indicated when it will finalise its response to the Commissioner's report.
