Islam aur Nojawan - EP 3 - Hazrat Usman Ghani RA - 23 June 2024 - ARY Qtv

  • 3 months ago
Islam aur Nojawan - EP 3 - Hazrat Usman Ghani RA - ARY Qtv

Host: Muhammad Raees Ahmed

Guest: Mufti Zaigham Ali Gardezi

#IslamaurNojawan #HazratUsmanGhaniRA #ARYQtv

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00:00What is the rank of Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani?
00:23I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:25In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
00:26Respected viewers, peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:29I am your host, Muhammad Raees Ahmed.
00:30And we are presenting a special programme
00:33with reference to Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him.
00:37And we are also presenting to you the programme
00:39Kharaj-e-Aqeedat-e-Muhabbat, ARYQT.
00:41And the programme is called Islam and the youth.
00:44In which the youth have been invited
00:46and the scholars have been given the opportunity
00:49to present the Aqeedah of Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani,
00:51the third Khalifa, in a way of support.
00:56And after that, God-willing, our youth will raise questions.
00:59Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
01:02where there are many exceptions,
01:04where there is a lot of specialization,
01:07even in this regard, there is a lot of individuality,
01:12that at the place of Hudaybiyyah,
01:14when the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah took place,
01:16and Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
01:19was sent to the people of Mecca as his representative.
01:24And when the news of his death came,
01:27Prophet Kareem, may Allah be pleased with him,
01:28took the oath of allegiance, which is called the Oath of Allegiance.
01:31And in that, Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
01:34has received such a great honour,
01:35that the government of Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani
01:39declared his holy hand as Hazrat Usman's hand.
01:41Allahu Akbar.
01:42So what could be greater than this?
01:44And look at the love of the Prophet,
01:46Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
01:48that since he was one of the most powerful personalities of Mecca,
01:52the people of Mecca offered him, the Quraish,
01:55that if he wanted, he could circumambulate,
01:57but he said that when my Ameer and my Muqtada are not with me,
02:02then I will not circumambulate, I will prefer to go there.
02:06So look at this love of the Prophet,
02:08that he went on the command of Prophet Kareem,
02:11but when he returned from there,
02:13you can see the expression of the love of the Prophet in him.
02:15Today, we have with us,
02:17Mumtaz-e-Ma'ruf Al-Mideen,
02:18and MashaAllah, he is a fatwa-nawisi in Jamia,
02:22he is a member of Dar-ul-Iftah,
02:23he is a Mumtaz-e-Alim-e-Deen,
02:24and he is also a member of Tadreez.
02:26Allama Mufti Syed Zia Ghamali Shah Sahib Gardazi,
02:28please come in.
02:29Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
02:32And the youth of the nation are present,
02:34they are very determined and present with their questions,
02:38because whatever is said,
02:39some questions are drawn from that statement and presented.
02:42Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
02:44Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
02:46Jannab, let's come to the side of today's statement,
02:48and Allama Mufti Syed Zia Ghamali Shah Sahib Gardazi,
02:51what will he say about Hazrat Sayyidina Usman-e-Ghani?
02:54In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:56Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala alimuhammadin mubarak wa sallim.
02:59Thank you very much, Mr. President.
03:01Sayyidina Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him and grant him peace,
03:03is among those fortunate individuals,
03:05whom Allah has given the right of inheritance to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
03:11And if we look at the time of ignorance,
03:14in the Arab society, in the society of ignorance,
03:17the people who are known for their morals and character,
03:20Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
03:22are counted among them.
03:23That is, there is chastity, shame and modesty,
03:25there is chastity and modesty, there is purity.
03:27All these things are in that society,
03:29where there is a society that is devoid of shame and modesty.
03:32There is no sign of morality there.
03:34In that society, Sayyidina Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
03:37your position is that you are extremely humble,
03:40you are humble, you are pure,
03:42and you are extremely humble and modest.
03:45When the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
03:47gave the Prophetic admonition,
03:48and before that, your thought and your desire was that,
03:53just as these are your characteristics,
03:55just as you have this shame and modesty and morality,
03:59you wanted such an environment to be created in the whole society.
04:02And the whole society should be such that everyone has modesty in their eyes,
04:06there should be shame in everyone's character,
04:08there should be chastity and modesty,
04:09and then the society should be organized to avoid evil,
04:13there should be no oppression and oppression on anyone,
04:14no one's right should be violated,
04:16the oppressor should be stopped from oppression,
04:18the oppressed should be helped.
04:20That is, you wanted a society full of these morals.
04:23And because in that time, this could not be imagined.
04:27When the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
04:28gave the Prophetic admonition,
04:30Sayyidina Siddiq-e-Akbar, may Allah be pleased with him,
04:32you are among the first to accept Islam.
04:35So, on your preaching and on your invitation,
04:37when you gave the message to Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani,
04:40you asked what Islam is, what are the characteristics of religion.
04:44So, Sayyidina Siddiq-e-Akbar presented the teachings of Islam to you
04:48and said that this is the religion that believes in these virtues.
04:51So, Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
04:53without any question, without any argument,
04:57and without any further argument,
04:59that is, you have understood that the religion that is the center of such virtues,
05:04and the religion that is a collection of such high qualities,
05:07it is certainly worthy of accepting it,
05:09without any delay, it should be accepted.
05:11SubhanAllah. SubhanAllah.
05:12So, Sayyidina Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
05:14through Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
05:16came to the court of the Prophet and accepted Islam.
05:18And from that time till the time of martyrdom,
05:21for the sake of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
05:23and for the sake of religion,
05:24we can see him in any difficult phase,
05:28whether financially, spiritually, or socially.
05:32The qualities that Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has given you,
05:35in every capacity, whenever and however it is necessary,
05:38Sayyidina Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
05:41among those individuals, we can see first of all,
05:43those who, for the sake of the religion of Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
05:46for the sake of their wealth,
05:47and for the sake of the whole universe,
05:49all the things that Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has given you,
05:52through those things, through those luxuries,
05:56and through the status,
05:57they are the ones who serve the religion of Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
05:59And Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has also blessed you with infinite qualities.
06:02And, whenever and wherever the opportunity arises,
06:06you never lag behind in serving Islam and the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
06:09Wow, wow, wow.
06:10What to say, subhanAllah, subhanAllah.
06:12Now, I would like to request our young people, who are present right now,
06:15and are present for the same reason,
06:17that when something is heard,
06:19should it be accepted immediately?
06:22Or, if, God forbid, there is a question arising in the minds of the skeptics,
06:25then for that, the scholars should get the information,
06:28and the answers should be sought.
06:29So, the young people are present here.
06:31What to say, let's go to the young people.
06:33Who has the question, and who will ask the question?
06:35In the name of Allah.
06:36Peace be upon you.
06:37My name is Moiz Nabil, and my question is,
06:39why did Hazrat Usman Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
06:45call Zulnoreen, Zulnoreen?
06:46To Anho.
06:48Hazrat Usman Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
06:50your specialties, your special qualities,
06:53one of your special qualities is that you are called Zulnoreen.
06:59Meaning, the one with two lights.
07:00And the reason for saying this is that,
07:03in the whole universe, no one has this honour other than you.
07:06Allah the Almighty has given you this honour,
07:09that the two daughters of the Imam of the Prophets, may Allah be pleased with him,
07:13the daughters of the Prophet,
07:14Hazrat Ruqaiya and Hazrat Umm Kulthum, may Allah be pleased with them,
07:18one after the other, are in your marriage.
07:19Hazrat Ruqaiya passed away first,
07:21and then, due to this separation, due to this separation,
07:26the relation that you had with the Prophet,
07:29the relation that you had with the Prophet,
07:31there was a gap,
07:33so you were worried and worried.
07:35So, the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
07:36again blessed you, and Hazrat Umm Kulthum's marriage,
07:39was with Hazrat Usman Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him.
07:42And then, the second princess passed away.
07:44In the presence of the Prophet, this is your rank and position.
07:46Obviously, being upset over the death of your wife is a natural thing.
07:52In fact, in our society, it is considered a bad thing
07:55that someone, after the death of his wife,
07:57expresses his sadness over the separation.
08:00This is a strange concept.
08:02Hazrat Usman Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
08:04was extremely depressed.
08:06Firstly, the relation that he had with the Prophet,
08:08there was a gap in that.
08:09And then, Hazrat Umm Kulthum and Hazrat Ruqaiya passed away.
08:15So, the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
08:16in order to comfort him,
08:19the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him, said,
08:21If I had 40 daughters, I would have married you one after the other.
08:26If Allah, the Lord of the worlds, had given you so many daughters,
08:31the Prophet would have expressed his desire
08:34that he would have married you one after the other.
08:36Imam Ahl-e-Sunnah is related to this.
08:39He found the light of light from the Lord of Light.
08:42Blessed be the one who has joined you to the light of light.
08:44And then, light is eternal.
08:48Meaning, the one whose daughter is light,
08:50the one because of whom there is light,
08:51Allah the Almighty must have given him so much light.
08:53We cannot imagine this.
08:55Subhanallah, subhanallah.
08:56What a beautiful way the Mufti has answered his question.
09:00Yes, sir, next question.
09:02Peace be upon you. My name is Abdus Samad.
09:04My question was that Ghani is one of the names of Allah.
09:07Hazrat Usman, may Allah be pleased with him, is called Ghani.
09:09So, what is the reason for this?
09:10What is the reason for this title?
09:12First of all, know that
09:14the special qualities of Allah the Almighty,
09:19like He is the Creator, the Provider, the Most Gracious,
09:24these qualities are not permissible to use for anyone other than Allah the Almighty.
09:30Meaning, if you are using the name of Allah the Almighty for someone else,
09:38you can call him Abdul Khaliq or Abde Khaliq or Abdul Rahman.
09:42It cannot be used for anyone else without being related to him.
09:45But there are some qualities that are not special.
09:48In the Holy Qur'an and in the Hadith of the Prophet,
09:51they were used for people other than Allah the Almighty.
09:56So, they can be used for common people as well.
09:59But it should be kept in mind,
10:01the difference should be that like Ghani,
10:04Allah the Almighty is the owner of all the treasures of the universe.
10:10He is not in need of anyone.
10:14And all the treasures that He has are His own.
10:16No one has given them to Him.
10:17They are His own powers.
10:19If there is a Ghani in the universe,
10:21then all these powers, all the powers, all the wealth,
10:25and all the status of being poor,
10:27Allah the Almighty has given it to him.
10:29Sayyidina Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him,
10:31the Ghani that you are known as,
10:33you are Sayyid-ul-Asqiyah.
10:34Meaning, Allah the Almighty has given you limitless wealth.
10:37And then, along with being given wealth,
10:40in the Hadith of the Prophet,
10:42it is not a sin to be rich financially,
10:46but it is a great sin to be poor in the heart.
10:48So, with the blessings of the company of the Prophet,
10:50Allah the Almighty has given you the sin of the heart.
10:53Meaning, you have never neglected to spend your wealth
10:56for the service of religion, for the service of Allah, for the service of creation.
11:01Whenever you need it,
11:03the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
11:05gives an invitation to the Companions,
11:07who will offer their wealth to the Companions.
11:10Whether it is the matter of Jais-ul-Isra,
11:12or the matter of the expansion of the Haram Sharif,
11:13or the expansion of the Masjid-e-Nabwi,
11:15or the matter of the purchase of the Beer-e-Rumah.
11:17These are all instances,
11:19whenever Islam needs it,
11:21Sayyidina Usman-e-Ghani takes his wealth and offers it to the Prophet.
11:25And limitless wealth.
11:26And the Prophet has bestowed so much.
11:28The Prophet has said that,
11:29Usman has spent so much wealth in the way of Allah,
11:33that even if he does not do any additional action,
11:35the status that Allah has bestowed upon him,
11:37there can be no difference in that.
11:39Amazing. SubhanAllah. SubhanAllah.
11:41Next question.
11:41Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
11:44Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
11:45My name is Hafiz Danishawan.
11:47My question to Allama Sahib is that,
11:50in the Bai'at-e-Rizwan, the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
11:54had declared his hand as Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani's hand.
12:00What is the wisdom in this?
12:01What is the wisdom in this?
12:02Yes, a good question.
12:03In the Bai'at-e-Rizwan, at the time of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah,
12:05there is a very detailed incident,
12:07when Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani went to the disbelievers as a messenger from the Prophet,
12:12and brought the message of the Prophet to them.
12:14So that they are told that our purpose of coming here is to perform Umrah,
12:17not to wage a war.
12:19And to be given a safe path for us.
12:21So, now the disbelievers of Mecca,
12:23stopped Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani due to their relationship,
12:25due to their affairs,
12:27and here they refused to give permission.
12:29Now, in the Muslim army, it has spread that,
12:31Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani was martyred.
12:34The companions had a great passion,
12:36and the companions were extremely emotional.
12:41And it was said in the presence of the Prophet,
12:43that if Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani is martyred,
12:45then we will not return without taking revenge.
12:47And on this, the companions took the Bai'at in the blessed hand of the Prophet.
12:51Now, when they took the Bai'at in the blessed hand of the Prophet,
12:54surely the Messenger of Allah will know that,
12:58my Usman was not martyred.
13:00My Usman was not martyred.
13:02He is alive, but the companions had a great passion,
13:05to keep him safe, and on the other hand,
13:07to convey the message to the disbelievers of Mecca,
13:09so that the disbelievers of Mecca can see this passion.
13:11And then they can get rid of any mischief,
13:14and get rid of any such act against the Muslims.
13:18This was to be shown to them.
13:20And for this reason,
13:21when all the companions took the Bai'at in the blessed hand of the Prophet,
13:24then the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
13:27placed his blessed hand on everyone's hands,
13:29and said, I take the Bai'at from Usman.
13:32Meaning, the Prophet knows that Usman is alive,
13:34because the one who dies,
13:36the one who is martyred, he does not take the Bai'at.
13:38The Bai'at is not taken from him, the Bai'at is taken from the living.
13:41The living people take the Bai'at, their Bai'at is respected.
13:44So, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
13:47took the Bai'at from Usman by placing his hand on Usman's hand.
13:51And the reason for this, and a wisdom for this,
13:54is that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
13:55used to love Usman with all his heart.
13:57He had great affection and love for Usman.
13:59He had great closeness to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
14:03That is why the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
14:06took the Bai'at from Usman by placing his blessed hand on Usman's hand.
14:11And through this, it is also meant to explain that Usman is not martyred.
14:15Usman is alive.
14:15No one should object to the knowledge of the Prophet.
14:18The Prophet already knows that Usman is alive.
14:22He stopped for a reason.
14:23And what is the reason?
14:24The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
14:26repeatedly asked Usman to perform Tawaf, Umrah, and other rites.
14:31But Usman's pride did not allow him to do this.
14:33In fact, the Prophet's companion, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
14:37said, we are present here.
14:38What is the glory of Usman?
14:40Usman must be performing the Tawaf of the Ka'bah over there.
14:42He must be performing Umrah. He must be achieving this bliss.
14:45The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was certain of this.
14:46The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
14:48Usman cannot perform this rite without me.
14:50Meaning, Usman's pride will not allow him to wait here for Umrah.
14:55He must wait for the path to be secured.
14:58And he must leave me and perform Umrah over there.
15:00The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, loved Usman a lot.
15:03That is why the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
15:05took the oath of allegiance from all the companions.
15:07SubhanAllah, SubhanAllah.
15:09Mufti sahib, what to say?
15:11Ajmal Chishti sahib is a very famous poet.
15:14He has narrated the Aqeedah of the Ahl-e-Sunnah.
15:16In the form of these verses, in the service of Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him.
15:20The Prince of the Prophethood who is the wealth of destiny.
15:24The Prince of the Prophethood who is the wealth of destiny.
15:29The son-in-law of the Prophet is Usman-e-Ghani.
15:33The son-in-law of the Prophet is Usman-e-Ghani.
15:38Do Noor Diye Sarwar-e-Kaunain Ne Tujhko
15:46Kya Sar Pe Tere Chaadar-e-Anwar Tani Hai
15:53Jo Aapki Turbat Se Hai Mas Ho Gaya Patthar
16:02Moti Hai Wo Gauhar Hai Wo Heera Ki Kani Hai
16:11Hu Aale Muhammad Pe Fida Jaan Se Ajmal
16:18Ashab Ki Ulfat Se Meri Baat Bani Hai
16:26Shahkaar-e-Risalat Hai Jo Qismat Ka Dhani Hai
16:30Damad-e-Payambar Hai Wo Usman-e-Ghani Hai
16:34Ladies and gentlemen, Alhamdulillah,
16:36even today, in the service of Hazrat Usman Ibn Affan,
16:40this religious belief has been presented by the ARYQ TV.
16:45And there are different styles,
16:47there is Manzoor, there is Manzoor,
16:49whoever wants, in whatever style,
16:51in the service of his favorite personality,
16:53he can present this religious belief and love.
16:54So these are the good people of Islam,
16:56who have favours on Islam.
16:59And the list of such favours is very long.
17:02So Alhamdulillah, the ARYQ TV has continued
17:04the series of Khiraj-e-Aqeedat-e-Muhabbat
17:07in the service of Khalifa-e-Salis, Zul-Nurain,
17:09Zul-Hijratain, Hazrat Usman Ibn Affan.
17:14And with the title of Islam and the youth,
17:17I, Allama Sahib, would like to thank you very much
17:20for coming.
17:21You gave a very good speech.
17:22And the youth who have come to our country,
17:26are here with very good questions.
17:28I pray for you as well,
17:30that Allah gives you more knowledge of religion.
17:34With this, I would like to take leave of my guest,
17:35Muhammad Raees Ahmed.
17:37Allah Hafiz.
17:58Allah Hafiz.
