Khaleel Majid vs Alin Florin Ciorceri (21-06-2024) Full Fight

  • 3 months ago



00:00Okay lads, you both know the rules, keep your punches up, watch your heads on the inside, obey my commands at all times, defend yourselves at all times, touch gloves, relative off.
00:09So we're underway there in our final contest of the evening, scheduled for eight three-minute
00:34rounds in a super lightweight division between the local ticket seller undefeated Khalil
00:39Majid, competing in his 13th contest tonight, 12 wins out of 12, four of them coming inside
00:44the distance.
00:45More compact figure on the front foot wearing the white trunks trimmed with black and gold
00:50various decals and logos is Alin Florin Sioseri, looking to get to work to the body of his
00:57taller opponent.
00:59Sioseri brings a 21 bout record to the ring, 17 wins, seven of them inside the distance
01:05and four losses.
01:11Third consecutive fight in the United Kingdom here tonight.
01:14Off the mat he is boxed exclusively in his adopted homeland of Spain and he's looking
01:19to go to work to both head and body as Majid trying to tuck up on the ropes.
01:24You can see it's a long broad frame that he possesses that he's trying to cover up in
01:28the pocket.
01:29Yeah, he's got to be a little bit smart with the jab here Majid, but he has got to just
01:34weather the storm I think as well, you just get the jab in the play.
01:39Well it was a left hook, followed by a couple of jabs from Majid.
01:45Beautiful left hook to the final shot of that combination again, I think Sioseri has felt
01:52that but he continues to press forward.
01:55Well he's coming long Sioseri, but that chin is right over that front foot so that's where
02:00the uppercut got to come into play here from Majid.
02:03Even jab high, jab over the head almost, let him dip lower, then throw that right uppercut
02:07through the middle.
02:09Getting maximum leverage into all of these attempted shots, particularly to the body
02:12of Sioseri, not necessarily accurate as Majid reaches for the hook to the body but takes
02:17a good left hook from Sioseri.
02:20Minute remaining in this opening round.
02:23You've got to give Sioseri something to think about, you can't just be tapping him with
02:28that jab, you've got to step with it, you've got to put some weight behind the shot.
02:31A little bit like that, that's good work.
02:34Trouble left hand, jab, then hook, then body shot.
02:37You've got to use your feet then, you've got to do that pivot, that semi-circle around
02:40the body.
02:43If you throw the shots and do good work and then hold your feet, he's just going to advance
02:47forward and work away.
02:49Good shot.
02:50Now begin to find the range and distance with that lead left hand now, and look at the gap
02:54that he's able to maintain between himself and Sioseri when he extends the left jab,
02:58but as soon as he steps off it, well Sioseri marauding forwards behind bent arm punches
03:04once again.
03:10So Sioseri continuing to try to roll his way into range, but head movement is rather slow
03:16and predictable, fires a right hand lead of the speculative variety, easily evaded
03:21by Majid.
03:22So Majid snapping out that left jab once again, oh that's a solid left hook clamped home by
03:27Sioseri, first round in the book.
03:40Sometimes a gesture is enough, and with higher artificial intelligence, you nurture human
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04:01A gesture has a gift, it connects with others instinctively.
04:06Higher connect to extraordinary.
04:09Sioseri doesn't really look to set much up with the jab, everything is a scything bent
04:37arm shot, and now Majid again just looking to maintain a gap between himself and his
04:42opponent behind that long stiff left jab.
04:45Sioseri uses that head almost as a measuring stick, he takes the shot on the forehead and
04:50then gets his distance from that.
04:53That's where you've got to start changing the angle of the shot, screw shot, uppercut
04:55through the middle.
04:56Referee Jamie Kirkpatrick calling time, Sioseri not a happy man because he feels that the
05:05momentum that he's looking to establish is being broken up as he was looking to walk
05:08down Majid and tee off to the ribcage once again.
05:12Good body shot there from Majid, lovely right hand on the body, it's just not enough on
05:19the jab is there to keep Sioseri away.
05:23Keeps on pressing, marauding his way forward, stopped by the undefeated Piers O'Leary in
05:29a round last time out at the SSE Odyssey Arena in Belfast as recently as May of last
05:37There's been some time out of the ring after that first round stoppage, but again Majid
05:47not moving his head when in the pocket and not able to get his body out of the way of
05:51these arcing bent arm attacks that Sioseri is launching on the inside.
05:58Good defence with the gloves from Majid to repel that left hook that was slung in, beautiful
06:15double right hand to the body and ended it with a left hook beneath the short ribs did
06:20Oh beautiful counter left right from Majid after making Sioseri miss, he made him pay.
06:26And again working that body beautifully, whipping those shots into the solar plexus.
06:30Went back in a straight line and paid the price as Sioseri was able to pick him off.
06:39Right hand over the top from Sioseri in response to the right hand to the body and then a left
06:43hook success upstairs for Sioseri during that trade off.
06:46So Sioseri who normally operates around a nine stone nine division after he's had most
07:05of his successes, putting himself very well here on his return to the ring for the first
07:10time since last May, competitive, looking to take it to Majid, Majid looking to long
07:16bridges man with a jab, inaccurate with the right hand which followed, counter right hand
07:21was in for once again and the mouthpiece has been dislodged in the closing seconds of this
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08:56with bad intentions, Halim Florian Sioseri, but Majid again when he's able to establish
09:03that long left jab and then bring his backhand into play behind it, really is effective.
09:09But again Sioseri's got to keep his cool here, because he's been spoken to again by referee
09:15Jamie Kirkpatrick about this time not keeping his punches up and the Madrin which Sioseri
09:21spun away from the referee, suggesting he was about to blow his sack, good right hand
09:25to the body to launch off that salvo from Majid.
09:48But by fighting at this type of territory as Sioseri landing a shot on the hip of Majid
09:53there, Sioseri being put on the end of sustained burst of punches here from Majid, but because
09:59of the territory at which it's being contested, he's in it every step of the way.
10:07An effective defense with the right glove and now looking to push Sioseri backwards
10:13and it's going to be interesting to see how Sioseri fight in this posture on the backfoot
10:17if Majid is able to push him back, because for the majority of the contest since the
10:22opening bell he's got over the front foot and look to unload while walking his opponent
10:26down but now Majid sinking his feet into the canvas and backing up Sioseri.
10:31That was a good shot there from Sioseri, just to feed a little bit, just change the
10:40angle so he doesn't fire back, there is a good burst of sustained pressure being produced
10:48by Khalil Majid.
10:49Drop down with a left hook to the body to follow and he's maintaining the pressure,
10:59sickening shots being slung into the body once again, bringing the hands down of Sioseri,
11:04that leaves ahead an open target, Majid now going in search of it with his straight punches,
11:08corkscrew left off the rope from Sioseri, but he's inviting pressure in his own corner
11:15but he's beginning to be broken down now by Majid who really is finding the range with
11:20a good variety of punches.
11:21He's just sliding in, he's throwing the punches and sliding in after the attacks there Majid
11:25in that exchange, that was good work from him.
11:28Now Sioseri decides to get himself out of the corner, back into the space of centering,
11:33but Majid continuing to target both head and body, but Sioseri finding the chin of Majid
11:40with more bent arm successors.
11:52Now Sioseri looks as though he's far less effective when pushed on to the back foot
11:56than when he's able to walk his man down and tee off with punches from both hands.
12:02Rousing round of applause for the home fighter, the man from right here in Bolton, first walked
12:09into a gym at the age of 6 or 7, let's listen in to James Buddy McGurk.
12:13How you feeling?
12:14Ok listen now, we need now, we need now this here now, straight one two right down the
12:18pike, keep ripping the body, and when he stands straight up, give me the one two.
12:25Again just see Majid, see that little lean back there, he's through the combination,
12:29little step back, just using the feet, getting the rhythm to his work, and you see things
12:33clearly there, when you relax, you see your vision's better, everything's better, your
12:37punches work smoother, that was a really good pocket of work there from Majid.
12:40Let's continue, you're making a mess, keep catching him, keep ripping the body, let's
12:57So to the fourth round of this super lightweight contest, scheduled for eight we go, Khalil
13:02Majid, just changed the tenor of this contest in the third round by pushing Sioseri backwards,
13:09he's looking to do the same once again, Sioseri looking to roll beneath the punches, and again,
13:14everything he's landed practically Barry, has been with a bent arm Sioseri, and he's
13:18far less effective throwing those scything punches when being forced into reverse gear.
13:24Majid did some lovely work there, and then just held his feet, and he's done that way
13:28too often, especially if he's standing tall, and you haven't got to, you haven't got to
13:31back away, but just take a little turn to the left, a little, a little spin to the right,
13:35you haven't got to be massive, just like, one two of the clock face, that's all going
13:40to be a little bit different, use a different angle, and your opponent has to turn to throw
13:44his shots.
13:49Good uppercut there from Majid.
13:52Well that's a low blow from Sioseri, no complaint from Majid, indeed he's fight back with one
13:57of his own, and that body shot could well have got the attention of Sioseri, sitting
14:01square on the rope, protecting that body, leaving his chin as an open target, Majid
14:06reaching for it, and does get through with a right cross on that occasion.
14:09Again this is where you take the, take the left foot over the side, you dip down,
14:12bend your legs, and you whip a right down, right across the body.
14:15Another right hook goes into the body, and again I think Sioseri is feeling the effects
14:20of these, he's gamely trying to fight back, but he's using those gloves and forearms to
14:24protect his torso, rather than his head, and now he's buying time by turning away, I think
14:30this is bad body language coming from Aline Flodi and Sioseri, because I think he's been
14:34worked over downstairs, and now he's looking to buy time by complaining to referee Jamie
14:39Kirkpatrick about an accidental clash of heads, but that's the referee's job, not his, and
14:44Majid would have been well within his rights to help himself to some free shots.
14:49Before he turned you could have, I think when he turned you can, but yeah, and it was a
14:52clash of heads, but still, you've got to take that and fight it.
14:56But again, can't turn your back on your opponent, but Sioseri...
15:00That's a sign of submission.
15:01Yep, Sioseri looks as though he's really feeling these body shots downstairs now,
15:06being forced backwards by Majid, did he fight back with a speculative right uppercut, Sioseri?
15:12That's good for Majid, you don't see the roll there, he's not taking a step back or spinning
15:16around the table like I asked for, that roll and dipping the body, just making a hell of
15:20a Sioseri there to fight him back.
15:22And he really is ripping in these shots downstairs, Majid, investing in these body shots early,
15:28now that could well open up an avenue for an opportunity for a left hook or a right
15:32cross like that, Sioseri's work is slowing, breathing through a mouth that is increasingly
15:37open, and Majid looking to maintain his pressure in the final 30 seconds of this fourth round.
15:42He's just got to keep this rhythm going here, Majid, it's a lovely rhythm he's got here,
15:46he's not losing it on the shots, but the quality work.
15:48A lovely fast hand there from Majid.
15:57And Majid, sharp shooting straight punches, that left hand and the right hand dislodges
16:03the mouthpiece of Sioseri, action allowed to continue, but that cracking right cross
16:10Referee Jamie Kirkpatrick calling timeout, but then the bell sounds to conclude the round,
16:15strong round for Majid.
16:18Breathe, how you feeling?
16:22Okay, listen, do me a favor now, okay, take it slow down your breathing, slow your breathing
16:27out, slow it down, slow it down, relax, relax, okay, you're good, okay, now let's start with
16:35the short one two, see what just happened, okay, start with the short one two, then take
16:39the body again.
16:41That's a beautiful right hand there from Majid, just see there, he just dipped the head over
16:45to the left, get some weight on the shot, and then just swang them, swang them right
16:48down across the body there, it's a lovely, lovely shot, it's some real quality work,
16:53and he wasn't loading up there, just using the body mechanics, turning from the hip to
16:56the shoulder, everything was smooth, really good rhythm.
17:09So four rounds completed, a potential four rounds to go in this super lightweight contest
17:15scheduled for eight, Khalil Majid weathering the early storm that was launched from the
17:21opening bell by Aline Florine Sioseri, because he came forward in this type of fashion, but
17:27over the previous couple of rounds, in rounds three and four, Majid really began to invest
17:32in body shots, gave his man angles, just as he did with that spin off the line there behind
17:36the left jab, and began to have success without reply.
17:39Was a peach of a right cross landed in the closing stages of the fourth round, good left
17:43hand slung into the body from Majid.
17:59Because again, there was a real change in those previous couple of rounds, three and
18:02four, when Majid using his shoulder, using his greater height, and when he pushed Sioseri
18:08backwards, well it reduced his effectiveness.
18:11Man is still full of spirit, Sioseri still in pursuit.
18:27To mention the fact that Khalil Majid first walked into a gym at six or seven years of
18:32age, that's when he went with his father Omar, and the gym he walked through the doors of,
18:36was a certain very amateur boxing club, and Sioseri dabbing his head and looking at his
18:41glove once again to see whether he sustained a cut, oh that's a counter left hook not too
18:45far away from Sioseri, but blocked effectively by the right glove of Majid, who's now proffering
18:49a cross arm defense.
18:52Now, that mouthpiece has come out repeatedly, that's the third time in this contest that
18:59Sioseri's mouthpiece has come out, the second time it was dislodged by a wonderful right
19:03cross, but if this was amateur boxing, what was known as amateur boxing, three times the
19:10mouthpiece comes out, it's a point deduction.
19:12Well especially there, because that's when he was having some really good work there
19:16Majid, and there was a little bit of pressure, it wasn't tarry, but he was still, he was
19:20getting some momentum.
19:22To mention the fact that Majid walked into a gym with his father when he was six or seven
19:27years of age, very amateur boxing club, right hand not too far away from Majid, and that
19:31was the club where Amir Khan learned his trade, under Mick Jelly, oh good left hand
19:37to the body from Sioseri, turned it into a left hook upstairs, Amir Khan of course going
19:43on to become Great Britain's sole representative at the Athens Olympic Games, and coming away
19:47with that magnificent silver, Majid and Khan have kept in touch, and he said that the former
19:54professional world champion, nice movement on the inside with the rolling from Majid,
19:58always offers pointers, but Sioseri remaining game determined and dangerous.
20:03Some lovely left hooks there from Sioseri there, really good work, he's had a really
20:08good effort in this round, he's had a few real, real tarry rounds there for Sioseri,
20:12but he's really put down all the gum shields, when it's been in his mouth.
20:17So closing seconds of this fifth round, Majid looking to drive his man back to the neutral
20:28corner, they're just above our commentary position, neat bit of evasive maneuvering from Sioseri,
20:34and that's round in the book.
21:04It ain't gone until it's gone gone, and you ain't gone gone.
21:10Do something about hair loss at
21:34Let his hands go and get him too close to the target, and I think that allowed
21:38Sioseri there just to have a bit of success.
21:41You've got to use what you have, first of all, and then try and adapt and be more effective
21:46with that, if you have to change your style, but still use what you have.
21:51So you come forwards, but you punch long, and you move behind the long shots.
21:57Sioseri again, not even protecting his chin as he was looking to
22:00dip beneath Khalil Majid's straight punches.
22:03Counter right hand is a cracking shot from Sioseri, who appears to have weathered the
22:09difficult period of rounds four, three, and four, and has come out with altogether more
22:14effectiveness and determination in the fifth, and indeed here to start round number six.
22:19But Majid trying to re-establish that jab now, but again on the back foot, circling the ring
22:24in a clockwise manner, now turns counterclockwise.
22:28But Sioseri's demonstrated when allowed to come forward, he's far more effective.
22:31Yeah, but that was good there though from Majid, because as soon as he made the miss,
22:35he spied back the center ring and then immediately let his hands go.
22:40That's muscle memory, that's what you used to do all the time.
22:42You spin him, you punch straight away.
22:46That's where you've got to try and get yourself quite glorified,
22:49to take the pace.
22:50When you're comfortable, everything flows off you.
22:53Sioseri just crossing his feet momentarily as he was looking to walk Majid down.
22:59Putting everything behind that right hand to the body and left hook to the chest,
23:03which followed was a really heavy shot.
23:10Nice right uppercut through the middle from Sioseri, who appears to be an altogether more
23:16energized fighter over these previous couple of rounds.
23:18The left hook attempt to the body was a little bit long.
23:23Sioseri seemingly feeding it to the body, or is he playing possum here?
23:46He's leaving his chin wide open, Majid not able to find it.
23:50And this is wonderful composure when being placed under fire and pinned
23:54against the ropes from Sioseri.
23:56And that was a bizarre interlude, protecting his body, leaving his head wide open
24:00and content to bob and weave away from the punches,
24:03before going in pursuit of his man once again.
24:05But you know, the only effective shot there was Sioseri's off the ropes,
24:08that right hand, I thought.
24:11That's a good shot as well.
24:12Very good rounds here.
24:13And the right hand to the body has brought about a response from Sioseri.
24:21When Majid has been able to sink it in,
24:22then he responds with a burst of punches downstairs of his own.
24:28Counter right hand is a beauty behind the left jab from Majid.
24:31And again, getting the better of this exchange at the closing stages of the round.
24:47It's a powerful thing.
24:51It shows us what can truly be possible.
25:00And that belief helps Sam's dad find space for a hoop after the split.
25:08As for the dunk, maybe next time.
25:13Well, Sioseri receiving instructions from his corner,
25:19and this is where we're just protecting his body,
25:21but content to leave his chin wide open and trust his radar.
25:25Yeah, and he's using the ropes to evade.
25:26I thought he did quite well, I thought.
25:28He was looking to mount a big attack.
25:30It didn't quite work, but now with a nice flush right hand.
25:33It's just happened there.
25:34And to the seventh round, then.
25:37That's why he's starting his association with boxing at Berry Amateur Boxing Club.
25:45He actually had the majority of his contest.
25:4796-pound apprenticeship in the unpaid code at Elite Amateur Boxing Club,
25:51under ex-pro Alex Matvienko.
25:55For Dalton Smith, who we've seen working in Liam Cameron's corner tonight,
25:59that was a close one.
26:00Dalton Smith having his hand raised,
26:03and won an England vest, winning his debut against Wales in the unpaid code.
26:08But Sioseri continuing to walk him down in search of his second victory in the UK.
26:14That's a terrific two-shot salvo for spinning off the line counterclockwise.
26:18Yeah, and the important thing of that was what he did after the shot.
26:20You've got to keep moving, whether you're dipping your legs,
26:23you're spinning on the target, or you're just dancing away.
26:26You've got to move, you've got to keep moving.
26:28Or you're dancing away.
26:29You've got to move, you've got to do something after you've thrown the shots.
26:32Otherwise you're going to get caught.
26:36I tell you what, it's been part of the frantic pace.
26:41Sioseri, again, getting over that front foot.
26:45Good evasive maneuvers from Majid to make him, render him inaccurate.
26:49And again, two shots without reply because he's moving after the combination.
26:59So, effective sticking and moving now from Majid.
27:04Up on his toes, using the space of the ring effectively.
27:09And when he does that, well, Sioseri is not able to close the distance
27:14and have his own successes at short and mid-range.
27:17Roundhouse right, not too far away.
27:19Partially disrupted by the defences of Majid.
27:21Yeah, and again, though, he gets the centre of the ring.
27:23That's a nice little link to there, Majid.
27:25Just got to keep sharp and keep that jab.
27:26Make sure he doesn't come back slow and low.
27:32Kicked the shots well here, hasn't he?
27:33Smash and grab, this round here for Majid.
27:36Indeed, and that's in stark contrast to rounds three and four,
27:40where he pushed Sioseri backwards and had success.
27:43Here he's sticking and moving and he's making Sioseri's feet appear slow
27:47and he simply cannot get into his own punching range,
27:50his own wheelhouse to let his shots go.
27:53Good variety being shown by Majid.
27:55Yeah, the constant change of direction as well,
27:56that's what's working so well for him.
27:58Not being able to follow Sioseri, just to cut off the ring.
28:03And again, Sioseri reduced to swinging and missing,
28:07then put in the end of a stiff left jab,
28:09because Majid doing a wonderful job keeping the movement going
28:12and the shots flowing freely from both hands.
28:16Yeah, good work there.
28:17Look at the speed on the balls of his feet,
28:20bouncing loads of weight, loads of confidence in his work here.
28:26Cracking right cross, final scoring shot at a round,
28:30and the crowd dialing up the decibel level,
28:34an acknowledgement of the beautiful cameo
28:36they've just seen in the course of round number seven.
28:45You must be Majid.
28:46Are you going to show me the chips?
28:48I'm going to show you the potatoes.
28:49Can I drive?
28:52Hey, we're farming over here.
28:54This is my farm, where McCain is starting regenerative farming.
28:58We've planted these wildflowers to encourage birds and insects.
29:01Ah, good, love nature.
29:04So when we eat McCain chips, we're all doing some good.
29:07Yeah, you're supporting the move to regenerative farming.
29:10Great, I'll be up in a second, sir.
29:13McCain, let's all chip in.
29:16No one for the knockout.
29:18Okay, one, two, when you're going away,
29:20faint them, one, two again.
29:22Okay, ten seconds.
29:23Buddy McGirt, they're just saying,
29:24keep the movement, one, two, move, one, two, move again.
29:29He wants to win the fight, not the war.
29:30He wants to win this fight.
29:32He doesn't want to get involved in a war.
29:35He's going to have nice work,
29:36but if he can win this round, he'll win the fight.
29:42And interestingly, James Buddy McGirt,
29:44the Hall of Fame inductee,
29:45just saying to Khalil Majid,
29:47listen to us, the men in your team,
29:50the men in your blue corner,
29:51and not this raucous home crowd,
29:53who really did dial up the decibel level
29:56in the course of the seventh round
29:57because it was beautiful boxing produced by Khalil Majid,
30:00and he's beginning this eighth round in the same vein,
30:02sticking and moving behind that treble left jab.
30:06He's still got to make sure he puts some weight
30:07in that shot, though, and not just tap him with it,
30:09because otherwise,
30:10Cesaro will just walk through it
30:13and keep that constant change in direction.
30:15That's the key, I think,
30:17for fluid movement around the ring.
30:21Oh, beautiful counter left hand
30:24after making Cesare fall short.
30:27And he's peppering his man with punches now,
30:29Cesare not able to close the distance
30:31and getting to his own preferred territory.
30:34And that was all about just concentration here,
30:36and that was good for Majid not to switch off.
30:39Just keep this tempo, keep this pace.
30:45Oh, he's full of confidence now.
30:46See that flow, gives you that exit,
30:48gives you this huge energy rise
30:50when you're having success.
30:54All of a sudden, it appears effortless.
30:56It's anything but, of course,
30:57as he scored with a spearing left jab
31:00that completely disrupted the attempted forward movement
31:02of Cesare.
31:04And Cesare, look at that, being bamboozled
31:07by this balletic footwork being produced
31:09by the major Khalil Majid.
31:11Yeah, lovely moving left foot there for Majid,
31:13just waiting for Cesare with the fall of that front foot.
31:17He's right-handed as well there.
31:20And again, desperation creeping into the work of Cesare now.
31:23Lands with a left hook, feet got tangled,
31:26and Majid just losing his footing,
31:28slipping as his leg shot out beneath the bottom rope.
31:38Must be a lace or something here on a wet foot.
31:40There's some water there in the corner there
31:42of Cesare, Cesare in.
31:45He's about to slip there for Majid.
31:49So, a minute remaining.
31:51It has been a really entertaining show closer
31:53here in Bolton.
31:56I mean, Florin Cesare
31:59had real success in the first couple of rounds.
32:01His jab is almost non-existent.
32:03Everything is like that, a home run swing,
32:06bent-arm siding punches from both hands.
32:10But again, he's content to have his chin checked,
32:13drawing Majid out of his shell
32:15in search of his own single-shot counter.
32:17It was a lovely four-punch combination for Majid there,
32:19but a nice left hook after that, though, from Cesare.
32:24Well, of course, boxing history replete with boxers
32:28who were content to take a shot or two to land their own,
32:31but that was blatant in the closing seconds
32:34of this eighth round.
32:36Cesare trying to lure Majid into his trap,
32:41into his trap.
32:43Did come back with a counter shot of his own.
32:46And there's the bell to conclude
32:47what was a really entertaining contest.
32:50Both boxers raising their arms for what it's worth.
32:52I happen to think that Khalil Majid
32:54has done enough to take it.
32:55Jamie Kirkpatrick will be the sole arbiter of the bout.
32:58He's just tabulating his scores now,
33:02and I think that is going to be 13 fights
33:04undefeated for Khalil Majid.
33:06But make no mistake,
33:07Alan Florencio Cesare,
33:09in his third contest here in the United Kingdom,
33:12gave it a real go
33:13and gave Majid some uncomfortable moments,
33:15but the adjustments made by Khalil Majid
33:18were very impressive indeed.
33:20First of all, pushing his man back,
33:22then giving him angle,
33:23sticking and moving to close out the contest.
33:25Yeah, he had four really good rounds, I thought.
33:27I think he might have won five rounds,
33:29but he had four really good rounds
33:30where there's two middle rounds
33:32where he pushed it back with long, hard shots
33:35and worked away.
33:36And then when he got close, he used that shoulder,
33:38and he'd go create the space
33:39to work the uppercuts inside.
33:41And in those last two rounds
33:42where he got on the ball on his feet,
33:44he got rhythm to his work,
33:45he started punching on fast combinations
33:47and changed direction of his feet
33:49all the time in the movement,
33:50and he was full of confidence.
33:51So, yeah, I think he showed a bit of variety
33:54to his work, but more importantly than that,
33:57he had to tough it out.
33:58But again, we all talk about prospects
34:00having those fights to mold you
34:02for a world championship fighter,
34:04potentially on a championship fighter.
34:06And fights like this, tough, hard fights,
34:09that felt like an eight-rounder
34:10after four rounds, didn't it?
34:11It was a really tough fight to watch.
34:13So, that'll help his development.
34:15He did indeed take on unattritional quality.
34:17MC Paul Booth is in position
34:20and ready to deliver the verdict
34:22at the conclusion of our show closer
34:24after eight rounds of boxing
34:25in the Superlightweight division.
34:26So, after eight rounds of boxing,
34:38we ask our scoring referee, Jamie Kirkpatrick,
34:41to decide the bouts.
34:43He has the contest at 80 points
34:46to 73 points in favour of the winner.
34:50From Bolton, England,
34:54he remains undefeated as a professional boxer.
34:58It's the Major, Khalil Majid.
35:08Lots of support in here for the winner tonight, Khalil.
