Secret Diary of a Call Girl S4 Episode 3

  • 3 months ago
Secret Diary of a Call Girl S4 Episode 3


00:00So, are you a corporate headhunter, too?
00:11Do you work for the same company as Mom?
00:15Let me run the agency.
00:16You hate the job.
00:17You're not suited to it.
00:18Stephanie asked me to take over the business, not you, and I can handle it.
00:20Hi, Mom.
00:23I read your book.
00:24Are you still working?
00:26Do you really think you can keep working?
00:28Do you really think you can keep working and commit to him at the same time?
00:31Are you with me?
00:32Now, who isn't taking things slow?
00:33You wanna know the real difference between you and me?
00:34It's that I love the very thing you fear most.
00:35The danger.
00:36I love you.
00:37I love you.
00:38I love you.
00:39You told me you love me.
00:40I love you.
00:41I love you.
00:42I love you.
00:43I love you.
00:44I love you.
00:45I love you.
00:46I love you.
00:47You want to know the real difference between you and me?
00:53It's that I love the very thing you fear most, the danger.
00:57Here we go, here we go.
00:59Here we go, here we go.
01:01Here we go, here we go.
01:03Here we go, here we go.
01:05Here we go, here we go.
01:07Let's do it.
01:09Meet you downstairs in the bar and hearth.
01:13This is when my boys are ghosts.
01:18Run out to meet your chips and fiddles.
01:22You say, when we're married, cause you're not bitter,
01:27there'll be none of him no more.
01:32I'll cry for you on the kitchen floor.
01:37I cheated myself.
01:41You know that I'm no good.
01:50What do you think I was doing?
01:59That's the thing about thrill-seeking.
02:01You want to push it as far as you can without crossing the line.
02:04Once you've done that, you're completely lost.
02:11I'm sorry.
02:12No problem, Melina. How's that?
02:15What kind of girl gets erotic photos with that constant interruption?
02:18Yes, what is it, Kat?
02:20I'm afraid Kat got herself into a spot of bother.
02:24Who is it?
02:25It's all right, she's fine now.
02:30Who are you, please?
02:31You don't know me, yet.
02:35But I know you, pal.
02:37I want to speak to Kat.
02:40Denham Hotel, Garrick Street, room 102.
02:44I'm calling the police.
02:45OK, fair enough.
02:47Oh, there is one thing, though.
02:50I am the police.
02:57Hey, hey, hey!
03:00We've got the photos.
03:01Just a moment.
03:02In the mail? No way.
03:03I've never got time for this. I'll call you.
03:06You can't just go like this.
03:09So mean.
03:21Ah, the delectable Belle.
03:23Where's Kat?
03:25She's gone home.
03:27Don't worry, she's fine.
03:28She better be.
03:30My name's Harry.
03:31Detective Sergeant Harry Keegan, yeah, I know.
03:33I just spoke to Stephanie.
03:37How is she?
03:38She said thanks for the phone.
03:40Oh, no worries.
03:43And I suppose it didn't occur to you earlier
03:46to tell me you were her tame copper.
03:48Well, where would the fun be in that?
03:55Yes, you want me to be like this?
04:04And arrogant, sir.
04:06She forgot to mention handsome.
04:09Shame on her.
04:12You know, the room's still booked out for another 20 minutes.
04:19That's great.
04:24If I could just give you some time to
04:26tidy up.
04:31Catch you later, Belle.
04:37One of life's great pleasures.
04:41Come home.
04:42Mid-morning, world's at work, take a nice long nap.
04:47Oh, shit!
04:48I'm sorry.
04:49Sorry, sorry, sorry.
04:51I wasn't expecting you.
04:54It's a nice surprise, though.
04:55Yeah, isn't it, Jack?
04:58Why aren't you at work?
05:01Email it to me.
05:02Exactly, exactly.
05:05Supplies are doing their quarterly audit.
05:07I'm going in later.
05:09You having a good day?
05:10Yeah, I was.
05:12Ben, can you not play with the ball in the house, please?
05:17I can't deal with it.
05:21Brought you a plant.
05:22I mean, hi.
05:26What are you doing here?
05:28You invited your only sister round to see your new house, remember?
05:32No, I didn't.
05:35Oh, well played.
05:37Thank you.
05:39So, may I enter, or is there a written exam?
05:43I need to sit first.
05:45What is there a written exam?
05:46I need to sit first.
05:48You fancy some lunch?
05:49Is that Ben?
05:55Yeah, I was thinking maybe we can reheat the...
06:02Jackie's here!
06:04Hello, Ben.
06:08How are you, Jackie?
06:10I'm not well, thank you.
06:12Did you want to know why?
06:14I think we should get going.
06:16I'm going to call you back.
06:19Because when Ben and I had sexual intercourse,
06:23and he then promptly decided he did not want to have an adult relationship with me,
06:28it seriously damaged my self-image
06:30and left me with residual self-esteem issues
06:33which manifest themselves in my daily life.
06:36How is Dr. Griffin?
06:38He's a lifesaver.
06:40Very sorry, Jackie.
06:43So I should probably warn you, whatever your name is,
06:46that you should not rely on this man to affirm who you are as an individual
06:51because he will leave you and he will crush you.
06:54Um, wait, we, uh...
06:57We're not together, so...
06:59No, no, no, he's with Belle.
07:02Uh, Belle, hello?
07:05That's a nickname, that's what that is.
07:07He's living here.
07:09Living here?
07:10That's what couples do, right?
07:12Why don't you go make some calls up here?
07:15You and Ben are a couple.
07:21I think not, yeah.
07:23Sort of.
07:25Sorry, this is not good at all.
07:34This couldn't be more awkward.
07:37Oh, apparently he could.
07:39Is this a bad time?
07:42So, Belinda, I came to bring the photos...
07:44This is my boyfriend and my sister.
07:46Probably not interested in this.
07:49Don't let me, okay, Kat?
07:51I go now.
07:57Oh, wow, is this a joke or what?
08:04I want to book you.
08:06It's just decorators.
08:11I should have some availability.
08:13Well, we'll need two hours.
08:15I see, and, um...
08:17What time did you have in mind?
08:20Oh, you'll know when it starts.
08:31Why do you need decorators?
08:34Because we were thinking of painting.
08:37We were?
08:38In fact, that was them there on the phone.
08:41They've got some paint samples that they want to show us,
08:44but we've got to go now.
08:47Oh, no.
08:48But I only just got here.
08:49I know.
08:50It's a bummer.
08:52Oh, well.
08:53Oh, if you want to stay, you're more than welcome.
08:55We're not going to be long.
08:56I know when I'm not wanted, Hannah.
08:57It's good to see you again, Jackie.
08:59I disagree.
09:01That woman is a nightmare.
09:03That woman is my sister.
09:05Right, sorry.
09:07She's a nightmare.
09:09Hey, we're not really doing this paint sample stuff, are we?
09:13Of course not.
09:14Clever girl.
09:15Right, in that case, do you mind if I duck off for an hour?
09:18There's a place with a subwoofer that's got these special...
09:21That's mad stuff.
09:23OK, go. Enjoy yourself.
09:38Has it started yet?
09:49Instructions inside.
10:01What's he playing at?
10:05How does it feel?
10:09Where are you?
10:16Take a left.
10:18Walk down to the end.
10:28Walk down to the end.
10:30Left, left here.
10:38Are you still there?
10:41I'm here.
10:57Someone's here.
11:00Someone's here.
11:16Stay right there.
11:35Where are you?
11:37I'm here.
11:42Everything all right?
11:44Just get the shit out of here.
11:47Shall we?
11:59Come on, you just did that.
12:01Ah, this is us, I think.
12:04What are you doing?
12:06I don't think you can just...
12:08Yes, we can.
12:22Assaulting a police officer.
12:24Contrary to Section 89 of the Police Act.
12:32Resisting arrest, Section 38.
12:35Not looking good for me, is it?
12:41Decent exposure, Section 66, Sexual Offences Act.
12:46Looks like I'll be going now for a long, hard stretch.
12:53Unless you just want to punish me here and now.
12:55Well, the public does expect quick and fun injustice.
12:59I'm here.
14:12Oh, hi. I'm Kat. Is Belle in?
14:14Oh, no, no, she's not. Can I take a message?
14:16Oh, I just came by to say sorry about this morning.
14:19Why? What happened?
14:20Oh, just a run-in with a nasty client.
14:25She's great, isn't she, Belle?
14:27Yeah, she's nice.
14:29I'm sure she'll be fine.
14:31She's great, isn't she, Belle?
14:33Yeah, she's nice.
14:35Nicer than Stephanie, that's for sure.
14:38You think?
14:39Well, I mean, Stephanie's amazing. It's her business, after all.
14:42She looks after the girls really nice and that,
14:44but Belle's just a bit more, you know...
14:48Stephanie's my mother.
14:52What do you mean, she looks after the girls?
14:55Nothing. Look, I've got to go.
14:57Don't worry about the message. Don't worry.
15:46Don't you worry you'll get caught.
15:49The fear of getting caught, that's the whole point.
15:52Anyway, I enjoy being out of step with the world.
15:57So do you.
16:00That's why we get on.
16:02We're the same, you and me.
16:04We don't deal in black and white.
16:06We prefer all those shades of grey in between.
16:10We're not the same, Harry.
16:12Of course we are.
16:15Our friendships,
16:18our relationships,
16:21they're fine.
16:24But they're not real.
16:29This is the real us.
16:31You know nothing about my relationships.
16:42Look, I'm sure he's a nice guy.
16:44It's none of my business.
16:45No, it isn't.
16:46I'm just saying,
16:48you might really, really want
16:52what Ben can give you,
16:55but you need
16:57what I can give you.
17:01You don't know what you're talking about.
17:07Yeah, you're probably right.
17:08Bye, Harry.
17:13See ya.
17:25I'm never going to say goodbye.
17:27Never going to say goodbye.
17:58You look amazing.
18:11What was that for?
18:13Aren't I allowed to kiss my boyfriend?
18:15Fuck yeah.
18:16And don't look out, they're killing you.
18:19Everyone, if you could just
18:22Everyone, if you could all leave now,
18:24my girlfriend and I...
18:26No, no, it's okay.
18:29I'll get them out.
18:31Alright, full salam.
18:33Carry on.
18:38How about tonight
18:41we go home and I make you
18:43the most delicious Italian meal
18:48and then I take you to the theatre?
18:51So Italian DVD, huh?
18:53Yeah, exactly.
18:55Can't wait.
18:57You know what?
18:58Hang out for ten minutes
19:00and I'll come back with you.
19:18You liar.
19:22No, I did.
19:24You did not pass grade six while in.
19:26Yes, I did.
19:27That is absolute...
19:33So you are a fucking whore.
19:35Shit, Poppy.
19:38And you,
19:40what sort of a man spends his life with a whore
19:43pretending like everything is happy families?
19:46None of this is real.
19:48You do know that, don't you?
19:50It's all a fucking lie.
19:53I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
19:55Oh, please.
19:56I don't need pity from prostitutes.
20:00I don't need pity from prostitutes.
20:02That's enough.
20:05Yeah, do what she says.
20:06Nice little Ben.
20:08Hannah's gone out of her way to look after you
20:10while your mother...
20:15While your mother's away.
20:17Where is she?
20:22Where is she?
20:38Tell me one thing.
20:41Was she ever a prostitute?
21:09You okay?
21:12Yeah, I just feel awful for her.
21:15Yeah, I know.
21:16But don't forget, it's Stephanie's fault.
21:18She dumped her on you.
21:20Of course she's gonna find it eventually.
21:23Yeah, maybe.
21:29Thank you.
21:31What for?
21:34For standing up for me.
21:38Can't pay them all, would you like?
21:45I'm sure she'll feel better tomorrow.
21:47Perhaps we sit down and have a proper conversation with her.
21:52Yeah, perhaps.
22:09Who was that?
22:10No one.
22:21Everything's gonna be fine.
22:33To be continued, I guess.
22:38I thought your book was just wow!
22:40We think it's absolutely perfect for the big screen.
22:42Oh, but you consider yourself a feminist.
22:46How could you send me to live with an escort?
22:48There's no need to make such a fuss about it.
22:50Do you charge more for the growth staff?
22:52I've never done this with anyone but, um, Charlotte.
22:55Poppy! I'm ready to come out now!
