• last year
Tonight, on a very special episode of MsMojo... we’re counting down our picks for the sitcom moments that left our jaws on the floor. For this list, we’re not including animated shows.


00:00You know who he is, but you won't stop him!"
00:02Glory, I'm afraid!"
00:04Welcome to MissMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the sitcom moments
00:08that left our jaws on the floor. For this list, we're not including animated shows.
00:13Well, it's alright to be angry. Hey, why should I be mad?
00:18I'm saying at least he said goodbye this time.
00:2130. Topanga's Professor Boy Meets World
00:24Corey Matthews didn't get into his first fight until college. Unfortunately for him,
00:29it turned out to be with his professor. A popular young professor is beloved because
00:33he doesn't uphold the professional boundary between himself and his students. But the
00:37need for that professional boundary becomes clear when he hits on Corey's fiancée, Topanga,
00:42in her dorm room.
00:43"...we're adults. And, uh, I'm telling you that I'd like to get to know you better.
00:53And that's what I'm gonna do."
00:54The moment is profoundly uncomfortable. The scene, and Corey's response,
00:58is Boy Meets World at its most socially conscious and impactful.
01:02"...he used his power and authority to take advantage of her,
01:06and he told me that there was nothing I could do, and that he was never gonna stop."
01:10Eventually, we get the pleasure of watching the professor get dressed down by Mr. Feeney himself.
01:1529. Phil Hartman's Death News Radio
01:18"...thank you for everything, Bill."
01:25The tragic and horrifying murder of actor Phil Hartman was a blow to all of his colleagues. But
01:30when news radio returned with its first episode afterward, it was a deeply unsettling tribute.
01:35His character, Bill McNeil, was written off the show, having died of a heart attack off-screen.
01:41The cast, though in character, seems to be processing their colleague's death in real time.
01:46"...farewell. Take care of each other, and I'll
01:52see you all when you get to wherever it is that I am now."
01:55Needless to say, the jokes aren't as fast and furious as usual. Star Dave Foley and the rest
02:00of the cast are legitimately breaking down on camera in what feels like something like a
02:05televised funeral. 28. Susan's Death
02:08Seinfeld The fact that George Costanza was
02:11getting married at all is probably shocking enough to make this list. But the way his
02:15fiancée Susan died is one of the show's most brilliant strokes of genius.
02:24Famously cheap, George opts for a cheap glue to seal their wedding invitations. This choice
02:30ends up having tragic consequences for Susan, who George leaves to stuff and seal over almost
02:36200 invitations. George was having second thoughts anyway, so in a twisted fashion,
02:41his cheapness saved him from nuptials. His friends' reactions really drive home the point
02:45that these people have always been, and will continue to be, the worst.
02:50"...I'm so sorry, George."
02:56"...Yeah, me too. Poor Lily."
03:0227. Chandler and Monica's Infertility
03:05Friends. It's a testament to just how good this show is, that a topic as fraught and
03:10devastating as infertility can actually deliver some chuckles.
03:14"...What is the big deal?"
03:15"...It's weird, you're in a doctor's office."
03:18"...It's not okay to do it in a doctor's office, but it is okay to do it in a parked
03:22car behind a Taco Bell."
03:24Friends usually kept things light, so when things get serious, it was always a noticeable
03:29change of pace. Chandler and Monica's struggle to have children got a funny but impactful and
03:34depressing punctuation mark in this Season 9 episode. Struggling to conceive, the two
03:39see a fertility specialist. When they find out that they're unable to have biological children,
03:44it's a gut punch to both of them, and to all of us who watched them fall in love.
03:49"...Well, we're gonna figure this out."
03:57"...I know."
03:5726. Raven Confronts Racism
04:00That's so Raven.
04:01The Disney Channel was not exactly known for hard-hitting television about social issues,
04:06but That's So Raven took on racism and hiring discrimination in this Season 3 episode.
04:11The psychic high schooler learns she doesn't get a job that she was perfect for,
04:14and a vision reveals that it's because the manager doesn't hire African-American applicants.
04:19"...There's gotta be some reason why you didn't get that job."
04:25"...The truth is, I don't hire black people."
04:29As far as Raven's visions go, it was definitely one of the most shocking. While the episode
04:33manages to wrap things up in a nice little bow, it's blunt but believable in a way that's true
04:38to life, yet still palatable for its young audience.
04:42"...And there you have it. Shocking evidence of job discrimination, right here in San Francisco."
04:4825. George Attends a Klan Meeting
04:51The Jeffersons
04:52Creator Norman Lear conceived George Jefferson as an African-American counterpart
04:57to Archie Bunker, so most of the Jeffersons had him being obtuse to the world around him.
05:02That might not have been clearer than when he was invited to attend a neighborhood watch meeting
05:06that soon turns out to be a front for the Ku Klux Klan. George is as taken aback as we are.
05:11"...You're not joining anything. This happens to be a KKK meeting."
05:15"...Bet it is. And everybody in here is proud to be part of the K-what?"
05:18The meeting devolves into a near-public brawl before the leader has a heart attack.
05:22The leader's unrepentant racism, even after George saves his life, is just as shocking.
05:27"...He saved my life?"
05:37"...You should have let me die."
05:40Norman Lear shows never hesitated to go dark and real places,
05:44but this one was wild even for him.
05:4624. Ellen Comes Out
05:49Ellen. This coming-out scene was a long time coming. Star Ellen DeGeneres had already come
05:54out of the closet in the major news publications, and her character's sexuality had become a running
05:59joke. But in this very special two-parter, which guest stars Oprah Winfrey and Laura Dern,
06:04Ellen Morgan's coming-out is done in spectacular and bumbling fashion.
06:08"...I'm 35 years old. I'm so afraid to tell people. I mean, I just...Susan, I'm gay."
06:16She doesn't just announce it to Dern's character, but to the entire airport when it's picked up by
06:21the PA system. It's a celebratory scene, and episode, about self-actualization and courage.
06:27But the firestorm it caused was just as shocking as anything that happened on screen.
06:32"...Nobody's ever ready. You can't just wait for America to be ready for things,
06:37and that's how we affect change."
06:3923. The Last Newhart
06:42"...You're all crazy!"
06:51After eight seasons, the show about a Vermont innkeeper came to a close with what might be
06:56the most surprising and hilarious It Was All a Dream endings in history. After being hit in the
07:02head by a golf ball, actor Bob Newhart wakes from a dream in the bedroom set of his previous sitcom,
07:08The Bob Newhart Show. And next to Newhart is his wife from that show,
07:12Emily, played by actress Suzanne Plachette.
07:15"...All right, Bob. What is it?"
07:21"...I was an innkeeper in this crazy little town in Vermont."
07:25Kept under wraps until the last minute, the revelation that all of Newhart was just a
07:29dream of his previous character was a huge hit with the viewers.
07:3322. Selina Frames Gary
07:36By the end of this darkly funny political satire, Vice President Selina Meyer sells
07:42out virtually every virtue or value she ever had in order to claim the Oval Office for herself.
07:48But she was never more evil than when giving up the only person who truly had her back.
07:53"...Anyway, listen, it's kind of important, actually. And I would also say that it's, uh,
07:58not easy. Uh, and kind of also not fair."
08:03Gary, her faithful bagman, bore the brunt of her cruelty through all seven seasons,
08:08and would have continued to happily take her abuse. But when embezzlement and corruption
08:12charges knocked at Selina's door, she framed Gary and gave him up to the FBI.
08:18The confused Gary is arrested during her victory speech,
08:21and it drives home just how morally bankrupt she is.
08:24"...There is no one who has sacrificed more than me."
08:2921. Sophia's Friend in Need The Golden Girls
08:35Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia were never afraid to have difficult conversations.
08:40One of the show's most powerful episodes, which sees Rose Nyland having a HIV scare,
08:46was aired when the topic was still incredibly taboo.
08:48"...AIDS is not a bad person's disease, Rose. It is not God punishing people for their sins."
08:55"...Oh, you're right, Blanche."
08:57This episode from the same season is even more shocking. Sophia's ailing and elderly friend,
09:02Martha, asks her to be alongside her when Martha ends her own life.
09:06A conflicted Sophia ultimately decides to be there for her friend.
09:10"...You will hold my hand?"
09:11"...Sure I will. I'm so glad I don't have to go alone."
09:16It was rare to see Sophia Petrillo shed a tear,
09:19but this episode has what is easily one of the show's most heart-tugging endings.
09:2420. Jodie's Overdose... Mum
09:27This sitcom uses humour to discuss the tough subject of substance use disorder.
09:31In season 3, Christy and her friends from Alcoholics Anonymous meet teenager Jodie.
09:37"...And it's easier for older people. Your party days are kinda over."
09:44"...We still have fun."
09:48"...Um... this."
09:50"...Way to sell it."
09:54Over the season, Christy becomes her sponsor and helps get her back on her feet.
09:59However, Jodie begins dating someone who's only just gotten clean.
10:03In the episode Diabetic Lesbians and a Blushing Bride,
10:07Christy receives a devastating phone call that Jodie overdosed and did not survive.
10:12"...She was fine at the party. How did this happen?"
10:16"...All I know is they found her in the bathroom at her apartment."
10:26After the final scene, Anna Faris, Allison Janney and a real-life doctor
10:31appeared in a public service announcement to discuss the severity of substance use disorder.
10:36"...Today, 120 people will die from a drug overdose.
10:40Behind these numbers are families who need our compassion and help."
10:44"...Because addiction is not a moral failing, it's a chronic illness."
10:4819. Jessie Takes Caffeine Pills – Saved by the Bell
10:52"...I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so... scared!"
11:01It found a new life as a meme on the internet,
11:03but Jessie's breakdown on Saved by the Bell is no laughing matter.
11:08Played by Elizabeth Berkley, Jessie Spano feels the mounting pressure of being Bayside
11:12High School's most studious go-getter. To help cope with stress, she takes caffeine pills,
11:18and soon the quick fix turns into a substance use disorder.
11:22"...Jessie, those pills are dangerous."
11:23"...Yeah, well, so is geometry."
11:25"...You told me you were gonna stop taking them."
11:27"...I need them to stay awake and study, okay?"
11:29"...No, it's not okay. Jessie, I'm worried about you. Give me the pills."
11:33"...Mind your own business."
11:35Between the pressure of her academics and the added demands of the upcoming talent show,
11:39she soon unravels in the arms of her friend Zach Morris, singing and pleading for help.
11:45A departure from the Bell's light affair,
11:47the episode stands out as a frank portrayal of adolescent stress.
11:51"...Gotta learn that it's okay if I'm not the best at everything."
11:56"...Hey, I already learned that."
11:58Number 18. Greg's Car Accident – Family Ties
12:02Throughout the 1980s, very special episodes became a popular way for sitcoms to discuss
12:07serious subject matters. In the fifth season of Family Ties,
12:11the show dedicated a two-part arc to explore the topic of grief.
12:15"...This, this, this is meaningless. That's meaningless. Look, uh, I mean, I mean,
12:20I mean, what's the use of busting my tail to try and build a future for myself? I mean,
12:25maybe I don't have a future. I mean, look what happened to you?"
12:29After learning that a longtime friend of Alex's, Greg, has died in a car accident,
12:33the Keaton family comes together to mourn. However, Alex understandably has a difficult
12:39time dealing with it. He feels a mixture of anger and guilt, as he was actually supposed
12:44to be in the car with Greg. "...I don't want answers, okay, because I can't go on like this.
12:49Why am I alive? Why am I alive? Why am I alive?"
12:53The second half takes place in an empty space while Alex talks to an unseen therapist.
12:59It's a theatrical approach that effectively allows the story's emotions to take center stage.
13:04"...I can take his sense of humor, and his, and his energy, and his warmth,
13:16and I can make it my own."
13:18Number 17. Rosario's Death. Will & Grace.
13:22"...Okay, Rosie, you got some nerve not showing up for work. You better be in the hospital."
13:28During the original run of Will & Grace, Rosario, played by Shelley Morrison,
13:32became a fan favorite. However, Morrison declined to reprise her role for the revival,
13:37as she had retired from acting. Six episodes into the revival,
13:41the character was killed off, dying from a heart attack offscreen.
13:46"...Gone? Where'd she go this time? Underground maids fight club that I don't know about?"
13:52"...Karen, I don't think you understand what..."
13:58"...I understand, Grace."
14:01Rosario's former employer and friend, Karen, honors her by fulfilling a promise
14:06to throw her a belated quinceañera. As Karen, actress Megan Mullally delivers
14:12a truly moving and poignant speech that pays tribute to a beloved figure.
14:17"...She was my best friend. You were my everything. Rosario Yolanda Salazar."
14:27Number 16. Laura Faces Racism. Family Matters.
14:32In the second season of Family Matters, the comedy depicts a disturbing episode about racism.
14:37"...Oh my God."
14:39"...Laura, what's wrong?"
14:42"...If you want black history, go back to Africa."
14:44Inspired by Black History Month, Laura organizes an initiative to create a black history class at
14:50her high school. Later, she and Steve find an unsettling note and racial slur on her locker.
14:56Tensions mount among the student body, and a hurt and exhausted Laura is ready to give up.
15:01"...I realize you're having a hard time, but you've got to stand up
15:08whatever you believe in, or things will never change."
15:13After a conversation with Mother Winslow, she continues her crusade,
15:17and the school backs her idea for a class. While the episode has a positive ending,
15:22the story is rooted in a reality that the black community continues to face,
15:26making it equally as relevant as when it first aired.
15:31"...Yes, honey?"
15:32"...You were right. One person can't make a difference."
15:35"...Oh, sweetheart."
15:38Number 15. Sandy's Drunk Driving. Growing Pains.
15:44"...Hi. You'll forgive me if I don't get up."
15:49Matthew Perry joined the Growing Pains cast in 1989 as the recurring character Sandy,
15:55Carol's college boyfriend. In the episode Second Chance, he invites her to attend a luncheon,
16:00but their plans go awry when he gets into a car accident after a night of drinking.
16:05While visiting him in the hospital, Carol learns that he has pending charges
16:09for driving under the influence, but other than that, seems relatively unscathed.
16:15"...You ever kissed a guy with tubes up his nose before?"
16:20"...Up his nose? No."
16:28"...Careful there. Monitoring my heart rate."
16:32By the time she gets home, though, things turn tragic,
16:35as she learns that Sandy has died from internal bleeding.
16:39It's a shocking twist that cuts deep, reminding viewers to drive responsibly.
16:45"...This isn't fair! What happened to a second chance?"
16:51Number 14. Penny's Abuse. Good Times.
16:54In the 1970s, audiences could always rely on good times for non-stop laughs,
17:00but even the most comedy-driven shows can feature moments of deep seriousness.
17:05"...Penny, why did you, uh, tell us you didn't have a mommy?"
17:08"...Oh, uh, I was just pretending."
17:10In season 5 through 6, viewers welcomed the character of Penny Gordon-Woods,
17:15a sweet, smiley, and kind pre-teen. She came from a difficult home situation,
17:20including a physically abusive mother who forced her to run away from home.
17:25"...Why don't we have a little dinner? Then you can tell us where you belong,
17:28and then I can take you home. Would you like that?"
17:32"...Dinner? Uh-huh. Going home? Uh-uh."
17:35The storyline was an eye-opening look into the realities of abuse.
17:39In the end, Wilona adopts Penny, and they create the loving,
17:43supportive, and safe household that every child deserves.
17:47"...I know we have so much to learn about each other,
17:50but I promise you, I love you more than any mother's ever loved a little girl."
17:56"...Oh, mama."
17:57"...Oh, baby."
18:01Number 13. Jackie's domestic violence.
18:05One of the things about Roseanne that made it stand out as a sitcom
18:08was that it never shied away from portraying reality.
18:10"...Look, I'm alright, so don't go blowing this up into something it's not, okay?"
18:14"...What happened?"
18:15"...Nothing, let's go eat."
18:16"...No, we're not going to go anywhere until you tell me how you got down."
18:18"...I told you I'm okay!"
18:21In the episode Crime and Punishment,
18:23the title character notices a behavior change in her sister, Jackie,
18:26who suddenly appears skittish and irritated.
18:29Upon finding bruises, Roseanne learns that she is being abused by her boyfriend, Fisher.
18:34"...He told me a million times when he gets in a mood like that,
18:36that I should just walk away, and I didn't. I just kept pushing him and pushing him."
18:41"...Don't say any more."
18:42Outraged, Jackie's brother-in-law, Dan, assaults Fisher and ends up arrested.
18:47While that doesn't resolve matters, eventually, with Roseanne's support,
18:51Jackie is able to move on from the relationship.
18:55"...Let's go."
18:58"...If you ever come near her again, you're going to have to deal with me.
19:02And I am way more dangerous than Dan.
19:06I got a loose meat restaurant. I know what to do with the body."
19:13Number 12, John Ritter's Passing, 8 Simple Rules.
19:17"...Oh, my keys. Where are my keys?"
19:22"...Oh my God."
19:24In 2003, the world was shocked by the news that television icon John Ritter
19:29had suddenly passed away. As his fans and peers mourned his untimely loss,
19:34producers of his sitcom, 8 Simple Rules, were faced with a difficult task of addressing his death.
19:39After a hiatus, the show returned with an episode titled,
19:44It was revealed that Ritter's character, Paul Hennessy, had also died suddenly.
19:48"...It's just so unfair."
19:50"...Honey, nobody said life was fair."
19:53"...I know that. I know that life isn't fair, but nobody told me it was going to be this cruel."
19:58Viewers were glued to their screens as they watched as both the characters and
20:02actors navigated the loss. As the series continued,
20:05new faces like James Garner and David Spade joined the production,
20:09helping bring comfort, warmth, and laughs to both the cast and the audience.
20:15"...Everybody looks great. I'm just gonna push the button. Here we go. Everybody smile."
20:22Number 11, Howard's Mom's Death, The Big Bang Theory
20:26Although her face never actually appeared on screen,
20:29Debbie Wolowitz left a big impression on The Big Bang Theory.
20:32"...Where are you?"
20:33"...I'm in the toilet!"
20:37"...So, how'd it go?"
20:39"...Too soon to say, I'm not done yet!"
20:44Featured only through her distinct voice, Howard's mom could be overprotective,
20:48overbearing, and just plain over-the-top. Always well-intended,
20:52her mothering ways were missed when she passed away in Season 8.
20:56"...Ma took a nap. She never woke up."
21:03After receiving a phone call from his aunt, Howard grieves her passing with
21:07the support and love of his friends. The character's departure occurred a few months
21:12after the actress who portrayed her, Caroline Soucy, died in 2014. In honour of their legacies,
21:18a photograph of Soucy was hung on Sheldon and Leonard's fridge.
21:23"...To Mrs. Wolowitz, loving mother, to all of us. We'll miss you."
21:3510. Rebecca's Rock Bottom – Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
21:39Despite its cheery exterior, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend goes to some dark places.
21:43It was often praised for depicting protagonist Rebecca Bunch's struggles in an honest way.
21:48"...But you can get off the plane in LA and buy a new ticket."
21:51"...True, true. Yeah. The thing is, I'm just too tired to
21:57buy things or do things or get things or say things or face things."
22:00In Season 3, she finds herself at an all-time low. After escaping her life in West Covina,
22:06she seeks comfort from her mother Naomi in New York. Their relationship gets extremely
22:11strained when it's revealed that the mother's been sneaking medication into her daughter's
22:15system. "...Of course you didn't change. The only reason I was feeling better was
22:20because you gave me these drugs. They blitzed me out and made my ears buzz."
22:25In the wake of this betrayal, Rebecca attempts to overdose by swallowing a
22:29handful of the leftover meds. She quickly realises the severity of her situation and
22:34gets a flight attendant's attention before it's too late. The episode marked a major
22:39turning point in the series and promoted the importance of asking for help.
22:43"...I'm aware mental illness is stigmatised, but the stigma is worth it if I've realised
22:50who I'm meant to be armed with my diagnosis."
22:55Number 9. Ben's Death – Scrubs
22:58"...Ben, you have leukemia."
23:08"...Well, that sucks."
23:09Cox's brother-in-law Ben was treated for leukemia in the first season. When he returns in Season 3,
23:14he defends JD when a patient passes away on his watch.
23:18"...20 minutes after you left, he went into cardiac arrest.
23:23We tried to resuscitate him, but there's nothing we can do."
23:28"...I'm sorry."
23:29This stance angers Cox throughout the episode,
23:32but Ben is able to push the cranky doctor towards a place of forgiveness.
23:35But by the time he's ready to move on, Cox realises that the patient that passed away was Ben.
23:41"...You have to forgive yourself for everything that went down the other day."
23:46"...You're so annoying."
23:49It turns out that the doctor had been hallucinating that his brother-in-law was around
23:52after his death. The episode ends at the funeral. The emotional and jarring plot twist
23:58hurts the hearts of fans decades later.
24:028. Terry's racial profiling, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
24:05As the Black Lives Matter movement became the subject of more and more headlines,
24:08Brooklyn Nine-Nine had some tough conversations to confront.
24:12"...Look, nine out of ten times I get called to that neighborhood,
24:14it's about a guy that looks like you."
24:16"...Were you responding to a call?"
24:17"...No, you're missing the point."
24:18"...No, you're missing the point. I just want you to admit, you only stop me because I'm Black."
24:23The comedy, which follows the misadventures of a New York City precinct,
24:27could not ignore the topic of policing and racism. They tackled the issue head-on by
24:31including a plot point where the Black officer, Terry, is racially profiled by a fellow cop.
24:37"...Well, you need to lower your voice."
24:39"...Lower my voice?"
24:40"...No, put your hands on your head, turn around, don't make any sudden moves."
24:44"...I didn't do anything, also I'm-"
24:46"...Keep talking, see what happens next, huh?"
24:48He spends the episode trying to decide whether or not to file a complaint,
24:52while also trying to manage the emotional toll of the incident.
24:55It's a heavy but vital storyline.
24:58"...I wasn't a guy who lived in a neighborhood looking for his daughter's toy.
25:02I was a Black man. A dangerous Black man. That's all he could see. A threat."
25:09In a time where awareness is spreading about policing,
25:12storylines like this are needed to cast light on the topic.
25:177. Matteo's Deportation
25:20Superstore always places emphasis on the importance of fundamental issues.
25:24In one of the show's most paramount episodes,
25:26the big-box retail store witnesses one of their own facing deportation.
25:30"...I'm gonna miss working with you."
25:32"...Sorry, relax. I'm gonna get out."
25:35"...Yeah, but even if you do make it out, you can't come back, now that they know."
25:40Knowing that he does not have citizenship,
25:43sales associate Matteo lives in constant fear.
25:46His worst nightmare comes true when Cloud 9 is raided by ICE.
25:50"...I think we're doing it right."
25:51"...You're doing it? There you are. They know about you."
25:55"...They saw your picture. They know what you look like. We have to go now."
25:57"...Okay, well, where do we go?"
25:58"...I don't know."
25:58"...Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God."
25:59His colleagues do everything in their power to hide and protect him,
26:02but in the end, he's found and taken away.
26:05The whole episode is heartbreaking because of how authentic it appears,
26:09as this is the reality for countless people across America.
26:13"...The guards think all undocumented people are Latinos,
26:15and they just keep yelling at me in Spanish, and I don't understand what they're saying."
26:21"...I just want to go home."
26:23Number 6. Arnold and Mr. Horton
26:25Different Strokes
26:26In a chilling two-part episode,
26:28Different Strokes featured one of the most disturbing storylines in sitcom history.
26:32The content was so heavy that it even included a content advisory read by show lead Conrad Bain.
26:39Titled The Bicycle Man, the arc followed the budding friendship between Arnold and Dudley
26:44and bicycle shop owner Mr. Horton.
26:47"...Maybe it would be best if you didn't even mention, you know,
26:49that you came back here and I gave you all this ice cream before dinner.
26:54Why don't we just make it our little secret, huh?"
26:57But it's soon too clear that the latter has sinister intentions for the young people he befriends.
27:02Fortunately, adults step in to aid their children through this difficult scenario.
27:07"...Look, I'm sorry, Mr. Drummond, I'm just about to close up here.
27:10I've had a little problem."
27:11"...Is this Horton?"
27:12"...Yes, it is."
27:13"...I think you've got a big problem, Mr. Horton."
27:15"...Where's Dudley? Arnold told us that he was here."
27:18Strokes received acclaim for handling the sensitive subject matter well,
27:21and was even credited with helping children identify inappropriate adult behavior.
27:27"...But you do have to be careful.
27:29Somebody wants you to do something that's wrong,
27:31or if they want you to lie to your parents, that is a person should not be trusted,
27:35no matter how good the reason they give you seems to be."
27:375. Marshall's Dad's Death – How I Met Your Mother
27:41Season 6 of How I Met Your Mother included the death of Marshall's father,
27:44after he and Lily spend the day at the fertility specialists, they both anticipate the worst.
27:49"...And so Marshall told his parents everything."
27:53"...And so now I'm just scared that we won't be able to give you a grandchild."
27:57"...Oh, Marshall, we don't care about that one bit."
28:02But they could never have guessed that their bad news would come from another source.
28:06The moment Marshall receives some positive information about fertility,
28:09Lily arrives to tell him that his dad has suffered a fatal heart attack.
28:13"...Something's happened. Your father, he had a heart attack. He didn't make it."
28:23Jason Segel and Alison Hannigan improvised the moment,
28:26and shot the heartbreaking scene in just one take.
28:30Not only did this shock fans, but also Segel as well.
28:33In the end, this approach led to one of the saddest moments in the entire show.
28:38"...I'm not ready for this."
28:424. Will's Dad Leaves, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
28:46Despite spending over a decade apart, Will's father, Lou,
28:49unexpectedly returned in a Season 4 episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
28:54Uncle Phil immediately has his reservations about whether or not Lou will stick around.
28:59"...Will, it's not a coat that you hang in the closet,
29:01then pick it up when you're ready to wear it."
29:03However, Will and Lou make plans to venture out on a road trip and mend their relationship.
29:08But the disappearing dad decides to abandon the plan, and his son, at the last moment.
29:13"...I'm glad you're here. Um, some business came up I gotta handle.
29:18So we're gonna have to put our trip on hold."
29:22Will's dad, Jason Segel, is also the one to blame for his father's death.
29:26"...I'm glad you're here. Um, some business came up I gotta handle.
29:29So we're gonna have to put our trip on hold. You understand?"
29:34A distraught and rightfully hurt Will launches into an incredibly emotional monologue
29:39before breaking down in front of his uncle. It's a powerful moment made even stronger
29:43by both Will Smith's and the late James Avery's incredible acting.
29:48"...How come you don't want me, man?"
30:003. Maud's Pregnancy
30:02Maud, split into a two-parter, the Norman Lear comedy Maud,
30:05addressed a critical topic in its very first season. When the title character
30:10discovers she is pregnant at 47 years old, she has to decide what to do.
30:15"...Father's a doctor, he told me that..."
30:16"...Honey, it's alright, it's alright. Just tell me, Walter, that I'm doing the right thing,
30:25not having the baby."
30:27She ultimately decides that getting an abortion is the right thing to do.
30:30Since such a topic was rarely discussed in mainstream media at the time,
30:34the subject matter received backlash.
30:36"...I think it would be wrong to have a child at our age."
30:40"...Oh, so do I, Walter. Oh, Walter, so do I."
30:44Some stations even decided to forgo airing the episode altogether.
30:48Lear stood by the storyline and offered an honest depiction of a topic
30:52that is far too often kept in the dark.
30:55"...For you, Maud. For me. In the privacy of our own lives, you're doing the right thing."
31:022. Plane Crash
31:05For over a decade, MASH perfectly toed the line between comedy and drama.
31:09Situated during the Korean War at a military hospital,
31:12the show did not shy away from levity.
31:14"...So long, Hawk. I'm afraid just a handshake won't do it, Henry."
31:23One of the legendary series' most challenging moments hit audiences with an unforgettable
31:28gut punch. After Colonel Blake receives his discharge, we watch a bittersweet send-off.
31:34"...You behave yourself or I'm gonna come back and kick your butt."
31:42Things take a heart-aching turn when radar delivers horrifying news.
31:46Apparently, Blake's plane crashed, and he did not survive.
31:51"...Lieutenant Corral, Henry Blake's plane...
31:58...was shot down over the Sea of Japan."
32:01The moment stands the test of time as one of the most brutal revelations in
32:05the history of American television, along with Hawkeye's in the last episode.
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32:251. Edith's 50th Birthday
32:28All in the Family
32:31"...is Detective Lambert, I'm with the police department,
32:34but I'd like to ask you a couple questions if I could."
32:37"...Oh, sure, come on in."
32:40Norman Lear's most famous sitcom tackled difficult subject matter from the start,
32:45including devastating Season 1 episode where Gloria Bunker suffers a miscarriage. But this
32:50two-part episode from the show's eighth season took it to the next level, as a man posing as
32:56a police officer tricks his way into the home and holds Edith hostage. Though she is able to
33:01get away before things go too far, it's a disturbing and heartbreaking hour of television.
33:07Edith Bunker felt like everyone's mom, so to watch her fall victim to a home invasion
33:12on her birthday was a harrowing exercise in suspense we rarely see on a sitcom.
33:17Which sitcom shocker will you never forget? Let us know in the comments.
33:32Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo,
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