00:00Our role from the beginning is all about women's empowerment and also advocating for gender equality.
00:08That's why in 1997, we started service-oriented programs.
00:15The reason is, when women or men come from such situations, how do we advise them?
00:22Because we give face-to-face counselling, online counselling, we also give legal advice.
00:29If they want very detailed legal advice, we can also do reference to the Legal Aids Council.
00:37Referral to shelters.
00:39Because sometimes, people in such violence can't go back to their families.
00:43They have small children, they don't know what to do, and they don't have financial security.
00:50So, which organizations provide shelters, which organizations provide financial aid,
00:57we refer to them and help them.