1896 - Fêtes franco-russes (6 movies) - François-Constant Girel; Jean Alexandre Louis Promio

  • anteontem
► Films in the public domain. Documentaries produced by the Lumière Brothers Society; the first 2, directed by French filmmaker François-Constant Girel. The rest, directed by the French photographer and filmmaker Jean Alexandre Louis Promio in 1896, on the occasion of the visit of the Russian Tsar and his wife to France.

1st) Cherbourg: débarquement des souverains russes (disembarkation of Russian sovereigns) - Russian sovereigns Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna with their entourage leave a cabin and pass in front of an orchestra to disembark in Cherbourg, France.
2nd) Cherbourg: entrée des souverains russes et du président de la République sous le hall (entrance of the sovereigns and the President of the Republic under the hall) - Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna are accompanied by the president from the French republic François Félix Faure to its suites.
3rd) Paris: les souverains russes et le président de la République aux Champs-Élysées (Russian sovereigns and the President of the Republic on the Champs-Élysées) - Parade of horsemen and carriages where the tsar and the Russian Tsarina and French President F.F.F. on the Champs-Élysées, Paris, France.
4th) Paris: cortège des chasseurs à cheval et spahis de l’escorte (courtship of hunters on horseback and escort spahis) - Division of escort hunters and spahis following the parade. Only one frame of that movie is displayed.
5th) Paris: dragons de l'escorte (Escort Dragons) - Division of escort Dragons and several carriages with distinguished personalities following the parade.
6th) Paris: général Saussier et son état-major (General Saussier and his staff) - General Saussier and senior officers being escorted by more Dragoons, following the parade.
7th) Paris: La foule sur la place de l’Opéra (The crowd in Place de l’Opéra) - Amidst the fluent traffic, the crowd fills the Place de l’Opéra, in Paris.

► Filmes em domínio público. Documentários produzidos pela sociedade irmãos Lumière; os 2 primeiros, dirigidos pelo cineasta francês François-Constant Girel. Os restantes, dirigidos pelo fotógrafo e cineasta francês Jean Alexandre Louis Promio em 1896, por ocasião da visita do czar russo e sua esposa à França.