抓到用WFH神器在家“吃蛇” 美国富国银行开除逾10员工

  • 3 months ago
新闻报报看 | 美国第三大银行富国银行最近爆出,有超过10名投资部的员工居家上班时,竟然使用一种WFH神器,让他们在家上班时可以装忙,结果被主管单位抓到后直接开除。到底WFH神器长什么样呢?(主播:庄文杰、黄界錤)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04Many companies around the world continue to implement the Work-from-home system after the epidemic.
00:10Employees are allowed to work from home for one to two days a week.
00:14In order to effectively monitor the efficiency of employees' work from home,
00:18some companies have come up with some sensors that will be installed on employees' computers.
00:23For example, to track the movement of employees' keyboard typing or vision,
00:27to detect the screen on employees' computers from time to time,
00:30and to track the websites that employees have browsed, etc.
00:33From a distance, it can monitor whether employees are eating or sleeping at home when they are at work.
00:39But there is an old saying,
00:41if there is a policy, there must be a countermeasure.
00:46Recently, the third largest bank in the United States, the National Bank of China,
00:48found that when they allowed employees to work from home,
00:51more than ten employees were pretending to be busy at home.
00:57They bought so-called Work-from-home devices on the Internet,
01:00pretending to be very busy at work.
01:03When the management unit controls them from a distance,
01:06to monitor their typing,
01:09or the time of moving the mouse,
01:11they use this kind of device to help.
01:13Even if people are not in front of the computer,
01:16but the mouse and keyboard can move by themselves,
01:19and can be recorded to be in operation.
01:22These devices sound like ghost stories.
01:25It feels a little spiritual.
01:27Of course, it's not that strange.
01:29According to the report,
01:30there is a USB plug-in called a mouse mobile on the Internet.
01:35It is said that as long as it is plugged into the computer,
01:38it will make the computer city think that this mouse is in operation.
01:43You can even move the computer mouse by yourself.
01:45Pretending that someone is working hard,
01:48the company will not detect that you are eating snakes.
01:51Moreover, as you can see from the screenshot on the Internet,
01:54this so-called mouse mobile is not expensive.
01:57It costs about $10,
01:58which is about $0.47 here.
02:01So it makes some office workers think
02:03that as long as I buy these Work-from-home devices,
02:07I will have one more day off.
02:09And I don't know if I did it or not.
02:13Of course.
02:14If you want to buy a home-made work-from-home device after listening to this introduction,
02:21I still advise you not to pretend to be smart.
02:24Don't pretend to be busy at home and pretend to work.
02:27Because the head of the bank in the United States
02:29has caught more than ten employees
02:31who used home-made work-from-home devices to pretend to be busy eating snakes,
02:35and even fried their squid.
02:38They eat snakes, but the company invites them to eat fried squid.
02:41According to the report,
02:42the fired employees are employees of the wealth and investment management department.
02:46The spokesperson of the bank stated that
02:48their company requires employees to follow the highest standards
02:51and not to tolerate any immoral behavior.
02:54So this severe action should be regarded as their company
02:57warning other employees in the company.
03:00If you don't work hard at home,
03:03you know what will happen to you.
03:11If you don't work hard at home,
03:13you know what will happen to you.
