• last year
Cette ville du Moyen Age comptait plus de 100 gratte-ciel ? ️

Au Moyen ge, la ville de Bologne se distinguait par ses plus de 100 tours, érigées principalement pour des raisons de défense et de surveillance.

Ces structures imposantes servaient aussi de symboles de richesse et de statut pour les familles nobles locales. ️

⚒️ Construire une tour nécessitait une importante main-d'œuvre et pouvait prendre jusqu'à dix ans. ️

Au fil du temps, la majorité des tours ont été soit détruites, soit réutilisées pour diverses fonctions comme les prisons ou les bâtiments résidentiels. ️

Aujourd'hui, moins de vingt tours subsistent à Bologne, incluant la célèbre tour Asinelli, haute de 97 mètres et légèrement inclinée, ayant servi de prison, de laboratoire scientifique, et même de poste d'observation durant les conflits.

Chacune raconte une partie de l'histoire urbaine de Bologne, des ambitions médiévales aux rénovations modernes. ️

Sources : Courrier International, History Season, Bologna Welcome

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00:00In the Middle Ages, the Italian city of Bologna had more than 100 skyscrapers.
00:02The first towers were built almost a thousand years ago, during a period of great conflict and war in Italy.
00:06They were built for defensive and surveillance purposes.
00:09However, the towers quickly became a means for the rival noble families of the city to show their wealth and status.
00:13The higher the tower was, the more impressive the prestige of the family was.
00:16It was difficult and expensive to build such structures in medieval Italy,
00:19and a tower required a lot of manpower and up to 10 years to be built.
00:22Over the following centuries, the towers, one after the other, collapsed or were demolished.
00:26Many towers were then used in one way or another, such as prisons, city towers, shops or residential buildings.
00:31The last demolitions took place during the 20th century, according to an ambitious plan of restructuring the city.
00:36Less than 20 towers are still visible in Bologna today.
00:38Among them is the Altabella tower, 61 meters high, the Pendiparte tower, 60 meters high, and the Garisenda tower, 48 meters high.
00:45The tallest tower in Cordova is the Assinelli tower, measuring 97 meters, with 498 steps to connect the top.
00:50It was a prison, a place of scientific experience, an observation post during the last world war,
00:55and it even served as a television transmitter.
00:56However, it is considerably tilted, with an inclination of 1.3 degrees.
01:00For more videos on the subject, subscribe to Omniscience.
