During remarks on the Senate floor, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) ripped into President Biden's nomination of Nancy Maldonado to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.
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00:00And I'm proud to be a member of the Biden administration.
00:07On another matter, I need to return today to another of the Biden administration's unfit judicial nominees, judge Nancy Maldonado.
00:19Alongside a crop of nominees distinguished by their radical views and affiliations and ties to dark money groups,
00:29I'm proud of the amount of unfinished work she's accumulated in her time on the district court in Chicago.
00:38Earlier this month, I pointed out that with 125 motions pending for more than six months,
00:45Judge Maldonado sits behind more than 99% of all district judges nationwide for her ability to clear casework in a timely manner.
00:56She's the worst in her circuit, and it's not even close.
01:05Now, our Democratic colleagues on the Judiciary Committee don't seem all that concerned about the alarming aspect of her record.
01:13Perhaps they think that there's more to being a judge than deciding cases, such as perhaps checking diversity boxes.
01:23In any case, they voted in lockstep to advance her nomination this spring.
01:29But listening to some of our colleagues' comments from more recent committee meetings, you might wonder whether they had made a terrible mistake.
01:38The senior senator for Connecticut, a seasoned prosecutor familiar with the frustrations of the judicial process, recalled, quote,
01:49I can remember waiting literally years for a decision from a district court judge.
01:55And there's nothing anyone can do other than seeking mandamus from the Circuit Court of Appeals, which is close to a death sentence for any litigator.
02:08Our colleague described such delays as, quote, frustrating and costly.
02:13And in no uncertain terms, he said that ending these delays is essential to, quote, achieving swifter, more expeditious justice.
02:23But just a couple of months ago, he voted to advance the nomination of a judge with a demonstrated inability to deliver swiftly or more expeditious justice.
02:35With every other Democrat on the committee, he voted to give Nancy Maldonado and her Biden backlog lifetime tenure on the Court of Appeals.
02:47It's incredible how clear-eyed our colleague sounds when he's not burdened with the uncomfortable responsibility for rubber-stamping a favorite of the left's dark-money royalty.
02:59His fellow Democrats should take note.