At a Senate Republican press briefing on Tuesday, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spoke about the NDAA.
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00:00Well, good afternoon, everyone.
00:10I think the decision by the Armed Services Committee to plus up the NDAA this year is
00:21extremely significant.
00:23Not only did every Republican vote for it, most of the Democrats did as well.
00:29I think that's an accurate reflection of where we ought to be headed in terms of defense
00:35spending based upon current conditions.
00:39When the agreement was made last year, the world did not seem to be quite as much afire
00:48as it is now.
00:51We need to react to where we're headed, not only big power competition with China and
00:58Russia but also Iran, and now, of course, we have the war in Israel on top of everything
01:06So I want to commend Senator Wicker and the bipartisan group on the Armed Services Committee
01:15who gave us a roadmap.
01:18Now the challenge is going to be to find a way to pursue the roadmap with real money.