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00:00Today I'm playing as every age group in GTA 5 and every time I eat a younger human I get even younger
00:05It's my goal to become a baby to get
00:11Yeah, I bet you want this car buddy
00:16You're so freaking old it's disgusting so you'll need to make sure that you get younger as fast as possible and you get this car
00:24Okay, I need to become a baby. I guess all right, and then I can get the chrome Ferrari
00:28Yeah, do something and make sure you get younger man. It's a really nice car. Yeah, okay
00:32I'm gonna get super young now. All right. Maybe I could just go and eat this baby and turn into a baby myself
00:40Come right back here a little rug right grandpa. No. Whoa okay relax. I'm gonna eat you and I'm gonna become a baby by
00:48So it is good. You taste like prunes
00:53Just became older I mean younger we became younger how young are we are we baby young all right?
01:00No, I have to say there's not that much of a difference. You're still pretty old. I'm gonna eat some more people then
01:06I'm gonna get super young
01:10Bring you to your retirement home. Can you help me?
01:12No, I want to eat some people man. You're almost as dead as the guy in the back. Just get in the car
01:18Okay, there's definitely
01:20People at the retirement home, so that's yeah your daughter. She paid for me to come pick you up. Let's go
01:25You got a nice bed to stay in okay? We're at the retirement home. Let's find a few people to eat
01:31Ha ha ha ha I am so hungry to get younger
01:35Okay, okay. There's quite a lot of people here. I just cannot get caught
01:40I hope the security guards not gonna try to catch me anytime
01:50What was that?
01:53Just need to eat some people
01:56Jerry gonna eat first. Oh
02:00You're supposed to text me at 3
02:06Man I've been hammering. Oh, they're all so old. I need to find someone who's a little bit younger. I mean
02:12Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go and eat her if I eat an older person. I'm gonna get older right
02:17What's my sign say you can't hit me with a quarter yeah, can you hear me?
02:22There you go, okay, all right
02:24Can I just see someone fighting?
02:27No, I hope I know I hope I didn't know definitely not keep your hands to yourself everybody
02:38Welcome to the smoking table
02:41Living healthy, I mean we're all already look at this
02:46These people are too old to eat. They're gonna taste disgusting. She's somewhere over here. We just eat her
02:51We're gonna turn into a baby. Oh, hi
02:55Okay, like look at this guy
02:57Bro, I'm ex-military. Of course. Look at them pecs. You want to see a peck flag?
03:02No, I want to see I want to see someone who's super young. What about the muscles? Look at my biceps
03:08Cool great bites. I'm feeling vital. That's fine. That's fine. I'm just looking for someone who's super young
03:14You should check the nurse out. She's hot. Oh
03:17I mean, that's that's not really why I need her to be young. I need her to be young for different reasons
03:22I need her
03:24I like this music you're playing
03:31What are you doing, oh man, this cabinet is so stuck right trying to get in
03:38Nurse, I will follow you because I need to need you to help me. It looks like you're a new patient
03:44I've never seen you before
03:46Whoa, you're very young. Okay
03:50Yeah, I I've got something stuck in my
03:53In an area. Oh, yeah. Yeah me out. Well, I mean I am the nurse but uh for anything like that
04:00I've got a call my male nurse to take over. Well, how are you? How young is he? Oh
04:07He's pretty old and I'm the only young nurse on site so I need someone who's young who can help me out
04:15Well, yeah, he helped me out why are you running away but
04:21You're a little smelly. So I just got a
04:24Okay. Yeah. Well, that's what I need help with. Did you nurse? Have you changed your diaper? I
04:30Think you're a pretty bad nurse and nurse should help
04:33Run away from me. Are you a registered patient? I
04:37Am registered. Yeah. Yeah, I live. Where's your registration card? I don't know. I forgot. That's how registered I am
04:43All right, hold on let me just yeah, I'll take care of you let me just clean up
04:49Yeah, he's just
04:56Smelly in this room
04:59Should we go somewhere private then maybe and I think that smells nice. That'd be nice. I just grabbed some
05:07cleaning wipes and
05:09Get you I do have to say you seem to be like a great nurse here. You're you're really killing it, right?
05:13Yeah, I really handle all these patients all she's giving us you're doing a phenomenal job
05:20On my back starting to hurt. Oh, oh my leg Linda go shut your mouth
05:26Can we go somewhere now? Good. Yes. Yes, just
05:30Jeremy give me a
05:36Alright honey, we can go outside in a second. Let's just yeah, okay
05:42Let me close the door behind me
05:45Okay. All right. Oh, this is perfect. Yeah
05:48Maybe we could get in like an even more private area here. I want to cook you dinner
05:54Okay, I don't need dinner. I just need you to help me alleviate my back pain my lower back pain. Oh
06:00Well, we do have a hot tub over there. Oh, did you bring your swim trunks?
06:06Yes, yes, definitely. Yeah. Okay. Well, you don't we'll just get in with all our clothes on it actually feels better
06:14I'm like sticks to your skin and it's like
06:16It's like you're in the womb of your mom, right? And then when you get out it still feels like you're in the water
06:22Okay. All right. That's perfect. So this is a super private. No one can see us super super private. Yeah
06:28Okay. All right. Well get and then I'm gonna get closer and
06:38Get way younger and we're like a bank manager now, this is awesome
06:42Jordy we're getting robbed. Wait, we're getting robbed. Yeah, I just got my first day. What do you mean?
06:47I doesn't matter you gotta do something. You're the leader here. There's a bunch of redheaded kids running around with guns. Okay
06:54Should we go defend the bank? Do we have insurance? Yeah, we have everything but we need guns right now
06:59I think we're in danger to be get killed
07:05Whoa, okay get the guns get the guns quick. Where are the guards?
07:21What is this robbery
07:58Where are these guns? Hey, just go down and confront
08:11See what he's trying to do. Oh
08:13What are you trying to just give us some money, please? Okay. Okay. Okay. I'll give you whatever you want. Yeah
08:22Follow me follow me
08:28Oh boy, okay
08:40Don't get close to that old guy don't get too close because he's trying to eat young people
08:48Okay, okay, all right, you're catching on we got our powers now, let's go
09:01Know guys behind me. Well, if you tell me then there's
09:08Whoa, look at us, oh, yes, we're in our 20s again, this is nice. Are we young enough?
09:14Can I drive their Ferrari? You are definitely very young. However, you need to get way younger to get in this car
09:20You don't even fit in this thing
09:31Need to go and find someone who's young that I can I don't care. I don't care
09:34I need more police officers to their join the force. So no, I'm gonna find someone who is very young
09:42You are
09:45Authority here, please stop I need to find someone who's like super young. No, I will have don't make me shoot at you, please
09:52I want to negotiate with you. Okay
09:55Why are you going so fast? Come back? I'm going so fast because I'm hungry for younger people to eat
10:01What is an obsession with young people these days? Okay, wait, I am behind you now
10:07So, please pull over at the earliest convenience. I'm not gonna pull over for you. Mr. Cup. I'm gonna find someone
10:13I need to get to a school as quickly as possible to a school. What is wrong with you?
10:18I don't understand or a kindergarten. This does not sound too good to me
10:25People I know that I'll reason to arrest you
10:27I think you're quite suspicious wanting to go to kindergartens and schools and things like this is not the kind of cool
10:33Okay. Well, I needed to eat someone who's young if you have a suggestion, I don't think this is good
10:40Just pull over. Okay. Yeah, what wait wait here. I'll shoot you in the face. Okay, stop. Yeah. Stop. Yeah
10:45How young are you? Anyways a little bit younger than you by two weeks. I think you're 13
10:51No, I'm out 20
10:55No, I'm pretty sure you're 13. Why are you lying?
10:58Tell me your ID right now. Who cares? Okay is my ID. Why you I'm the cop. You know, you're 14. Okay
11:07We just turned into a kid this is awesome, okay, we're almost at baby level right now
11:12We just need to eat a few more babies, we're gonna get you super fast
11:17You're gonna be going to the Olympics in a couple of years. We're just gonna go running with your friends. All right
11:22Okay, how old are they friends these friends? Yeah, your friends. Well, I think you know better
11:27But I think they're younger than you. I mean you're really skipping classes since you're doing so well
11:32Okay. Yeah. All right. Well, this is great. So then I'm gonna run them and then what can I eat them afterwards eat them?
11:41It's always something with these athletes man. They say these weird things like
11:46What's going on with them? Whatever man? Yeah, you just eat whatever you want, but
11:55Okay, well I mean as long as I'm not looking it doesn't happen, right
12:01And so you're my coach or who are you I'm your principal but I'm also your coach and I'm also your dad oh
12:08I should have known that. Yeah, you should you should all right, buddy. I'm super proud of you. Just come sit with me
12:16So you're gonna be running a couple of laps
12:18You're gonna be making sure that you're as fast as possible and make sure to not eat any kids when I'm watching. Okay?
12:24Okay, while you're watching I won't
12:26Okay. Well good. I'll just I'll just take off. Good luck
12:29Okay. Thank you. All right, so we're just gonna run until we see some kids
12:34Don't see any of the kids just yet on the track. Oh, there you are Carlos. Yeah, you also just join on the track
12:59Out of the track already, how is Carlos so fast
13:05Oh Carlos, can you slow down a little ha just gonna turn around
13:15Carlos Carlos Carlos up right there
13:19Okay. Hi. Can I eat you? Ah, what? Oh
13:24Here check out this ball. Look look, I've got a ball. What's up?
13:30I like running. Okay. All right, perfect Carlos. They need a candy
13:37Yeah, they're made out of candy. Of course
13:43Whoa, we just started to even younger kid. This is flippin. Awesome
13:47We just need either baby now and then we can become a baby. Wait, what's that a baby? That was a baby
13:54That was a baby one more
14:00If we eat that baby, we should become a baby ourselves
14:04Don't drop any cash on the ground and all the other stuff. Take the chrome, baby. It's a gun
14:10A gun? No, no, don't touch the gun. That's from your dad. Please just leave it on the ground
14:15Don't do anything weird with it. Just follow me and always stay in my sight because there's weird people here
14:21I ate the little beans inside the gun. Oh, yeah, there's no worries. You'll poop them out later
14:27Hey, I'll babysit the baby. Oh, you want to share the job with me?
14:34Okay, yeah, I don't know who this kid is and I also don't know why he's in our house
14:38But you just stay in my side. Okay, I think he's a little creepy
14:43It's my brother your brother. Oh, sorry. I wasn't informed by the parents
14:51What are you doing? Oh, are you stuck there, baby?
14:54Hey, I like the fishies. I wasn't doing anything
14:59You crazy kid man
15:01Alright, don't get too close because you might get eaten by the fish
15:06He is so stupid, just get out!
15:17Follow me on the stairs. Oh, why is this kid so stupid? Oh, there he is. Okay. Oh, there you are
15:22Why are you running around the whole time? You're making me crazy
15:25I'm so fast. How about you just go and sleep? It's I think it's nap time
15:33We can nap outside we can nap outside my boyfriend is coming over in a little bit and then you guys can take a nice little nap, okay
15:44No, why how did you just get outside too?
15:50I'm so excited. Okay, babysitting is hard. Come on, buddy, please
15:55Don't fall off the stairs, okay
16:03Why is he making these weird noises? Why are you teleporting the whole time? That's really cool. That's really cool
16:09Come on, I didn't know you can teleport. This is crazy. All right boys, please stick along because we're gonna bring you
16:16My boyfriend is coming over. I want you guys to be very calm and nice. Okay? Okay. Yes, of course
16:22Should we take a nap maybe?
16:25You guys with you no, you're not gonna play you're not gonna play you're just taking that
16:34Over here make sure you watch your brother. I'm gonna go
16:44There's no toy
16:48Well, we just turned into a baby look at us we're finally a baby yes, we are a baby
16:54Please I don't speak in the kid language, but you can definitely take it from Ferrari over there
17:03We can drive this super tiny car now, this is awesome
17:07Look at us. Thank you everyone for watching. If you enjoyed the video drop a like and I'll see you in the next one. Bye. Bye