• last year
新闻报报看 | 中国总理李强与首相安华共同为东铁计划“鹅唛综合交通终站”主持动土礼时说,要把东铁计划打造成是真正能造福大马人民的致富路、幸福路。中国愿意跟马来西亚一起研究,让东铁可以跟中寮铁路、中泰铁路相连通,最终串联起与中国连通的“泛亚铁路”。(主播:庄文杰、洪欣仪)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.N.E. website.
00:30Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang emphasized at the opening ceremony that China is willing to work with Malaysia to create the East Railway Project as the real way to benefit the people of Myanmar, the road of wealth and happiness.
00:48He also used a phrase that the Chinese often say,
00:52要致富先修路, 李強說交通是經濟命脈,尤其大馬地處東南亞的中心,有著獨特的區位優勢,東海岸鐵路建好之後會有長期且廣泛的帶動作用,對於促進發展,創造就業,改善民生方面都有著重要的發揮。
01:11Speaking of the prospect of the development of the East Railway, Li Qiang also mentioned that China is willing to work with Malaysia to make the East Railway connect with China-Laos Railway, China-Thai Railway, and eventually connect with China's Fanya Railway, better promoting the new channel of international trade in land and sea.
01:29Now China-Malaysia are on the new historical starting point, China-Malaysia friendship is like this railway crossing the mountains and seas, so we must grasp the historical opportunity, people-to-people, better benefit the people of the two countries.
01:42Speaking of the prospect of the development of the East Railway, Li Qiang also mentioned that China is willing to work with Malaysia to make the East Railway connect with China-Laos Railway, China-Thai Railway, and eventually connect with China's Fanya Railway, better promoting the new channel of international trade in land and sea.
02:10At the same time, he also called on contractors to ensure that local and local land contractors, consultants and suppliers participate in the East Railway project.
02:40At the same time, he also called on contractors to ensure that local and local land contractors, consultants and suppliers participate in the East Railway project.
