Love by Confinement ( Part 2 Finale ) - Sweet Short

  • 3 months ago
Love by Confinement ( Part 2 Finale ) - Sweet Short
00:00See! That's Eva Jarvis!
00:16That Jarvis?
00:18The murderer!
00:19What a shame!
00:48How dare you come to this ball!
00:51No wonder I haven't seen your daughter for years.
00:54But they didn't say she was released.
00:56What are you thinking?
00:58We do walk around, bragging about, and...
01:01She shouldn't even be here.
01:04Never call me dad.
01:07I kicked you out of this family.
01:09You're a shame!
01:10My sister, you are free.
01:12Get out of here immediately!
01:15You bring shame on Jarvis.
01:18Not Jarvis anymore.
01:19None of your business where I am now.
01:23Don't mess up my ball, Mr. Jarvis.
01:28I wouldn't dare to.
01:30I was just tired of trying to kick this criminal out of your amazing ball.
01:34We're talking about this lady.
01:37Let me formally introduce to all of you guys, Mrs. Brooks.
01:42Ava, my wife.
02:02It's so good to be exposed.
02:06Are you happy with what you see?
02:08You took my father and Brian there to push me down to hell, right?
02:13You told me I am the murderer.
02:20I'm just done, you know?
02:22I'm just done with all these humiliating things.
02:24Serving the guys.
02:26Picking up money from the floor.
02:27Confined by the...
02:28What else?
02:30I'm just a toy of yours that you can play with.
02:33Have you been satisfied?
02:38Mr. Brooks.
02:39Here's Ava's background information you asked for.
02:43Ava Jarvis.
02:44Once she was a parent of Jarvis' group four years ago.
02:48She was accused of causing the death of Bella Miller.
02:51And get around him by Liam Brooks.
02:55Now I understand the beer dynamic between them on that night.
02:59I don't know.
03:00I don't know.
03:01I don't know.
03:02I don't know.
03:03I don't know.
03:04Liam Brooks.
03:06Now I understand the beer dynamic between them on that day in the club.
03:11Look what I have missed.
03:13So many interesting things.
03:15When I was in war.
03:16But I can still make up though.
03:18What do you mean, Mr. Brooks?
03:20You will see.
03:22I'm gonna use the girl for a new technique.
03:26Liam is searching the truth of Bella's death.
03:30Isn't him?
03:32I'm gonna make my sweet Liam suffer.
03:44It went too far to humiliate Ava in public.
03:48She deserved it.
03:50She murdered a girl.
03:51And then she became a club girl.
03:54What did you say, dad?
03:56My sister would like to work as an escort rather than come back to home.
04:01I told her mother we shouldn't have kept her.
04:05Listen, Brian.
04:07Don't worry, okay?
04:09I will let nothing from her affect you.
04:12You are the future of this family.
04:15I have no idea how difficult her life is after you kick her out of home.
04:22Could you please let her back, please?
04:26Brian, are you okay?
04:32We had a child of Miles.
04:35One of the murderers of Bella's death.
04:38He transferred 1 million dollars to Ava's account this morning.
04:43So you were saying she had a connection with the murderer.
04:47And she got 1 million dollars in her account.
04:51Is what you said?
04:53That's all I got right now.
04:55Such a cheater!
04:56I'm gonna kill her!
04:59You fucking lied to me for such a long time.
05:03What's wrong with you?
05:05Miles raped Bella, just transferred money to you.
05:12That's why you guys have this connection.
05:15And because of that you run away from me all the time.
05:20I don't understand what you're talking about.
05:23Tell me what you did to Bella.
05:27I should have known.
05:29She was the only one in your heart, right?
05:31Not like me, devil and evil.
05:33You killed Bella, right?
05:35You killed Bella, right?
05:38Yes, it's me who killed her.
05:40I killed the person you love the most.
05:42Yes, it's me.
05:57How is she?
05:59She had a severe panic attack.
06:01We suggest that she stays in the hospital for some more time and receive some psychotherapies.
06:07I'm gonna think about it.
06:14Liver cancer?
06:15That's not possible!
06:17He doesn't even have a fever or anything!
06:20Well, patients in early stages might have no symptoms at all.
06:24But still, the cancer can develop very fast.
06:27It's vital that we get his condition under control before it's too late.
06:31Of course, of course.
06:33How do you treat liver cancer, doctor?
06:37Given his test results, I think the best option would be liver transplantation.
06:41So, you might want to consult your family and see who's going to test for a match.
06:47Test for a match?
06:49She might be able to help Brian!
06:57You've been staying here for a month.
07:01Are you excited?
07:02A month without water?
07:08I'm not.
07:09I'm not.
07:10I'm not.
07:11I'm not.
07:12I'm not.
07:13I'm not.
07:14I'm not.
07:16No matter what you think of,
07:21you won't leave me.
07:23Even if you kill yourself,
07:26you're gonna be buried at the same grave.
07:41Oh, there you are!
07:43You need to take a test. Let's go!
07:45Which test?
07:47Brian has liver cancer.
07:49He needs a transplant.
07:51You must help your brother.
07:53Mrs. Brooks, it's too late.
07:54I don't care!
07:56Brian needs help.
07:57It's only a little bit of your liver,
07:59but it's his life!
08:01Did they cut ties with me?
08:04I swear I will never leave for you, for Jarvis, for anyone else in this world,
08:08only for me.
08:11So, the answer is no.
08:12I'm not giving away my liver.
08:25What are you doing?
08:26You know what I'm doing!
08:27Your brother needs a liver donor!
08:30If you think that I'm gonna stay here and let you do that, you're wrong!
08:34Well, it's not up to you!
08:37Mr. Brooks,
08:38Mr. Brooks,
08:39some transplant just broke in,
08:40and it took Mrs. Brooks away.
08:42I heard one of them talking about liver donation or something.
08:50Well, she's a match.
08:52But given the fact that she's missing a kidney,
08:54I think the transplantation is gonna be too much for her.
08:57Okay, okay.
08:58But Brian's gonna be okay, right?
09:00That's the only thing that I care about.
09:07I agreed to do the surgery,
09:09and I promise
09:11that even if she dies in the table,
09:13you and the hospital will not be held accountable.
09:16Now, when do we start?
09:21We'll start in an hour.
09:37She can't leave!
09:39Her brother will die without that transplant!
09:42Stay away from her!
09:47Just stand there and let your brother die!
09:49I should have never had a daughter!
09:53Don't send him away.
09:55This way, please, Mr. Charles.
10:07John, we need to keep Jarvis' family away from this world.
10:11Copy that, boss.
10:16There's something wrong on Miles and the account.
10:19Tell me more about it.
10:21I want to know the whole truth and all the details.
10:38No surgery for me.
10:40Eva, Eva, Eva!
10:41Don't worry, you're safe.
10:44No one's going to harm you again, okay?
10:49I am?
10:50Yes, it's me.
10:53And be sure this won't happen to you anymore, okay?
10:57Don't worry.
10:58Just take some rest, okay?
11:00You don't have to take care of me.
11:04I'm not Eva.
11:07Don't tell me what should I do or not.
11:10I saved you not because I love you, because I care about you.
11:15I saved you because you belong to me.
11:24What a day.
11:27You guys decided to humiliate me one by one?
11:31I apologize, Eva.
11:37I apologize, Eva.
11:39As you may have noticed, Liam and I have some problem.
11:42And I took it out on you because I saw you're his girlfriend.
11:47Let me get this straight.
11:49You hate your brother.
11:51But instead of putting on him, you took revenge on me.
11:55Fair enough.
11:56Perhaps I can make it up to you.
12:02Don't you want to know the truth about Bella Smith's death?
12:05Please, no.
12:07I'm so over it.
12:11Just let you know you can ask me anytime even you want.
12:18Actually, Eva.
12:19I'm truly sorry for what I did.
12:22I mean it.
12:23Especially when I heard a fucking thing from your father.
12:27How about run away from Liam?
12:32Let me help you with that.
12:38I didn't know you guys are close now.
12:41Her beauty is fault.
12:42I can't help it.
12:44It's your defense?
12:46For hitting on my girl?
12:47And then you can't help it?
12:50Somebody is giving her hesitancy off.
12:55Gotta go.
12:58Don't forget my words, okay?
13:00What does that mean?
13:02Thinking about what?
13:04Answer me.
13:06Eva Jarvis.
13:08You are out of line.
13:12I'm gonna take you back to my control.
13:19You think I was bad?
13:21You haven't seen the worst of me.
13:24I'm gonna take you back to my control.
13:27I'm gonna take you back to my control.
13:30From now on,
13:32the bathroom is the only place you're gonna get to walk around.
13:49Don't forget my words, okay?
13:54If I was right about one thing,
13:56I cannot live like this forever.
13:58I must run away from the psycho for the sake of Emery.
14:06Mrs. Brooks, time for breakfast.
14:09Oh, oh my god.
14:10Oh, you okay?
14:11I think yes.
14:12You okay? Did you get hurt?
14:13My knees are hurting.
14:14Oswald, be careful, please.
14:15Yeah, bring me some aloe vera.
14:16Okay, Oswald.
14:17I think.
14:21Hell if I.
14:22It's me, Eva.
14:23I've got an escape plan,
14:24but please first help me to get something back from the apartment.
14:27I need to get something back from them, okay?
14:33Mrs. Brooks, did you see my phone?
14:36Maybe it's your birthday.
14:37Oh, I found it.
14:40Levi, you're my only hope now.
14:43Please don't let me down.
15:28I missed you so much, Eva.
15:31I'm going on a business trip abroad.
15:33Joe's gonna be here,
15:34and we better be good while I'm away.
15:36Don't think about running away all the time.
15:40As you wish.
15:45Liam, I loved you.
15:48I hated you.
15:50But now it's time to call an end.
15:58What are you doing, Mr. Brooks?
16:01Eva, where are you?
16:02I'm here to pick you up.
16:05Did you get it?
16:06Of course, it's on the car.
16:09Maria, I miss you so much.
16:12I will put you in a private jet.
16:14Borrowed from a friend.
16:15They are more able to find out.
16:18Thank you.
16:19You're welcome.
16:38Thank you, Mr. Brooks.
16:40Just come to Dubai.
16:43All right.
16:46I appreciate what you do for me.
16:48Connect me when you arrive safe and sound.
16:54She looks kind of cute when she smiles.
16:57Put yourself together.
16:59That was just acting.
17:01It was all fake.
17:07I hate you.
17:17You think I don't know about you and Levi?
17:21That sneak phone call that you guys did with each other?
17:25I've warned you a million times.
17:28And you keep getting away from me.
17:32Because I hate you.
17:34Because I hate you, Liam.
17:38Every moment of my life that I spent with you.
17:41I just hate it.
17:43The way you touch me.
17:44The things you say.
17:46Everything about you just makes me sick.
17:48You better kill me right now.
17:50Or I will just run away again.
17:59No. No.
18:00Give it back to me.
18:01Give it back.
18:03This is what you get.
18:12I told you.
18:13That you didn't listen.
18:15I hate you.
18:16I hate you.
18:37Yes, John.
18:38Something happened to Eva.
18:40Just call the family doctor to see her condition.
18:55Mr. Brooks.
18:56Mrs. Brooks is not injured.
18:59She's just in shock.
19:05Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
19:09Why didn't you do something when he done the actions?
19:13I feel so horrible down there.
19:15I'm so cold.
19:17I'm so sorry.
19:19I'm so sorry.
19:21You didn't even try.
19:22So you decided to cover up.
19:24How could you do that to me?
19:26I saved you.
19:27With my own life.
19:43Do you want to take a nap?
19:46That's okay.
19:47It was my fault.
19:48I didn't go to the open ceremony.
19:50And right now,
19:51I have the perfect excuse to barricade.
19:56I understand since your family are looking for Eva.
20:00You have no choice to confine her in that apartment.
20:04But could you at least let her know?
20:07Who are you?
20:08A therapist?
20:10Excuse me, sir.
20:12I apologize.
20:13Let's get down to business.
20:19It turns out that
20:20the Dr. Miles who cut Eva's kidney
20:23is the one who hurt Bella.
20:25And then transferred money to Eva.
20:28She should have nothing to do with Bella's death.
20:32It doesn't make any sense.
20:35Have you checked her bank account?
20:41Eva's bank account
20:42which Miles transferred money to
20:44had been reported missing the whole time.
20:48Eva has been staying in the condo
20:50and never went out.
20:52It's impossible for her
20:54to cancel news reporting of her bank card.
20:58The dietician can prove it.
21:02I was saying
21:03someone did hurt Bella
21:07and frame it in Eva.
21:09I'm afraid so, sir.
21:10I tried to check it out
21:11and found out that your brother
21:13is the one who made this money transfer.
21:17But it seems he wasn't the one
21:19who was behind Bella's death.
21:23So I checked Miles' transaction history then.
21:27It turns out
21:28all clues are pointing to the same person.
21:31Who is it?
21:34Your father.
21:42You were right, Emery.
21:44I was such a coward.
21:46The key to freedom
21:47has always been in my hand
21:49and I just didn't have the courage to do it.
21:52Please forgive me, Emery.
21:54I'll see you on the other side.
21:57It is very likely
21:58that your father caused the death of Bella
22:01and penned it on Eva.
22:04How is that possible?
22:06I was wrong the whole time.
22:11I don't have to go.
22:23Farewell, Liam.
22:36Can you hear me, Eva?
22:41Can you hear me?
22:56Mrs. Brooks,
22:57you haven't slept in these three days.
22:59Your body cannot take over it.
23:01Just have a rest in the office.
23:03We will try our best to save Mrs. Brooks.
23:11What have you done to her?
23:16What about you, asshole?
23:18You took her away
23:19and promised her freedom
23:21and left her in the middle of nowhere.
23:24But I never want her to die.
23:26Neither have I.
23:28We're trying our best to help.
23:30The patient needs blood transfusion
23:31and we're running out of supply.
23:33Why not?
23:34Follow me.
23:36What the fuck?
23:43I can't believe you did such a thing.
23:47I said
23:49beauty is false.
23:50Can't help it.
23:52But she's mine.
24:00I bought some ham and cheese sandwich.
24:02Would you like some?
24:04Eva hates me, man.
24:08The person I do merit is Belle,
24:11not you.
24:13I kicked you out of this family.
24:15You're a shame.
24:19promise me
24:21you will always have
24:22an open mind.
24:27I'm begging you.
24:29If you survive,
24:30I'll do anything for you
24:32and they're gonna set you free.
24:39Oh God!
24:41We're weak.
24:45Is that true?
24:48True what?
24:50That you will set me free?
24:54Yes, I will.
25:09Let me give you a ride.
25:11No thanks.
25:12I will walk by myself.
25:14This is just the way
25:15I want to celebrate my freedom
25:16that I earned so hard.
25:18Tell me,
25:19you really hate me deep?
25:21I did,
25:22but it's all over now.
25:23I just wanted to find a place
25:25where nobody knows me
25:26and I will just live in peace
25:28until the rest of my life.
25:31take care, Liam.
25:35You're gonna take back your words, right?
25:40You really have no trust in me, right?
25:42But I have something to tell you
25:44and to show you.
25:51I know this was important for you.
25:53What's that?
25:54I made a dope
25:55and put in the safe
25:56for Levi to steal.
25:57I couldn't flush it, though.
26:00But I know
26:02you're gonna trust me.
26:05I didn't want to hurt you.
26:07So now,
26:08you can go
26:09with the person I love the most.
26:23It's time to finish everything.
26:25I thought you would never
26:27figure out those things.
26:29I don't get it.
26:31You took the life of an innocent girl
26:33and put the blame
26:34and guilt in someone else.
26:37What did you gain from that?
26:40Good question.
26:42I know that in those years
26:45there was a girl, Jarvis.
26:47She was crazy for you.
26:49And there was another one.
26:52Bella something.
26:56I want to ask you.
26:58Do you think you deserve it?
27:02was the love of my life.
27:05And I lost her
27:06because of you,
27:08my own son.
27:20I know
27:21you didn't believe me.
27:24and Bella
27:25but they're innocent.
27:27What about Veronica?
27:29What has she done to you?
27:32She tried to protect you
27:33from those thugs.
27:35And you killed her
27:36to save yourself.
27:39You're not my son.
27:40You're the devil
27:43that bitch
27:44summoned from hell.
27:46I wanted you to suffer
27:48all of that
27:49that I went through.
27:51I wanted you
27:52to lose all your hopes
27:53like I lost mine.
27:56How do you feel now,
27:58my boy?
28:00From now on,
28:01I understand
28:02all these punishments.
28:05I didn't kill Veronica.
28:07I couldn't do anything.
28:12Wife and kid, huh?
28:14Do you know how that jerk
28:15managed to afford them
28:16by tearing down our houses
28:18and selling our land?
28:27Save it, bro.
28:28We'll cut their throat
28:29and throw their body
28:30into the iron developments.
28:32That's all.
28:33You can't do that.
28:34And that is not like
28:35what you say.
28:36He is a good man.
28:38Shut up, Nurshid.
28:39I will tell dad
28:40what you have done.
28:42He will kick your ass.
28:46If dead bodies talk,
28:47hey, we better wait
28:48till midnight.
28:50Wanna go crack
28:51a couple cold ones?
28:55Liam, hurry up and go.
28:56They could come back
28:57at any minute.
28:58What about you?
29:00I think
29:01I might have broken a leg.
29:02It hurts every time I move.
29:04Go get your father.
29:05He'll save me.
29:10Will they beat you
29:11when they find I'm gone?
29:15We're grown-ups.
29:16We don't fight like kids.
29:18Okay, wait for me.
29:19I will take that
29:20to save you.
29:28What the hell did you do,
29:48You know that?
29:49You didn't believe me
29:50the same
29:51as I don't believe
29:52in Eva.
29:53So we are tarred
29:54on the same brush.
29:57I saw the knife
29:58in your hand
30:00over Veronica's
30:02dead body.
30:04If you love Veronica,
30:05what about my mom?
30:07Your mom
30:09was a business deal.
30:11Life is made
30:12of a series
30:13of transactions
30:15and she was one of them.
30:17But she broke up
30:18the whole family
30:20and she even dared
30:22to ask me
30:23for an apology.
30:24That's why
30:25you drove her crazy
30:26the same as you're
30:27doing to me.
30:31All this anger.
30:37This is not love.
30:42I killed Bella.
30:48I killed Bella
30:50and I imputed
30:51the crime on Eva
30:53because I wanted
30:54to torture you
30:55all your life.
30:56You hear me?
30:57You're happy
30:58to know the truth.
31:01You feared that?
31:04Mr. Brooks,
31:05you are arrested
31:06on multiple charges
31:07including involvement
31:08in the abduction
31:09and murder of Bella.
31:11I am afraid
31:12you will have to come with us.
31:15You want to send
31:16your father to jail now?
31:19My little boy.
31:21You lost your mind.
31:22You lost your mind.
31:26It's been a while.
31:28You just didn't recognize me.
31:48Kai Brooks,
31:49chairman of the Brooks Group
31:50was arrested on suspicion
31:51of hiring hitmen
31:52to kill a young woman
31:54named Bella Miller
31:55four years ago
31:56and framed to Eva Javis
31:58which caused
31:59she suffered in jail.
32:01Sam's father?
32:02But why?
32:05Good to see you again, Eva.
32:10How did you find me?
32:17Sorry, there is
32:18no high class restaurants
32:19in this neighborhood.
32:21No, actually
32:22I like it here.
32:23Nice, right?
32:27Thanks for saving me
32:28in the hospital.
32:31you know everything.
32:32Why not back to Liam?
32:34get guys
32:35coming together again.
32:36We're not a good match,
32:37you know.
32:39Just all I want to do now
32:40is make some money
32:41and buy a nice place
32:42for Emery.
32:44How about me?
32:46Not a good joke, Levi.
32:52Mr. Brooks,
32:53the doctor said
32:54you should be in bed,
32:56let's get back home.
32:59Look at her, John.
33:00She's so happy right now,
33:01but how does it hurt
33:02so much to see
33:04she's better off
33:05without me?
33:17thank you
33:18for everything.
33:22go for the last
33:23side of my boss.
33:25He's got
33:26a brain tumor.
33:28You're kidding me.
33:36can you hear me?
33:41Where are you?
33:44Are you kidding me?
33:52Is that my name?
33:53Yes, it's your name.
33:54Do you remember who I am?
34:00That's so funny.
34:02What's wrong with you?
34:07Can we talk?
34:09There's nothing to talk about.
34:14I know you hate me,
34:16and I
34:17know you're not interested
34:18in what I say,
34:21but I want you
34:22to come
34:23with me
34:24to visit someone.
34:37You are the reason
34:38he never comes!
34:39It must be you!
34:41Damn it!
34:43Little tart!
34:47don't do this to me!
34:53you're safe.
34:54So, is that your mom?
34:58She's been like that
34:59since I can remember.
35:01She knew
35:02my father
35:03married her
35:04only for money,
35:05but still she had me,
35:07expecting it would change.
35:09But this didn't work.
35:12She believed
35:13she blamed it on you?
35:17She used to
35:18punish me a lot
35:19since I was young.
35:24when she could do it,
35:26it was the only thing she had.
35:35It's lies to me!
35:37You still love her!
35:39You took my mom!
35:41You took the woman
35:42from me!
35:45Go to hell, Leo!
35:57what's this
35:58all about?
36:01I love to cook.
36:02And cook for a girl I love
36:04is even better.
36:05Don't you think so?
36:08I was wondering about
36:10why I hate Liam so much.
36:11You're brothers, right?
36:14Are you curious
36:15because of Liam?
36:19I hate him
36:20because he killed my mother.
36:23He killed her?
36:25how is it possible?
36:26Maybe there is a misunderstanding
36:27between you
36:28because he thought
36:29that I killed Bella and...
36:32I heard you took care of him
36:33in hospital
36:35and even visited his mother.
36:38Are you
36:39being touched
36:40by his
36:41poor story
36:43or is this
36:44falling in love with him
36:51did you put to drink?
36:54Dear Ava,
36:55if I cannot have you,
36:57neither can Liam.
37:00what's up?
37:01My dear brother,
37:02I drug Ava.
37:03What the hell are you talking about?
37:05What is going to happen next?
37:07What the hell are you doing?
37:10My sweet brother
37:12who killed my beloved mother
37:14and put my father
37:15into jail
37:16and Ava,
37:17you still love her?
37:20I don't love her.
37:22I don't love her.
37:23I don't love her.
37:24I don't love her.
37:25I don't love her.
37:26I don't love her.
37:27You still love him?
37:29Even everything he done to you?
37:40destroyed everything I have.
37:45I've got destroyed yours.
37:48Let's start with her.
37:58Please help me, Liam.
38:05Go to hell with me, Ava!
38:11Put your gun down!
38:26Am I dreaming?
38:28Only in my dreams
38:29you treat me like this.
38:31You're not dreaming.
38:33It's real.
38:35Ava, my sweetheart,
38:36I'm so sorry.
38:38I can't live without you.
38:39I love you so much.
38:41I thought that Bella
38:42was the most important
38:43person for you.
38:47Let me tell you about Bella.
38:50She was my best friend
38:51in my childhood.
38:53I have such a
38:54dark past.
38:56She helped me a lot.
38:58She was the only thing
38:59I had when I was a child.
39:03I never had a relationship.
39:05Parental personal love lost.
39:10I just pushed you away
39:11because I don't know
39:12how to love.
39:15Please, forgive me.
39:16Forgive me.
39:23I forgive you.
39:25I forgive you, Liam.
39:28Parental personal love lost.
39:31Just take a rest now.
39:39the verdict is 16.
39:41Levi wants to meet you
39:43before serving his sentence.
39:57you didn't do it?
40:01When I came back,
40:02Veronica was already dead.
40:04She saved my life.
40:07why did father lie to me?
40:09Why did he hide it from me?
40:15our old man is a psycho.
40:19He wants us to suffer.
40:22He has no hope in his life.
40:25And he knew
40:26I didn't kill Veronica.
40:29But perhaps
40:30he believed in those lies.
40:34So pathetic.
40:36So mad.
40:38Living a lie.
40:40Living a hatred
40:41for 18 years.
40:43And it's all for nothing.
40:54You know,
40:57I'm so grateful for your mom.
40:59She saved my life.
41:02No matter what you did to me,
41:04I've always tolerated it.
41:08But Heaven was my bottom line.
41:10I shouldn't cross that line.
41:14let's put an end to this farce.
41:16It's all over now.
41:36You want a visit here?
41:38No, not really.
41:41I'm here actually to say goodbye to you.
41:44Could you come with me
41:45to a place before I leave?
41:54This is the place that we first met.
41:59Since that day,
42:02you are deeply rooted in my heart.
42:06I still remember every word that you said
42:10on the stairs.
42:12You said
42:13you wanted to get tattooed
42:16with my name on your shoulders.
42:20I will make a tattoo of your name
42:22on my shoulders.
42:26I can't believe that.
42:28Because I love you so much.
42:30I love you so much.
42:35Is that worth to die
42:38for a love like we're meant to be?
42:40Do you want to do it?
42:45Because we love each other so much.
42:53And that necklace
42:55was also designed for you.
42:57When I met you,
42:59you colorful my whole life.
43:01You are the only person
43:02who I ever loved.
43:06let's start over
43:08like we never met each other before.
43:13Let me introduce you.
43:15My name is Leo.
43:17Leo, please.
43:24I love you so much.
43:25I miss you.
43:26I miss you too.
43:28And I love you, Leo.
43:30And I care about you so.
43:32But sometimes memories just get so hard.
43:36And I promised Emery.
43:38I promised that I will have my own life.
43:43let's leave the past where it belongs.
43:47We just have to let it go, Leo.
43:49We have to let it go.