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00:01If you don't do it the right way, I'll do it for sure.
00:05And I won't find the priest to bury him.
00:07This is the most important thing you have with your husband.
00:09And you shouldn't forget it.
00:11The best thing you can do is to find him again.
00:14I'm telling you, he's a father now.
00:17If I catch him, he won't get away from me.
00:20He'll find him from me.
00:22Fiorikis, who made me his friend.
00:25I really want to bury her.
00:27It will be, in a way, like a form of justice.
00:31I suggest we talk to Evgenia, like we did with my mother.
00:35Miss Alexandra Razini.
00:40Do you want to be my wife?
00:42To spend the rest of our lives together?
00:44I didn't want to delay it.
00:46Besides, you and your mother...
00:48You didn't feel it right away, did you?
00:50Some things...
00:52They seem to be ancient, whether they're good or not.
00:54It's very nice, isn't it?
00:56Yes, but she's just a doll, not a baby.
00:59So what? I'm just passing my time.
01:01Until the real child comes back.
01:03Julia's child?
01:05My brother's child!
01:06Your luck is worth it, my girl.
01:08Even though you're wonderful.
01:10And come on, move on quickly.
01:12Come on.
01:13I want you to go and watch Razinis' house.
01:16And you'll give me a report.
01:18Who comes in and who goes out.
01:19If you dare to go, I'll cut your legs off.
01:21Do you understand?
01:23These are shameful things, my sister says.
01:25Our relationship with the Koumparos...
01:27Because she suddenly woke up the mother's instinct.
01:31Tell her that you went...
01:33And that you saw nothing.
01:35Christopher Makris.
01:40Mrs. Chris!
02:25I was about to come
02:27But a lightning struck
02:30And my life sank into silence
02:39My soul and my senses were shaken
02:45Their brilliance was lost suddenly
02:51They scared me with so many secrets
02:57But I was afraid
03:21I'll call you later.
03:38What happened?
03:40What happened? How is she?
03:43She hasn't come yet.
03:45She told us to wait outside.
03:46Did you see her?
03:49She's not very well, but...
03:51I don't want to rush things.
03:53I thought we were done with the other issues.
03:56Except for today.
03:58She's had it again lately.
04:03What happened, guys? Why aren't you talking?
04:05Your doctor is here.
04:08What's wrong with our legs again?
04:11I came to see Mrs. Razini.
04:13Because the nurse is sick.
04:15Is she in?
04:16Yes. Come in.
04:18Come in.
04:24The nurse?
04:25Why the nurse?
04:27Are you going to tell me what's going on with my mother?
04:29Don't shout. It's the hospital.
04:30Exactly because it's the hospital and our mother is in danger.
04:32Will someone explain it to me?
04:33I'll explain it to you. Come.
04:48I'm sorry.
05:19It's not possible.
05:21It's been going on for so long and you're lying to me.
05:23You and your friend.
05:24We weren't lying to you.
05:26Come on, Alexandra. We're joking now.
05:28You weren't lying to me, but what were you doing?
05:30You were hiding the truth from me.
05:32My mother insisted that we don't tell you anything.
05:34And you listened to her.
05:36You believed her.
05:37And I didn't expect it from you.
05:39So, what did you want me to do?
05:40Tell me, what did you want me to do?
05:42Her only regret was that you didn't find out.
05:45Because you got married. Because there were so many problems.
05:50My sister and my wife are conniving behind my back.
05:52Nice. Well done.
05:53We're not conniving. I'm telling you...
05:55Don't try to justify yourself.
05:57Our mother is sick.
05:58And instead of coming to inform me, to tell me.
06:00You were hiding it from me.
06:02I was asking and asking again.
06:04And you were looking me in the eyes.
06:06Well done.
06:07Well done.
06:08We're a nice family.
06:10And I'm saying it for you, so you can listen to me.
06:12You're the first class husband.
06:13Grigori, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
06:14Your mother is pregnant.
06:16Tell me now. Did you know?
06:20I heard it from the news.
06:22It's getting better and better.
06:23Everyone is informed.
06:24And Mel is a nurse.
06:25In the dark, he was only a son.
06:26Wait a minute.
06:27Because it's not like that at all.
06:28How is she?
06:33Your mother has recovered.
06:35How is she, doctor?
06:37She's strong enough.
06:38Can we see her?
06:41One moment.
07:07What happened?
07:08Nothing, my dear.
07:10What do you mean?
07:11She's fine.
07:12She'll be fine.
07:13It's nothing.
07:14Don't worry.
07:17I shouldn't worry?
07:20Alexandra told me everything.
07:23What did she tell you?
07:26Everything they all knew, except me.
07:31Why didn't you tell me?
07:34What did I do?
07:35Don't you trust me?
07:36No, my dear.
07:38No, my dear.
07:39It's impossible.
07:41Then why?
07:47Because I didn't want to live without you, my child.
07:51You had other priorities.
07:52You had your marriage.
07:53You had your family.
07:56And what would I do without you, mother?
08:03My dear, I don't want to be a burden to you.
08:05I'm your son.
08:07I'm above everything.
08:10You're not a burden to me.
08:11Don't ever say that again.
08:19Thank you.
08:24Can we continue this conversation some other time?
08:29Because I'm tired now.
08:35But what happened?
08:37What happened before?
08:40When you saw Alkis' father, you had a vision.
08:42Is he here?
08:44Is he waiting for me outside?
08:46It's just Alkis.
08:49What did this man do to me?
08:52He came to meet me after what happened.
08:54Don't think about that now.
08:56You'll become friends.
08:58You'll have the chance to show your true colors.
09:01Do you want me to walk you home?
09:03No, thank you very much.
09:05There's no need, thank you.
09:06Our parents are family friends.
09:08What's the point of saying that, Mr. Christos?
09:10Why don't we start a family business?
09:12Let's start a business.
09:13As long as we have to.
09:14Besides, we have a big age gap.
09:16I mean, let's start a business.
09:21What are you doing, Mr. Christos? Please!
09:23I like you.
09:24A lot.
09:25It's been a long time.
09:26I know where you are.
09:27Please, leave me alone.
09:28I know, I know.
09:29Today is my chance to tell you.
09:30Why are you telling me this?
09:31I don't want to know anything.
09:33You're drunk.
09:34That's exactly why.
09:35Today I'm drunk and I can tell you.
09:38I don't want to hear anything.
09:39But I...
09:40No, please, Mr. Christos.
09:41Leave me alone.
09:43You have nowhere to go.
09:47Mr. Christos.
09:48Let me go.
09:49Let me go.
09:50Let me go.
10:09What happened?
10:10What happened?
10:14It's nothing.
10:17It's nothing.
10:18It's my nerves.
10:20I'm fine, my boy.
10:21Don't worry.
10:29Don't worry.
10:46I'm fine.
10:49I'm fine.
10:53What are you thinking about?
10:56My mother.
10:58My brother.
11:01And I'm also thinking about your father.
11:04This is none of your business.
11:07What matters is that your mother is alive.
11:09Everything else is secondary.
11:11And again, I can't help but think about him.
11:14I told my father to leave and go home.
11:19I didn't want to.
11:20Because I know your mother's situation,
11:22I didn't want her to hear something that would remind her of him.
11:26You understand?
11:27Yes, yes.
11:28You're right.
11:29It would be very sad for him.
11:33I hope your mother is fine.
11:38And your father.
11:44I'm sorry.
11:55Why don't we go in groups?
11:57Why don't we go in groups?
11:59As many as you need.
12:00Because our ages differ, after all.
12:03I mean, a smaller group.
12:06Please, Mr. Christos.
12:08Please, what are you doing?
12:10I like you.
12:11It's been a long time.
12:12Please, I don't know where I am. Please, let me go.
12:15I know. Today is my chance to tell you.
12:17Why today? Aren't you drunk?
12:19That's exactly why. Today I'm drunk and I can tell you.
12:22Please, I don't want to hear anything.
12:24I want to hear.
12:25Please, let me go.
12:28I love you.
12:43Let me tell you something.
12:49I saw the previous one in Stefania, in Christos' room.
12:53There? Where's the weirdo? He always goes in there.
12:56Yes, but I saw her taking Evgenia's picture,
12:59the one Christos has in his closet, and hiding it in her clothes.
13:03Why would she do that?
13:05Come on, that's what I'm wondering too.
13:08I mean, she took a picture of Christos,
13:11but why would she take Evgenia's picture?
13:14You mean she wants to go somewhere?
13:16That's what I thought too.
13:18To Christos?
13:19Where else?
13:23Don't you find her behavior strange?
13:26Well, in here, all the strange behavior you have
13:29doesn't surprise me anymore.
13:31Yes, but Stefania always worries too much about Christos,
13:34and now it's as if she doesn't care about him at all.
13:36What are you saying?
13:37None of us know where Christos is,
13:39but it's as if Stefania doesn't worry at all,
13:42or as if she doesn't care,
13:44which, as we both know, is impossible.
13:47You mean...
13:48Normally, she would have to kick Christos' ass,
13:51but now, she doesn't care.
13:53Do you think Stefania knows something?
13:55So, you're saying it's impossible?
13:57Not at all.
13:58Now that we're talking about it, I think it's very likely.
14:01Don't tell me Christos might have a crush on Yulia,
14:04and they killed him together.
14:05It's the same thing again.
14:06Are you starting again?
14:07I think about everything we've been through in here, my brother.
14:10On the one hand, the fact that they disappeared together.
14:13On the other hand, Stefania's strange behavior.
14:17My brother,
14:19is it time to wake up?
14:22I think they're together now that we're talking about it.
14:34I don't know.
14:59There's no need to worry anymore.
15:01Your mother-in-law is no longer in danger.
15:03I know, but...
15:05that's not the only thing I'm worried about.
15:07But? Why?
15:09Because of Grigori.
15:11Didn't you see how angry he was when he found out about his mother?
15:14Okay, don't misunderstand him.
15:17He came to us all of a sudden. He doesn't tell us.
15:19Everyone reacts in their own way to these issues.
15:23Yes, Argyris, I know.
15:25But I told her.
15:27I told my mother-in-law and Alexandra.
15:30They can't keep something so serious a secret.
15:32As if he's a stranger.
15:33It doesn't matter.
15:34He found out now. Why are you so worried?
15:37Because Grigori will do it again with me.
15:42What do you mean, again?
16:01You're unacceptable.
16:03Both of you.
16:05No, Alexandra, I'm talking now.
16:07You had the chance to talk, but you didn't.
16:11I don't know what you're thinking or what you think.
16:14But I don't like the way you've perceived certain things.
16:18As long as your father was alive, you were all Susa.
16:21Now what happened?
16:24Do you think you can't handle the family situation?
16:28Do you think you're smarter than that?
16:30Grigori, can I talk to you?
16:33I'll talk to you later.
16:42I told you.
16:45Leave him. He'll get over it.
16:47He's nervous now. He'll calm down.
16:57Are you okay?
17:02I don't know.
17:04How do you feel?
17:07I don't know.
17:09I feel like I'm moving.
17:12Can I help you?
17:15No, I don't think so.
17:18I'm sorry.
17:27It's okay.
17:36Tell your mother not to worry.
17:39That's what happens.
17:41I'll tell her.
17:43And apologize to your father for today.
17:47It's a shame that you had such a bad night.
17:50It's okay.
17:52We'll have many more nights ahead of us.
17:57It's okay.
18:27It's okay.
18:39Don't ask me how I am.
18:41I'm fine.
18:43It's all in the past. Don't worry.
18:49Worrying is not a button you press and it turns on and off.
18:53We're your children and we worry.
18:55That's why I'm telling you not to worry.
18:58Because I'm fine.
19:03I won't ask you again.
19:05Are you happy?
19:09Do you want another pillow?
19:11No, no. I'm fine.
19:20I think you get upset when you get up abruptly.
19:26No. Why?
19:29I'm trying to understand.
19:31You seemed upset when you saw Alkis with his father.
19:34And you got up abruptly. That's why I thought about it.
19:38Is Alkis outside?
19:40No. He left.
19:42He left?
19:44Where did he go?
19:45To his house. Where else?
19:47And he left you here alone?
19:50I see.
19:51What do you see?
19:53He's here to support you.
19:55He preferred to run to his father.
19:57What are you talking about?
19:59I know what I'm saying.
20:00Turn on the light.
20:02He put his father above you and above the danger I'm in.
20:05Can't you see?
20:07Our Mr. Alkis is not telling us the truth.
20:09Are we serious about this conversation?
20:11Do you see me joking?
20:16Alkis was asking about you all the time.
20:18He's interested. He wants to know how you are.
20:20And his father, too. He wanted to help you.
20:23That's good.
20:24What's good? Don't you trust me?
20:26It doesn't matter.
20:29Ever since Grigoris found out about my illness,
20:32and I have my two children with me,
20:34I don't need Alkis or his father to help me.
20:38I don't understand.
20:40It's okay.
20:43That's all I understand.
20:51You didn't go to the hotel to sleep?
20:53No. I was worried.
20:55How is the lady?
20:57She's fine. She's awake.
20:59Thank God.
21:02Thank God.
21:05The kids must be with her.
21:08I was worried when I saw her.
21:11It's okay. It makes sense.
21:14Tell me, what exactly happened?
21:18What exactly happened?
21:21I understand that it's something related to her heart.
21:24She reminded me of your mother.
21:26She reminded me of my mother, too.
21:29I remember those memories like a nightmare.
21:34Did the doctors say anything more specific?
21:38Did you hear anything?
21:40Yes, and unfortunately, the news is not good.
21:43Alexandra's mother has congenital heart disease, like her mother.
21:58Your mother-in-law is safe at the hospital.
22:01She will be treated here, no matter what.
22:04I know, Argyris.
22:06But I told you, Grigoris is my problem.
22:09So, you are like this because of Grigoris?
22:12Yes, because of him, too.
22:16I have to go. I'll let you talk to your husband.
22:20Thank you for everything, Argyris.
22:31Where is Alexandra?
22:36What did Clevens do to you?
22:39What did he do? He told me about your mother.
22:42He told you about her children?
22:44He's a nice doctor.
22:46Let me tell you.
22:48Maybe he's always with you, because that's how I feel.
22:52What are you talking about?
22:54I'm talking about what I see, my friend.
22:57Are you jealous?
23:00Yes, of Clevens.
23:03We're not on good terms.
23:05Maybe you're jealous, because he cares more about you.
23:09I repeat, we're not on good terms.
23:12Not at all.
23:14Good night.
23:33It's going to be a difficult night.
23:37I know.
23:40Let's hope for the best.
23:46I'm going to the hospital.
23:54You didn't talk to her at all, after she came to you?
23:59No, she didn't leave the doctor and only saw her children.
24:04I'm asking if she said anything.
24:07Like what?
24:08Something about the meeting.
24:10About what happened. About me.
24:12She probably didn't recognize you.
24:15You're right. I was in a hurry.
24:19Don't worry.
24:21She'll recognize you at some point.
24:24Let's hope for the best.
24:26Let's hope for the best.
24:29Let's hope for the best.
24:31Come on. You've had enough for tonight.
24:34Go to bed.
24:37No, I'm going to the hotel.
24:40I don't want to be in your shoes.
24:43Ever since I adopted you, I've always said...
24:46I have to teach you to stand on your own two feet.
24:51At least I did.
24:54At least you did a lot, dad.
24:58That's what you should say.
25:00I've done a lot.
25:06I've done a lot.
25:26My daughter!
25:30What are you doing here?
25:33Who did this to you?
25:35What did you do?
25:37It's not my fault.
25:39You destroyed us.
25:41Who's going to marry you now?
25:45Leave her alone.
25:49What did God do to us?
25:51It's your fault.
25:53You let her wander in the streets at night.
25:56What does she do?
25:58She's at home, like all other girls.
26:01Shut up. Don't make her suffer.
26:04Who's going to take care of her?
26:07I'll take care of her.
26:09It's her fault.
26:10I don't want her in here.
26:12Don't cry, please.
26:14It's not your fault.
26:16Not at all.
26:18I came to marry you for what you are.
26:21Are you sure about that?
26:23I am.
26:25Now tell me.
26:27What was my duty to do this to you?
26:30Tell me.
26:32You were never going to leave her alone, were you?
26:36I saw her passing by.
26:38I didn't want to lie.
26:40She looked at me.
26:42I said, this is for me.
26:44She didn't give me permission.
26:46I asked her questions.
26:48That's how I got here.
26:51What did she say?
26:53That she's a good girl.
26:55She's a good wife.
26:57And she's a good mother.
26:59Thank you, Mr. Razzini.
27:05If you're thinking about Bricka, I don't want her.
27:08I have properties, sheep, sheep.
27:10I'm looking for a wife.
27:12And if you do me the honor,
27:14my father will build a three-bedroom house in the square.
27:18Your daughter will be the queen of Tirnavo.
27:21Mrs. Razzini.
27:23The woman of the army.
27:29Oh, my God.
33:01I see.
33:03You are right to say what you say.
33:08But that's exactly why I came, Mr. Makri.
33:11Because I have no news for my wife.
33:15So I hope you will also perform your journalistic duties correctly.
33:23I see.
33:25So I would like, if you don't mind,
33:29to use your journal to make my wife's disappearance more known.
33:37To ask for information from those who may know something about her disappearance.
33:43Is that possible?
33:45Of course it is.
33:48I intend to give a large financial reward
33:51to anyone who can provide us with information in order to achieve the desired result.
34:01I find it difficult to get in touch with you.
34:04As for you, Mr. Makri,
34:07who constantly finds something suspicious behind everything I do,
34:15as you can see, I am here,
34:18in front of you.
34:20I have nothing to hide.
34:25I hope so.
34:27The only thing I want is for my wife and child to return home.
34:32Therefore, if you consider it necessary,
34:35I am ready to give you an interview.
34:51Come here, I have something to tell you.
34:57Here you are, ma'am.
34:59Did you do what I told you?
35:01Did you go to Drazinides?
35:03Yes, ma'am, I did.
35:06What did you see?
35:08What can I tell you, ma'am?
35:10I didn't see anything strange or suspicious.
35:13Only my family was there.
35:15No one else.
35:17Did you leave immediately?
35:19No, I didn't stay long to make sure.
35:22But I didn't want to be caught.
35:25Do you understand?
35:26Yes, I do. Are you sure?
35:28Yes, ma'am.
35:29I want something else.
35:31Yes, ma'am.
35:34I want you to keep an eye on Stefania.
35:39Because she's been acting strange lately.
35:41I want you to keep an eye on her.
35:43If you see her leave, you will follow her.
35:46Are we clear?
35:47Yes, ma'am.
35:55We're all crazy in here.
36:04Be careful, mother.
36:07I'll make you some soup.
36:09It will do you good.
36:13Come, sit down.
36:17Panos, prepare the bed for you to lie down.
36:19I'm going to lie down again?
36:21I just got up.
36:22Yes, you're going to lie down.
36:24And I'm not going to talk about it.
36:31What about you?
36:34Do you have any orders?
36:38I want you to do what the girls tell you, Mrs. Kyriakoula.
36:41It's not about you. It's about your fear.
36:43I'm fine.
36:45You don't have to worry.
36:47It's better for me to know if I should worry or not.
36:50Now you understand why I didn't want you to find out.
36:52That's why.
36:53I don't want to start this conversation. We're going to fight.
36:55I'm going to die.
36:58I'm going to die at some point.
37:02Nice start.
37:04Yes, it's a start.
37:06So it's better for you to go to the fields, do some work and leave me alone.
37:11I'm fine.
37:13You don't have to be afraid of anything.
37:15You say we don't have to be afraid of anything?
37:20We've learned now.
37:22Twenty years ago, we had a world war.
37:25Ten years ago, my brother killed his brother here in Tirnavo.
37:28Please, we've learned.
37:30We're not going to die and lose Venice.
37:33Please, go.
37:37Until yesterday, you were afraid of dying and you didn't have time to restore Alexandra.
37:40I don't have time to restore Alexandra.
37:43She's young and beautiful.
37:45Stop talking nonsense.
37:47Do you understand what you're saying?
37:50I don't understand what you're saying at all.
37:54Leave me alone, please.
37:56Just go.
38:10Leave me alone.
38:23You made it and you came.
38:25There was no way I wouldn't come, you know that.
38:27Yes, I know, but I was wondering if you'd make it.
38:30I'll come every day, if I can.
38:34You're giving me such a joke.
38:37I can't not see you.
38:41My life has been empty since they locked you in here.
38:44I told you.
38:45What did I tell you?
38:47That's how I feel.
38:51I don't want you to ruin your life for me.
38:54What are you saying?
38:58I'm afraid I have no hope anymore.
39:01No, please, don't say that.
39:04I don't know, I'm disappointed.
39:06Everything goes from bad to worse.
39:08Don't worry, my love.
39:10I'm here.
39:13You're my only consolation.
39:15You're my only joy.
39:17I look into your eyes and I'm lost.
39:19I feel the same way.
39:21When I touch you and see you,
39:24I'm happy even if I'm locked in here.
39:27Be a little brave, please.
39:30That's all I want.
39:32I'd like to kiss you now.
39:35I'd like to, but I can't.
39:42Do you want to try it?
39:49See? We did it.
39:52You do everything.
39:54I wish I could get you out of here.
39:56I'd even organize a discharge.
39:59Now that you mention it,
40:02have we heard from Yulitsa?
40:05No, as far as I know.
40:07Where else could she be?
40:10I'm scared just thinking about her.
40:12And out there, alone, with the baby.
40:15Something must have happened in there.
40:18At their house. Something bad.
40:20I can't even think about it.
40:22So many mistakes.
40:24Mistakes again and again.
40:26I think about it and I suffocate.
40:33My sister. She's pregnant.
40:36I'm so happy.
40:38I can see that.
40:39No, I'm really happy.
40:42I wonder if I'll be able to be a father
40:46even if I'm locked in here.
40:49Look, I have to go to school.
40:52But when I'm done and you get out of here,
40:55I'll do whatever you want.
40:57How many? Three, four, five?
40:59Slowly, slowly.
41:00I told you, I'll be a father.
41:02Not a football team.
41:25How are you?
41:27I'm fine.
41:33If you feel better, I'll leave the newspaper.
41:38Unless you want me to stay here with you.
41:41You'll feel better.
41:43Where are you going now?
41:47I was thinking, maybe Alkis wants something from me.
41:49Alkis will always want something from you.
41:51You don't have to run after him.
41:55He's got you.
41:57I asked you if you felt better and I thought...
41:59I don't understand why we're continuing this conversation.
42:03Is this what's going to happen from now on?
42:05Are you going to put Alkis above your mother?
42:07Because if you're going to put him above all of us,
42:09you'd better get rid of him now.
42:13I'll stay here with you.
42:15And then I'll leave the job.
42:20I don't know how you understand.
42:26I don't know what's gotten into you.
42:47Come here.
42:51I saw...
42:59I saw some blood.
43:05Why didn't you tell me?
43:07That's what I'm doing to you now.
43:10I saw some blood last night.
43:13When we were at the hospital.
43:15But I didn't worry because...
43:17I know it happens sometimes.
43:20But I saw it now too.
43:23Was it...
43:25Was it a lot of blood?
43:27That's why I don't know what to do.
43:30But I think we should go to the hospital.
43:33At least we'll know it wasn't something bad.
43:36We haven't been to the hospital yet.
43:39Listen, if it was just a little blood...
43:41Doesn't it seem worrying to you?
43:45It seems to me.
43:49Listen, dear.
43:51Go get some rest.
43:53And if it happens again, I'll take you to the hospital when I get back from the farms.
43:56Why are you going to the farms now?
43:58I have to go.
44:00I want to be with Zafiri.
44:02He's in bad shape.
44:05Then go.
44:07Since Zafiri is in bad shape...
44:10You should go.
44:38Where is my love?
44:41Where is my soul?
44:44Where are you going, mommy?
44:46Where are you going with mommy?
44:49There he is.
44:51Say hi.
44:53Hi, Evgenia.
44:55With that beautiful name.
44:57Come here.
44:59Give me a hug.
45:01Come here.
45:07We're ready.
45:09What about Stefania? We'll wait for her, won't we?
45:12She'll be waiting for us there.
45:14We'll find her in the church.
45:32Here we go again.
45:34What's she doing?
45:36She's looking at the mirror.
45:41Oh, Christ.
45:43She's in a bad shape.
45:45I don't remember seeing her in a bad shape again.
45:48Once in a while, when she goes to her relatives outside Larissa.
45:51Yes, every Christmas, isn't it?
45:53I don't remember. Maybe.
45:56She wants to have a lover to hide it from us.
45:59That's it. I'm done writing.
46:05Unless something else happens.
46:14Come in.
46:20What is it?
46:22You're exaggerating, but you don't seem very well.
46:26No, I'm fine.
46:28I don't know.
46:30It must be because I overslept and I'm tired.
46:33Are you sure?
46:35I'm sure.
46:37I went to see your mother-in-law. How is she today?
46:40She's fine. She's relaxed a bit.
46:42And she's done very well.
46:44Let's see.
47:11Your pulse is normal.
47:14That means I'm healthy, right?
47:16Don't laugh at him.
47:18If you follow the instructions,
47:20don't worry and rest, everything will be fine.
47:23It's not as easy as you think, doctor.
47:26It's in your hands to do it.
47:28We're talking about your health.
47:30Do you take your medicines?
47:32Yes, I do.
47:34You won't get sick for no reason.
47:38My son!
47:54My son, what happened?
47:56I don't know.
47:58I'll take you to the hospital now.
48:00Can you get up?
48:11My God, where is Grigoris?
48:19Now I understand.
48:22For what?
48:24I understand your pain
48:26when you lost Ioulia.
48:32Although it's not the same.
48:34It's the same. It's all the same.
48:36How is it the same?
48:38It's not the same, my boy.
48:40The pain of death is different.
48:42You know, you never see the other person again.
48:45For me, it's like she's dead.
48:48Yes, Ioulia is not dead.
48:53Do you see her? Is she there?
48:55How can I see her, Zafiri?
48:57How? She's there.
48:59Do you see her?
49:01Does she see you too?
49:03Do you hear her? Do you smell her?
49:05Do you see her?
49:07And if you're lucky,
49:09she might hug you one day.
49:11Do I see her hugging someone else?
49:13I wish I could see her
49:15and hug you if I wanted to.
49:17Even that old man, Sotiraki.
49:21Do you still have that hug?
49:23I wish I could live.
49:25Just that.
49:27Even if it's not for him.
49:34If Ioulia had died,
49:36I would have known that there is no hope, at least.
49:41Why? Do you still have hope?
49:45Why did you say that?
49:47Maybe, I don't know.
49:49Why do you have hope, my poor man?
49:51Why do you have hope, my poor man?
49:55Because she left her husband.
49:57Now you're married, you have a wife.
49:59Stop it, Zafiri.
50:01You have a child.
50:03Stop it.
50:05My poor man.
50:15Let's go.
50:31Where is our baby?
50:33Oh my God, a doll!
50:35She is so beautiful.
50:37She looked like her.
50:39Come inside.
50:41Let's start the baptism.
50:45This baby is for you.
50:49Thank you.
51:15Thank you.
51:45What's her name?
52:11What's going on?
52:13What's going on?
52:15I'm here.
52:17What's going on?
52:19We had an emergency.
52:21We had to come here.
52:23What emergency?
52:25You're fine now.
52:27You'll be able to get up in a while.
52:29My baby?
52:31Is my baby okay?
52:35we couldn't save the baby.
52:45My baby.
52:47My baby.
52:51My baby.
52:55My baby.
52:57My baby.
53:11My baby.
53:29Look at me.
53:31Look at me.
53:41Carrasco, sit down!
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