• last year
A group of women known as the "ladies in black" are introduced to shy sixteen-year-old Lisa when she starts a summer vac | dHNfMFh6T1FpNkJYQUU


00:00are we ready ladies let's create the best-dressed women in Sydney may I
00:12present you with your new domain mrs. Ambrose it's a harsh lighting and
00:17Australian thing we have no secrets here in mother guns this assistant is
00:21accusing me of shoplifting how about you mind your own business I've got a
00:25full-time job at goods starting today she's working here somebody is copying
00:32our most expensive designer gowns and doing it extremely well did you read my
00:37articles the ones I left on your desk Lisa girls like you guys like me are
00:41not meant for each other I'm not gonna have sex with Richard White just so he'll
00:44publish my article there was a fly in the ointment at goods and her name is
00:49Magda I built model gowns and you walked away I have lost the boutique of my
00:54dreams my marriage may not survive and I'm demoted to lay these shoes things
00:59are already changing Magda and I are simply catching the wave
01:04oh I think Rudy's having an affair once we sign with Hexen things will be
01:08different is that what you want for things to be different who are you
01:13cuz I know you're not making Joe Mansour's sister he's right you know I
01:17lied to get the job I want a career in fashion I'm not gonna let anything mess
01:22up my plans I won't mess up your plans Angela
