A REAL PAIN Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Written and directed by Jesse Eisenberg. Mismatched cousins David (Jesse Eisenberg) and Benji (Kieran Culkin) reunite for a tour through Poland to honor their beloved grandmother. The adventure takes a turn when the odd-couple's old tensions resurface against the backdrop of their family history.
Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Kieran Culkin, Will Sharpe, Jennifer Grey, Kurt Egyiawan, Liza Sadovy, Daniel Oreskes
Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Kieran Culkin, Will Sharpe, Jennifer Grey, Kurt Egyiawan, Liza Sadovy, Daniel Oreskes
Short filmTranscript
00:00We stay moving, we stay light, we stay agile.
00:04The conductor's going to come through taking tickets.
00:06We tell him we're going to the bathroom.
00:07The bathroom, okay.
00:08He gets to the back of the train, he's going to start heading towards the front looking
00:09for stragglers.
00:10Sorry, we're the stragglers?
00:12By the time he gets to the front, the train's going to meet at the station and we're home
00:14for it.
00:15This is so fucking stupid.
00:16Tickets are probably like 12 bucks.
00:17That's the principle of the thing.
00:18We shouldn't have to pay for train tickets in Poland.
00:19This is our country.
00:20No, it's not.
00:21It was our country.
00:22I thought we were cheap.
00:23What the flying fuck, man?
00:40I'm so sorry.
00:54You're like red.
00:55Yeah, because you fucking slapped me in the face.