KINDS OF KINDNESS "The world of Kinds of kindness" Trailer (2024) Emma Stone

  • 3 months ago
KINDS OF KINDNESS The world of Kinds of kindness Trailer 2024 Emma Stone
00:00You must put on a few pounds. I told you that last time.
00:03But I have.
00:04Skinny men are the most ridiculous thing there is.
00:09Kinds of Kindness. It's something different in terms of form to what we have done before.
00:14This is it. The moment of truth.
00:16Thought that would be interesting to try and make a film with three different stories.
00:22It's like a, you know, a short story collection.
00:24I'm ready for the truth and I always make it hurt.
00:28It's a little dreamlike. It sort of unfolds inside of you as time goes on.
00:32It's three stories which are sort of connected but not in a conventional way.
00:37His idea was that he would have cast members playing a different character in each story.
00:45There's questions about identity, faith.
00:47How's the foot?
00:48It's all about the human condition.
00:52The common thread that I found is this balance between
00:55wanting to be loved and accepted and controlled.
01:00And wanting to be free.
01:05Feels like an alternate universe.
01:06Honestly, the rules of the world just seems a bit off.
01:10There's something funny about these dynamics and circumstances.
01:15You're laughing and it's upsetting and you kind of don't really know what you're feeling.
01:18You know, it's like that, like, am I allowed to laugh kind of feeling.
01:26Omi was right. Susan is not contaminated.
01:30Even though his films have such traumatic things,
01:33there's a certain sense of humor running throughout all of it.
01:38It's stretched from reality in this unsettling, funny, often dark way.
01:45Should we all go upstairs to the bedroom?
01:49Have a look.
01:50She asked me to fuck her in my uniform.
01:54There's room for you to think about those things and apply your own logic to them.
02:00We didn't, obviously.
02:03That makes it, you know, more complex and more engaging.
02:06Nothing's spelled out for you and it makes you think and the best art does that.
02:10The story is very Yorgos, very specific world.
02:15He has a gift for tricking you into seeing things that you can't normally see.
02:19There's a magic to that.
02:21His dog is like my family.
02:24I'm not sure if you can relate.
