大马站在数据中心风口上? 3因素柔佛有望成东南亚数据中心“热点”

  • 3 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌随着全球对云端运算与人工智能需求的激增,大马能凭着本身的优势,超越新加坡,成为东南亚数据中心强国?

主持 | @celes 美伶

#数据中心 #柔佛 #新加坡 #能源 #卖地
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00Some big companies are selling their land
00:01and the numbers are skyrocketing
00:04and the buyers are all international technology companies
00:06Malaysia recently saw a new wave of technology investment
00:09which led to a very hot sale of Rofor's land
00:12and behind all land transactions
00:14seems to be the key word
00:16data center
00:19Now the question is
00:20why did Rofor suddenly become the priority
00:23for these big companies to set up a data center?
00:25Do you all know
00:26Analyst Knight Frank
00:28reported that Malaysia is the most attractive destination
00:31for data center investment in Southeast Asia
00:34From 2021 to 2023
00:37we have received RM76 billion in investment
00:40for the data center
00:41In the past three years, the investment of data centers
00:43has reached RM76 billion
00:46This does not include the newly announced investment projects in the past few months
00:49Recently, it is true that many domestic and foreign companies
00:51have set up data centers in Rofor
00:53In addition to Microsoft's Microsoft
00:55chip giant Nvidia
00:57Prime Minister Yang's power company, etc.
00:59Motito's parent company Zijie跳动
01:01also plans to set up a data center
01:02in Rofor's Hubei Shennanaga Technology Industry Center
01:06And the latest announcement is that
01:07it will also join this cross-national company in the circle of friends
01:09to make Singapore's telecommunications heart beat fast
01:12Rofor is now a hot selling product
01:15According to CNBC, a US financial media
01:17According to the Global Data Center Index of 2024
01:19Rofor New Mountain is listed as
01:21the fastest-growing data center market
01:24DCBike Asia-Pacific Regional Board General Manager
01:26James Murphy boldly predicted
01:29New Mountain's data center
01:30will surpass Singapore in just a few years
01:33From zero two years ago
01:34to become Southeast Asia's largest market
01:37What are the advantages of
01:38going beyond Singapore and Rofor?
01:41In fact, it also depends on the
01:42global digital transformation and use of end-of-year
01:46and artificial intelligence wave
01:48need a dedicated data center
01:49to accommodate the large amount of data and computing capabilities
01:52required to train AI models
01:54This greatly increases the demand for the data center in the market
01:57Fortunately, Rofor is in this trend
02:00tight-lipped and responsive
02:02In time, various policies that are friendly to the data center
02:05become a great advantage for attracting foreign investors to Rofor
02:08TNB has created a green passage
02:10which allows the data center in Malaysia
02:12to get better electrical supplies than usual
02:16That's right
02:17This is the green passage plan
02:19launched by our government in 2023
02:21It can simplify the electrical inspection process
02:23and the delivery time of power supply to the data center
02:26From the original 36 to 48 months
02:28to only 12 months left
02:30From 4 years to 1 year
02:32Do you think it's attractive?
02:34Sure enough, if a person is serious
02:35it will really make people afraid
02:37In addition, the data center also needs a large amount of
02:40land, energy and water resources to be built
02:42because it is a monster that eats water and electricity
02:45And as a new market in our country
02:47compared to Hong Kong and Singapore, which have limited resources
02:49and other smaller cities
02:51We, Malaysia, use a relatively low
02:53energy and land price
02:54to make a difference in the market
02:56In addition to the advantages of our country itself in policy and geography
03:00the policy changes in the past few years in Singapore
03:03is also a catalyst for foreign big companies to set up a data center in our country
03:07The Singapore government began to control the increase in the capacity of the data center from 2019
03:11which has produced an external effect
03:14A large amount of investment has moved from Singapore to the new mountains of Penang
03:17A few years ago, there was a saying on the Internet
03:19As long as you stand on the peak, pigs can fly
03:23And Rofo is considered to be a key figure in becoming a data center in Southeast Asia
03:26Did Rofo catch the right peak this time?
03:29What do you think?
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