• 4 months ago
Umm, guys, the result is meant to be a secret...
00:00The best wrestling matches are the ones that keep you guessing,
00:03and we can freak out as fans because we don't know what's going to happen.
00:06Often a story dictates what direction we must go in, however,
00:09and then one guy basically just tells you that yep, they're screwed.
00:14Okay then.
00:14So I am Simon from WhatCulture, please do smash that subscribe button,
00:18and this is 10 Wrestlers Who Immediately Told You They Were Losing.
00:2110. James Storm
00:23James Storm deserves a proper run at one of the big two companies.
00:26He's always smashed it no matter where he's been, but for one reason or another,
00:30aside from a re-run at NXT, it never happened. It should.
00:34What we're talking about today is when Storm was in TNA and Eric Bischoff was pulling the strings.
00:38As can be the way in business, those two didn't get on,
00:41leaving Bischoff to come out and say he thought James was unprofessional
00:44whenever he was told he was going to lose.
00:47Because in a few interviews Eric went as far to say you knew when the cowboy was going to be
00:51defeated because go and watch his entrance and go look at his face.
00:55All the emotion was right there, and it took away from the finish.
00:58Now I admit I have gone back and I've never noticed this,
01:01but I suppose wrestling is all about opinions.
01:03So make sure you look today, then you can make your own flippin' mind up.
01:079. Tony Storm Full Gear 2022
01:10Full gear had to be good for AEW.
01:13All out had its issues that we know about,
01:15so what better way to move past it by getting back to what counts?
01:18The wrestling.
01:19The promotion definitely achieved this, and Jamie Hayter vs. Tony Storm was a banger.
01:23Sorry, Taz.
01:24When people started to say Storm looked like she was mad about this
01:27as soon as she walked down the rampway.
01:29Now once again, I've looked at it and I don't see anything.
01:32If anything, Tony just looks ready to destroy.
01:34But this is the power of hindsight.
01:36Sometimes it's legit.
01:38Sometimes we're seeing what we want to.
01:40For my money, I would bet Tony had been told the plan,
01:42and that she would be turning heel after this, so wanted to plant some seeds.
01:46Anything you saw in her eyes was the rage building.
01:49Either way, Storm has been great ever since arriving in AEW.
01:53Long may that continue.
01:58Eight months prior to this, we have a copy and paste situation,
02:01as everybody was saying the same damn thing about Thunder Rosa.
02:04She was facing Britt Baker at Revolution 2022 for the women's title,
02:07and given this was coming off the Crazy Lights outmatch, people were pumped.
02:11The two had great chemistry.
02:13As soon as Thunder arrived though, people say she looked pissed off,
02:15but once more, I didn't see it that way.
02:18She just looked ready to kick her rival's ass and let's face it,
02:21there was an argument this was the time to make the switch.
02:23As John Cena once said, the time is now.
02:26Ultimately, they had another top scrap until all the craziness happened a few months later,
02:29but as always, please do remember that first and foremost, these are human beings.
02:34Treat them as nice as you can.
02:39Now I'm sure Kevin Owens was pretty pumped up to face Bill Goldberg.
02:43Say what you will, but imagine growing up on the Attitude Era,
02:46and then facing one of the most popular guys from that period.
02:50Must be surreal.
02:51The only issue at Fastlane 2017 was that Owens was the Raw World Champion,
02:55and had barely got going.
02:56He was also ready for an excellent feud with Chris Jericho over the title,
03:00but when Bill crushed him at the PPV, well, it felt a little short-sighted.
03:05The upcoming Goldberg and Brock Lesnar program also didn't need Gold on the line,
03:08and there was a slight inkling that maybe, just maybe, Kevin was a little bummed about it.
03:13You would be, however, especially because KO hasn't been the champion since.
03:17We do need to change that as well, please, because it has been years,
03:21literally, so all I'm going to ask you today, WWE, is to make him the man again.
03:26Thank you very much.
03:30A year prior to this, The Undertaker destroyed Jimmy Snuka to start his undefeated streak.
03:35Nobody knew this was an undefeated streak at the time because it wasn't part of the plan,
03:38but still, when we got to WrestleMania 8, we did it again.
03:41This time, Jake Roberts was the victim, which made a lot of sense because he was
03:44very much a WWF veteran, and everybody liked this apart from Jake.
03:49Bringing it up backstage and looking frustrated as he came to the ring,
03:52Roberts even glared into the camera at one point and basically acknowledged
03:56that this wasn't going to go his way. Not sure he cared that much about breaking the fourth wall.
04:00Behind the scenes, Jake was also telling Vince McMahon he was so angry that he wasn't going to
04:04show up to future events, and because of that, he got released. So the man was not pleased,
04:09and we wouldn't see him again for four years in a World Wrestling Federation ring,
04:14whoops, but five Dean Ambrose at WrestleMania 32.
04:17Well, we know this one is true, Dean Ambrose has talked about it.
04:20Now Jon Moxley has said that he wasn't all that enthused with his Brock Lesnar match,
04:25because The Beast didn't really put a lot of effort into their no-hold-barred scrapped.
04:28In fact, he felt like he was ready to have his ass kicked, but Brock wouldn't even do that.
04:33You can see Ambrose's frustrations here even more so when you know the story,
04:37and yeah, while on paper this was highly anticipated, it was a bit of a letdown on
04:41the night because nothing happened, Lesnar just beat him a little bit and we were done.
04:46It was worse as Brock was going to win even though he was headed back to the UFC,
04:49leaving Dean to kinda tread water for a while. No wonder at the end of his WWE deal he was so
04:54annoyed. I don't think they really knew what they had.
04:57Before John Cena at WrestleMania 27.
05:00Now I think this was John Cena just trying to sell the moment. After a huge over-the-top
05:04entrance out he came, but rather than his usual energetic self he was sort of a little bit somber.
05:10More serious maybe. It was interesting.
05:14He of course was taking on The Miz in a match he was going to lose,
05:16but I don't think that's the deal. I would guess that maybe it comes down to The Rock.
05:21Because although we didn't know it here, Cena and Dwayne Johnson had real beef for a good while,
05:25and the ending of the match called for The Great One to screw over Cena,
05:29allowing Miz to retain the WWE title. It was a genuine shock.
05:33Given that John's point was going to be that he's in the trenches every week,
05:36whereas The Great One picked and chose his moments,
05:38maybe he was a little bit peeved at this. It was like getting murked by two people.
05:43They still did business and we know the deal there, but do go back and watch this when you can.
05:48I actually think this one could be argued.
05:50The Three Kenny Omega at WrestleKingdom 13.
05:53So I am going to argue with myself here, because there is just no way.
05:57The only reason Mr. Omega gets in here is because it gets chatted about online,
06:01but I don't believe it, that man gets wrestling too much.
06:04It was an interesting time for sports entertainment though, as just before this
06:08PPV a certain promotion called AEW had been announced, which of course Kenny had signed
06:13with, so essentially he was going to be taking some time away from New Japan.
06:16The twist was Omega being the IWGP Heavyweight Champion, so we had to sort that out,
06:21which surely meant he had to drop the belt to Tanahashi at the PPV, or did he? We didn't know.
06:27The answer was yes, which led some people to say Omega looked rattled during his entrance,
06:31or, because this was a last minute decision,
06:33conversations were being had right up to the bell ringing.
06:36Even if that was the case though, I still think Kenny would do the best he could,
06:40and any interesting facials were likely intentional, that way you get the world talking.
06:45He also did mouth one last time into the camera,
06:49so seriously man, I think he knew what he was doing, because he always does.
06:532. Jonathan Gresham At Death Before Dishonour 2022
06:57So another one where everything would come to light soon afterwards,
07:00Jonathan Gresham was not overly pleased that he was dropping the Ring of Honor
07:03World Title to Claudio Castagnoli soon after Tony Khan bought the promotion.
07:07This seemed like it was mostly down to the fact that Gresham had tried to put the company on
07:10his back through some difficult times, then all of a sudden, poof, it was all gone.
07:15We also learned about a very heated conversation between the two,
07:18where Jonathan could actually be heard yelling at Khan,
07:20but recently Gresham came out and explained this, and admitted that at the time,
07:24he was in a bad position personally.
07:26So ultimately he did let this all get to his head, and he acted unprofessionally,
07:30but the best part is, Gresham and Tony Khan are now the best of friends once more,
07:35and we don't have to worry about it.
07:37Still, by the time he walked out to face Claudio,
07:39and didn't even have his usual ring entrance attire on,
07:42you kinda get the feeling he just wanted to get this done, and get the hell out of Dodge.
07:471. Ric Flair – Anytime He Wore Red
07:51So this is somewhat of an open secret, and nobody has disproved it as of yet.
07:54Because if Ric Flair was going to lose an important match,
07:57he would don red wrestling gear. In every damn time.
08:01This was true at WrestleMania 8, when he lost to the Metro Man Randy Savage,
08:05when he tasted defeat courtesy of Ricky Steamboat at the Chi-Town Rumble in 1999,
08:09and when he got pinned at Mania 19 against The Undertaker.
08:12If anybody had caught on to this back in the day, it must have totally ruined the outcome,
08:16although there were exceptions.
08:18When he retired for the first time, as he battled Shawn Michaels at Mania 24,
08:22he was actually wearing blue.
08:23Next time you're bored though, definitely go and do the maths,
08:26cause I tell ya, you'll be surprised how many times this comes through,
08:31the hell was the Nature Boy thinking?
08:32Know of any other wrestlers who immediately told you they were losing?
08:35Please do let us know in the comments below,
08:36before liking the video, sharing the video, and hitting that subscribe button.
08:40Then please do head over to whatculture.com,
08:42where you can read more articles like this with your eyes.
08:44You can also follow us on social media at WhatCulture, WWE, and Siamila316,
08:48and if you would like to watch another video, they should be on the screen right now.
08:52My name is Simon from WhatCulture, thank you very much for tuning in as always,
08:55I am losing my voice because of that damn WrestleMania,
08:58but would I ever change any of this? Absolutely not.
09:02What a wild time it is to be alive.