Fire Burn by John Dickson Carr. BBC RADIO DRAMA

  • 2 days ago
Sat 27th Apr 1963, 20:30 on BBC Home Service Basic: Murder For Pleasure

Fire, Burn!
A radio play by John Keir Cross from the novel by John Dickson Carr

This is the story of an impossible crime, affecting a woman; and of an impossible situation, affecting a man.
Produced by Audrey Cameron
A new production of the play first broadcast in July 1958

Cast in order of speaking:
The Presenter: Austin Trevor
Supt John Cheviot: Richard Hurnpall
Taximan: Andrew Sachs
Cabbie: Donald McKillop
Flora Drayton: June Tobin
Colonel Rowan: John Ruddock
Mr Richard Mayne: James Thomason
Mr Alan Henley: John Graham
Margaret Renfrew: Gudrun Ure
Freddie Debbitt: Charles Hodgson
Captain Hogben: David March
Lady Cork: Gladys Young
Lieutenant Wentworth: Michael Deacon
Mr Robert Peel: Norman Claridge
Vulcan: Norman Shelley
Sergeant Bulmer: Timothy West
Manton: John Baddeley
Sergeant Boyce: Donald McKillop

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