Married at First Sight NZ S4 Episode 11

  • 3 months ago
Married at First Sight NZ S4 Episode 11


00:00Previously, at the first commitment ceremony...
00:05I decided to stay.
00:08I actually just chased him.
00:11When one person says stay and the other writes leave,
00:14the couple stay in the experiment until the next commitment ceremony.
00:19Partner swap week.
00:21...arrived just in time for some to lighten the mood.
00:26Gallop! Gallop for me!
00:30And others to open up.
00:32Being in a relationship with someone who's just always like,
00:35oh look, I'm not attracted to you, that's hard for me.
00:38But the time apart...
00:40If you want to make this work, you're going to have to move.
00:43...sparked tough conversations.
00:45You try and find the positive in everything, but behind the positivity,
00:49it's almost like you hide the real feelings.
00:53While in absence of communication...
00:55I'm saying leave, you're saying stay.
00:57Where is he? Because I haven't heard from him at all.
01:00...forced an intervention with the experts.
01:03I'm so over that conversation, like it's honestly driving me insane.
01:06Like it's an actual joke.
01:08I'm jumping in now and saying, time out, let's call it,
01:12go away and think about it.
01:18Surprise guests...
01:20Oh, what? Hello!
01:22You both ran away, you're the same.
01:24...and secrets are shared.
01:27With shocking repercussions...
01:30The whole thing is f***ing fake.
01:32...that will rip...
01:33Just f***ing disgusting behaviour.
01:35...through every couple...
01:37What is this, like? the experiment.
01:40Last week I was like, drama-free, staying out of it.
01:43Like this week I'm more like, I'm going to say some more shit, get out.
01:47I feel like I have to come clean.
02:11How are we lads?
02:13Oh, what?
02:15John and I are inviting Brett and Angel.
02:19Hello, oh my gosh!
02:21Our success story from season one into the girls' nights and boys' nights,
02:26so that our couples can hear about what it was like for them on the experiment
02:29and how they navigated some of the real life issues
02:32that come from meeting in an environment like this.
02:36Brett first met Angel when she walked down the aisle and into his life,
02:40way back in the very first season of Married at First Sight in 2017.
02:45And it was evident from the start, sparks were flying.
02:48She's just got the most amazing smile.
02:50I'm kind of speechless, to be honest.
02:52That's my girl.
02:55Should've smiled.
02:56Through a series of dates and gatherings,
02:58Brett and Angel's connection grew stronger.
03:00And by the time the show drew to a close,
03:03they knew they were destined to be together.
03:06Brett Rennell, there is no doubt in my mind,
03:08I will spend the rest of my life with you.
03:10You are the one.
03:15How good, eh?
03:17He's been there and done it.
03:18I read about you on the Herald.
03:19Yeah, that's me.
03:20He's famous.
03:22Life now is so awesome.
03:24I couldn't be...
03:26I want to be more in love with Brett.
03:28It's been great.
03:30Then, yeah, we just had a daughter 80 months ago.
03:34Dad love.
03:37Not fixing, but...
03:40So we wanted to really bring him here
03:41because you need to see that this process can work
03:44if you roll your sleeves up.
03:46And he's living proof that it works.
03:48You can get the fairy tale.
03:52How'd you get out of the ruts?
03:56I was thinking it, so...
03:59I think you've really got to be kind to yourself
04:02because no one understands
04:06how intense the environment is.
04:10It's a pressure cooker, eh?
04:12So much pressure.
04:13There's so much going on.
04:14It's like you've got to breathe and relax.
04:16Step back and take a breath
04:18and don't hold on to any grudges,
04:21I would really say.
04:24Okay, okay, okay.
04:26Good to get some insights.
04:28A day in this experiment is like a week or a month.
04:31Tensions are high.
04:32Things are escalating really quickly.
04:34I've obviously got my guard up quite a lot.
04:36So for me, it's going to be real difficult
04:38to actually let those guards down.
04:40Also, pressure to feel a spark or a connection.
04:44Can be really hard.
04:45And it's exhausting.
04:47But it's so relatable.
04:48It really is, isn't it?
04:49Yeah, my gosh.
04:50I'm so glad you're here.
04:51I'm so tired.
04:53I'm sick of talking about how I feel, man.
04:55Oh, I know.
04:56Can I have a day off from feeling?
05:02Also, you try to spend ten minutes a day,
05:04whether it's breathwork, whatever you guys do,
05:06to decompress anything you can.
05:08It's just so full on.
05:10I know it's hard.
05:11It's such a big thing.
05:12Don't forget the small things.
05:14There definitely was points in the experiment
05:16that you're like, is this real life?
05:19Am I just stuck in a hole?
05:21Or am I really moving forward?
05:24I just kind of had to throw caution to the wind.
05:27And lots of the stuff I think maybe were like a red flag
05:29or a blacklist, like that's the beauty of this experiment,
05:32is that you just have to go for it.
05:37You can do it, girlfriend.
05:39Or am I going to regret saying that and look back at me like,
05:41run, bitch.
05:44OK, if it was that bad, I would tell you to do that.
05:47It's OK.
05:50I definitely am receptive of what she's saying,
05:53to just go for it.
05:54I think we're going to regret it if we don't.
05:59Obviously, you and Angel lived in different cities,
06:02and that's something that I'm kind of facing at the moment.
06:06So how did you get over that distance?
06:10I think we started quite slowly with it.
06:12We started just doing weekends and stuff.
06:14Didn't just rush straight into a move,
06:16because we both thought, well, that's not that sensible.
06:20Don't think he has to move right now.
06:23I would strip it back for him a bit,
06:25because there's actually a lot of time to go.
06:27And you can take it in steps and feel it out,
06:29because it's a long road.
06:32I went in with the mindset, like, if this woman's perfect,
06:35I'll move.
06:36But deep down, I sort of knew, man,
06:38that would be quite challenging for me to move.
06:40But I thought, oh, I could do it.
06:41If I can move the earth, I'll have to, you know?
06:43So I had that sort of mindset.
06:45But if you've got that special love,
06:48he will know that it's worth pursuing.
06:50And like, here you go, move.
06:54I guess if you love a man, you'll do it, eh?
07:00Brett, he hit the nail on the head when he was like,
07:02if you really like someone enough, you'll move mountains.
07:05Yeah, like, I really, really like Sam, so...
07:09Yeah, I would move.
07:12I would move.
07:13You didn't say that to me.
07:17The reason why we're having a boys' night tonight
07:20is so that you can decompress,
07:21so you can connect with the guys that are in this experiment.
07:25I really encourage you to just have fun,
07:28to have a good time with each other,
07:30maybe hear advice from each other.
07:33Get some feedback, so that when you leave here,
07:36apart from having fun,
07:37you also are more aware of your relationship
07:41and what you need to do.
07:43I'm a believer, ladies.
07:46Enjoy, guys, and we'll see you soon.
07:49Thank you very much.
07:50Cheers, thanks, all the best.
07:51I think it was a really cool thing that John did,
07:53was bring him in here.
07:54So that's the end product, eh?
07:57It was a really great opportunity for us
07:59to actually see the thing that we all came here for
08:01actually happen, which I think is amazing.
08:04Hey, boys, what would you do if you were in me and CJ's shoes?
08:07Like, if you guys were having the comfort that we're having?
08:10For example, like, if it was, like, me and Sam
08:12and I wrote stay and Sam wrote leave,
08:15like, I think that's kind of my responsibility to reach out.
08:20I think it's all kind of up in the air with Jesse and CJ.
08:25I really feel like he should have reached out by now.
08:29It's a situation that I haven't been in before,
08:31and it's hard to navigate,
08:32and I don't even know still why we're fighting in the first place.
08:35I don't even know what the reason is,
08:37and I just want to resolve that
08:38and then at least have a normal relationship
08:41and then build from that.
08:42That's what I want, and it's hard to get there.
08:46Cos, yeah, she just seems to have these balls up.
08:52Everything you've spoken about is her.
08:54What's your part in this?
08:56You know what I mean?
08:57At the times where it mattered most to her,
08:59where she needed you, you fled, right?
09:01Ran away.
09:02No, I didn't.
09:03I understand running away.
09:04She ran away.
09:05She ran away.
09:06You both ran away.
09:07You're the same.
09:08Can you guys not see that?
09:16Everything you've spoken about is her.
09:18What's your part in this?
09:21You know what I mean?
09:23What I've observed is it's all outward.
09:26It's all about CJ, CJ, CJ.
09:29And I wouldn't be me if I didn't bring things up with people.
09:34At the times where it mattered most to her,
09:36where she needed you, you fled, right?
09:38Ran away.
09:39No, I didn't.
09:40I understand running away.
09:41She ran away.
09:42She ran away.
09:43You both ran away.
09:44You're the same.
09:45Can you guys not see that?
09:47Mike didn't hold back.
09:48I was kind of like, what?
09:50Bro, you've got to take some ownership,
09:52regardless of whatever it is, it doesn't matter.
09:54You're half involved in this, right?
09:56And whatever was going on, it's actually not the point.
10:00Because there's obviously a deeper root cause.
10:02It's not about a toothbrush or whatever happened.
10:04There's a deeper root cause there of what it is.
10:06Yeah, I dropped some hard truths on him.
10:08I said, man, you've got to own up to this.
10:10You've got to own up to your part of it.
10:12Here's a couple of different things you could go away and do
10:15to help you move through this process.
10:17I would ask myself a question, how am I involved
10:19and what have I done to this?
10:21And I would answer that question on paper,
10:23or I'd voice it out.
10:24And then I would share that with her
10:26with no outcome orientation.
10:28Mike's a to-the-point guy.
10:30I don't really know how to feel.
10:32It's a little bit uncomfortable.
10:34Genuinely take your ownership.
10:37Genuinely fall on your sword of where you see
10:39you could have done better and what it is
10:41that you actually feel like you added to this whole scenario,
10:44you know?
10:45And that's what this experiment can do
10:47to help make us grow as men, you know?
10:49That's it.
10:50Simple, bro.
10:51Fall on your sword.
10:52Just fall on your sword, man.
10:54You f***ed up a bit.
10:55All good.
10:56Just take it and let's keep going.
10:58Yeah, I can't talk in front of people.
11:00No-one sees things the same, unfortunately.
11:03That's what I would advise.
11:05Cheers, mate.
11:06Does that feel good?
11:07That was good advice, mate.
11:09It was, yeah.
11:10Thank you.
11:11Totally, mate.
11:12I think Mike is right.
11:13Can they turn it around?
11:15Yeah, I think they can.
11:16But someone's going to have to make the first move,
11:19and I feel like that's in Jessie's court.
11:24Like, right now, it's obviously just a very rocky
11:27and don't know what to do, basically.
11:33I mean, the person who says stay,
11:34I would have thought had more reason to stay,
11:37so they should reach out more to actually rectify a situation,
11:41and I haven't heard from Jessie.
11:44I just feel like this is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,
11:46you know?
11:48It could go absolutely tits up,
11:51but it could also be really healing for you
11:53to have a conversation with him.
11:54Yeah, right.
11:55So I feel like it will have to be you that reaches out.
11:59I'm always optimistic about people,
12:01and I think they deserve a second chance,
12:03but there's just something about Jessie that I feel off about.
12:07But it's not a sign of weakness to meet and have a discussion,
12:11and it doesn't have to be for his benefit.
12:13I hope she can see that there's benefits for her
12:15having the conversation as well.
12:17It just means that you might have an opportunity
12:19to, like, table some of your emotions.
12:22We could reach out, but then, you know, set your boundaries.
12:25You can't treat me like, I'm reaching out to you,
12:27I'm being the bigger person right now,
12:28but you're not f***ing treating me like that, you know?
12:30Right. Yeah.
12:33I think hearing that and the conversation with Angel
12:36about not to hold a grudge so much,
12:38that has maybe opened me up a little bit more
12:42to maybe seeing if I can trust Jessie
12:45and if I can let him in.
12:50Oh, good Lord.
12:54You guys are trying to get the tea on our time now?
12:56Oh, my gosh.
12:58This tequila makes me way too horny,
13:00and it's been long enough.
13:02All right, guys, cheers to girls night.
13:07Cheers to the girls.
13:08Cheers to the girls.
13:15So, how are you feeling in terms of, like, intimacy and, like, sex?
13:23Look, Mike hasn't been my type from day one.
13:28I found that very hard to tell him,
13:30cos he's been such a sweetheart.
13:33So, yeah, there's no intimacy in our household.
13:40I don't know. He's got the bod.
13:42He's her height that she wants.
13:44She's obviously horny,
13:45so, like, I don't know why she doesn't just put on that lingerie
13:48and just, like, be carefree about it.
13:51So, Steph, how's that intimacy going with you, girl?
13:53Well, I feel like we had a kiss on the wedding day.
13:57But that's as far as it's gone, and I just...
13:59I don't feel...
14:01I don't want to jump his lines.
14:04And I wish I do cos it's the perfect scenario,
14:06but I just, like, I'm not there.
14:08I need that dominance,
14:10and I need someone to lead me and, like, take charge,
14:13and that's what makes me, like, physically attracted to someone.
14:16Well, what about you, Steph?
14:20Things are going so great for James and I,
14:22and I feel like we're getting to that stage.
14:24It's just I'm so insecure about myself.
14:29You look so beautiful.
14:30Oh, my God.
14:31I think ever since I had my son,
14:32like, I'm very insecure, like, about my body and everything.
14:35I just want to say,
14:36I'm seeing you in that black bikini at the pool party,
14:38and you look so freaking good, so...
14:41You know, like, I am very attracted to him.
14:44We're definitely on the right track.
14:46I just need to let my walls down a bit.
14:49So it hasn't happened yet?
14:51Not yet.
14:55Have you had sex?
15:00Good boy, Jamesy.
15:02I said maybe.
15:03We don't know.
15:07Oh, s***.
15:08She's going to kill me.
15:10You know, I think that'll come eventually.
15:13Look, through this experiment,
15:16our skills have gotten very close,
15:18and we've probably shared, you know,
15:20a few details that we haven't shared on camera,
15:22so I'm going to stick to girl code on that one.
15:31I'm just, like, insinuating that there's more to it.
15:39I don't know.
15:40I don't mean to jump in, like, straight away,
15:42but has the attraction thing kind of improved and stuff in your guys?
15:46Nah, the feeling's definitely still not there.
15:48She's been pretty open with it from the beginning.
15:50You know, she's not attracted to me.
15:54I just want to say, you're a freaking handsome man.
15:57You're a good-looking dude.
15:59Oh, boy.
16:00But she's just got, like, a set of, you know, things that she likes,
16:04and she's just a person.
16:05She likes what she likes, you know,
16:07and I'm not in that category.
16:08But, like, on my end as well,
16:10I don't feel a strong sexual urge towards her either.
16:17Mike and Kara, I find, are the hardest couple to kind of read.
16:22I mean, sex is sacred for me as well.
16:24So, you know, maybe we're both closed off to it,
16:26and it's kind of there, or she's closed off,
16:28so I'm closed off to it, so I'm not sure.
16:31What I've found with Kara,
16:32it's just she hangs her hat on certain things.
16:35Like, so, I know she really hates my beard, you know, like...
16:39Yeah, it seems kind of like he's been very open and honest, like, today.
16:43And it doesn't sound like it's in a great place.
16:47But that's her, like, and she's told me what she's like.
16:49She's, like, a clean cut,
16:50like someone just in, like, an oversized shirt.
16:52Like, she's pretty specific, you know, like...
16:54Yeah, I'm like, that's cool, you know what you like.
16:56But time will tell, you know.
16:58Yeah, it seems to come to...
17:00Well, anyways, let's just... Cheers, boys.
17:02Honestly, like, what a great outing.
17:05What's that water doing, eh?
17:08Be friends forever.
17:11Cheers, girls.
17:34It's just been hard, and I know he wants to work on it, but, like...
17:37No, I feel like he doesn't.
17:40I feel like he is...
17:41He's, like, quite fake.
17:45James, you don't have to say anything, but, um...
17:51Yeah, do you know what?
17:52That's so f***ing interesting.
17:55Don't take it personally, because it's wound-licking.
17:58Because it's, like...
18:00It's so fake.
18:03The whole thing is f***ing fake.
18:19So, how was your girls night last night?
18:24What are you laughing about?
18:25I can't really remember.
18:28How many did you have to drink last night?
18:32Oh, yeah, we had Angel turn up.
18:34Jo and Angel turned up.
18:35It was just interesting, like, her perspective,
18:37obviously, of, like, the distance thing.
18:40Yeah, there's, like, a lot of responsibility and load on this.
18:45Because there is this massive distance between us.
18:48Every day, my, like, feelings for you are growing,
18:50and it is scary.
18:52Because there are, like, a few, you know, kind of unknown things.
18:57We literally live on different islands.
19:00I know.
19:02Distancing keeps coming up,
19:04but I think after seeing Brett, it's kind of clear.
19:07You know what?
19:08You know what? Like, this can work.
19:12So, I needed to tell her.
19:14I think just hearing him speak was really eye-opening,
19:19and, yeah, I don't know, there was, like, a switch that flicked
19:22and said, actually, like, this is doable.
19:29I think I'd just be too stupid...
19:32..not to...
19:36I agree.
19:40Obviously, like, there'd be certain things I'd have to tidy up in Christchurch,
19:44but, like, I've met someone really special.
19:48So, if you really like the person, then you just make it work.
19:52Yeah, I've got hope. I've got hope.
19:55It sounds like that conversation was really good.
19:58I know.
20:01Um, yeah, no, I'm very happy.
20:04I am, you know, falling for this guy,
20:06and a lot will, you know, start to change now, so, yeah.
20:15Have you talked about your answers to my questions last night?
20:20So, it hasn't happened yet?
20:21Not yet.
20:23Have you had sex? Maybe.
20:26I think you're referring to, like, the intimacy things, yeah.
20:29100%, yeah, we've had a bit of a chat.
20:33Oh, God.
20:35Yeah, we...
20:37Yeah, we've had a bit of a chat.
20:39Um, yeah, and we just go in at our own pace.
20:43You've changed your answer.
20:45Sam and James may have got their story straight,
20:48but a text Sam showed Cara last night
20:51has shaken the narrative she has of her relationship with Mike.
20:58At the girls' night last night,
21:00it was obviously great to catch up with everybody,
21:02but, of course, girls are girls,
21:04and, you know, we talked to each other
21:06about what our husbands are saying behind the scenes.
21:09James said don't say anything, but, um...
21:13It's so fake. It's fake.
21:16Last night, I was told that Mike's been telling people
21:20he's not attracted to me.
21:23Um, and I've felt really terrible this whole time
21:26not feeling that attraction to him,
21:28and I've really held that heavy on my heart.
21:31And to hear last night, after he tells me
21:33I'm beautiful to my face,
21:35that he's telling everyone he's not attracted to me...
21:40I'm just so f***ing confused.
21:42Oh! Wait.
21:47I'm hitting us with some pancakes this morning,
21:50and then hopefully we can just get out of the apartment
21:53and do something active,
21:55not talk about feelings,
21:57not unpack everything that's going on
21:59and just have a light day and, you know, a mental break.
22:05How do you think I'm going after our conversation?
22:11Like, this morning, I would say you came and sat next to me
22:14and said you were feeling overwhelmed.
22:18It doesn't feel super real to me.
22:21I'm just trying, you know?
22:23Yeah, but, like, I don't want you to be trying.
22:26I just want it to be real.
22:30Yeah, I'm definitely feeling really surprised by this conversation.
22:33I've had a little cry on the floor this morning.
22:36I felt like my feelings weren't being validated,
22:39and I was sharing, and then I was being told they weren't that way.
22:43I'm just trying, you know?
22:45Yeah, but, like, I don't want you to be trying.
22:48I just want it to be real.
22:51I don't know what you want me to say,
22:53cos, like, the feelings don't feel genuine to me.
23:00It's like I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't.
23:03Yeah, I know you're trying to make an effort, but, like...
23:07I don't know, were you genuinely upset this morning?
23:10I couldn't even get out of bed when my alarm went off this morning.
23:16I just, you know, it's one thing to my face
23:18and one thing behind my back, and I just...
23:20What do you mean, one thing behind your back?
23:22I'm just... I don't want to have a conversation right now, to be honest.
23:27I want to believe that it's real,
23:29but, like, after the girls' night last night,
23:34I'm just, like, confused, man.
23:37I'm so... I don't get it.
23:40This whole time, I felt like I'm the problem,
23:43and I actually think I'm not the problem.
23:45I've never said you're the problem.
23:47I'm telling you that's how I felt.
23:51It seems like a lot of finger-pointing,
23:53and I've been taking a lot of blame.
23:55When have I been finger-pointing?
23:56There's not once I've finger-pointed anything to you.
23:58No, OK, it just feels like, oh, you know,
24:00you're not on this emotional level that I'm on.
24:02I've never said that.
24:03If this is what you're feeling, this is what you're feeling.
24:05I've never said any of this.
24:07OK. Not once.
24:08I know.
24:10Yeah, Cara, I mean, her self-talk is negative, you know,
24:13like, and I think that can limit her,
24:16and when she's reacting to things,
24:19it turns into a bit of complaining as well.
24:21I don't know what you're creating here.
24:23Like, what is this?
24:24What is this, mate?
24:26That is my problem.
24:27I'm f***ing being as real as I have f***ing been.
24:29I'm f***ing being real as I can as well.
24:31I'm just moving through the things just like you are.
24:35I feel like you are not genuine,
24:37and you are hiding behind a big persona,
24:39and nothing has felt real to me this whole time.
24:43I don't know where to go from here
24:45because I've worn my heart on my sleeve.
24:51I've been as real as I can.
24:53Like, there's nothing that I've tried to manoeuvre or anything.
24:56Like, I've literally just brought things up as they are.
25:01I do believe he's a genuinely good person
25:03and wants to help people.
25:05Something's off.
25:06I just don't know what it is.
25:08I really am.
25:10I've set in my vows.
25:11I'm like, I'm not perfect, and I'll f*** it up,
25:13but like, when I f*** it up,
25:15it's like, that's where I'll make some change.
25:17I'll own it.
25:18And I've set in my vows that I'd have an open mind
25:20going through this, and it's been open,
25:22and do you know what?
25:23It's now closed.
25:27I just can't do it anymore, really.
25:31Well, it's a shame.
25:36If you're not attracted to me,
25:38why are you telling me it's a shame I'm not attracted to you
25:40and our sex would be great?
25:42How would it be great if you're not attracted to me?
25:44What the hell?
25:49I'm owning my shit, and you're not,
25:51and it's time that you do.
25:58It's the day before the experiment's second dinner party,
26:01but Piddy has decided to engineer his own surprise dinner party.
26:07I am hiding in the bedroom
26:08because Piddy is setting up for our date night.
26:12I'm running a bit behind.
26:14Oh shit, I need to preheat the oven.
26:16Tonight I'm going to try and make a romantic...
26:19No, I'm not going to try.
26:20Tonight I'm going to make a romantic evening in our home.
26:30Make a lovely meal.
26:32Get her her favourite wine, her favourite dessert.
26:34There's strawberries and there's cream.
26:35What the hell's the cream for?
26:37Crack some romance up and show her that I've been listening.
26:41Oh shit.
26:42Yeah, I can hear a few clings and clatters.
26:45This is like speed cooking.
26:47He's giving me no hints.
26:48He's been in and out all day.
26:50I'm excited to see what he's got planned.
26:55Do I come out with my eyes open?
26:57Yeah, yeah, I'm right at the door.
26:59I'm ready?
27:04Hi darling.
27:06Aww, that's so cute.
27:08Thank you.
27:09That's alright.
27:10And it's not your favourite wine, but...
27:12It is a rose.
27:14I looked for the same style, but the only one I could find was the...
27:17Aww, that's so cute.
27:18Thank you.
27:19That's alright.
27:20Can I pour you a glass?
27:21I would love a glass.
27:22Oh my goodness.
27:24That is so cute.
27:26He could have just done dinner.
27:28He could have just done wine.
27:29But it's all of the elements together just made it really special.
27:33So while I cook, I thought I'd put down some questions for you
27:37so I can engage each other's thoughts and stuff.
27:40Stop it.
27:43Do you believe in miracles?
27:46I personally believe in miracles.
27:48Meeting certain people in life real accidentally.
27:51I've met a lot of great people in my life that have helped me
27:55turn in different directions.
27:58And without them, I think I would have gone completely sideways.
28:02Those are miracles to me.
28:03I agree.
28:04I believe in miracles as well.
28:06Just like every piece of your day could be so different.
28:10But he's got so much intellect there.
28:13If he just built that confidence in himself,
28:15I think that he will just nail life.
28:18So I love that these questions are stimulating these conversations
28:22because it just shows that he is a smart cookie.
28:28How do you define loyalty in a relationship?
28:31I think loyalty as well as, you know,
28:33kind of like what we talked about during this process
28:35is having each other's back.
28:36So like if you say something to someone
28:39and I haven't even had a moment to think about it,
28:42I would still back you up because you're my partner.
28:45Asking more questions and giving my honest opinion and stuff like that
28:48is something that I know I can do.
28:52It's just like being comfortable doing it.
28:56I'm not used to being hurt, maybe.
29:03Would you ever be in an open relationship?
29:08So you think like we got married for the rest of our lives until we died?
29:12You would be content with only ever being physical with me
29:15for the rest of your life?
29:18I think so.
29:20I just think like, you know, when you're old and, like,
29:24I can, like, spice it up, you know?
29:26Why not?
29:27Put the keys in the bowl.
29:30She's smiling.
29:31We're going back and forth on certain topics and conversations.
29:35Sounds like she's having a good time.
29:38I know how stressful it can be to cook for other people,
29:42especially someone you're trying to impress,
29:44and he doesn't look flustered, doesn't look stressed.
29:47Is it ready?
29:48It's ready.
29:49It's really impressive, yeah.
29:51The steak looks beautifully cooked.
29:55Thank you for cooking for me.
29:56That's OK.
29:57I appreciate it.
29:58It's a big job, but I'm happy to tackle it.
30:00You nailed it.
30:02Thank you.
30:03It's OK.
30:06It's lovely, but, like, I've asked him to lead,
30:10and then he leads, and I still don't really feel a massive spark.
30:15Oh, my God, yum.
30:16Just pop it down right here.
30:18You mentioned that.
30:19You used to have it at your grandma's house when you were younger,
30:21and you have a strong, like, connection memory with pavlova,
30:24and you just love it.
30:25Thank you.
30:26It's so thoughtful.
30:28It's my favourite dessert.
30:31He'll be fine.
30:32We can coexist, and, like, he's a great companion.
30:34But, like, you know, so is a Labrador.
30:39Thank you so much.
30:40I really appreciate it.
30:41It's OK.
30:43Oh, my God, look.
30:45This is my kind of scene, eh?
30:47It's also date night for Sam and James.
30:51We're here today to play mini golf.
30:53It's one of my favourite things to do.
30:55It's really nice just to get Sam out of our bubble
30:57and come and play some golf.
30:59I reckon the winner gets a massage by the loser.
31:02Oh, I like your way of thinking.
31:04You reckon?
31:07Let's do it.
31:08He seems very confident.
31:09So I'm just going to keep my cool,
31:11putt along, and we'll see where it goes.
31:14Don't laugh until you've been, OK?
31:20I think I'll end up winning.
31:22Yeah, I'm pretty confident in my skills,
31:24so, yeah, we'll see what happens.
31:29How are you so good?
31:31I'm not going to lie, I've been on quite a few dates.
31:34Prior to getting married.
31:37And where would I always take them?
31:39Mini golf.
31:41I mean, it's like my go-to date.
31:44Now I just feel like one of your Tinder dates.
31:46What are you trying to make me out to be?
31:48You tell me.
31:49Some sort of serial mini golf dater.
31:52It sounds like it.
31:54It was a little different after he voiced that information,
31:57considering he picked the date as well.
32:00You're actually not the worst mini golf I've ever played with.
32:03Oh, because you've taken so many, haven't you?
32:06It's a bit of a sore subject.
32:08I probably didn't think that through.
32:14Everything's going really well,
32:16and, like, it's the best connection I've ever had.
32:20That was just nice.
32:22Not taking things too seriously.
32:24We're having a bit of fun.
32:28You got 26.
32:29I got 26.
32:30You also got 26.
32:32I don't know how this has happened.
32:34I can't leave it on a tie.
32:36It's got to be a winner and a loser, so...
32:38Paper, scissors, rock.
32:42Bring it in.
32:45I'm going to get you on the side.
32:47I'm going to get you on the side.
32:49I'm going to get you on the side.
32:51I'm going to get you on the side.
32:53I'm going to get you on the side.
32:55I'm going to get you on the side.
33:01Since the girls' night last night,
33:03a few things have changed for the worse
33:05in both Cara and CJ's respective relationships.
33:10And they've decided a debrief is in order.
33:14Oh, hello.
33:16How are you?
33:17I'm fine.
33:18You know, Mike and I had a somewhat heated discussion this morning,
33:22and, yeah, as much as I came here to unpack
33:24what CJ is feeling with Jessie,
33:27it's nice to be able to offload how I'm feeling with Mike.
33:31You tell me I'm beautiful to my face.
33:33Yes, and then what?
33:34And then you tell the boys that you're not attracted to me.
33:37So why should I believe anything you say?
33:40I've heard behind the scenes that Mike's basically said
33:43he's not attracted to me from one of the girls.
33:46He's obviously heard it from her husband
33:48coming back from the boys' night.
33:50It just blew up, and I haven't told him
33:52that I've heard he's not attracted to me.
33:54I want to have that conversation with him on the couch,
33:57and I want to say to him, to his face,
33:59in front of the people that have heard it,
34:01are you attracted to me?
34:02And I just want to hear the yes or the no.
34:05With our husbands, there's a disconnect for both of us,
34:08and we're just connecting because we feel the same way.
34:13Cara and CJ aren't the only ones connecting.
34:16What's going on?
34:18It's good to see you. It's been a while.
34:20I know.
34:21After Jesse wrote stay and his wife CJ wrote leave,
34:25he's phoned in a friend of his own for some outside advice.
34:29Louise is one of my best friends.
34:30I've known her since I was 10 years old.
34:32We went to school together, and it's going to be so refreshing
34:35to sit down, have a drink, and unpack what's going on.
34:39It started off really good.
34:40The wedding was amazing, epic location in Vanuatu,
34:43and got along really well.
34:45Yeah, it was cool.
34:46I'm unboxing everything.
34:47I'm telling Louise what happened from start to finish
34:50to get her perspective on what's going on.
34:53And then it escalates to these arguments.
34:55And she's throwing these punches at me and, like,
34:57questioning me, and then it makes me say that,
34:59you know, horrible comment that I regret.
35:02Because that really upset her.
35:05How CJ's acting, it kind of feels like a mind game.
35:07We fight over something that I don't know about,
35:09about the reason of what it is.
35:10Then we have this other argument where she's saying
35:12horrible things to me, and then fires me up so much
35:15that I say something that I regret,
35:17and then focuses on that and victimizes herself.
35:20I just don't even know what to do.
35:22It doesn't make sense.
35:25So after last night, obviously, you all had a chat to me
35:29about possibly, like, being the bigger person
35:31and reaching out to Jessie.
35:33I had to, like, think about it overnight.
35:36But I did end up messaging him this morning.
35:38I can read it if you want.
35:40So I basically just said, hey, I hope you had a good night.
35:44I haven't heard from you, so I thought I'd reach out.
35:46Are you wanting to sit down and have a chat?
35:49And I was like, thanks, it was a great night,
35:50and good to chat with the boys.
35:51Sorry I haven't reached out.
35:52I thought it was important to give you your space
35:54due to how you were feeling.
35:55And then she replies, hey, Jessie,
35:57thanks for messaging me back.
35:58To be honest, I got told something
35:59that did really upset me.
36:00And I'm just going to have to have a rain check.
36:02Have a good rest of your day.
36:05So she said something upset her.
36:08I know.
36:09I wonder what it was, yeah.
36:12So Steph said to me, Jessie was saying to the guys,
36:16do you think my wife's hot?
36:18And they all agreed that I was.
36:20And then he turned around, he goes,
36:21well, you should see her without makeup in the morning.
36:25Like, just disgusting behavior.
36:29That is, I just cannot understand
36:34why a man would need to bring a woman down like that
36:37behind closed doors.
36:39I'm just not putting up with a man child
36:41who thinks that he can say these things to me
36:44and try and put me down in front of the men.
36:47I don't understand that.
36:49It shows a lot more about who he is as a person.
36:52And when did he say it?
36:53I'm assuming it was when no cameras were around.
36:56Well, he said it to the guys when there was no cameras around
36:59in the taxi on the way to the boys' night.
37:01Because it's not something, it's, you know,
37:02what you're seeing behind the scenes and what you're seeing.
37:07I kept a lot behind the scenes
37:08to actually, like, please him at the beginning.
37:10And I really kicked myself
37:11for actually just not being true to myself at the start
37:13and being like, well, hey, my gut feeling was saying
37:15you're not in it for the right reasons.
37:17What's the next steps from here?
37:19Where do we go from here?
37:21I think I do know what I'm going to do.
37:23But I just have to sit in it for a little bit
37:26and just make a decision here.
37:35It's the day of the second dinner party.
37:38But it's anyone's guess what tone this evening will take,
37:42considering recent events like Cara and Mike's argument,
37:46which they've yet to revisit.
37:48What are you going to wear?
37:50Hit me with the options.
37:52I'm going to go, I'm going to go with this.
37:56I'll call it the shark suit.
37:58I'm actually feeling a lot lighter this morning.
38:00I feel like what needed to come out came out yesterday
38:03and I reflected on how I was in the conflict
38:06and I was pretty proud of myself.
38:08And I was proud of Cara as well.
38:10It was to the point and what needed to come out came out.
38:13I'm feeling strong going to the dinner party.
38:15How about you?
38:17I think it was nice to have some space yesterday
38:20after pancakes turned whatever that was.
38:26There's obviously an elephant in the room.
38:29We haven't really deep-dived on yesterday's discussion
38:32after the pancakes.
38:35We can keep it cool with each other and everything's all fine,
38:39but the reality is that it isn't.
38:42I think that's been a common theme throughout this journey.
38:45How do you think it's going to go for the other couple?
38:48I think it's going to be interesting.
38:50I don't know that CJ and Jessie have caught up yet
38:53since we were last on the couch,
38:55so they're going to be in a situation
38:57where they're together tonight.
38:59I think that'll be an interesting dynamic.
39:01I feel a bit nervous for her a little bit going into this.
39:07It seems like Cara's really had a hard time here,
39:10and I think Jessie might be held accountable tonight.
39:13And it's going to be interesting to see how that looks.
39:18This is our second dinner party.
39:20What I'm expecting from the couples tonight
39:22is to go deeper faster.
39:25They really know that things are hard
39:27amongst the various couples,
39:29and they can talk about it pretty quickly.
39:34They are absolutely at a point in the experiment
39:37where they need answers, they need to reach out,
39:40and I think it will be much deeper
39:42in terms of where they're prepared to go
39:44and what they're prepared to talk about.
39:49Yeah, I'd love a chill dinner party tonight.
39:51I don't think it's going to happen.
39:53Wow, optimistic!
39:59I'm feeling quite anxious going in tonight.
40:01I mean, I don't really like conflict,
40:03and I feel like there might be a little bit of drama
40:05going on with a couple of the other couples.
40:09The worst-case scenario would literally be
40:11that what happened at the last dinner party
40:13is that someone leaves.
40:15I would not do too well because, you know,
40:17these are your support systems.
40:20I'm very intrigued with the dinner party tonight.
40:24There's kind of lots going on at the moment.
40:30I have an inkling that it potentially will be
40:32a spicy dinner party tonight.
40:34I'm going to try and stay far and clear from it.
40:38Last week, I was, like, drama-free,
40:41staying out of it, keeping my head down,
40:43and just, you know, I was like,
40:45Last week, I was, like, drama-free,
40:47staying out of it, keeping my head down,
40:49and just, like, this week, I'm more like,
40:51I need some excitement in my life.
40:54I'm going to see some shit go down.
40:58It all might blow up.
41:04I really hope it doesn't all blow up tonight.
41:06Like, just f***ing disgusting behaviour.
41:12I'll just finish my Magnum and then get ready.
41:16Hopefully tonight's...
41:20drama-free and a good night.
41:25I want to clear this conflict with CJ
41:28and hopefully become friends at least
41:30and then move forward from there.
41:32I'm prepared for the worst, but I'm really hoping for the best.
41:37I won't put up with the way that Jesse
41:39has disrespected me through this experience.
41:42I don't think Jesse is here for the right reasons.
41:46I'm not going to put up with the bullshit anymore.
41:49It's not right, and I'm not having it.
42:03Oh, wow.
42:04Oh, that is wild.
42:08So, Steph and Pidipi, they have been a little bit
42:10stop-start in this experiment, haven't they?
42:12I think he's certainly trying to please
42:14and trying to get on board, make good impressions with her.
42:17But I just get a sense she keeps him at arm's length.
42:21Cheers. Cheers, yeah.
42:22Second, uh... Dinner party. Dinner party, yeah.
42:25You look fantastic, by the way.
42:28Thank you. Pleasure.
42:29I feel like we're in a similar colour palette.
42:31Yeah, we tend to kind of accidentally always do that.
42:33Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
42:35But happy with it. Yeah. Yeah.
42:37What I pick up from Steph, just even in her eyes,
42:40is she doesn't look at him with desire or affection.
42:46She looks at him like a brother.
42:49He lavishes praise on her, and she accepts it, but moves on.
42:53It doesn't seem to be a two-way street here.
42:58Hello. Hello.
43:01Sam and James walk in, and they're smitten.
43:05We had our second date yesterday, which was so nice.
43:07What did you do?
43:08We went to a mini-golf. Yeah.
43:10Ooh, nice. That's a really cool name.
43:12Yeah? Who won?
43:16They won.
43:19Sometimes you have to let, like, the other person win,
43:22and then you kind of just... Oh, you let me win!
43:24And then you kind of just, like, lose this winning feeling,
43:26and it's just a bit...
43:28Do you want to tell them why you suggested the date?
43:33You just throw me under the bus all the time, like...
43:36It kind of came out as kind of where, like, I took dates in the past.
43:39Oh, so you're, like, pretty confident going in.
43:41I did that.
43:42Apparently, a couple of you attended dates in the E-Way.
43:44Let's move on from the whole... That's so funny.
43:47I think what's nice about them is that they seem to have
43:50some kind of inside jokes. Yeah.
43:52There's space there for those things to happen,
43:55and she's not quite clear about it.
43:57That's not what I'm picking up. Yeah, no, I agree.
43:59There is a playfulness about it. Yeah.
44:01If there was a fake awkwardness there for her,
44:04that would probably be that she wasn't feeling secure,
44:07but because she is so secure in this relationship,
44:10she doesn't mind about that kind of stuff.
44:12So how are you two going?
44:14Yeah, we're at a point where I think, like,
44:17we're trying to find, like, romance
44:19and put our best foot forward towards it and stuff,
44:22but, yeah, I think we're OK,
44:25but it would be nice if it would just float a bit easier.
44:30I mean, the silence when he's talking,
44:33it's just like he's floundering, you know,
44:36and just doesn't know how to unlock Steph's heart.
44:42I think because, like, I need someone that's, like,
44:45takes the lead and takes a bit of charge and is amazing as you are.
44:49That's not your comfort zone. Yeah.
44:55Hello! Hello!
44:57You're on your own.
45:01Jesse's coming on his own by the looks of it.
45:03I mean, after going and seeing these two
45:06and having a hard talk to them
45:08and hoping that they're able to turn it around,
45:11this looks to me like it's fallen over.
45:13Things have not gone well.
45:15But maybe she'll turn up.
45:17Maybe she'll surprise us.
45:20Obviously, you haven't had a coffee with CJ?
45:24No, well, I tried to yesterday,
45:27and she messaged me in the morning and was like,
45:30I haven't heard from you, so I thought I'd reach out.
45:33Did you want to sit down and have a chat?
45:36I was like, I would love to sit down and have a chat with you when you're free.
45:40She messaged us back soon.
45:42To be honest, I got told something that did really upset me,
45:45and I'm going to have to take a rain check.
45:47Have a good rest of your day.
45:49Not sure what's going on. Hope she's all good.
45:53Yeah, I feel like I have to come clean.
46:06Next time, Steph's bombshell.
46:10I've one of my girlfriends dating someone that said shit things.
46:13I'm going to tell her.
46:15And a shock announcement.
46:17We have some very serious news.
46:19We have some very serious news.
46:21Oh, no.
46:23Changes the dynamic of the group.
46:25What is with the dinner party, Piers?
46:27Greetings, ladies. How are we?
46:29All before the final commitment ceremony,
46:32where the couples go deeper...
46:35Was it good for you?
46:37...than ever before.
46:39I hear something to my face,
46:41and then I hear something different behind my back,
46:43so how do I believe what's real?
46:49I don't know.
46:51I don't know.
46:53I don't know.
46:55I don't know.
46:57I don't know.
46:59I don't know.
47:01I don't know.
47:03I don't know.
47:05I don't know.
47:07I don't know.
47:09I don't know.
47:11I don't know.
47:13I don't know.
47:15I don't know.
