Matin infos - 17/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Matin infos - 17/06/2024


00:00Welcome everyone, it's time for the news. Here are the headlines.
00:14In Saudi Arabia, more than 1.8 million pilgrims take part in Hajj.
00:21The 1445 pilgrimage coincides this year with the celebration of Eid al-Adha.
00:31Several countries, such as the Kingdom of Morocco, celebrate Eid al-Adha today,
00:36while several countries have already celebrated it yesterday. We will talk about this in a moment.
00:43The Israeli army announced on Sunday its intention to observe until further notice
00:49a pause to facilitate the completion of humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip.
00:54A tactical pause that does not mean that Israeli operations will be suspended.
01:04Morocco celebrates Eid al-Adha today.
01:09On this occasion, His Majesty the King Mohammed bin Samir al-Mu'minin will perform this Monday
01:14the prayer of Eid al-Adha at the Hassan II Mosque in Tetouan.
01:19An announcement made in a communiqué of the Ministry of the Royal House,
01:24the protocol of the Chancellery.
01:26The prayer of Eid al-Adha will be broadcast live on the radio and television from 10.30 pm.
01:33On this occasion, the entire Media TV team presents its wishes of happiness and health.
01:42On the occasion of Eid al-Adha, His Majesty the King Mohammed bin Samir al-Mu'minin
01:46awarded the Royal Grace to a group of people convicted by different courts of the Kingdom.
01:52These people are in the number of 1,484. They present themselves as follows.
01:57The beneficiaries who are in detention are in the number of 1,209 detainees.
02:03The beneficiaries who are free are in the number of 275.
02:14On the first day of Eid al-Adha, the faithful Muslims performed in Mina
02:19the last great ritual of pilgrimage under a full sun.
02:23The pilgrims then returned to the Holy City to perform tawaf al-ifadah around the Kaaba.
02:30The faithful arrived later in the day.
02:34They suffered from heat with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees,
02:39especially the elderly.
02:45This Sunday marked the first day of the celebration of Eid al-Adha.
02:50Eid al-Adha is celebrated in several countries around the world by thousands of Muslims.
02:56The faithful sacrificed their sheep after having completed the prayer of Eid
03:03to finally gather around a big family meal.
03:07Eid al-Adha is also a celebration of sharing and kindness towards those in need.
03:14In the Middle East, the Israeli army announced on Sunday its intention to observe until a new order,
03:22a pause to facilitate humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip.
03:27The Palestinian enclave was devastated by more than eight months of intense bombing.
03:34Yesterday, shots and strikes hit.
03:38The Israeli army insisted that despite the tactical pause,
03:43there is clearly no cessation of hostilities in southern Gaza.
03:48The operations in Rafah continue.
03:56I would also like to point out that US President Joe Biden defended the ceasefire plan on Sunday,
04:02supporting his country in Gaza, in a message to Muslims for Eid al-Adha,
04:07seeing the best way to come to the aid of civilian victims of the horrors of the war between Hamas and Israel.
04:14Too many innocent people have been killed, including thousands of children.
04:19Families fled their homes and saw their communities destroyed.
04:24Their pain is immense, said Joe Biden in a statement published on the occasion of the biggest Muslim calendar sacrifice.
04:32Biden announced on May 31 a plan that foresees, in a first phase,
04:37a ceasefire of six weeks, accompanied by an Israeli withdrawal from densely populated areas of the Gaza Strip,
04:44the liberation of certain hostages and the liberation of Palestinians imprisoned by Israel.
04:52France, after a week of turmoil and confusion, is now in a state of emergency.
04:59The Alliance has appointed candidates.
05:02The campaign is clear from the outset.
05:04The June 30th legislation officially begins on Monday, under high tension.
05:09Since 6 p.m. on Sunday, all candidates for one of the 577 seats of deputies have been registered in the prefecture.
05:19They are now placed at the ground meetings, at the voice of electoral propaganda and on television.
05:26In the wake of his victory in the European elections, the National Assembly approaches this campaign.
05:31At the head of the polls, given around 30% of the votes,
05:35Marine Le Pen wants to keep the presidency of the group in the Assembly
05:39and has declared that she will not ask for the resignation of President Macron in case of victory of his camp.
05:45In second place, with 25% of the votes,
05:48the left has managed to overcome in a few days the months of division under the banner of a new popular front.
05:56These leaders must hold a first meeting tonight in Montreuil.
06:00Sounded by the dissolution, they distance themselves in the polls.
06:04Around 20% of the votes, the majority is threatened to arrive in third place,
06:10in many circumstances behind the National Assembly and the left.
06:19President Alassane Dramann Ouattara will address the Ivorian Congress on Tuesday.
06:24Since the announcement of this address to senators and deputies,
06:28speculations are in full swing.
06:30What are the real issues?
06:33Element of response with Max Sourby.
06:36Ferdinand Kouakou.
06:39It is a speech that is already historically announced.
06:42President Alassane Ouattara will address the Congress on Tuesday,
06:45at a time when the heads of state continue to entertain the crowd on his political future.
06:49For André-Sylvaire Conan, journalist and political analyst,
06:53in favor of his speech to deputies and senators,
06:56Alassane Ouattara should make big announcements.
06:59I see several possible scenarios.
07:04The first scenario is the announcement of his political retirement.
07:09The second scenario could be that he will delegate important power
07:15either to his vice president or to his prime minister.
07:19The third scenario for me could consist of making an announcement
07:25of the revision of the constitution.
07:29For example, the reintroduction of the presidential ticket.
07:34For deputies Abdoulaye Benmedite,
07:36the president will address the issues of the country's socio-economic life
07:40in accordance with article 114 of the constitution.
07:43So for me, a priori,
07:47the president of the republic will have to remind us
07:52of the advances of the republic.
07:58Share with us the achievements of the Ivoirians.
08:02And at the same time, feed us with hope in relation to this beautiful vision
08:08that he has always shared with us.
08:10I remain convinced that the Ivory Coast is made to shine,
08:15that the Ivory Coast no longer has the right to retreat.
08:20At 16 months from the presidential elections,
08:23we will be able to know more about the political future
08:26of the former head of state Laurent Gbabo,
08:28candidate declared for the 2025 presidential election.
08:31Only an amnesty of Alassane Matara
08:33could re-register his rival Laurent Gbabo on the electoral list
08:36and make his candidacy more constitutional.
08:40In Morocco, through the cities of the kingdom,
08:43agents of incitement to clean the streets in this period of Eid al-Adha,
08:48despite this initiative,
08:50Moroccan citizens are called to get involved more
08:54to contribute to the cleanliness of the cities.
08:57This is a report from Casablanca,
08:59signed by Imane Moujeh, Bion Sereri.
09:01The story is from Soheil, Jalil.
09:03Casablanca mobilizes 6,000 agents and 1,040 vehicles
09:07to collect the waste of Eid al-Adha.
09:10Anticipating about 30,000 tons of waste,
09:12this initiative aims to strengthen the efforts
09:16of cleaning and environmental awareness.
09:21The waste generated by Eid will be exceptional,
09:26about 30,000 tons.
09:28We have planned several teams and machines
09:30to keep our city clean.
09:32We ask citizens to support our efforts
09:35so that this Eid is the cleanest ever held.
09:42The cleanliness campaign aims to encourage citizens
09:45to adopt respectful environmental behaviors,
09:48in particular by using plastic bags
09:50to rationalize their water consumption.
09:57It is a great initiative.
09:58We must keep Casablanca clean.
10:00It is essential.
10:05In view of the scarcity of water,
10:06we must rationalize its consumption.
10:08It is a necessity.
10:11Note that this campaign is part of an action plan
10:14launched by the Council of Casablanca
10:17aimed at strengthening the waste collection program
10:19and intensifying the efforts of disinfection,
10:22while emphasizing the importance of adopting
10:24respectful environmental behaviors,
10:27thus ensuring sustainable waste management
10:30during Eid al-Adha.
10:33Excessive meat consumption during Eid al-Adha
10:37can be translated by the appearance of digestive diseases.
10:41Our reporters Ayoub Daraza and Wassim Hebdan
10:44went to meet experts to understand this phenomenon.
10:49The story is from Soheil Jalil.
10:54During Eid al-Adha,
10:55festivities can sometimes lead to food excesses
10:58that are harmful to health.
11:00At the head of the list is the high consumption of meat
11:03and soda,
11:05in order to preserve the health and safety
11:07of Moroccans and Moroccan doctors and specialists
11:10in the field of nutrition,
11:12called Tala Retenu.
11:15At each Eid, I do a general check-up
11:18to avoid falling into food excesses.
11:21I try not to eat too much meat
11:23and boil it rather than grill it.
11:25I follow a healthy rhythm
11:27and follow the instructions of my doctor.
11:31According to the data of the High Commission on Plans,
11:33the amount of meat consumed by families
11:35during Eid al-Adha
11:37represents 41% of the average annual consumption per family,
11:4195% of these families
11:43choose to sacrifice sheep.
11:53Sheep meat is highly caloric,
11:55this is known.
11:57Therefore, it is important to remain
11:59while eating this meat.
12:01You have to avoid fat in cutlets and in the liver.
12:03I also advise to eat meat
12:05during lunch and avoid it during dinner.
12:12Nutritionists advise to drink a lot of water
12:14and to moderate the amount of meat
12:16to avoid digestive disorders
12:18often caused by excessive consumption.
12:20By adopting these practical advice,
12:22the festivities of Eid can be
12:24both joyful and beneficial for health,
12:26thus allowing everyone
12:28to fully enjoy this period
12:30without compromising their well-being.
12:34We still remain in this atmosphere of Eid al-Adha.
12:36A number of doctors and specialists
12:38offer seasonal products
12:40often used during this period
12:42of sacrifice of sheep, coal,
12:44forage and household utensils.
12:46Menoujib went to meet them
12:48to watch the story of Sheyma Fikri.
12:58On the occasion of Eid al-Adha,
13:00seasonal trades are more and more widespread
13:02in the different cities of the kingdom.
13:04The sale of coal, forage
13:06and products made of burnt earth
13:08is among the activities
13:10that are in great demand during this holiday.
13:16We offer people everything they need,
13:18whether it is coal, salt
13:20or even burnt earth utensils.
13:27We help each other.
13:29We sell products with symbolic prices.
13:33These trades meet the high demand
13:35for seasonal products and accessories
13:37related to this religious occasion.
13:39Most of these trades remain temporary.
13:43Everything is available,
13:45whether it is tagine
13:47or even kitchen utensils.
13:51For people who do not have enough space
13:53in their homes,
13:55we offer a hotel for sheep
13:57for a symbolic price.
13:59We help each other during this period of Eid.
14:01Most of these activities
14:03continue until the eve of Eid,
14:05while others continue
14:07during the days following the holiday.
14:09These seasonal trades constitute
14:11an important source of income
14:13for many young people.
14:15This Sunday,
14:17the Tunisians celebrated Eid al-Adha.
14:19Many of them took the opportunity
14:21to visit the sanctuary
14:23of the imam Hassan Chadli.
14:25The believers gathered
14:27at the sanctuary of this imam
14:29originally from Morocco
14:31to pray and get closer
14:33to their faith.
14:37The day before the gathering,
14:39people went to the sanctuary
14:41of the imam Hassan Chadli.
14:43The ladies
14:45needed to expiate
14:47their sins
14:49and ask for forgiveness.
14:51This took place
14:53at the imam Hassan Chadli's maqam,
14:55a zawiyah located on the Jalaz hill
14:57south of Tunisia,
14:59where the rituals
15:01of Friday and Saturday
15:03take place.
15:05After the evening prayer,
15:07we read Hizb al-Fatihah.
15:09This is what Sidi Ibn Hassan wrote
15:11about the month of Arafat.
15:13In Tunisia, people continue
15:15to repeat what the sheikh wrote,
15:17then we continue to recite
15:19other verses and memories
15:21throughout the night.
15:23People come here
15:25to nourish their souls
15:27and their spirits
15:29by remembering God
15:31and reading the Koran.
15:33Born in Morocco,
15:35Tunisia was only a step
15:37in the path of Ibn Hassan Chadli
15:39and his body
15:41was buried in Egypt.
15:43But his spirit is still
15:45venerated on the hill
15:47that bears his name.
15:49His sanctuary in Tunisia
15:51is considered an ancient
15:53religious and spiritual building
15:55When Ibn Hassan Chadli
15:57arrived in Tunisia,
15:59he spent long days
16:01praying in the cave
16:03located at the top
16:05of a high mountain.
16:13There is a strong
16:15and spontaneous spiritual attachment
16:17to this sanctuary
16:19and to this cave
16:21that attracts visitors.
16:23The prayer has not been interrupted
16:25for seven centuries.
16:27Every ten weeks, the Koran
16:29is recited in this sanctuary.
16:31This is what we call
16:33the Chadiliya method,
16:35which remains the best way
16:37to get closer to God.
16:39The Chadiliya method
16:41is essentially linked to the Koran.
16:43The believer comes here
16:45to reassure his heart.
16:47It is only in the memory of Allah
16:49that your hearts will find peace.
16:51After the ritual is over,
16:53everyone goes to the lower
16:55morale, which is below
16:57the upper morale.
16:59It is a narrow and dark cave.
17:01This is where Ibn Hassan Chadli
17:03spent the clearest time
17:05in invocations,
17:09and divine interiorization.
17:15The mausoleum is still
17:17the meeting place of the
17:19Muslim community in Tunisia.
17:21It is a gathering of people
17:23from families
17:25both rich and poor.
17:27From Tunisia, Najwa Bechat,
17:29for Media.
17:33the celebration was held
17:35in Nigeria.
17:37But this year,
17:39due to the high prices,
17:41many households could not
17:43afford it.
17:45The Nigerian Muslims
17:47come to Tabaski with a ritual
17:49which consists in going to
17:51the prayer area in the morning,
17:53to offer sacrifices,
17:55mainly sheep,
17:57and to share meals with
17:59family and friends.
18:01But this year,
18:03the atmosphere is not the same
18:05due to the high price of sheep
18:07compared to last year.
18:13Customers complain about
18:15the situation,
18:17but we thank God
18:19that when this period
18:21will be over,
18:23prices will go down.
18:27A situation that makes
18:29the purchase of sheep
18:31difficult for some families
18:33of the capital.
18:35The price of sheep has almost
18:37tripled since last year.
18:39These growing costs make it
18:41difficult for families
18:43to sell their sheep.
18:51Business is moving well,
18:53but not as it was last year.
18:55Last year,
18:57when we arrived here
18:59with sheep,
19:01we were able to sell everything.
19:03But this time,
19:05there is no money on the ground.
19:07People are not coming
19:09as well as they did before.
19:11Nigeria has the highest
19:13inflation rate in more than
19:1530 years,
19:17with food inflation
19:19reaching a peak
19:21of 40 years.
19:23The country has not
19:25experienced such a
19:27serious situation in decades.
19:31It's a problem
19:33that we all know
19:35in the country
19:37due to high inflation,
19:39fuel prices,
19:41and subsidies
19:43that have affected
19:45almost the entire market.
19:47These are the major
19:49causes of this situation.
19:51For most Nigerians,
19:53the Muslim festival
19:55of Tabaski is a period
19:57of vibrant celebration,
19:59sharing food,
20:01and generous gifts
20:03within their neighborhood.
20:05The houses of Muslim
20:07are an important part
20:09of the festivities.