[ HOT Drama ] Staged Romance

  • 3 months ago
[ HOT Drama ] Staged Romance
00:00:00Who are you?
00:00:19After everything we did last night, now you're going to act like you don't even know me?
00:00:27Mr. Spike, about that thing that you asked for for the lady...
00:00:34Are you trying to humiliate me?
00:00:49You were wasted last night, and trying really hard to get me into bed.
00:00:54For what it's worth, of all the women who wanted me, you're the one who left an impression.
00:01:00I don't know you, and this is my room, so take this back and get out, now!
00:01:07Just throw it away if you don't want it.
00:01:08Did I really barge into the wrong room?
00:01:23I don't remember anything, except for David pouring me drinks all night.
00:01:32I don't remember anything, except for David pouring me drinks all night.
00:01:38Upcoming actress Ruby seemed to date a mysterious man in the hotel.
00:01:41What a juicy gossip.
00:01:43That's not true!
00:01:44Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:01:45I don't actually care, all right?
00:01:46All I know is headlines pay my bills.
00:01:49Ah, that's perfect.
00:01:54What the hell?
00:01:55Are you serious?
00:01:57You're gonna pay for that.
00:01:58Give me that back, right now!
00:02:03You're messing with the wrong person.
00:02:08Sir, should we help her?
00:02:13No need.
00:02:15This is interesting.
00:02:17I think I found exactly what I've been looking for.
00:02:28Thank you for being here today.
00:02:30It's my first red carpet!
00:02:32I'm so excited.
00:02:34I know, you've done like seven supporting roles.
00:02:36How could I miss your first lead?
00:02:38I know.
00:02:45Hey, Rubes.
00:02:47Don't freak out.
00:02:49I just got a text from the red carpet coordinator and
00:02:52they want to go with that actress, Viola, instead of you.
00:02:57I know her.
00:03:02She hates me.
00:03:03Yeah, she also sent a link and everyone's maybe kind of calling you a diva online.
00:03:16The Spike Group heir is finally here.
00:03:19With a face like that, he could be a star.
00:03:22He acquired several entertainment companies last month
00:03:25and now he is sitting on a net worth over 10 billion dollars.
00:03:30I just checked, he was at last week's party.
00:03:32That's Viola's new rumored girlfriend.
00:03:35Charles, how are you doing tonight?
00:03:37Doing great.
00:03:38You know, Spike Group has been wanting to acquire these companies for a long time.
00:03:43Getting me drunk, trying to sleep with me, and now the paparazzi.
00:03:47I like this game.
00:03:49What, what are you gonna do?
00:03:51I'm gonna make him face the consequences.
00:04:00My baby daddy.
00:04:03I'm sorry.
00:04:07How are you doing?
00:04:08We had such a good time last week.
00:04:13He is so good in bed, you guys.
00:04:24Having a one-night stand with a rich guy and now announcing getting pregnant.
00:04:28This is scandalous.
00:04:30True, Ruby's cute, but there are so many other choices for Charles.
00:04:34Even if she doesn't make it as a famous actress, she can still make some money out of this.
00:04:45Rubes, why are we still drinking?
00:04:47You just upset Charles, Spike.
00:04:49No, just because I'm a small-time actress doesn't mean they can bully me.
00:04:52I'm not afraid of him.
00:04:53I know, but Charles could really give you a hard time and everyone is talking bad about you.
00:04:58Why'd you leave the bar early?
00:05:00Mr. Lawrence is furious.
00:05:02He assaulted me.
00:05:04Am I supposed to allow that?
00:05:05Does it hurt to keep him company a little while longer?
00:05:08You just lost the chance to be the lead in a commercial.
00:05:11How many condoms does it take to be a lead in a commercial?
00:05:14Your little stunt cost the company five million dollars.
00:05:19Can't wait for that demand check to come in.
00:05:25It was you two.
00:05:27Charles has nothing to do with this.
00:05:28So what?
00:05:29I need you to make the money for the company.
00:05:35I can prove that she seduced Charles and hired me to create a headline out of it.
00:05:46Let's stop acting rude to my girlfriend, shall we?
00:05:54You like to act, right?
00:05:56How about I give you a chance?
00:05:58Could be a win-win.
00:06:00Ruby is your girlfriend?
00:06:04What a joke.
00:06:06What'd you do to Charles?
00:06:09We've been together for about a month.
00:06:11That's right.
00:06:12So whatever false accusations you've made to Ruby tonight,
00:06:15my lawyer will hold you accountable for that.
00:06:20So, so sorry, Mr. Spike.
00:06:28Why'd you just step in for me?
00:06:31And what is this win-win situation, champ?
00:06:34You'll see.
00:06:37What is this win-win situation, champ?
00:06:41You'll see.
00:06:43Whoops, whoops.
00:06:45That's the Spikes, okay?
00:06:46That's his stepmom and stepuncle.
00:06:47How do you know that?
00:06:49I've read so much about them in the magazines.
00:06:52Charles, you know how important it is to your grandfather
00:06:57that you get married.
00:06:58When are you going to stop playing around
00:07:00and get serious about it?
00:07:03Well, actually, I'm quite sure I found the one.
00:07:06Well, Charles, I've never known you to show up with women
00:07:10at any event before.
00:07:13She's special.
00:07:15And I believe in us.
00:07:17Right, Ruby?
00:07:21I helped you, now it's time for you to return the favor.
00:07:26We were meant for each other.
00:07:29Well, Charles, I hope you're not just doing this
00:07:32to please your grandfather and secure the inheritance.
00:07:42Can we go talk in private?
00:07:54I'm really sorry for blaming you and for all the trouble.
00:08:00I mean, look, you were drunk,
00:08:03ended up in my room,
00:08:05and you kissed me on the red carpet.
00:08:07I have to say, it's quite surprising.
00:08:09But this is David's fault.
00:08:12No need for apologies.
00:08:16So you want to play the couple's game for the inheritance?
00:08:22I do.
00:08:23But I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.
00:08:26But why me?
00:08:28Can't you find someone more suitable?
00:08:32It's a long story.
00:08:34Anyway, thank you for your cooperation tonight.
00:08:39I'll contact you soon.
00:08:44So, Charles Spike,
00:08:47the eldest son of the Spike family,
00:08:49gunning for the family fortune,
00:08:51CEO at 24 for a luxury fashion brand,
00:08:54proves you hit the jackpot.
00:08:59I think I might need another drink before we can talk.
00:09:02I think you actually need to stop.
00:09:09Yesterday was unreal.
00:09:20Vera, what's up with the boxes?
00:09:26Vera, what's up with my stuff?
00:09:27It's gonna be at Charles's place,
00:09:29but we're excited you're awake.
00:09:32Hi, ma'am.
00:09:33I'm Edward, Mr. Spike's assistant.
00:09:36I'll be taking care of things while you two are living together.
00:09:38Living together?
00:09:39Why didn't I know about this, Vera?
00:09:41Because Charles just thought of it.
00:09:44He's being sweet.
00:09:45I'm just gushing about how tired you must be.
00:09:48I wanted to give you proper rest.
00:09:49Why are you speaking for him?
00:09:50Because he just hired me.
00:09:53Yeah, and we need to get you ready for set.
00:09:56I didn't get any notice about any sets.
00:09:58Oh my god, sure you did.
00:09:59You're gonna play the love interest of that rich guy, right?
00:10:01You guys signed a contract?
00:10:13Welcome home.
00:10:20You know, I'm on board with the whole lover act,
00:10:25but moving in together?
00:10:27It wasn't a part of our deal.
00:10:31Vera said you were on the verge of getting kicked out by her landlord.
00:10:35And I don't want another PR mess from my pretend girlfriend.
00:10:40Well, in that case, I'll cover my share of the rent.
00:10:46I'm afraid it's not any cheaper than your previous rent.
00:10:50Can I rent a room?
00:10:52Don't worry.
00:10:53The rent will be covered.
00:10:56Here is the contract and payment to one year deal.
00:11:09That's so much money!
00:11:12I mean, you're not hiding something, are you?
00:11:16I'm not, David.
00:11:18When you asked why I chose you, I said it was because you're special.
00:11:27You're a very good actress.
00:11:30Starting now, we'll be live-streaming our love life as a couple.
00:11:35Take a seat.
00:11:57I made you coffee.
00:11:59You woke up early to make coffee just for me.
00:12:01Well, I don't usually do that, but I made an exception for you.
00:12:08You don't have to change yourself to please me.
00:12:10You're unique, Ruby.
00:12:12I like you being you.
00:12:14Charles is nailing the acting game.
00:12:16I can't lose to him.
00:12:18Oh, you're so considerate, my sweet Chucky.
00:12:24Could you get me some cream?
00:12:26Yeah, of course.
00:12:32Where's the cream?
00:12:33Look harder.
00:12:41I just wanted to hug you.
00:12:44I love you so much.
00:12:46This is just for the show.
00:12:49Stop beating so fast.
00:12:52Okay, let's call it a wrap before Rube says a heart attack.
00:13:02You haven't touched your coffee.
00:13:04The ceramic cup has metal elements inside of it.
00:13:07When exposed to acid, they get released,
00:13:09making it unhealthy to drink acidic beverages like coffee.
00:13:12Sorry, I didn't know about the chemical thing.
00:13:15My father gifted me this mug.
00:13:17He made it himself.
00:13:20Ruby, I'm so sorry.
00:13:21No, it's nothing.
00:13:23It's not like we're a real couple.
00:13:26You're just my boss, and I'm just your employee.
00:13:31I'm just a boss to you?
00:13:35Sure do maintain those boundaries, I guess.
00:13:37Well, I'm just a struggling actress,
00:13:40and we live in completely different worlds.
00:13:43Different worlds?
00:13:45I don't think so.
00:13:47Guys, the live stream's working.
00:13:49There's 460k views.
00:13:52Wow, thank you, Vera.
00:13:55So, Charles, does going live really help you secure your inheritance?
00:14:01Oh, it absolutely does.
00:14:03I mean, the business value and exposure vital for the brand.
00:14:07And we need to pull in younger buyers,
00:14:09ditch the old school methods, and embrace the new ones.
00:14:12The only thing is that Ruby's actually getting a lot of hate comments.
00:14:15People are just trying to cancel you from stuff in the past.
00:14:21Yeah, it's been happening since we started the channel.
00:14:23Feels like someone's behind it.
00:14:28It's old David's people.
00:14:30He's been using the same strategy for years.
00:14:32He hires people to leave hateful comments.
00:14:34Now he wants me to pay for his losses too,
00:14:36because he doesn't sleep with that asshole producer.
00:14:39So what are you gonna do then?
00:14:42I'm gonna make him pay.
00:14:49How dare you show up here?
00:14:52I am here to end our contract.
00:14:54And you will cover my losses.
00:14:55In your dreams.
00:14:57Did you hire people to leave hateful comments on my social media?
00:15:00So what?
00:15:01Ruby, you're nothing without the company.
00:15:03Last chance.
00:15:05I will expose you if you do not apologize to me now.
00:15:09How naive that...
00:15:11You think you could bring me down?
00:15:13I won't.
00:15:15But the recording will.
00:15:19Don't touch her.
00:15:25Don't touch her.
00:15:32You're on her team?
00:15:33I don't mind kicking your little agency out of the business.
00:15:44Mr. President, our company has been acquired by Spike Group?
00:15:50You're going to fire me?
00:15:57What do you want from me, Mr. Spike?
00:16:00Just end the contract and end all your nonsense.
00:16:03Ruby, Ruby, I am so sorry.
00:16:05It's all my fault.
00:16:06Please let Mr. Spike get my job back.
00:16:08Publicly apologize to everyone you harmed and clear their names.
00:16:23I've never seen such fear on David's face.
00:16:26He's just using you to make money.
00:16:28You shouldn't trust people so blindly.
00:16:32Well, there are good people in the world.
00:16:34Like you.
00:16:38What exactly is good about me?
00:16:47What exactly is good about me?
00:16:53You're kind and you're much smarter than I thought.
00:17:01And you're trustworthy.
00:17:03I can rely on you.
00:17:04So, how about taking this kind and smart person to dinner?
00:17:15How about that famous French restaurant?
00:17:18Fine dining?
00:17:19I can't afford that right now.
00:17:23Maybe some other day?
00:17:24I'm not really hungry right now.
00:17:26What about that cake I made for you?
00:17:28As a famous actress, I'm supposed to be a good cook, right?
00:17:32As an actress, I'm supposed to watch after my weight.
00:17:36So, no to cakes.
00:17:42I'm starving.
00:17:44Why didn't Charles insist on eating the cake?
00:17:48So, you always say one thing and do another, huh?
00:18:04Looks like you're falling for me.
00:18:10I knew you'd get hungry.
00:18:11That's why I kept the cake.
00:18:14I didn't know you were a baker.
00:18:16My dad used to bake things for me.
00:18:20Six years ago, during the summer,
00:18:24I worked at a coffee shop.
00:18:28At a coffee shop?
00:18:29No, no, no.
00:18:31My family and I weren't on the best terms back then.
00:18:35So, I rented a small apartment in Long Beach and
00:18:37tried to make a living for myself.
00:18:39Oh, Long Beach.
00:18:42I used to live there with my family.
00:18:45I love that place a lot.
00:18:48Two bad things have changed since my parents died.
00:18:55I'm so sorry for your loss.
00:18:58I hope this can be a home for you.
00:19:02I really appreciate that.
00:19:04This is exactly the house I imagined when I moved to L.A.
00:19:16Oh, shit!
00:19:18I forgot to call Frederick back.
00:19:20He's the one who introduced me to Hollywood.
00:19:23I owe him this one.
00:19:24Knock, knock, knock.
00:19:32Are you alright?
00:19:34Oh my god, I forgot to call you.
00:19:36It's okay.
00:19:36What are you doing here?
00:19:42She doesn't seem comfortable with that.
00:19:43Why don't you give her some space?
00:19:46Showing up here the minute you land?
00:19:48That's not your style, little brother.
00:19:50Little brother?
00:19:51He didn't tell you his full name?
00:19:53Frederick Spike.
00:19:55Same dad, different moms.
00:20:01Yeah, are we soft?
00:20:04We're gonna find her.
00:20:05We're gonna move to 26.
00:20:07We are gonna go to this scene right here.
00:20:08And who do I have coming in?
00:20:11She could fill in for the supporting role who dropped out.
00:20:14What do you think?
00:20:15Yeah, she only has two lines,
00:20:17but she's got the rest of the scene memorized.
00:20:19I think she deserves a shot.
00:20:21Alright, I'll give her a try.
00:20:28Show them what you got.
00:20:30Frederick, of all people, gave me a chance.
00:20:33Winning the Best New Actor award with that short film,
00:20:35I thought I could proudly face him again.
00:20:37But who would have thought things would end up like this?
00:20:41Hey, you're not welcome here.
00:20:44Ruby, are the rumors true about you and Charles?
00:20:47Wait, are you two close?
00:20:50Yeah, yeah, we're close.
00:20:51I knew her before you did,
00:20:53and I know her a lot better than you do.
00:20:55Well, she's my girlfriend.
00:20:58Well, now that I'm back in LA,
00:20:59I have some opportunities for you.
00:21:01I'll send them through email, okay?
00:21:02Thank you so much.
00:21:04I'd love that.
00:21:05Maybe ease up on swinging by my place all the time.
00:21:07Don't worry.
00:21:08I'm not itching to see you either, brother.
00:21:10I'll see her in private.
00:21:12Hey, we're not gonna see her.
00:21:14Oh my god.
00:21:16Get home safe, okay?
00:21:19I'll see you soon.
00:21:37What are you doing here?
00:21:39Did Frederick tell you?
00:21:40This commercial has thrown a new brand in my company.
00:21:43So chilling here is a part of your job?
00:21:46Let's see.
00:21:47Hey, I'm supervising.
00:21:54Well, technically, he's my boss too.
00:21:59We talked about that.
00:22:01Anthony, this is a question for you.
00:22:02We're gonna need to...
00:22:07You seem to care a lot about how Frederick thinks you'll look.
00:22:09Stop being toxic.
00:22:12I have a purely professional relationship with my director.
00:22:22She's not good enough for Charles.
00:22:27Yeah, well, I like the product shots.
00:22:29I just think it would be like a little bit better, maybe,
00:22:31if we did some close-ups on me instead?
00:22:33No, yeah, we can get that in.
00:22:36Hey, everything okay?
00:22:38Yeah, I was just, uh...
00:22:40I was looking for a stylist.
00:22:42This dress is a little too long for me.
00:22:44The stylist's fault that it doesn't fit you?
00:22:46Oh my god.
00:22:47Why would you even say that?
00:22:48That's clearly not her fault.
00:22:50It's fine.
00:22:51I'll just find safety pins myself.
00:23:00Hey, has our lead actor arrived yet?
00:23:06That would be me.
00:23:14And cut!
00:23:20That was a perfect take, Ruby.
00:23:22Great job.
00:23:23Thanks to Charles.
00:23:25Okay, we are moving on to the swimming pool scene with Viola.
00:23:30Okay, let's get you changed.
00:23:33Oh, she's hot.
00:23:44Oh my god, Charles, you ran so fast.
00:23:50Glad you didn't fall in the pool.
00:23:55You know, you moved kind of fast.
00:23:57If I didn't know any better, I'd think you liked her.
00:24:00Shooting was delayed.
00:24:01That was the only reason why I did it.
00:24:06I like it, too.
00:24:07Okay, let's go eat.
00:24:09You know, you've been kind of distant since you got a girlfriend.
00:24:16We don't know each other that well.
00:24:30Hey, how was your day?
00:24:33Ruby, you know, I was surprised to hear that you were going to get married.
00:24:37Ruby, you know, I was surprised to hear that you were with Charles.
00:24:40Also worried, too.
00:24:44Well, when he turned down all those arranged marriages,
00:24:45I thought it was because he was waiting for Viola to get back from abroad.
00:24:49It actually turns out that my grandpa didn't want them to be together.
00:24:56Thank you for telling me.
00:24:58Anyways, I've got a new film project if you're interested in auditioning.
00:25:03Yeah, I would love that.
00:25:06You're the best.
00:25:07You deserve this.
00:25:11I wish I could have this contract thing with Frederick.
00:25:14He's just so thoughtful.
00:25:29Why don't you tell me that you two have met before?
00:25:31I've been searching for her for six years.
00:25:35Hoping she remembers me.
00:25:38She doesn't even recognize me.
00:25:42I want to wait until she can.
00:25:46Is she worth it?
00:25:48To me, she is.
00:26:27You're weird.
00:26:31I know.
00:26:37Do you think I'm weird?
00:26:40Ruby, you're one of a kind.
00:26:47Charles, you don't have to be nice to me when we're not going live.
00:26:51Ruby, what will it take to get you to remember me?
00:26:56Remember you?
00:26:57Remember you?
00:26:59You remember me?
00:27:01Remember you?
00:27:06Never mind, it's a joke.
00:27:10Okay, um...
00:27:12I put together a contract of my own.
00:27:15To make our life together easier.
00:27:18During our time together,
00:27:20outside of film-related activities and public appearances,
00:27:24we shall refrain from physical contact while in private.
00:27:29You think I'm some kind of pervert?
00:27:31No! Please, don't get me wrong.
00:27:35So you're worried you might fall for me?
00:27:38We both want to stay out of trouble.
00:27:40I'm not worried about you.
00:27:42I'm worried about you.
00:27:44You might fall for me.
00:27:45We both want to stay out of trouble.
00:27:48And we don't want to get involved into each other's personal lives.
00:27:54You have a personal life?
00:27:57Sort of.
00:27:58So, Frederick, is that why you've been keeping your distance from me?
00:28:01Well, I'm not getting involved into your and Viola's life.
00:28:06So stay out of mine, too.
00:28:07Viola and I are just acquaintances.
00:28:10Okay, I don't care.
00:28:11I'm not getting involved.
00:28:23Good job, Ruby.
00:28:25You just keep your boundaries up,
00:28:28and you're not gonna fall for him anymore.
00:28:42I'm gonna be late.
00:28:45Charles, could you help me with the zipper?
00:28:52Damn it.
00:28:53I'll be so late for my audition.
00:28:57The contract clearly states no physical contact.
00:29:00And now you want me to help you with your zipper?
00:29:03Please, please.
00:29:03I'm so late.
00:29:15How'd you get injured?
00:29:16We were shitting a commercial, remember?
00:29:19I had to pin my dress and cut myself.
00:29:23It's okay, it's just a small cut.
00:29:28I won't let that happen to you again.
00:29:35It's amazing.
00:29:42I mean the dress.
00:29:45It lives up to the reputation of the famous Italian designer I hired to make it.
00:29:52On behalf of the dress, I would like to thank you for the compliment.
00:29:59I'll drive you to the audition.
00:30:01It'll be faster.
00:30:09Work's important, but don't forget to have breakfast on time, all right?
00:30:20Why are you staring at me?
00:30:22You jealous Ruby's my girlfriend?
00:30:24On a film set.
00:30:25She's under the director's management.
00:30:28Make sure she comes back safe and sound after today's filming, all right?
00:30:33You keep arguing, I get an audition.
00:30:41Okay, these are our two actresses auditioning today.
00:30:44Viola and Ruby.
00:30:46Based on their performance, we will decide who is fitting for the lead role.
00:30:49You rolling?
00:30:52Are we doing monologues?
00:30:53No, you'll be reading with me today.
00:30:56Good luck, Rubes.
00:30:59I hope.
00:31:01Okay, Ruby.
00:31:02On your own time, whenever you're ready.
00:31:14We take one minute to get to know somebody,
00:31:17one hour to like them,
00:31:20and just a day to fall in love.
00:31:24But in the end, it takes a lifetime to forget them.
00:31:31Do you remember me?
00:31:34Sorry, miss.
00:31:40And then scene.
00:31:43Thank you.
00:31:44Oh my god, Rubes.
00:31:45That was incredible.
00:31:46I'm obsessed with you.
00:31:48Not much to be obsessed with.
00:31:49I mean, that must have been so easy acting with fabric, right?
00:31:53I mean, I'd be honored if that was true.
00:31:57Thank you.
00:32:00Good job.
00:32:02Viola, are you ready?
00:32:03Yeah, just five minutes.
00:32:11I, um, I've been looking for my assistant everywhere and I cannot find her.
00:32:15I have to audition next and I don't know, but I'm very worried about her.
00:32:20Do you think you could check the warehouse and see if maybe she's in there?
00:32:25Sure, yeah.
00:32:27Good luck.
00:32:28Thank you.
00:32:42Is anyone here?
00:33:04Glad to collaborate with you in the future, Mr. Spike.
00:33:07Well, you should know I only work with well-known brands.
00:33:10You have a keen eye for choosing me.
00:33:13I appreciate your confidence.
00:33:15Let's see what we can achieve together.
00:33:19Mr. Spike, for dinner tonight?
00:33:21Reschedule it for me, please.
00:33:23I need to go pick up Ruby.
00:33:37Anybody know where Ruby is?
00:33:40I don't know, but it's been like three hours.
00:33:44Maybe she just got nervous and left.
00:33:48Or maybe she's putting on airs.
00:33:51No, Ruby would never bail on her responsibility.
00:33:53She's a professional.
00:33:54You know, there's no way she left.
00:33:56Her phone is still here and she wouldn't just leave the audition.
00:34:05Is anyone here?
00:34:08Oh my god, it's Josephine.
00:34:19I got you.
00:34:20I got you.
00:34:21I got you.
00:34:28Oh my god.
00:34:34Ruby, what happened?
00:34:35Are you all right?
00:34:35I told you to keep her safe and sound, didn't I?
00:34:37I don't know what happened, okay?
00:34:40This is my fault.
00:34:41How did she end up locked in a warehouse and no one noticed?
00:34:44I don't know, Charles.
00:34:45That lock has been broken for ages.
00:34:47No one uses that warehouse.
00:34:48She's claustrophobic, Frederick.
00:34:55Is the audition over?
00:34:56Oh my god, we were worried sick about you.
00:34:59You had us waiting forever.
00:35:01How selfish can you be?
00:35:03I'm really sorry.
00:35:05Do you think I can still do this?
00:35:07It's not your fault, Grooves.
00:35:09I have evidence that Ruby is innocent.
00:35:13And Viola framed her.
00:35:16This video clearly states that Viola led Ruby to her assistant in the warehouse.
00:35:23But she didn't think that the cameras was going to be keep rolling, did you?
00:35:31But she didn't think that the cameras was going to be keep rolling, did you?
00:35:38How was I supposed to know that she was going to go in there?
00:35:41I mean, it was a joke.
00:35:43It wasn't really funny.
00:35:45Can she have another opportunity?
00:35:48It wasn't her fault.
00:35:49But we're running out of time today.
00:35:53Look, as an apology, I'd like to offer you another opportunity, Ruby.
00:35:59Thank you so much.
00:36:00I'll go get ready.
00:36:02Wait, Ruby.
00:36:04Are you okay?
00:36:05Can you do this?
00:36:07It's all I ever wanted.
00:36:13Okay, it's safe to say that the entire production team is in agreement that Viola,
00:36:19congratulations, you got the role.
00:36:22Thank you, guys.
00:36:23You made the right choice.
00:36:25Thank you, Frederick.
00:36:25I can't wait to work with you.
00:36:27Of course.
00:36:28However, we also want to offer Ruby the supporting role.
00:36:32Still a crucial part.
00:36:38We also want to offer Ruby the supporting role.
00:36:40Still a crucial part.
00:36:43Oh, my God.
00:36:44Oh, my God, Rubes.
00:36:45I'm so sorry.
00:36:46You totally deserve the lead.
00:36:48But I got a role in a movie!
00:36:51You were right, Frederick.
00:36:53I'm sure Ruby will become a great actress.
00:36:55Yes, she will.
00:37:01These are for you.
00:37:02Oh, where'd you get them?
00:37:05They're for your courage and effort.
00:37:06No matter the obstacle.
00:37:09I love them.
00:37:11And I'll cook for you tonight, too.
00:37:14I'm your brother, and I've never tried your cooking.
00:37:17Keep dreaming, bro.
00:37:20Let's go.
00:37:31Why do you and Frederick hate each other?
00:37:34Well, my father had him while still married to my mom.
00:37:37And then shortly after he married Catherine, my mom passed away.
00:37:41Then my father also died.
00:37:43So, all that to say, Frederick and his mom have always felt like a curse to me.
00:37:50I'm sorry I asked.
00:37:52No, I mean, I know it's not Frederick's fault.
00:37:55It's just...
00:37:57I felt like we've always naturally hated each other.
00:37:59And there will come a day when we have a battle for the honor.
00:38:03And inheritance.
00:38:05I didn't know any of this.
00:38:12I'm sure it will be all right.
00:38:15If you're feeling sorry for me, hold my hand a little longer.
00:38:24How did you know I was claustrophobic?
00:38:26Lucky guess.
00:38:28Favor's on my side.
00:38:30Okay, Mr. Mysterious.
00:38:39Bruce, take a look at your social media account.
00:38:43I took a video of Charles rescuing you from that warehouse and everyone's obsessed with it.
00:38:48The crew shared it online.
00:38:49The views are insanely high.
00:38:50Also, everyone loves your acting.
00:38:55Why don't you check your email?
00:39:03I'm getting all these invitations from directors and brands.
00:39:07I can't believe this.
00:39:16I'm getting all these invitations from directors and brands.
00:39:20I can't believe this.
00:39:27You deserve the best, Ruby.
00:39:29This means a lot to me.
00:39:34Oh, uh, Vera?
00:39:36Is she still waiting?
00:39:37I'm gonna go to my room.
00:39:42Ruby, what happened?
00:39:44I almost kissed Charles!
00:39:46And then I panicked and left.
00:39:48What? Did he say anything?
00:39:50No, I think he's still seeing that actress, Viola.
00:39:54Rubes, I hate to say this.
00:39:55Despite Charles appearing like a nice guy on camera, he's kind of a playboy.
00:40:00So don't be fooled by his acting.
00:40:04Oh my god, I have to go.
00:40:07Come in!
00:40:10Favor to ask.
00:40:11There's a special event tomorrow.
00:40:13Keep your afternoon free for me.
00:40:15An event?
00:40:16My stepmother and uncle are having a banquet.
00:40:19You've met them before.
00:40:22Do I need to dress up?
00:40:24You do, but I heard Edward order the finest couture for you.
00:40:28Charles, I don't need you to do more for me than what's in the contract.
00:40:32I'm already getting paid.
00:40:35Does it bother you that I treat you this way?
00:40:37Yeah, it does.
00:40:41Thank you for letting me know.
00:40:43I will not be doing as you say.
00:40:48I'm the boss.
00:40:49I'll let you worry on my behalf for a little longer,
00:40:51as I've been concerned about you for an even longer time.
00:40:55You owe me this one.
00:41:01What does he mean?
00:41:05Has been worried about me for an even longer time.
00:41:22You look amazing today, Ruby.
00:41:23Thank you, Frederick.
00:41:25Ah, Trois Plans Mondo.
00:41:34Ruby, what do you think of it?
00:41:46Yeah, Trois Plans Mondo.
00:41:48Well, one should be able to recognize the nuances of a 2010 Chateau Trois Plans Mondo.
00:41:56Particularly the hints of blackcurrant and truffle.
00:42:03It's disappointing to see someone so uninformed.
00:42:05Catherine, I hope you can show some respect to my girlfriend.
00:42:10I'm sorry, Ruby.
00:42:12Forgive me for not beating around the bush.
00:42:15Oh, Charles, stop being a buzzkid.
00:42:18Your mother and I have brought you a surprise.
00:42:25Oh, Charles, stop being a buzzkid.
00:42:28Your mother and I have brought you a surprise.
00:42:39What's up, Tim?
00:42:39You've forgotten your birthday, Charles.
00:42:43How could I have slipped my mind?
00:42:45What a great surprise, Ethan.
00:42:48Ruby, don't tell me that you're unaware that today is Charles's birthday.
00:42:55Oh, why don't you make it up to Charles by giving him a bite?
00:43:08Happy birthday!
00:43:18Ha ha.
00:43:21Let's get out of here.
00:43:32He's just as emotional and naive as he was six years ago.
00:43:36Frederick, it appears that Charles is not your rival after all.
00:43:41Okay, that's enough.
00:43:42How could you two do that?
00:43:45What did we do wrong?
00:43:46You know that he's allergic to chocolate, yet you still had him eat it.
00:43:50This is more than a birthday for Charles.
00:43:52You intentionally made him look bad in front of Ruby.
00:43:55Their relationship is just a facade.
00:43:58She clearly knows nothing about him.
00:44:01You know what? Don't bring everyone into your little family feud.
00:44:04Frederick, everything I do is for you.
00:44:08Now, it's time to put an end to this absurd Hollywood adventure
00:44:12and come back to the family business.
00:44:17It's good to know I'm such a disappointment to you, Mom.
00:44:30Are you feeling all right?
00:44:32Look, I'm sorry I didn't know it was your birthday.
00:44:35I wish I could have gotten you some...
00:44:36Just leave me alone.
00:44:42I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a jerk.
00:44:45I'm just tired and need some rest.
00:45:11Mr. Spike, I rang you like 11 times. Are you okay?
00:45:14Don't worry. I'm fine.
00:45:15Why did you eat that cake when you knew it had chocolate?
00:45:18Was it for Ruby?
00:45:18Just don't let her know, okay?
00:45:20I'm on my way. You need to go to the hospital.
00:45:31Oh, my God.
00:45:32Rubes, have you read the news?
00:45:33People magazine, fake live stream.
00:45:35Ruby and Charles are just putting on a show.
00:45:37Who released this?
00:45:38Insiders spilled the tea on Ruby's relationship with Charles.
00:45:41Rumor has it she doesn't remember his birthday,
00:45:43doesn't know about his allergy,
00:45:44and she'll do whatever it takes to get fame and attention.
00:45:46Also, somebody took a picture of you guys at the banquet.
00:45:49Probably a maid.
00:45:51I hope it doesn't ruin his business.
00:45:52It's going to be fine, okay?
00:45:54I have connections at the next show.
00:45:55We're going to get you on.
00:45:57You're going to clear the rumors.
00:45:59Vera, what if we just launch a statement?
00:46:01I can't be his girlfriend on the show.
00:46:04Because I don't even know him.
00:46:05I didn't know what's worse.
00:46:07I started to like him.
00:46:09Rubes, you're going to be fine.
00:46:12We're going to fix everything, okay?
00:46:14You're going to go on the next show.
00:46:16And I promise you, everything's going to be okay.
00:46:27This news has hit our subsidiary companies hard.
00:46:30Do we know if the news was leaked by someone from Catherine's side?
00:46:33Our sources say yes.
00:46:34We're contacting all of our industry connections to downplay the news.
00:46:38Let the gossip fade away.
00:46:40In addition, we have to go to France.
00:46:42I'm afraid for a business trip.
00:46:48Evanna booked us for the next show on Friday.
00:46:50Can you make it?
00:46:52I actually have to head abroad on Wednesday.
00:46:54You know, this show could really help us dissolve the rumors.
00:46:58I'm sorry, but I can't.
00:47:00I have to go to France.
00:47:01I have to go to France.
00:47:02I have to go to France.
00:47:02I have to go to France.
00:47:03I have to go to France.
00:47:04Sorry, but this trip is crucial.
00:47:07I can't make any promises.
00:47:11Don't stress about it, though, okay?
00:47:14I'll manage everything.
00:47:15It's just a setup by Catherine.
00:47:19By Catherine?
00:47:23I haven't celebrated my birthday in eight years.
00:47:26It's the same day my mother passed away.
00:47:34So Catherine goes out of her way to hurt you?
00:47:39Look, about the show...
00:47:40No, no, no, no.
00:47:41Don't worry.
00:47:42You do the business.
00:47:43I'll handle the show.
00:47:47I mean it.
00:47:48I know how important this is to you.
00:47:57The next show is usually filmed at the studio.
00:48:00Why or how is this time?
00:48:02Probably because it's juicier for the audience
00:48:05to see what you and Charles are like behind closed doors.
00:48:10That's tricky.
00:48:12Yeah, but you got it.
00:48:14I believe in you.
00:48:27Nice to see you again, Ruby.
00:48:36I wanted to come and visit for a while,
00:48:38but Nick happens to be an old friend of mine,
00:48:40and when he told me you were doing the show today,
00:48:42I decided to join.
00:48:44I hope that's all right.
00:48:46Of course.
00:48:47Something for the lady of the house?
00:48:49Thank you.
00:48:51I've got some things to prepare,
00:48:53but please help yourself.
00:48:56I won't interrupt your work.
00:48:58Okay, time to start.
00:49:05Thank you, Ruby.
00:49:07I can feel that you are totally in love.
00:49:11Isn't that obvious?
00:49:15Now, would it be possible for us to get some footage
00:49:17of your and Charles's bedroom?
00:49:20I think our audience would be interested in some real tea.
00:49:23Dammit, I've never been in, say, Charles's bedroom.
00:49:26There's absolutely no evidence of me living there.
00:49:29This is a question of privacy for both me and Charles.
00:49:32I don't think I should be making this decision,
00:49:36while he's away.
00:49:37No, Ruby.
00:49:38Nick is just playing it up for the audience.
00:49:40After all, there's nothing to hide, right?
00:49:43Come on, everybody.
00:49:44Upstairs, this way.
00:49:54Did I show you elsewhere?
00:49:58A garden?
00:49:59Charles and I spend all of our time there.
00:50:02Nick, we did not discuss this.
00:50:04Well, this is what's more authentic for the audience, right?
00:50:11Uncle Ethan, isn't it a bit rude
00:50:15to barge into my bedroom without my consent?
00:50:17Charles, you're back.
00:50:20Ruby's been looking forward to this show.
00:50:22How could I possibly miss it?
00:50:24I'm so sorry, but it is wonderful to have you both here.
00:50:30Let's carry on with the show in the living room.
00:50:36Oh, looks like someone has a serious case of cuddlitis.
00:50:43I want to clear something up about the birthday
00:50:45chocolate cake that I had.
00:50:47Ruby's always had a sweet tooth,
00:50:49always craving chocolate,
00:50:51and I didn't want to stress her out.
00:50:54I kept that little secret from her.
00:50:57Sorry for making you wait so long.
00:51:02Thank you.
00:51:05And thank you for coming.
00:51:06It's going to be a great show.
00:51:11What a show!
00:51:14Care to explain what brings you here?
00:51:16I was just worried that the false accusations
00:51:19might harm you, Ruby, and the family negatively.
00:51:23It is my duty as a Spike to protect the family.
00:51:26If you dare show up by her side again,
00:51:28you won't get another cent of the family business.
00:51:32Don't be too confident, nephew.
00:51:42I didn't know you were going to be here for the next show.
00:51:44Couldn't let you do all this alone.
00:51:46I finished three days of work in one
00:51:48and bought the earliest ticket I could.
00:51:51What about the rest of your trip?
00:51:54Edward's probably pretty upset.
00:51:57I should head to the airport.
00:51:59I'll be back on Thursday.
00:52:0923 Alpha, take five, mark.
00:52:12And camera set.
00:52:13And action!
00:52:16What's this all just to get back at me?
00:52:20We were together since I was 15.
00:52:23You made me who I am now.
00:52:25We were meant to be together.
00:52:27And now you're marrying my assistant?
00:52:29It's a matter between us.
00:52:31And why did you have to hurt Eunice?
00:52:33Because I wanted you to feel the pain I felt.
00:52:43Ruby, there should be hatred in your eyes.
00:52:47Right now it's reading more like disbelief.
00:52:48Um, sorry.
00:52:50I... I'm disinterested.
00:52:52No, it's fine.
00:52:53Just why don't you take five?
00:52:55I'm fine.
00:52:55I can bring it out next take.
00:52:58Yeah, for sure.
00:53:00All right, back to one.
00:53:02Picture up.
00:53:03Is she good?
00:53:03She's good on last looks?
00:53:08Hey, we're almost done.
00:53:09Are you okay?
00:53:11I'm just a little tired from all the night shooting I've done.
00:53:14I bet.
00:53:15It's kind of funny how it's also about a contract marriage.
00:53:19What a weird coincidence.
00:53:21Uh, I also checked your Instagram.
00:53:23You got 500k from doing the Nick show.
00:53:26That's cool.
00:53:26I know.
00:53:29I mean, getting famous is kind of fun.
00:53:32I'm just a little worried now because
00:53:35more followers means more drama when we break up.
00:53:37And we will break up.
00:53:49He went through all the trouble to find a designer to custom make that beautiful piece of art.
00:54:02Such a shame to waste it on her.
00:54:05How is it that I always run into you even when I'm traveling abroad?
00:54:11I'm attending a fashion show.
00:54:14Keep your distance from me.
00:54:16I don't want to be involved in any more drama or gossip.
00:54:25Clearly he actually cares about you if he flew all the way down to see your show.
00:54:29Or he just flew down here for his business.
00:54:32He's trying to cover all the rumors.
00:54:35Things are good there.
00:54:36That's ridiculous.
00:54:37You should just call him and ask him on a real date.
00:54:41Real date?
00:54:42A real date.
00:54:45Call him.
00:54:50Call him.
00:54:56Hey, it's me.
00:54:57Everything good?
00:54:58Yeah, I just wanted to ask you when you're landing today
00:55:01and maybe you wanted to hang out, uh, have a dinner.
00:55:06I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me.
00:55:09That Polaris necklace is my favorite.
00:55:12I got held up on something.
00:55:14I'll be home in a few more days.
00:55:16Ruby, you really shouldn't have expected too much from Charles.
00:55:20Okay, that's fine.
00:55:21Uh, I'm not gonna bother you.
00:55:24He's in France.
00:55:27I heard Mariela's voice.
00:55:29No, like actually?
00:55:38You've had a rough day.
00:55:39This should help with redness.
00:55:41Thanks, Frederick.
00:55:43I'm gonna call it a night.
00:55:46Thank you, Vera.
00:55:51You still dwelling on that scene?
00:55:54I'm just a bit tired today.
00:55:58Some food could help.
00:55:59I know a good restaurant.
00:56:01Is it expensive?
00:56:05Actually, I know just the place.
00:56:06I have an idea.
00:56:08Let's go.
00:56:18Are we having crafty for lunch?
00:56:20It's a picnic.
00:56:22We're going to one of my favorite spots in LA.
00:56:24It's a secret spot, so don't tell anybody about it.
00:56:28Also, my father used to own a coffee shop,
00:56:30so I know how to make these taste amazing.
00:56:33I love it.
00:56:39Is it tiring being an actor?
00:56:40No, not at all.
00:56:43I always wanted to be an actress.
00:56:46What about being Charles' girlfriend?
00:56:49Um, Charles.
00:56:52He is great.
00:56:55Just a little busy sometimes.
00:56:57Listen, Ruby.
00:56:59I could give you everything that Charles does.
00:57:01Even better.
00:57:05I'm sorry.
00:57:06You don't have to give me an answer now.
00:57:08I don't want you to feel any pressure.
00:57:11Just think about it, okay?
00:57:15Let's go.
00:57:20I just love LA's skyline.
00:57:23It's like a reward after a work to come out and see this.
00:57:28It'd be even more stunning from a mountaintop.
00:57:30A mountaintop?
00:57:37What are you thinking about right now?
00:57:43What are you thinking about right now?
00:57:48Six years ago, I met someone really, really special
00:57:53on a mountaintop.
00:57:55And it was during a really dark time in my life.
00:58:02And he saved me.
00:58:05What happened back then?
00:58:06I don't talk about that stuff.
00:58:10One thing I know for sure is
00:58:12I do wish I knew who he was.
00:58:17That I could find him and say thank you.
00:58:21I hope he's living a good little life somewhere.
00:58:23Don't do it.
00:58:41Sir, would you like to get out?
00:58:46Let me talk to Mike for a minute.
00:58:50I'll call you back.
00:58:53Take the wheel.
00:58:54Well, shall we?
00:58:56We shall.
00:58:58Is that Charles' car?
00:59:13I thought you weren't friends.
00:59:18I thought you weren't friends.
00:59:20I couldn't wait to see you, so I rushed over here
00:59:22as soon as I could.
00:59:25It's our dinner date, still valid.
00:59:28Ruby and I are going on a picnic.
00:59:33Let's invite Frederick to our house, yeah?
00:59:35He'll be our guest.
00:59:36If you don't mind.
00:59:38What do you think?
00:59:40You know, Charles, Ruby doesn't always
00:59:41have to be right by your side.
00:59:43You could let her be with her friend.
00:59:44Yeah, I'm fully aware Ruby can mingle with whoever she wants.
00:59:47Just not with you.
00:59:49Please don't do that.
00:59:52Let's go to Charles' house, hm?
00:59:56We'll have fun.
00:59:57Come on.
01:00:11Let me help you with your apron.
01:00:14Thank you.
01:00:20Ruby, do you have a Band-Aid?
01:00:22Oh, my god.
01:00:31It's fine.
01:00:32It's a small cut.
01:00:34I thought you were in pain.
01:00:38Well, admittedly, I just wanted some alone time with you.
01:00:42I don't want Frederick to get too close.
01:00:46What should I do?
01:00:48Well, you should stay here until dinner
01:00:51and do not come into the kitchen.
01:00:55Well, because Frederick and I know how to cook.
01:00:58And you don't.
01:01:08Cheers to Ruby for giving us a chance to share
01:01:11a meal at your house, brother.
01:01:17The first time, also the last time, my dear brother.
01:01:22Whenever the two meet, it's a war.
01:01:36I hate you, Frederick.
01:01:39I don't like you either.
01:01:43Take Frederick home.
01:01:45Take good care of Charles.
01:01:46Thanks, Ed.
01:01:56Come on.
01:01:59Where's Frederick?
01:02:00He's going home.
01:02:04He shouldn't drive.
01:02:06He's drunk.
01:02:07Edward is taking him.
01:02:10Take care of our Frederick.
01:02:12That's nice.
01:02:17How about you stay with me a little longer?
01:02:20I've really missed you.
01:02:27Because I love you.
01:02:28Charles, you are drunk.
01:02:33I am not drunk.
01:02:35No, we are a contract couple.
01:02:38You and I, no, your feelings for me are an illusion.
01:02:43Are you mad at me?
01:02:44No, I can't be mad at you.
01:02:48I mean, you invite me to dinner.
01:02:50Then you invite Frederick.
01:02:51I mean, it's like kind of confusing.
01:02:53And you buy necklaces for Viola.
01:02:57You're jealous.
01:02:59You care about me, don't you?
01:03:00I heard her on the phone.
01:03:02She was with you.
01:03:09Charles, do you know what you're doing?
01:03:15Of course I do.
01:03:40Good night.
01:03:45Good night.
01:04:08Drink some water.
01:04:09It's good for the hangover.
01:04:10I'm off to the set.
01:04:15How could I have fallen asleep?
01:04:19So we're moving on to the ending scene.
01:04:21This is crucial for the story, OK?
01:04:23Are you ready, Ruby?
01:04:26You feeling good?
01:04:28We need genuine emotion, OK?
01:04:30Sorry, Frederick.
01:04:31The kissing scene has been requested to be removed.
01:04:34What the?
01:04:35By who?
01:04:36The executive producer, Mr. Charles Spike.
01:04:39Why change the script all of a sudden?
01:04:42Sometimes an open ending is more intriguing.
01:04:45Am I right, Ruby?
01:04:46Why do I feel like he's talking about what
01:04:48happened last night?
01:04:52Charles, the script was finalized.
01:04:55We're doing the kiss.
01:04:56Kissing isn't even the main point of the movie.
01:04:58No, it's not.
01:04:59It's not.
01:05:00It's not.
01:05:01It's not.
01:05:02It's not.
01:05:03It's not.
01:05:04It's not.
01:05:05It's not.
01:05:06It's not.
01:05:07It's not.
01:05:08No, I'm the director, OK?
01:05:09I think I understand the story more than you.
01:05:11Yeah, and I'm the investor.
01:05:13And I have a much better understanding of how
01:05:14to actually make this profitable.
01:05:16I say we delete the scene, leave the suspense.
01:05:19It's on Charles.
01:05:21Do you want to celebrate your first draft?
01:05:24All right.
01:05:25Let's do what Charles said.
01:05:26Come on.
01:05:32Congratulations, Ruby.
01:05:34Thank you.
01:05:38So you're the producer now.
01:05:41Why didn't you tell me?
01:05:44Let's go to the wrap party.
01:05:47We should totally get drunk tonight.
01:05:58All right, Ruby.
01:06:01There we go.
01:06:15What did you just call me?
01:06:18I'm sorry I lost your number.
01:06:22I've been meaning to see you in L.A., but I just...
01:06:26I couldn't find you.
01:06:30You remembered me all this time.
01:06:55What are you doing in my study?
01:06:57Mr. Stiles.
01:06:59What are you doing in my study?
01:07:01Mr. Spike.
01:07:03Some cleaning needed to be done.
01:07:05Do not come in here without my permission.
01:07:08I won't.
01:07:29Oh, crap.
01:07:32They lie to everyone indeed.
01:07:46Good job.
01:07:49Here's your pay.
01:07:59I just emailed you some photos.
01:08:01Make a big deal out of them.
01:08:03Give them as much exposure as you can.
01:08:05This scandal will also impact the Spike group.
01:08:08Are you sure you want to do this?
01:08:10I'll break with Charles as cleanly as possible.
01:08:13I'll make sure the board sees he's unfit for the CEO position.
01:08:16I see.
01:08:23Catherine, from what I know,
01:08:25Ruby is the one behind all this.
01:08:29Ruby is Frederick's friend.
01:08:31And she's acting in his new film.
01:08:33So what?
01:08:35Aren't you worried that when Frederick finds out what you've done,
01:08:38he might turn against us?
01:08:40Ethan, she's a small-time actress.
01:08:43There are tons of them in Hollywood.
01:08:45I don't care.
01:08:59Rubes, guess what?
01:09:01A friend of mine attended the same university as Charles,
01:09:04and they found an old pic of him.
01:09:06I'm so hungover.
01:09:08Can you just let me sleep?
01:09:10It's kind of funny that he looks this way six years ago.
01:09:13You can't miss it.
01:09:15I'm sending you a pic right now.
01:09:29Charles is Noah?
01:09:44Don't do it.
01:09:51Can I ask why you wanted to take your own life?
01:09:55I came to L.A. to become an actress
01:09:57and help my father with his debt.
01:09:59He died.
01:10:05See that Polaris star?
01:10:10Your father's watching over you from there.
01:10:12And I know he wants to see your dreams come true.
01:10:16So don't ever try to take your own life again.
01:10:20My name's Noah.
01:10:22I actually have a friend in L.A.
01:10:25He's casting actors.
01:10:29You call him, he'll introduce you to the industry.
01:10:33Why are you doing this for me?
01:10:37Because I'm confident you'll succeed.
01:10:40And then when you get to L.A.,
01:10:42you can repay me.
01:10:44Charles told me that he cared about me
01:10:46for longer than I did for him.
01:10:48It all makes sense now.
01:10:51I just wish I recognized him earlier.
01:10:53So, have you figured out how to plan your grand reunion?
01:10:58Satchel Plaza!
01:11:00We were supposed to go there together.
01:11:02Maybe I'll surprise him there.
01:11:04So romantic.
01:11:09I'm sorry.
01:11:11So romantic.
01:11:15Okay. Yeah.
01:11:17I'll wait for you there.
01:11:20So, are you going to tell her the truth?
01:11:24Every year, I'd wait for her at the Central Plaza.
01:11:28Now I know she hasn't forgotten Noah.
01:11:30And my heart tells me.
01:11:37I don't have to wait anymore.
01:11:41I'm sorry.
01:11:56Someone exposed my contract?
01:12:01We're in serious trouble, Ruby.
01:12:03All your gigs got canceled.
01:12:05Look, it's Ruby.
01:12:07Don't dare shoot here in public after all this.
01:12:10I feel lucky.
01:12:23Ruby, where are you?
01:12:33The company accounts lost a million followers.
01:12:36They must be sad.
01:12:38Is that important?
01:12:40The Spike Group's valuation has gone down by two billion.
01:12:43Whatever. Have you found Ruby?
01:12:45Why is that important?
01:12:47Without Ruby's help, the value wouldn't have gone up by two billion in the first place.
01:12:54Vera said that she couldn't reach out to her.
01:12:56I'm checking all main routes in and out of Los Angeles.
01:12:59Airports included.
01:13:01If anything comes up, I will let you know.
01:13:03She must be hiding somewhere.
01:13:05Enduring this alone.
01:13:08I ruined his business.
01:13:12I can't be with him anymore.
01:13:16Spike's value has dropped by two billion.
01:13:19J Group demands a truthful announcement about the CEO's recent love affair.
01:13:23Or they will terminate cooperation, exacerbating the current crisis.
01:13:27We will find Ruby.
01:13:29But we have to address these losses.
01:13:33I'll legal draft up an announcement.
01:13:35I will not give up on Ruby.
01:13:38Go find out who leaked that contract.
01:13:49Because of your scandal, the company is facing losses in the billions.
01:13:53Ethan, I'll take care of it ASAP, okay?
01:13:55Charles, with this huge loss,
01:13:57if you can't restore our reputation before tomorrow,
01:14:00the board will relieve you of your title.
01:14:03I can't burden him any longer.
01:14:15Ruby, you're driving me crazy.
01:14:17You are not alone.
01:14:19I'll take care of everything.
01:14:21Poor thing, you finally picked up.
01:14:23Where are you hiding and feeling sorry for yourself?
01:14:29Charles' actions caused a huge drop in the stock price.
01:14:32The board may strip him of his right to inherit the family business.
01:14:35Thank you for letting me know.
01:14:37Charles meant well.
01:14:39I'm sorry.
01:14:41I'm sorry.
01:14:43I'm sorry.
01:14:45I'm sorry.
01:14:47I'm sorry.
01:14:49Thank you for letting me know.
01:14:51Charles messed up. He'll face consequences.
01:14:53To stop the group's losses,
01:14:55you're a clever girl and you know what you need to do.
01:14:57Take full responsibility and leave L.A.
01:15:05You gotta see this.
01:15:09I am truly sorry for her.
01:15:15I am truly sorry for everything that happened.
01:15:19The lie started with me,
01:15:21so it's going to end here too.
01:15:25I apologize for lying to Charles and everyone else.
01:15:31Becoming an actress has always been my dream.
01:15:35Unfortunately, I didn't make it.
01:15:39I lied to Charles and made him sign the contract.
01:15:41My dream has come to an end,
01:15:43but my life hasn't.
01:15:48Awesome. Thank you.
01:15:50Have a good day.
01:15:52I'm stepping away from the industry
01:15:54and I'll start all over again from the beginning.
01:15:56Thank you for your love and support.
01:16:00Start all over from the beginning?
01:16:06I know where Ruby is.
01:16:12It's me.
01:16:16Hi. I'm Noah.
01:16:22Did you think I forgot who you are?
01:16:26I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.
01:16:30Why did you try to do everything all by yourself?
01:16:33Promise me you won't do that again, okay?
01:16:35We'll face it together.
01:16:47Catherine, you need to see this.
01:16:53I've had a crush on Ruby for the past six years.
01:16:57I'm sorry.
01:16:59I've had a crush on Ruby for the past six years.
01:17:03And I finally found her not too long ago.
01:17:05I wasn't sure if she would
01:17:07still like me or even remember me.
01:17:11I didn't have the courage to reveal who I was.
01:17:15that's what happened.
01:17:17Our plan failed.
01:17:19The stock price climbed back up.
01:17:21In fact, it's two percent higher.
01:17:23The lovebirds.
01:17:25This isn't over.
01:17:35I had planned to give this to you
01:17:37at our reunion in Central Plaza.
01:17:41It was never meant for Viola.
01:17:43All I think about is you.
01:17:49It's beautiful.
01:17:51You got me a North Star.
01:17:56Thank you.
01:17:58I wanted to ask you something.
01:18:02Why did you use a fake name?
01:18:06And also, why did you leave me without saying goodbye?
01:18:12My mother's illness worsened
01:18:14due to my father's betrayal.
01:18:16I didn't want to be Charles Spike anymore.
01:18:18Taking the name Noah was
01:18:20my way of escaping reality.
01:18:22And after my mom passed away,
01:18:24I was immediately sent abroad
01:18:26by my stepmother.
01:18:28And she used my education abroad
01:18:30as a way to prevent me from ever coming back.
01:18:34And my father died in a car crash
01:18:36and I couldn't even make it back
01:18:38to the funeral.
01:18:40I'm really sorry.
01:18:44When I came back,
01:18:46I fought to regain what was mine.
01:18:48I never stopped searching for you
01:18:51until that night at the hotel.
01:18:53I know you recognized me right away.
01:18:55Why didn't you tell me the truth?
01:18:59I've changed a lot.
01:19:01And I was worried
01:19:03if you would still fall in love with me
01:19:07if you only liked the version of Noah from your memories.
01:19:11Catherine is holding a meeting tomorrow
01:19:13for the board.
01:19:15She's going to kick you off.
01:19:17Why did you tell me this?
01:19:21whatever she does,
01:19:23I just want you to know
01:19:25that I wouldn't stab you in the back like that.
01:19:29You expect us to vote
01:19:31to diminish Charles' shares?
01:19:33That's simply unethical.
01:19:35You expect us to vote to diminish Charles' shares?
01:19:37That's simply unthinkable.
01:19:39Can't you see how much damage
01:19:41Charles has caused this company?
01:19:43But he's managed to actually achieve things.
01:19:45Are you defending him?
01:19:47Do you know that Top Brands
01:19:49is refusing to cooperate with us because of him?
01:19:51Can you handle the responsibility?
01:19:53This group is grappling
01:19:55with significant challenges
01:19:57and Charles is nowhere to be seen.
01:20:01Charles is simply not suitable
01:20:04to inherit the family business.
01:20:06It appears
01:20:08the only solution remaining
01:20:10is for me to step up as the new CEO.
01:20:14Charles won't be showing up for the vote today.
01:20:16If you're on board
01:20:18with my proposal,
01:20:20please sign the document in front of you.
01:20:28Didn't think I'd show up today, did you?
01:20:34My apologies.
01:20:36I've taken some time
01:20:38to prepare something.
01:20:40What is the meaning of this?
01:20:42It's an earn-out agreement.
01:20:44Within a month,
01:20:46I ensure a two-fold increase
01:20:48in sales of my new brand.
01:20:52In your dreams.
01:20:54I'm fully aware
01:20:56of the risk involved.
01:20:58Should I succeed,
01:21:00I will.
01:21:02Should I succeed,
01:21:04the CEO position at Spike Group
01:21:06will still be mine.
01:21:08We'll see about that.
01:21:20Thank you.
01:21:22Yeah, you know,
01:21:24I'm not keen on following my mother's path
01:21:26or managing this company.
01:21:28I want to become a top-tier director.
01:21:31I do hope that your company
01:21:33doesn't go bankrupt.
01:21:35Don't worry.
01:21:37I'll always invest in your films,
01:21:39no matter how poorly they perform.
01:21:49If he thinks he can bring me down
01:21:51with a trick like that, he is so naive.
01:21:53What's our next move?
01:21:55I'll just simply bribe the board members.
01:21:57Money has a way of winning people over.
01:22:01I won't concede
01:22:03the CEO position to Charles.
01:22:17Oh my god,
01:22:19have I always been a third wheel?
01:22:21You're just realizing that now?
01:22:23With the Polaris Star necklace hitting the market,
01:22:25Ruby is the perfect model for it.
01:22:27I've been posting pics of you online
01:22:29Everyone's obsessed, and we have 6 million followers.
01:22:31It's trending now.
01:22:33It should definitely boost up company sales.
01:22:37I do have some bad news.
01:22:39Catherine has been meeting with some board members
01:22:41in private.
01:22:43Could be some shady dealings.
01:22:45She wants to bribe them.
01:22:47I know it.
01:22:49Do you have any plans?
01:22:51I've taken your suggestion
01:22:53about investing in the Polaris Star jewelry line
01:22:55seriously, Charles.
01:22:57So, here's my offer.
01:22:59I think you'll like it.
01:23:11Tom, I have one more request
01:23:13for this collaboration.
01:23:17I want you to turn to me
01:23:20I want you to terminate all business
01:23:22with Catherine.
01:23:27No problem.
01:23:29It's no longer profitable anyway.
01:23:31You have my word.
01:23:35It would also be great
01:23:37if you could leverage your connections
01:23:39to investigate some board members
01:23:41of my company.
01:23:45Why do you need me to do this?
01:23:50If you're on board with this plan
01:23:52when the new product line launches
01:23:54you'll have the opportunity to buy your shares
01:23:56at the lowest price.
01:24:16Are you okay, Rubes?
01:24:18Frederic wants to see me.
01:24:30It's nice to see you, Frederic.
01:24:32Why'd you ask me here today?
01:24:36I don't know what it is
01:24:38but I've always felt like there was something between us.
01:24:42I just wanted to ask you one more time
01:24:44before it's too late.
01:24:47It's like I always used to say
01:24:49whatever Charles gives you
01:24:51I could too.
01:24:56Look, you are a great guy
01:24:58I just...
01:25:00No, no, no, Ruby.
01:25:02I should apologize.
01:25:04I mean, between my competition with Charles
01:25:06and my mother
01:25:08we've caused you a lot of trouble.
01:25:10I'm sorry.
01:25:12You don't have to blame yourself for any of this.
01:25:17Being a part of the Spike family
01:25:19I've always avoided conflict.
01:25:21But now
01:25:23I'm ready to face it.
01:25:30Cost basis only.
01:25:32Yeah, for the second quarter.
01:25:34Thank you.
01:25:36You know, if you could leave this company
01:25:38without resorting to bribes
01:25:40I would actually respect you.
01:25:42You're my son.
01:25:44Why are you helping Charles and Ruby?
01:25:46You just want me under your control for your own satisfaction.
01:25:48I mean, that's not what a mother and son relationship
01:25:50should be, Mom.
01:25:52Frederick, as the heir
01:25:54to a prestigious family
01:25:56you need to grasp that money
01:25:58is how you establish your position.
01:26:00I have
01:26:02sacrificed a lot
01:26:04to ensure our standing in the Spike family
01:26:06and all of it is for you.
01:26:08No, no it's not.
01:26:10You're doing this for yourself.
01:26:26Now that we only have one product on the market
01:26:28the sales will not meet the requirements
01:26:30of the agreement.
01:26:34Now we have to release a whole series of products
01:26:36to increase demand.
01:26:38But I do have a meeting scheduled tomorrow
01:26:41with someone that might be able to help us.
01:26:45Hello, LeShaw.
01:26:47Charles, I hear you've been having
01:26:49some challenges lately.
01:26:51Is that why you wanted to use my help?
01:26:53Uh, we are facing a crisis
01:26:55but within that crisis
01:26:57lies an opportunity.
01:26:59I understand your specialty is in
01:27:01entry luxury, while Spike Roof
01:27:03specializes in couture.
01:27:05But if we team up
01:27:07I believe it can be advantageous
01:27:09for both our businesses.
01:27:13Ms. Shaw, take a look please.
01:27:15We've done extensive market
01:27:17research. The Polaris Star
01:27:21a guide to a lot of people.
01:27:23And to us it means
01:27:25going through life and its challenges
01:27:27with courage.
01:27:29And we would love to implement that in our work
01:27:31and we would absolutely love to do that with you.
01:27:35I know this might sound random
01:27:38but are you the owner of this coffee shop?
01:27:40How did you know?
01:27:44My father used to own it.
01:27:50How did you know?
01:27:52Years ago
01:27:54you did me a favor.
01:27:56Do you remember that cup of water?
01:28:08Please leave me alone.
01:28:10I see no one here.
01:28:14Should I have the right to sit on it?
01:28:20Get out of my coffee shop now!
01:28:24How dare you do this to me!
01:28:26I'm calling the cops.
01:28:32I'm really sorry.
01:28:34Are you okay?
01:28:36Who are you?
01:28:38It's you!
01:28:40Thanks for helping me back then.
01:28:42Of course.
01:28:44However, I can't make any promises
01:28:46and my team still needs to assess the market potential.
01:28:48But I'll have
01:28:50an answer for you as soon as possible.
01:28:52Thank you.
01:28:56Charles failed to show up
01:28:58for the meeting on time.
01:29:00I declare him in violation
01:29:02of the earn-out agreement.
01:29:04Thank you for your trust.
01:29:06As the new CEO
01:29:08of the Spike Group
01:29:10I am committed
01:29:12to leading us
01:29:14into a prosperous future.
01:29:18looks like we're right on time.
01:29:23looks like we're right on time.
01:29:29looks like we're right on time.
01:29:31Chloe Shaw
01:29:33has agreed to design all the products
01:29:35for our jewelry line.
01:29:37Here's the signed contract.
01:29:39Internet pre-sales
01:29:41have reached 200 million,
01:29:43which means we've successfully met our goal.
01:29:45You did it, Charles.
01:29:47Congratulations, Charles.
01:29:49Your capabilities are evident.
01:29:53it appears
01:29:55that luck wasn't entirely in your favor today.
01:29:57We've already voted.
01:29:59Choosing a new CEO
01:30:01now is not an option.
01:30:03Why not take a look at this first?
01:30:11It's impossible!
01:30:13How did you know about this?
01:30:15You resorted to bribing several board members.
01:30:18So no matter what actions you take, Catherine,
01:30:20there will always be traces left behind.
01:30:24I could send those files to the police
01:30:26and to Grandpa.
01:30:28But I don't want another scandal for Spike Group.
01:30:30And taking into account all your contributions
01:30:32over the years,
01:30:34I can let this slide.
01:30:36But I want to make something very clear.
01:30:38The future of Spike Group
01:30:40is in my hands.
01:30:50you're an amazing actress.
01:30:52I learned so much
01:30:54from you.
01:30:56You're good too.
01:30:58So many stars
01:31:00out here tonight.
01:31:02Hi, guys. It's Vera.
01:31:04We're live here at the red carpet.
01:31:06I just wanted to go live
01:31:08and say thank you to all of you
01:31:10for coming out here
01:31:12and supporting me.
01:31:14Thank you so much.
01:31:16I just wanted to go live
01:31:18and show you everything.
01:31:20You should take a break.
01:31:22You're looking tired.
01:31:24Are you nagging me?
01:31:26I have feelings for you.
01:31:30We're live.
01:31:32I know.
01:31:34I'm curious about who will win the award
01:31:36for Best New Actress.
01:31:38And the award
01:31:40for Best New Actress goes to Ruby Shot.
01:31:44Our special guest to present tonight's award
01:31:46is Mr. Charles Spike.
01:31:50Congratulations, Ruby.
01:31:58I want to thank everybody.
01:32:00The whole film crew
01:32:02and of course our audience.
01:32:06I want
01:32:08to dedicate this award
01:32:10to my father.
01:32:13And thank you, all of you,
01:32:15for being my Polaris star.
01:32:17My guide.
01:32:33the love of my life,
01:32:35will you marry me?
01:32:39Does this come with a contract?
01:32:41It does.
01:32:43You can stay in any conditions you want
01:32:45and I'll be sure to make you happy.