• 6 months ago
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) held his weekly press briefing on Friday where he spoke about the Supreme Court.

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00:00Thank you, Mr. Leader, and going back to the Supreme Court, we're approaching the one year anniversary of the student loan decision, the decision to overturn the Prisoner by Student Loan program and affirmative action.
00:11Can you just speak to the impact on everyday Americans? I know you travel the country a lot, I know you speak to members a lot.
00:17Can you just kind of crystallize the impact of those two decisions over the last year on everyday Americans as it pertains to student loan debt and affirmative action?
00:25The extremists on the Supreme Court have decided that they're going to carry out an ideological crusade to undermine basic American principles related to a woman's freedom to make her own reproductive healthcare decisions,
00:43President Biden's ability to provide student loan debt relief to millions of young people of every race across the country.
00:55And the Supreme Court has chosen to undermine the ability of our institutions of higher learning to have a diverse student body that reflects the diversity of the nation and, of course, the world.
01:15The Supreme Court and its right-wing majority is clearly out of control and out of step with the American people, which is why its approval rating is even lower than that of the United States Congress.
01:32Clearly, work needs to be done to rein in the Supreme Court, particularly as it relates to its inability to police itself with respect to ethics.
01:49In terms of the aggressively partisan right-wing extreme decisions that have been rolling out of the Supreme Court that was stacked by justices nominated by Donald Trump,
02:05the American people will have a full opportunity to evaluate the adverse impact that the Supreme Court has had electorally in November.
02:19In fact, the Supreme Court, in its decision in Dobbs, which detonated Roe v. Wade, made clear that women in this country have a political voice and they expect that it could be exercised at the ballot box.
02:42Women have a political voice, young people have a political voice, communities of color have a political voice, the American people have a political voice, and it will be exercised on November 5th.
