Picking Walnuts and Cooking A Quail Dish (Fesenjan) Different Recipe from the Village

  • 2 days ago
Today, in the village, mothers and daughters are busy picking fresh walnuts!
They help their father with the walnut tree they have in the yard to throw all the walnuts on the ground and collect them, the village girl will cook a delicious fesenjan stew using these walnuts. Today, he cooks fesenjan with quail meat and special pickles and serves it with delicious rice. After a day of work, he will enjoy eating this food with his family!
Walnut trees are found in the forests of this village and they have to go up the mountain to pick them, the father of the family sometimes goes to the mountain to pick walnuts.
We will write the recipe of this delicious dish below so that you can experience the beautiful aroma of this dish in your kitchen. I hope you will support our channel by liking the video and writing your comments.

an onion
Pickled plums

How to prepare:
Boil the quail with a little spice and water on low heat.
Chop walnuts and mix with grated onion, then add spices and pickle to it and pour all the contents on the quail that is cooking.
This stew needs to be cooked at low heat for a long time and is ready to be served after about two hours.