Power Book II- Ghost Season 3 Episode 2

  • 3 months ago
Power Book II- Ghost Season 3 Episode 2


00:29Previously on Ghosts...
00:31Evelyn, Frank was on his way to surprise you.
00:34To make your family whole again.
00:36Braden needs to learn the family business.
00:38You're gonna be working with Kiki Travis?
00:40My pleasure.
00:41Yeah, I've heard a lot about you.
00:42By not fucking with Tariq, you're saving yourself a lot of grief.
00:45Trust me.
00:46You have enough clout to get authorization for a joint federal and local task force?
00:50I can try.
00:51That was taken from a traffic cam the night of Carrie's suicide.
00:54And it's just blocks from her apartment.
00:56You are not authorized to investigate Monet Tahata. Is that understood?
01:01Where the fuck you think you're going?
01:06Cut me some slack.
01:07I'll cut you some fucking slack when I put a bullet in whoever took Zeke away from me.
01:11Fuck, you going?
01:13Monet, no?
01:15Get on your knees.
01:17Mecca was my first lieutenant.
01:18His drugs belonged to me.
01:20We can keep the cash flow going.
01:22You think you can replace Mecca?
01:23Of course we can.
01:24Who is this bitch?
01:25All I got is a name, Noma.
01:26From now on, I'm going to be working for her.
01:28Me, Kane, and Brayden.
01:29Or else you're going to kill all three of us.
01:31Get the fuck in the car.
01:32Help me, sir.
01:34We have blood on our hands.
01:35Lauren Baldwin is dead.
01:39How you holding up?
01:41How much longer do I have to pretend that I'm dead?
01:56Bright lights, city life, I gotta make it
01:58This is where it goes down
02:02I just happen to come up high
02:06Legal or illegal, baby, I gotta make it
02:08I never took a straight path nowhere
02:10Life's full of twists and turns, bumps and bruises
02:12I live, I learn
02:14I'm from that city full of yellow cabs and skyscrapers
02:16It's hard to get a start in these parts
02:18Without paper, homie, I grew up in hell
02:20A block away from heaven
02:22That corner ain't 15 minutes, it move a seven
02:24Pure snow, bag it, then watch it go
02:26Occupational options, get some blow or some hoes
02:29Shoot the ball or the strap, learn the rap or the jack
02:32Fuck it, man, in the meantime, go ahead and pump a pack
02:34This my regal royal flow, my James Bond bounce
02:37That 007, that 62 on my count
02:39I'm a undercover liar, I lie under the covers
02:42Look a bitch in the eyes and tell her, baby, I love it
02:45You're my inspiration, you're my motivation
02:47You're the reason that I move it with no hesitation
02:49They say this is a big, rich town
02:54I just come from the poorest part
02:58Bright lights, city life, I gotta make it
03:00This is where it goes down
03:02Oh, yeah
03:04I just happen to come up hot
03:08Legal or illegal, baby, I gotta make it
03:23Oh, thank God
03:29Where am I?
03:31You're at the hospital, Lauren
03:33There was an incident
03:39You were hit pretty hard
03:41The doctor said it might take some time for you to regain memory of the night
03:44But best we can assemble
03:47You were knocked unconscious
03:49Best we can assemble
03:51You were knocked unconscious
03:53Placed in the vehicle and driven out of the city
03:56Then pushed into the reservoir
03:59We don't know by who
04:01The car was reported stolen
04:03But there's no clues leading to the thief
04:06Whoever was behind this had it all planned out
04:09And was pretty meticulous
04:11But you got really lucky
04:13A man was out walking his dog
04:15And happened to see you going into the water
04:18If he hadn't called 911
04:21Tonight would have played out very differently
04:38Hey, how you doing?
04:40I brought you some things
04:42It's not the internet, but
04:44Look, I need to see my parents
04:47Or a phone call
04:49Jenny, seriously, anything, please
04:53We've been over this, Lauren
04:55Your parents think you're dead
04:57As does everyone else except for my supervisor
05:00And your doctor
05:02It's the only way to guarantee your safety and theirs
05:04While I build my case
05:05And what case is that?
05:07I literally told you who did it, so go arrest her
05:10Lauren, the dog walker didn't see anyone that night
05:13And by your own admission
05:14You were unconscious when you were placed in that car
05:16I can't know for certain what really happened
05:18Okay, but I do know what happened
05:20That girl Effie, she tried to kill me
05:22I believe you, I do
05:24But right now I do not have a single shred of hard evidence to go on
05:30So I need you to help me with something
05:33No, no
05:35Literally every time one of you guys has said that
05:37My life has gotten exponentially more fucked up
05:39Okay, closing this case
05:41Is the only way to get you out of here and on with your life
05:45Now given the fact pattern
05:46It stands to reason that Effie wasn't working alone
05:48And by connecting those dots between her
05:50And what I suspect to be a much bigger drug organization
05:54Is the best way to get us all what we want
05:57So she was working with Brayden
05:59I told you that already
06:02The focus of our investigation is above Brayden
06:06Tariq St. Patrick is the clearest connective tissue between them
06:16I don't have any proof that Tariq was working with Brayden and Effie
06:22And clearly neither do you
06:24Well, until I can get an airtight case
06:26Against all of those responsible for trying to kill you
06:30The fact that Tariq was working with Brayden
06:33The fact that Tariq, Effie, Brayden
06:35The Tejadas all believe that their attempts succeeded
06:37Is the only thing keeping you and your family alive right now
06:42Trust me
06:53I can't believe Noma's in Paris
06:55And I'm stuck here babysitting you tiresome Americans
06:58Yeah, yeah, yeah
06:59It's good to see you too
07:02I told her she was insane for giving you this opportunity
07:05You will only squander it
07:07I mean, it's pretty evident that your words don't mean much to her
07:12I'm particularly looking forward to shooting you
07:15When you fail
07:23I'm not gonna lie, I think he fucks with us
07:25Nah, that nigga wants to kill you
07:26Alright party people, well the clock is ticking
07:28And these babies are ready to go to their forever homes
07:31Yo, who are these niggas over there, Kane?
07:33Hired some of the Jamaica Ave boys to help
07:35What's up?
07:38Are we doing this or what? I have class in an hour
07:40Yeah, and I gotta go analyze some stocks
07:42Which should definitely be more fun than cocaine
07:45Kane, your family's flooding the streets, right?
07:47Yeah, I got these niggas to start moving shit today
07:49While Drew and Lorenzo expand our footprint
07:51Alright, me and Effie, we're gonna hit the Ivies up
07:53While Stansfield cools down
07:55Me, you take care of the country clubs, alumni clubs
07:57Basically, anywhere rich white people do what we're doing
07:59But we get locked up for
08:01Guys, I think we're overlooking a sick market
08:03The traders at Weston Holdings would eat this shit up
08:05Read the fuck out of it, are you dumb?
08:07Nigga, you just told the whole fucking world you sell drugs
08:09You had it in Stansfield right now
08:11We're not selling shit anywhere near where your name has anything to do with it
08:13I know, hear me out
08:15I'm not selling shit
08:17I'm not selling shit
08:19I'm not selling shit
08:21I'm not selling shit
08:23I know, hear me out
08:27You trust him with that shit?
08:29These niggas know not to get greedy
08:31And what'll happen if they do?
08:39Yo, that is a fuckton of weight
08:41And the dick swingers at my office will pay enough
08:43To buy his everyday of the week Lambo's
08:45I'm talking the Urus, I'm talking the SVJ
08:47Back me up, Effie
08:49Fuck no
08:51He's right, man, fuck that shit
08:53Listen, we're not doing no business anywhere near your family's companies
08:55Or anything that has your name attached to it
08:57It ain't worth the risk
08:59There's no risk
09:01I mean, maybe for you
09:03Listen, man, you just admitted to being a whole drug dealer
09:05And your punishment was a six-figure income
09:07I didn't admit to shit and yet somehow I lose housing and I'm still doing damage control
09:09The fuck?
09:11You're right, that is fucked up, I'm sorry, Rick
09:13You got a room though, right?
09:15Yeah, Tate helped me out, hooked me up with a little internship on his campaign
09:17How's that gonna help your image? Tate's dirty as fuck
09:19He's the right kind of dirty, though
09:21All right, we'll go get that political shine
09:23I'll catch you later
09:25Later, Eff
09:33I could take the drive up to Princeton with you if you want
09:35Actually, it'll just be quicker if I go on my own
09:39What's up with you, you good?
09:41Day of the week, Lambo's
09:43Come on, you know he's fucking right
09:45Whatever, I don't give a shit if y'all splurge
09:47But the longer we stay in here, the more interest accrues on my student loans
09:51Don't forget, Tariq, some of us are only doing this because we have to
09:53Wait, so you think I'm here because I want to be Effie?
09:57Listen, if we don't move all of that shit in that warehouse
09:59No one's gonna kill all of our assets
10:07Better get moving then
10:13Mr. Hodder
10:15I got that investigation file you wanted
10:17It's about time
10:19What do they know?
10:21Well, not what you want
10:23There's a lot going on, but no real leads
10:25Since Zeke was killed the same night as his father in Spears' hangar
10:29They're looking into the possibility they were targeted by the same doer
10:33Who do they think that was?
10:35I say your guess is as good as theirs
10:37They logged .45 caliber shell casings
10:39But that's a long shot at best
10:41Partial prints led nowhere
10:43Any potential witnesses scattered like rats
10:45And that's all she wrote
10:51The fuck it is, I need more
10:53Mrs. Tejada
10:57Mrs. Tejada works
10:59Okay, Mrs. Tejada
11:01That's the NYPD's entire file on the case
11:03There's nothing more to get
11:05Whoever did this is either meticulous or chaotic enough
11:07To have New York's finest scratching their head
11:09Well, Davis
11:11It's time you start earning your damn money
11:13Someone killed my son
11:15And ain't nobody gonna fucking rest until I find out who
11:21Here you go
11:25Subtle, Cooper
11:27Well, I told them sacks, but you know how it goes
11:29I think they do it on purpose
11:31Because I'm so sexy
11:35I called you last night, where were you?
11:37I was working
11:39At the office
11:41And waiting for my CI to get me something I can actually use
11:43Oh, come on, I'm working on it
11:45Do you have any luck
11:47Getting an unredacted version of that Theo Rollins file?
11:49Not yet
11:51It's more complicated than it should be
11:53Pulling a file is complicated
11:57It'll raise a red flag
11:59If I put in this request out of nowhere
12:01And I don't need anybody looking at me sideways
12:03While I'm trying to get a RICO task force off the ground
12:07Isn't it a little early for that?
12:11Isn't it a little early for you to be showing up at my apartment
12:15I mean, I wouldn't even be here right now if I didn't have to come back
12:17For this
12:21Your little Nancy Drew game isn't getting me very far
12:25An official task force will give me more resources
12:27So I can cast a wider net
12:29Well, yeah, of course, but how are you ever gonna get that approved?
12:31Tariq St. Patrick is guilty of a lot of things
12:35But pinning an entire drug organization on a 19-year-old kid
12:37Is gonna be a tough sell
12:39Even for you
12:41He's not just any kid
12:43Look at who his parents were
12:45Tariq was groomed for this
12:47You think anyone was surprised LeBron's kid could dunk a basketball?
12:51Um, no
12:53And I think that's a little racist
12:55Look, you said you could bring me something
12:57That I can work with
13:01Show me what you got, Sax
13:03Show me
13:05You're really the man you said you could be
13:17Oh, what the actual fuck
13:19Chad, so sorry to interrupt your nap
13:21You were supposed to proofread these reports yesterday
13:25We need them, now
13:29Excuse me?
13:31Dude, that's fucked up
13:33Just fucking do it
13:41He's a fucking dick
13:43Did you want him to go to HR?
13:45For that, no
13:47God, I just can't stand these trust fund interns
13:49You know, messing with my paper because they've never had to run their own
13:51He's probably dreaming about a Proud Boy rally or some shit
13:53Hold up
13:55You think we need to make America great again?
13:57Fuck no
13:59Those assholes are the ones who fucked it up in the first place
14:03Baby Weston
14:23Matthew Smith
14:25Jones, Osborne
14:27Okay, make sure that the email blast goes out to all of the updated lists
14:31We gotta make sure that
14:35Thank you
14:37Stephen Ott
14:39To what do I owe the pleasure
14:41Well, it's good to see you're not overspending on office space
14:43Jesus, what a shithole
14:45Alright, look, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Rashad
14:47But your poll numbers
14:49They suck
14:51You know what?
14:53If you wanna win this congressional seat, you're gonna have to fire off some ads
14:55Yes, well, to do that, we would need resources, now wouldn't we?
14:59It seems as though that
15:01Your good friend Rick Sweeney
15:03Hasn't gone as quietly into the night as we'd hoped
15:05Apparently, he's following donors over to the fucking competition
15:07Yeah, it's a tough break there
15:09Look, we all thought AOC was a once-in-a-generation candidate
15:11But the movement just keeps fucking growing
15:13Listen, I know, but nothing has been decided yet
15:15That's right
15:17That's right
15:19That's right
15:21We need to bring some fresh blood in here, you know?
15:23Mobilize young voters, bring in that cha-ching
15:25Already ahead of you
15:27I have a fantastic new intern starting today
15:29Well, I hope they can hustle
15:31Oh, one more thing
15:33There's also the problem of your conspicuous lack of a wife
15:35Fix it
15:37I'm already working on it
15:39I have several candidates in the mix
15:41Oh, I'm so glad to hear it
15:43Just not the intern, alright
15:45Bye, Rashad
15:49Gandhi said
15:51The Earth provides enough to satisfy
15:53Every man's needs, but not every man's greed
15:55So my question for you is
15:57In this nation of
15:59Haves versus have-nots that worship at the Church of Capitalism
16:01What is the lie
16:03Between need and greed?
16:05My man Gandhi said that shit
16:07Way before climate change and overpopulation
16:09Started popping off
16:11Rajendra's right
16:13And with increasingly limited resources
16:15Making sure you have as much as possible
16:17For you and your family is need
16:19Nothing greedy about it
16:21Well, what about our moral obligations to other humans?
16:23What about corporate responsibility?
16:25When morality comes up against profit
16:27It's seldom profit that loses
16:29Ah, Shirley Chisholm
16:31Nice poem as for Alice
16:33Now, do you agree with her?
16:35Hmm, not that it's right
16:37But that it's fact, yeah
16:39Life is kill or be killed
16:41Same goes for America
16:43The bigger you get, the more you have
16:45The more you have, the more you need
16:47It's the law of nature
16:49I should point out
16:51That's also the philosophy of a cancer cell
16:55Are you seriously comparing America with cancer?
16:57Hey, you need these?
16:59It's okay
17:01I already did the reading online
17:03Girl, why the fuck are those books so expensive?
17:05I can't afford to buy that shit for all my classes
17:07Yeah, I know, I've been there
17:09You know, I hear that TAs sometimes
17:11I don't want my students to use
17:13So you want to guess what they are?
17:15Listen, since you had something to say, you stand up
17:17Tell me what you think
17:19Go on, tell me what you think the other view is
17:21Nice tie, Phil
17:23I think my great-grandfather had the same one
17:25Eat shit, Chad
17:27That's him
17:31What the hell's going on?
17:33Compliance found incendiary content on your computer
17:35We're gonna need you to collect your things
17:39It's impossible, show me
17:41It's the kind of stuff that goes along with these
17:43Which were found in your desk
17:45We have zero tolerance
17:47For propagating alt-right bullshit
17:49Here in the office
17:51You need to leave immediately
17:53That's not fucking mine
17:55So this is some kind of setup
17:57Get your hands off of her
17:59Let's go
18:01Oh, my dad is gonna sue your asses so hard
18:03You are gonna shit from your esophagus
18:05I'll see you bitches in court
18:07I'll see you bitches in court
18:13Is that you?
18:23That tiki torch was fucking extra as hell
18:25But I loved it
18:27Where did you get that in the middle of Manhattan?
18:29You could postmates fucking anything
18:33Well, I hope you didn't use the company card
18:37Where are we?
18:39A private floor
18:41Supposedly there's more
18:43But it's the only one I have the code for
18:45There's more?
18:47Look around, trust fund
18:49Everything the light touches is yours
18:51Shit, your name's on the building
18:53You really didn't know?
18:55My grandfather's name's on the building
18:57Well, I wish I had your grandpa
18:59If he did, then this would be super awkward
19:01But, no you don't
19:03He was a miserable piece of shit
19:05Walking example of money doesn't buy happiness
19:09Yeah, well that's only true for people who don't need it
19:11You give me money, I'll show you happiness
19:13I'm sorry, but trust me
19:15This shit comes with its own set of handcuffs
19:17Okay, Brita Muston
19:21Then, what exactly would make you happy?
19:27I mean, do you want to talk about that?
19:29Or do you want to do something that'll make us both happy?
19:37Okay, I can confirm that
19:39No, thank you, Mr. Volker
19:41Future Congressman Tate really appreciates the support
19:43Alright, talk to you soon
19:45What's up, boo? What you doing here?
19:47Like, existentially
19:49I think my soul's on some real
19:51Serious expansion shit in this lifetime, you know?
19:53Oh, but like
19:55Here, here?
19:57Yeah, here
19:59Oh, this is the first day of my internship
20:01Wait, what? You're the new intern?
20:03I was supposed to be Tate's new intern
20:05Is he here?
20:09I think he's on a call
20:13My young brother
20:15Unexpected turn of events
20:17So you gave away my internship?
20:19Excuse me, no one gave me anything
20:21Think of it as a redirection
20:25I ain't even gonna hold you
20:27Your black ass is still hot as fuck out here in these streets
20:29And it's not a good look for my team
20:31You know, I tried to work the wrongfully accused angle
20:33To boost both of our images
20:35But it's just not gonna bring in the kind of contributions
20:37Team Tate needs right now
20:39So you throw me under the bus for some fucking campaign dollars?
20:41You got damn right
20:43It's for a bigger cause
20:45So what about the course credit I was supposed to get?
20:47You're a St. Patrick
20:49You'll figure it out
20:51Here, take a hat
20:59Alright, so
21:01Got some people working some corners in Southside
21:03Probably gonna need more. That's you
21:05I already told you, I'm not moving weight for Noma
21:07Or any other fucking connect you find
21:09Wait, Drew ain't talk to you?
21:11Drew ain't say shit cause he knows what I said
21:13Oh, because he's distracted with punk ass Everett
21:15Yeah, you know he's still fucking with that nigga, right?
21:17That's where he was at the night
21:19Making soldiers attack us
21:21Then Drew brought him to the penthouse
21:23Where we were meeting Kai
21:25The motherfucker laid eyes on him and everything
21:29Your call has been forwarded
21:31To an automatic voice message system
21:33See, it's probably with him right now
21:35Pops, you keep pushing for Drew to take the throne
21:37But he can't be trusted
21:39He's not ready
21:41But you are? I know I am
21:43And what, you think I forgot about you
21:45And Mecca's fucking idea to take me out?
21:49That whole hit would've never fucking happened
21:51If you weren't such a fucking brute and disloyal
21:53So I will deal with Drew
21:55However the fuck I want to deal with him
21:57But if there's anyone in this house that needs to gain my trust
21:59It's fucking you
22:05Y por lo que yo sepa
22:07Hay solo una manera de hacer eso
22:09Your mom's not gonna rest
22:11Until we find Zeke's killer, right?
22:13Handle it
22:15You do that
22:17And then maybe
22:19We can talk
22:21Thank you for helping me, I hate packing
22:23Oh, of course
22:25Now, you know you're about to be the only black man in OKC, right?
22:27I don't know if you come visit
22:29Was that like
22:31An invitation or what?
22:33What you think?
22:35And speaking of invitations
22:37My signing party's tomorrow night at One Oak
22:39And I want you to know
22:41I'm going to be there
22:43I'm going to be there
22:45I'm going to be there
22:47I'm going to be there
22:49My signing party's tomorrow night at One Oak
22:51I want you to come as my plus one
22:53So it'll be like your date?
22:55I mean
22:57I want you there
22:59With me
23:01But, I can't tell the world
23:03What role you play in my life
23:05Not right now
23:11I'm moving at the pace I can, Drew
23:15Don't be greedy
23:17Do you have any idea how much heat I'm getting from my family
23:21because of this, because of us?
23:22This isn't about your family.
23:23This is the biggest moment of my entire life,
23:25and I need you there.
23:28Why does a label matter?
23:30Can you show up and be supportive?
23:42Okay, I'm sorry.
23:48Send me the info.
23:50Thank you.
23:58Frank was like a brother to me.
24:18Seriously, let me know.
24:20I'm here for you.
24:22Thank you, Dad.
24:23Of course. I really appreciate it.
24:26Mo, so good to see you.
24:32What are you doing here, Evelyn?
24:40People always stop bringing food after the funeral,
24:43but I couldn't cook for months.
24:46Losing Frank was one thing,
24:48but I can't imagine if it was one of my boys.
24:52I'm so sorry for your loss, Monique.
24:54Thanks for stopping by.
24:57You should know that some white cop's
25:00been sniffing around asking questions about Frank,
25:03said his name's Whitman.
25:07I didn't give him anything, of course,
25:10but you deserve to know.
25:13Look, you've been a good friend.
25:15That's not necessary.
25:18In fact...
25:23my boy's got a little foothold in Brooklyn
25:26and taking care of me real good.
25:29You helped me out in my time of need,
25:31so now I'm returning the favor.
25:44We both know it won't bring him back.
25:51Take care of yourself, Monique.
25:58You can't just give your internship away like that.
26:01Honestly, he really can't. It's his campaign.
26:04Did he say why?
26:05I told you, B, nobody's fucking with me.
26:07And you know you're lucky as fuck you don't gotta deal with this shit.
26:10What are you gonna do about the credits?
26:12I mean, you need to take, like, two extra classes to make up for those?
26:15Fuck if I know.
26:17Well, an internship just opened up at Weston. You should take it.
26:19Why? So we can move product?
26:21Bro, ask me again if we're moving product in your family's house.
26:24All right, you might be able to get unlimited fucking chances,
26:26but it's not all fun and games for the rest of us, B.
26:29I'm trying to save our lives from normal, all right?
26:32And if I do that, what the fuck is it worth
26:34if I can't see my sister or my mom after?
26:37There's things that are more important than just money and drugs, B.
26:40And that's family. Family's fucking important.
26:43Hey, we're your family, too.
26:45That's right.
26:47And you should take that internship.
26:49We're not gonna move weight there.
26:51And if you're worried about your reputation, this is a smart move.
26:54She's right, Reek. My uncle would be a great fucking reference.
26:57Okay, maybe.
26:59But I'm sure Papa Weston don't want me there.
27:01No, dude, fuck him. I'll handle him. You don't gotta worry about that.
27:07Fine, but no fucking drugs.
27:09No drugs, I promise.
27:11I bet.
27:13Fuck it.
27:15I'll set it up.
27:17You're fucking crazy.
27:19I'll be right back. I gotta go take care of something.
27:21Don't touch my shit.
27:23We have to tell him about Warren, like, now.
27:25Shut the fuck up, Braden. Are you fucking crazy?
27:27What, are we just gonna lie to him for the rest of our lives?
27:29You said it yourself. We're his family. We're all he has.
27:34And we did what we had to do to protect him.
27:36How does him finding out help anything?
27:38It'll undermine his trust, not earn it.
27:42There are only two people on this planet who really know what we did,
27:44and we're taking that to the motherfucking grave.
27:54You're Mecca's pilot, man.
27:56Listen, I know you saw something that night, so fucking talk.
27:59I just heard the shots at father body.
28:01I don't know who did it.
28:03It's okay, my guy.
28:05You got seven more chances to remember something.
28:13Huh? You fly a fucking plane with one hand, right?
28:15I only saw him from the back.
28:19Bald-headed dude in a dark jacket,
28:21big-ass collar and zippers.
28:24There it is.
28:26See, I knew you was fucking paying attention.
28:30What's up, big money? Talk to me.
28:32I didn't see him, I swear. I swear.
28:36Please don't. Please!
28:38Please don't. Please!
28:55All I saw was the car! I was driving away!
28:57The tail light was busted!
29:02Thank you.
29:05You've been very helpful.
29:07Dude, this is gonna be so lit.
29:09So, Kiki's your supervisor, but I'm on her team,
29:11so I'm kind of like your half-boss, if you think about it.
29:13But don't worry, I'm super chill.
29:15I get my own coffee, and I don't need my balls massaged, like, once a week.
29:17That's fucking quick. Get the fuck out of here.
29:19I'm fucking with you. I'm fucking with you.
29:21Oh, there's Reva and Lex.
29:23This is my boy, Tariq.
29:25Kitchen, bathroom.
29:27Oh, there's personal trainer Nick, right there.
29:29Gym's on the third floor.
29:31What's up, boys?
29:33First session's free, yeah?
29:35You want my advice?
29:37Schedule something.
29:39Looks like you should, if you want to be at your best.
29:41Fucking with you, bro.
29:43Nicky boy!
29:45You know, I'm still, uh, recovering from that Muay Thai thing,
29:47but, yeah, I'll be back at it soon.
29:49Mm-hmm. Do more, be more, my man, all right?
29:51You're gonna have results or excuses.
29:53Not both.
29:55What a dick.
29:57Brandon Jefferson Weston!
29:59Family meeting! Now!
30:02You're so fucked.
30:08What the fuck is Tariq St. Patrick doing here?
30:10Yeah, dude, I mean, there's no way you're that fucking stupid.
30:13I mean, did you really forget about everything that happened over the last year,
30:16or do you hate Dad that much?
30:18I assume this went through you.
30:20He's our newest intern.
30:22I hope you gave him a warm Weston welcome.
30:25You can't possibly think that's a good idea.
30:28I made it clear Brayden was to stay away from him
30:30after that whole course-correct ordeal.
30:32I'm not a kid, Dad. You can't just choose my friends.
30:34Well, clearly someone fucking needs to.
30:36Having Tariq at the firm is not good for the family.
30:38Not good for the bottom line,
30:40because that's all you guys really care about, right?
30:42That's enough, Brayden!
30:44He has to go.
30:46He didn't do anything wrong! I was the one dealing drugs!
30:48Holding it against him is just fucking racism!
30:50You guys just fired someone for the shit yesterday.
30:52What the fuck happened to zero tolerance, huh?
30:54He's not wrong, Bobby.
30:56It's not the same.
30:58We can't punish an innocent young black man
31:00for something your drug-dealing son did.
31:03Besides, you know what's great for business these days?
31:06Inclusivity and diversity.
31:08Inclusivity and diversity?
31:10Are you serious?
31:12Come on, Dad.
31:14The firm's gonna take Juneteenth as a holiday now?
31:19Well, I guess we would have the vineyard to ourselves.
31:22Tariq, come on in here.
31:53I'm sorry.
31:55I'm sorry.
31:57I'm sorry.
31:59I'm sorry.
32:01I'm sorry.
32:03I'm sorry.
32:05I'm sorry.
32:07I'm sorry.
32:09I'm sorry.
32:11I'm sorry.
32:13I'm sorry.
32:15I'm sorry.
32:17I'm sorry.
32:19I'm sorry.
32:21I'm sorry.
32:23I'm sorry.
32:25I'm sorry.
32:37Hey, Salim.
32:39I heard that sometimes GAs have a set of books
32:41that students can borrow, and I was wondering if maybe...
32:44Say no more. Help yourself.
32:51One question though
32:53How is it that you can afford a Balenciaga backpack, but not the books to put inside it
32:59Well, my parents are covering tuition and not much else. So I guess I'm kind of on my own. Okay
33:05So the problem is bigger than American Psyche
33:09well, I
33:10Might have the hookup for a unique on-campus opportunity if a young Queen's not opposed to work
33:16Oh and not at all. That would be amazing actually
33:20Consider it done. Thanks
33:49Fuck this
33:54On a to hot what a surprise the fuck is this about
33:59Clearly you have a broken side mirror
34:01Wouldn't want you to be hazard. Oh shit. What do you want? And why are you talking there where you can just shut the fuck up?
34:07I'll ask the questions here. Where were you the night of Karen Milgram's murder? It's none of your business
34:11That's where you're wrong. See it was none of my business
34:16Right up until Zeke cross came to me about your possible involvement in what was very likely not a suicide
34:22So I took a look around
34:24That's a funny thing
34:26There's a traffic camp photo of you in the vicinity of Karen Milgram's apartment within the corners time-of-death window
34:34He came to you. Yeah, he did
34:37Thoughts and prayers by the way
34:40So now I'm coming for you
34:42And I'm gonna keep coming for you
34:44And your family and your fucking friends until I get to the truth. I gotta have shit to do with Kerry Morgan's death and you know
34:52Otherwise your ass will be out here with handcuffs and shit. I want to prove in it two different things. We trust I'll get there. Oh
34:58You know what?
35:00It was something else. I figured out
35:05Special relationship with detective Ramirez
35:08But your boyfriend's not around to get you out of this one. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about
35:12So unless you're gonna arrest me get the fuck out here harassing me with this bullshit
35:21You can go but I'll see you soon
35:28Yeah, I'm on it I'm on it sex
35:35Sir Jesus Christ
35:40You rang I just got a disturbing call from Monet to hot about some police harassment
35:45Is your girlfriend working with that fucking ass clown Whitman? Okay, you first of all, Jenny's not my girlfriend
35:53Just ask her second of all, I'll find out. Yes do that
35:59Have we moved forward on Rollins
36:03Not yet not yet see not yet needs to be right now so get on it
36:23Jenny Sullivan. Hey, you ever find out who was watching the Spears penthouse?
36:32No, why you might want to look into Kevin Whitman
37:16Tariq can you set up the conference room for the big box? Sure. Thanks
37:23Your health
37:28Fuck yeah tasty. Yes
37:33What's up new guy? Oh, I can hook me up with one of those bottles right there. Give me some
37:39Yes, sir. Nice. I was so fucked doing it again tonight though, right?
37:44No it oh, yeah. Oh
38:33Wait, so you're telling me American Ninja Warriors the fucking plug. Yep
38:37He moves weight all around the fun by leaving protein powder and his clients gym lockers
38:42And sometimes even on their fucking desks and the higher-ups know they know that everybody uses but not where it comes from to be
38:48Honest they could give a shit caffeine powder pills. All they care about is paper
38:53Of course burnout rate is so insane that they just try and squeeze everything out of people while they have them
38:58But listen reek I heard what you said about not shit where we eat. I mean, there's other avenues
39:04I already moved two bricks at the country clubs
39:07Bro, two fucking bricks. I know how many people work on our floor alone at Western Holdings shit
39:14I don't know at least 30
39:16So you times that by 50 floors in our building and the rest of the buildings on fucking Wall Street
39:21Well, that's more than everything we have combined. That's what I'm saying. We want to move no most product
39:27That's exactly how we do it
39:28And if we want to take out Nick's pipeline in the process, we keep our names covered while we at it
39:32Shit, you don't got to tell me twice. I'm down
39:35But you know Nick's not just gonna hand it over. I
39:38Know see that's why I didn't want to fuck around here B. She can't get messy
39:43You know what? I
39:45Think I got an idea
39:48But we're gonna need Cain's help
39:56And my man my mama man, yo, you got the time
40:01Yeah, it's like
40:16I got back from PR. My whole fucking crew was wiped out this for them
40:37Miss below what fuck you bitch?
40:45See you again
40:50Sorry, I thought y'all dead at all them guap shit, I guess not
40:58But I can't seem to figure out is how the hell do you know it was me that killed little guap
41:02And why he ain't kill me when he had the chance
41:04What the fuck were you doing in that part of the city drew probably gonna see everything up Cain
41:11Drew go lie down on your stomach while I get something for the paint
41:27Told you he wasn't ready
41:30Our family's being targeted for killing the Guops I
41:34Bet you whoever did that shit to drew got seat to
41:38Thanks for sure. I
41:44You got any way of tracking this motherfucker down
41:51Yeah, maybe go do that go make this shit right for your mother and for true
42:03All right, so this is a spot
42:05Yo, I can't believe they have designated jobs for black students on campus. Yeah, it's not an official thing
42:11They just get handed down each year from upperclassmen
42:15Now I didn't have the best home situation either
42:18It takes a lot for people like us to make it here. They have to look out for one another
42:22after that
42:24Water and soda in the cooler. No booze. So no IDs
42:28Scale on the counter for bulk candy students can use their stallion points or you pay cash
42:37What's your favorite
42:38Wait, let me guess
42:40hundred gray
42:41Why you say that cuz I'm poor
42:44No, okay. It's this
42:49Skittles girl. Mm-hmm. Okay. Oh, you know I read they're all the same flavor
42:54They just make them smell different a trick of senses. No, it's cheaper that way. No, I don't believe you. That's cap. That's capitalism
43:03Shifts are four hours each
43:05You won't pay off any student loans with it
43:07But it'll buy you books and you'll have plenty of down time to study plus free candy
43:13Okay, sounds perfect. Yeah. Well, let me get your paperwork and then I could teach you register
43:42Don't know you cool would be my girlfriend because ain't nobody paying attention here. Yeah, whatever you made the drops. Yep
43:49Everything's circulating at Harvard Penn Dartmouth and you'll is taking it back to you. Fine. What's those up and running?
43:55It won't matter that we can't sell our stance food
43:57We make a good team
44:04I'm gonna go put this on
44:14How much
44:15For the candy and the water it is gonna be I got my own. Thank you. Excuse the fuck out of you
44:21Okay, that's a dollar 34
44:37Got you
44:43Look I know the schools ain't really bringing in that much money yet good
44:46Cuz we're about to be flushes fuck on Wall Street. So if you need anything, I got you. I
44:51Gotta cover it. Thank you
44:54So Braden sold you a moving way to this family's fund. She even had to she sells itself about to blow the fuck up
45:07Copsman young Weston. Thank you for meeting me here. Oh
45:14Thank you for this very
45:17Junior's contribution to my campaign. I think Rashad is gonna work out just fine. I told you she's money
45:23Listen can never tell Tariq about this
45:27Exchange for the Western name to my list of donors. No need to worry. I'll take it to the grave
45:32I just hope my young brother Tariq lands on his feet. I know you don't gotta worry about that here. He has trust me
45:53Bad news, my bosses don't think we have enough to greenlight a Rico investigation
45:58They're having a hard time believing that a college kid is behind a drug org. What'll it take?
46:04They need the dots connected
46:06How does Tariq know Ramirez?
46:09What's his connection to Dante Spears? Is that where the drugs were coming from? And if so, who's their new connect?
46:17You wanted to see me I thought I told you to stand down
46:21So why am I hearing about you grilling Monet to Hada over a bogus traffic stop with all due respect?
46:27You're not my supervisor. Would you like me to have a chat with your supervisor because you'd be looking at suspension
46:33You know, maybe you'd prefer to know what I know
46:35Because you're only looking at half the picture
46:41I'm listening
46:43She on the team Bunker Rodriguez DEA
46:47All right, when I had Zeke cross in the box
46:49He had a PBA card from detective Danilo Ramirez after he lied to me about how he got it
46:54I did some digging and it turns out
46:56That Ramirez took a disproportionate number of calls to the Todd house on top of that
47:00There's at least one instance when Cain was pulled in and Ramirez cleared the charges
47:05We know that Ramirez brought their Western boys home after Cain forced him to sell drugs on the street
47:10You're saying that Ramirez was working with the Tata's know for the Tata's but more than that I
47:17Think he was fucking Monet. Ah
47:21Look you guys are you're focused on this st. Patrick kid
47:28He is not the kingpin not by himself anyway
47:36Holy shit Monet the Hada has known ties to Dante Spears if that's where they were getting that product. There's our Rico
47:45Something all right, but it'll take some doing to prove it. Yeah, but it'll definitely give our task force a green light
47:56Maybe you're being so fucking stubborn has its advantages
48:18Stop moving you come with me motherfucker
48:55What do you want I've been calling and texting you why it's over drew
49:00Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't make it last night. I don't care clearly has something more important to do
49:06And don't see my fucking face. I got jumped by the same guys from the club or someone else this time
49:13Never mind, I don't want to know I've had enough drew. I'm moving to OKC and I want to get this drama following me
49:21This isn't drama, this is my life
49:23This is our life, I'm sorry, I didn't make it last night, but I promise you it's the only place I'm going to be
49:33You understand how bad my family doesn't want this to maybe your family is right
49:39Those don't follow me
50:08That's working there man, you know, if you want to up your game, let me know
50:11I can hook you up with some supplements at an extra fucking level. All right, I bet I'll hit you up. That's right time
51:27Missed the motherfucker who jumped drew and kills II fuck I am fuck
51:31And I was out of the country for that Z shit when it went down and I was hired to jump drew
51:35Hi, bah, ho, don't believe a word. This motherfucker says
51:39Of course, he's gonna lie to try to save his fucking ass. Okay, is this really the motherfucker that did it?
51:51Found this on this greedy motherfucker. I'm doing the Matt Drew's chain
51:55Zeke's championship. He must have pulled that shit over Zeke when he fucking killed him
52:09Fuck out looking at clean this shit up
53:03This is not a good time Davis you're calling about Zeke I got everything I need
53:55Yeah, just finished where were you everything's in motion about the broadway
54:21Hey, where is this?
54:31It's good work tonight, I think we'll all rest easier now that this motherfucker got what he deserved
54:43So you got that tail light fix
54:46Yeah, man, I'm Wally
54:49What's up gang you good? Yeah. Yeah, never been better. Yeah, cuz I know you killed Z
54:56The fuck you talking about we just loaded up Zeke's kill into your car
55:01When they may have bought that shit old man, but not me. Come on, man. You sent me to do a fucking job
55:05I did it. So what are you saying? You're sounding all kind of crazy right now game. It's having all crazy, huh?
55:11Yeah, all these fucking months to find Zeke's killer, but I had no fucking problem finding make his pilot
55:16And you know what? He saw the night of the shooting
55:19Say he saw the ball guy
55:22dark jacket
55:24broken taillight
55:25That was you motherfucker. Slow your fucking roll. Can Zeke never wore that ring? I
55:31Even double-checked that shit on his IG. So there's no way it was on him when he got got
55:36I'm guessing it was in that box of his shit more. They can't bring herself to open
55:41But what really did it for me?
55:44What's a fucking look on your face when I go up said he was hired to jump drew
55:49All that time inside you think I have a better fucking poker face
55:53You stole Zeke's ring you set up this nigga to jump my brother Dean you planted that shit when you paid him off
55:59How else would he know drew was the one that killed little guap
56:02Had to be somebody in the family, but the one thing I cannot figure out is why you got me all fucked up game
56:10How about I run all this by Mooney seems it was a fucking mistake a fucking mistake. Yeah, it was I fucked up
56:14I thought your mother was
56:19Zeke was in Mecca's car getting into Mecca's jet. So I thought he was Mecca. I
56:24Was doing what I need to do to protect our family like I always will
56:29But I would never never hurt your mother like that, man
56:40That's even more stupid and pathetic than I thought
56:45All this time you thinking I'm not ready for the fucking throne
56:52But you weren't ready for me and now that I know the truth I fucking own you
56:59So there's no more weight we talked about earlier you're gonna move it
57:09See you at the house
