"Raees: Dialogue that Defines Shah Rukh Khan's Grit and Ambition"

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In the movie "Raees," Shah Rukh Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui engage in intense dialogues that highlight their contrasting characters. Raees, played by Shah Rukh Khan, exudes confidence and determination, often asserting his power with lines like, "Koi dhanda chhota nahi hota, aur dhande se bada koi dharm nahi hota." Meanwhile, Nawazuddin Siddiqui's character, a tough police officer, challenges Raees with lines that reflect his relentless pursuit of justice, such as, "Aapne kisi ko chhua nahi, lekin maine aapki soch ko chhua hai." These dialogues not only showcase their verbal sparring but also the clash of ideologies between their respective characters in the film.