G-7 समिट में Pope Francis और PM Modi की मुलाकात पर एक्सपर्ट ने कही बड़ी बात

  • 3 months ago
इटली में हुए जी-7 समिट के बाद प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी स्वदेश लौट आए हैं। उनके इस दौरे पर विदेशी राष्ट्राध्यक्षों और पोप फ्रांसिस से उनकी मुलाकात खासा सुर्खियों में रही। पीएम मोदी के इस दौरे से भारत की साख बढ़ने को लेकर रक्षा और भूराजनीतिक मामलों के एक्सपर्ट ग्रुप कैप्टन (रि) डॉ डीके पांडे ने कहा कि पीएम मोदी के इस दौरे में पोप फ्रांसिस से उनकी मुलाकात देखने लायक थी। जिस गर्मजोशी के साथ वो मिले उनकी बॉडी लैंग्वेज देखकर लग रहा था जैसे सालों पुरानी जान-पहचान है। इसके अलावा एक वीडियो में हमने देखा कि किस तरह पोप को मोदी जी हाथ से सहारा देते हुए नजर आए, ये बताता है कि भारत एक धर्मनिरपेक्ष देश है और यहां एक नहीं सभी धर्मों को साथ लेकर चलने की परंपरा है।

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00:00The way Pope and Pope Francis met, and the way they hugged each other with passion
00:09and if you see the body language of Pope, in the video clips that are coming up,
00:13it clearly shows that they are very old acquaintances and they hugged each other in the same way.
00:22In the second clip, if you see, you can see Narendra Modi holding the Pope's hand and supporting him.
00:32This shows that India is a non-religious country and here it is a tradition to take all religions together.
00:40The second important topic was that the Indian Prime Minister met with about 13 leaders of states and organizations.
00:52French President Macron, Ukrainian President Zelensky, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak,
01:03German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Milani,
01:11Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, U.S. President Joe Biden, King of Jordan Abdullah bin al-Hassan,
01:18President of UAE His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Turkish President RT Erdogan,
01:31Brazilian President Lula da Silva, United Secretary General António Guterres.
01:38The third attraction of the Indian Prime Minister was the sudden meeting with Justin Trudeau.
01:49It is interesting because the tension between India and Canada has been a positive development.
02:04In short, India has tried to show that it has always promoted humanity and still does so today.
02:19Keep in mind that India is trying to bring peace and a happy environment to the world.
02:29In the same direction, the meetings and messages of Prime Minister Modi will be very important.
02:41We will also talk about climate change, energy issues, tensions between Russia, Ukraine, Hamas, Israel, Iran, and Middle East.
03:01We will also talk about climate change, energy issues, tensions between Russia, Ukraine, Hamas, Israel, and Middle East.
03:21We will also talk about climate change, energy issues, tensions between Russia, Ukraine, Hamas, Israel, and Middle East.
